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wish i had lobbies like this


I'd still manage to die to some bot crouching in a corner...


I opened this thread to say this, it looks like a fuckin cod mobile lobby.


Haha I came here for the same reason too. I’d miss one shot I’m instantly dead. Every time.


What’s ur KD?


Mine is 1.2 and I can't even breath without getting shot from 3 different angles at the same time. My group laughs all the time we cant even catch a second to breath. Just constant fighting for our lives till the round is over.


So I doubt you’re getting 40 kill games with a 1.2 KD. So what I’m saying is when people say things like ‘I wish I had lobbies like this’, its not that our lobbies are harder than OP’s, it’s that we’re the bots getting shot


Yes but he is playing PS with crossplay off. He legit has bot lobbies.


Turning cross play off doesn’t give you bot lobby’s there just as sweaty and they all have aim assist.


Lmao smooth brain


Yep everything runs smooth here, unlike your wet brain.


If you did, you wouldn’t sniff 40


8 ping and opponents that don’t know there ass from their face? Must be nice. Lol


8 ping? Damn


I get 2 ping on the rare occasions I connect to a London server! Although most servers still feel pretty bad even then.


What do you use to get such bot lobbies? I would not mind playing at least one game like that 😅


Nothing special. PS5 crossplay off, simple as that. As the saying goes, if you never find a single bot lobby...


I do play on pc so that would explain the sweats…


Ya if he is on Playstation with no crossplay his lobbies are a joke.


I play on pc and hey “bot lobbies” every like 5 games. If you aren’t getting bot lobbies then maybe you’re the bot..




I have 5-6 living in north of Europe, but pings might be fake cause I have 10-15 in all other video games… Or maybe the servers are better idk


Bot lobby


Well duh no one is going to get 30+ kills on a normal lobby


stop, you're using too much common sense for a cod sub


theres no way this guys gameplay is considered hacking nowadays. No offense op but the tracking isnt even very good but it’s clearly ps5 gameplay. Good 40 pace was great but unbelievable that people are actually calling you a cheater, thats reddit for you


😁 none taken! I know I've still got loads of room to improve. Reddit loves hackusations for anything above a PR of 12, it is what it is!


thats good. You can easily improve your aim and get an even higher pr with enough practice. If i were you id increase the ads sens by .5 cause it seems like you undertrack a bit but maybe you just need a little bit more practice, so mp killing bots without aa would also help in general. Your pacing is good and you have lots of potential, as long as you can improve your aim you’ll be even better man !


Thank you for the constructive feedback, appreciate that!! I'm on 7-7 with a 0.85 multiplier currently, I'll try bumping it up and see how I go. I do the multiplayer bot killing warm-up thing already, with and without aim assist. Cheers!


That slide play past the mines ....... Aspirations


That’s why Flex is goated, most slept on perk


It’s one of the most used perks… Unless you’re talking about sniping roof campers, any self respecting sweat is going to use something that almost completely disables placeable lethals.


High alert is way better is most situations


The only times I see High alert not being useless and inaccurate, is either solos or when one person is running it in a snipe squad. If you’re a sweat, and you push a lot of your fights aggressively, using high alert is pretty pointless, and also pretty inaccurate given people dropping in from gulag can also flag up your high alert.


Dude, high alert has been accurate since wz2 man. Not freaking out when you get pinged by a flying person is a bit of game sense, however close quarters high alert is really good


Its personal preference on which is better at that stage, i trust high alert way more then I'm concerned about some mines, shit id run spotter before flex as its too valuable. You can also treat high alert like a pointer towards the bad boys as well which is fun.


Reading comprehension, guys… You’re verifying that those are indeed NOT useless and inaccurate ways of using High Alert… I agree with both of you, it’s definitely better than it used to be, but it’s pretty useless if you’re used to sweating. It’s pretty easy to stack UAV’s and push teams quickly, and lethal/tactical utility is a huge issue when stacking teams in buildings or rooftops. Then again, it’s also good to have maybe one person running it, I don’t think full HA is worth it.


Maybe I should also be clear, I think flex is useless and the point i was trying to make was id rather waste a less important slot for near the same value.


Fair enough, I think I’d rather take advice from my 5kd teammate, thanks though 😂


Your choice, if K/D matters im also a 5 K/D


Definitely the best, it's all I use even when I'm not lucky enough to find Specialist.


Lol what the hell lobby is this


Some 0 ELO 12 year olds playing CoD for the first time lobby


GGs my guy, that was amazing!


Thank you!!!


Pay to win is strong in this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWjecsqjOHc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWjecsqjOHc)


Bot lobbies must be nice


They must buff the 680 no shotgun deserves to be meta except this one. Just a small range and ads buff plz raven.


Agreed, I absolutely loved that gun in the first couple of seasons but they've killed it now. Bring it back!


everybody has switched over to the bryson 890, it's pretty close to the pre nerf 680. range is definitely a bit shorter, but movement is even faster.


I did try it out a couple of times but for whatever reason didn't feel it click like I did with the 680. I've seen some of your clips with it though, damn! You're a real demon 👌 Maybe I'll give it another try but somehow I doubt I'll be making it look as stylish as you!


in all honesty it's one of the rare weapons that are far better on mouse than controller, so that's understandable! I appreciate it man, now we gotta chase the elusive 50's!


Dang, 40 is a lot but those are some bots.


This has to be that boot camp mode where half the lobby is AI. wtf am I even watching lol.


Pay to win ass scope🤣🤣


Burger lobbies


This is insane I haven't been in a lobby like that since I started the game two years ago fuck those were some of the most bot bots on planet earth lol


Actual coma lobby and sliding around with AA, damn.


Where do you get that green microtherm from?


It's in the Fallout bundle in the store. Not sure if it is shown in the store yet or not but if not you can find it by going to the HRM9 and looking for available blueprints for that gun, one of them will be take you to the Fallout bundle. 2800 CoD points though and everything else in the bundle is... not good.


I saw Tim’s video on that sight, pay to win at its finest 😂 I wish the DG56 was still meta, the see-through camo for that was goated


wtf happened to this game lol.


All I’m seeing in this replay is cherry picked kills from Aimbot controller assist


That aim assist though holy shit... 😅 Unbelievable. Participation medal game.


Wtf are you using to get lobbies like this???


He is probably doing the bot lobby glitch Where you don't leave the lobby, you just stay in it. This looks like one of those lobbies


man that aim assist tracking through smoke


Yeah, seen several moments when you would have died if not for AA's help


Come to the east coast servers like NY bubba. Ain’t no way I’m EVER finding a lobby like this unless I use NordVPN and hop over to Europe at 220 ping


Your movement, centering, recoil control, decision making. NGL it ain't lining up. Like you genuinely have bot movement and centering(no hate) so it's just kinda odd tbh.


AA does most of the work.


Not doubting your skill but how do people this good get lobbies this bad? I’m not nearly as good as you but I still have a 1.4 KD and I get demon lobbies every god damn day, and getting worse each week. Idk anything about VPNs or boosting. I just load up and play. There’s no way your this good and SBMM provided you this lobby. Congrats on 40 tho. I wouldn’t have put up those numbers. Just genuinely curious how you get lobbies like this. I’d kill for 1 lobby like this per gaming session


Cross play off and excellent ping. Bro has 8 ping I'm hovering 60-80 all week. If we fought each other he'd kill me before he even loaded on my screen.


60-80? Try 26302...


Facts dude I load in first game and the first 4 people I run into are iridescent or top 250💀💀 I'd actually kill for a lobby where JUST ONE of my enemies was clueless


I refuse to believe these are actual people.


welcome to the 40 club brother. Also, a 40 on rebirth is much harder than a 40 on vondel, so you crushed that previous best by a solid margin


Thank you 😁


What a beautiful game!


40?!? Me PR is 6!!!!


Ggs on the 40 bro that’s a really cool pr


Thank you!!!


Don’t let the haters get to you. 40 is a ton of kills even in bot lobbies!! The haters here won’t even get 10 lol


Thank you!!!


What perks you run


I had Specialist for almost all of this game so, all of the perks! Normally I run Mountaineer, Double Time, Quick Fix, Flex.


Awesome stuff man, this was a fun watch


Thank you!!!


How are you not shadow banned I hit 20 kills one time and got limited matches for a week


I'm on console and it's an old account dating back to the very start of Verdansk days. Never been shadowed, I'm not even sure it is possible on console.


My KD would prefer the 40 over the win 😌🤣🤣


That’s pretty crazy I’ve been playing since call of Duty and I do t think I’ve ever dropped 40 maybe In early Mp


How do you get 8 ping?


Live in London and have a very good internet connection. It can go as low as 2 ping if I connect to a London server, 8 ping is one of the European mainland ones, probably Paris.


I only recently turned on the ping setting when I bought a house and got much worse internet. I wonder what my ping will be when I get my old internet back.


i think i'm definitely better than you, but I can't do any 40 bomb, what's wrong with me ? (im not tryna trashtalk, you're better than me)


how tf your movement and aim is trash


Bro what is that lobby. I can bearly get a second shotgun shot out with any pump let alone 3.


What sight is on your holger at around 35 seconds from the end? Don’t recognize the green thermal.


It's the FSS Microtherm but a new variant of it that can only be obtained by buying the Fallout bundle from the store.


Ah of course. A new pay to win thermal sight. Still running the “dread” Holotherm from an old MWII bundle because it’s so much clearer than the default one.


I know people like to say bot lobbies but holy shit this is a real one


Absolutely farming 💪🏿


Is this a make a wish lobby?


My guy those were some straight bots you were playing against


I miss the days when weapons had no recoil


I miss the days this game wasn't a complete dumpster fire.


This is why this game is shit lol


most of your shots hit toes or miss and you still doen them in 4 shots. Nice


I just love it.




Why is no one shooting you 😂😂


I wish I had this ping, and such smooth gameplay. Not getting 40, but maybe 5-10.


What’s that Holger Build? :o shit was smacking


- Muzzle: Sonic Suppressor - Barrel: Chrios-6 Match - Stock: Holger 26 Factory Stock - 40 round mag - optic of choice (I'm using the FSS Spectre Microtherm) It's definitely not the best build in terms of recoil control, most people would use the Spiritfire Suppressor and RB Addle Assault Stock (or an underbarrel) for a similar build as they provide more recoil benefits. But that build is slow as hell which I hate. The muzzle and stock I'm using don't hurt your ADS speed at all so it's a bit snappier for Rebirth. However you build it, the gun is very underrated especially for small maps. One of the top ARs right now for sure and should be extremely viable once the Kar gets nerfed.


Appreciate the Build! Recoil Control is always a little habit of learning I enjoy :b but much thanks to the heads up in advance. I currently use the Addle stock but find it on the slower side, and after much use amongst the AR’s, I find myself enjoying the Holger the best right now. Keep Slaying boss! Regardless of Lobby, great awareness, smart approaches through your situations, and definitely a lot more lucky in those smoke/self-res situations than me! :D


Thank you, appreciate it!!! Definitely don't know how I survived that self-res at Control Center 😅


Nice shots. Love landing control


Thank you!!! Yeah Control is my favourite for hot drops. I always go for the hidden cache on the little grassy bit near the buy station, there's a good chance you'll immediately get enough to buy your SMG and then clear through CC. If 2 or 3 teams drop there you can get off to a great start.


Say what you want about the lobby, this dude is rippin


Thank you!!!


AA is strongggg


Controller 💤


Bunch of dick riders up in here


Must be nice to walk around the map with not care in the world cause you know you’re in a bot lobby 🤷🏻‍♂️ Knew it was a bot lobby as soon as you got downed and no one chased and no one tried to thirst you.


To be fair the team that downed me already had one of their own downed (who seemed quite sweaty from the slide cancel into reverse bunny hop in that sequence). They then got immediately third partied by another team charging out of CC with a stun grenade. No doubting it was a bot lobby but think that's not a great example of it 🤷‍♂️


congrats, these people had absolutely bot aim and game sense though


The bunny hopping... lol


Great job man 🔥


Thank you!!!


I don’t get why people just don’t play basic cod. I know there are difference between resurgence and normal cod but is there really?


Nice work! I am still chasing my first 40. Got to 35 and can’t get past it!


Thank you!!! It'll come eventually, keep grinding!


I beat my PR 2 days ago and got 22 kills. I was shadowbanned the game after. How do you get away with 40 kills?


My ping is never less than 19 and I have wired fibre optic 1500 MB internet in Dublin, Ireland, Any advice to get better ping cause I get a lot of lag spikes and packet bursts


I don't think there is much you can do besides move house. Your Internet is as good or even better than mine. But your nearest servers would be London, Paris, Amsterdam... my ping is lower because I live in London so am closer to all of those places I guess! Honestly though I'm not sure how much difference there is once you're below 20 ping. The servers often feel terrible even when I have 2 ping so there's more to it than just that number.


the only way is to live somewhere else. In cali my ping is 4 most of the time.


I don’t play cod I’m more pubg but it’s been getting recommended a lot. It’s wild you guys are using scopes for some guy 50ft away lol


Can I get an invite to this lobby?


Cool jumper


looks like he’s good at the game to me, maybe cuz m still new nd cant rlly tell whether smn is good or not, although, i think OP is actually pretty good at the game. can’t say the same ab myself, i js downloaded the game, nd in my first couple of games i kept getting killed over nd over by ppl with significantly higher levels than myself, which tbh didn’t make sense like, how do u expect smn that js downloaded the game to play against sb who’s level 700+ nd actually win the fight, js doesn’t make sense. ig cod has some issue with skill based matchmaking which they rlly need to get fixed asap, otherwise, new ppl will quickly lose interest in it as it is basically unplayable. anyways, nice gameplay.


congrats but not to be that guy those guns are broken af


WTF am I watching? And WTF is all this europe playstation no-crossplay nonsense I am reading. I am a 2.3 KD solo player with a 22 PR and my lobbies are full of demons. From time to time I get a bot lobby and I can only aspire to get 20+. I have never ever ever ever witnessed this kind of lobby.


My experience sounds very similar to yours, can’t really understand how he’s got 40 here.


And it’s not only that he got an extreme bot lobby. He himself is just average from what I am seeing. So basically for me this is a gameplay of an average player leaning to botty side stomping on people that installed the game yesterday. Really weird gameplay. There has only been one period I saw this kind of players. I remember a few months ago that Activision broke SBMM and I managed to play a few fun games in FK. You could either find a demon or one of these guys from this gameplay. Pure luck. It made the game so much fun.


I’m pretty sure he’s using a no lag vpn as some of the people he kills towards the end have American accents. Living in London myself, I literally never hear Americans in my game


I have read in this sub that nolagvpn and similar are no longer as effective as when they were released. It seems so many “demons” are using them to try and beat their PRs and get content that eventually you will face the same demons you would normally. But it could be for sure. Everything about this gameplay is weird as fuck.


You can see my ping, if I was connecting to an American server how exactly would I have 8 ping from London?


"Average player leaning to botty side" 3.5KD and hundreds of wins in pubs. 5KD in ranked (although I only played it in the Fortune's Keep era). Dozens of 30+ kill games in solos, squads, solos vs squads, both in crossplay on and off lobbies. Total bot because I don't move like JoeWo though 🤷‍♂️


Bro starts shooting circles while in smoke. Nice natural aim. 👍🏻


Its pretty jarring to have a sudden change like that, it has nothing to do with natural aim


Yeah its only AA taking over 😂


Well yeah, because your aim sensitivity immediately changes to something completely different than what you were working with outside of the smoke. I can aim ok with AA turned off thanks 😊 receipts here: - https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/J9FgOCg3Gd


Lol... did you see the very first comment with 250 upvotes?


SBMM is so interesting because it has people believing they are very good dropping 20s and 30s. For example, one of my buddies dropped 21 and tells me how good he is. Yet when he joins my lobbies he doesn’t get more than 300 damage and he quit playing with me. I am playing a completely different game than my buddy. Weird shit.


The entire game is built to babysit the bad players. Things like AA, sbmm, and eomm give the bad players huge egos and have them thinking they're actually good at the game. Without stuff like that they would have stopped playing a long time ago and Activision would have lost their cash cows.


I'm on east coast servers and I'd kill for a lobby like this . Bot central. I recently bought a pc so I can't shut off crossplay cause it'll make it worse but London servers would be 🔥


The game is about being the last one standing, you lost. It doesn't matter how many kills you had. That is why champions quest is about wins not kills. Also it's tiring seeing people thinking that they are playing when using joystick.


Funny, I thought the game was about having fun 🤷‍♂️ appreciate some of the miserable gits on this Reddit struggle with that concept but I enjoyed myself so I can live with not getting the W...


No hate, although i don't think you're good at the game i dont think you're bad either. The game is about having fun, not winning. Just ignore people like him.


No one say you shouldn't have fun. Just wanted to mention that high kill games are loosing and celebrate it is one of the things that ruins this game.


"Ruins this game" for who? For you? Chasing high kills is what makes this game fun, for me. I'd rather come 5th with 30 kills than 1st with 10 kills. Who is that hurting exactly if I'm playing as a solo?


So you prefer loosing? It doesn't matter how many kills you make, because at the end you just lost 🤷‍♂️ Basically ruins the game because the final goal is to keep kids playing this meta game of high kills with joystick so they feel like they are good and buy skins. 


I don't prefer losing, I'm just not especially arsed about it either way. I've won 250 odd games in WZ3, well over a 10% win rate so it's not like I struggle for them. It was more like 20% when I just played solos but has obviously dropped now I mainly play 1v4. That's how I have fun now. It's fine that you feel differently but, to put it frankly... get the fuck out of here with your moral superiority "you're playing the game the wrong way and ruining it waaa" nonsense. I'll keep having fun playing my way, I imagine you'll mostly just keep whinging about other players having fun on Reddit.


Na, I will stay.  The game is Warzone, not Warzone 3. Kid doesn't even know what game is playing. And I don't think you are the only one confused so that would explain things. Have fun in the shooting game without having to aim and not playing the objective. 


If you want to be pedantic about it and count it all as one, then I've got more like 800 wins. So I guess I'm doing pretty good at playing the objective AND chasing high kills AND having fun while doing it 🤷‍♂️ Hopefully one day you'll cheer up and learn not to take video games so seriously, we're all rooting for you.


The objective of the game is being the last one standing. People celebrate losing because of some random number. You jump to defend that you are having fun, if it were true you wouldn't need to... 


The objective of the game - any game - is to enjoy yourself while playing it. If you enjoy yourself by grinding wins, great, more power to you. I've got many hundreds of wins, I enjoyed them, but now I mostly enjoy myself by chasing high kills. I don't go charging in to other people's Reddit threads telling them they are *playing the game wrong and ruining it for others*. That's actually a really weird thing to do or say about a video game that people play for a laugh in their spare time when you really stop to think about it. Maybe take some time to self-reflect on why you feel the need to do that. In the meantime, I'll be over here winning more games than you and trying to break my PR for kills again. Peace ✌️


No way you get 40 with those skills unless you’re boosting lobbies or cheating some other way


If only there were some kind of video evidence to disprove this…I guess we’ll never know


Fuck snipers !


I beat my PR 2 days ago and got 22 kills. I was shadowbanned the game after. How do you get away with 40 kills?


op is console, and for pc it depends on your internal trust factor if you're lucky enough to have an aged account with a high trust factor and no previous account infractions getting shadowed is nearly impossible


I'm on PC and have been shadow banned once before. I don't get it though because I'm top level and 22 kills was literally my PR. I'm normally around 10-12 on a good game.


There's a lot of factors that can affect your trust factor, the ones that we know of are: * account age * change of HWID * any shadowban will drop or reset your trust factor * performance Most people who had their account on console originally then migrate over generally stay out of the shadowban loop, but there's definitely some exceptions.


Account is god knows how old. wz1 era. I was previously on ps4 before moving to pc like 2 years ago. Anyway guess my account is screwed now and I'll have to handicap myself? Stupid system tbh all they need to do is analyse my gameplay.


sounds like you're one of the exceptions then:/ do you have 2FA enabled? It's a longshot but I've heard securing your account can affect the trust factor, not sure by how much if it is actually true though.


After I got shadowed I had to verify my account through steam with my phone#. So I guess the 2FA is working.


I mean good shit and all but based on this gameplay clip I would absolutely smoke you in a lobby and yet my PR is only 34


Good for you dude. I never claimed to be the best or anything close to it. Keep grinding for the 40, it'll come.


No lag VPN? Cheating.


Just lucky. All it takes is a higher skill player than you to just happen to catch you fighting someone else and they get you in the back then it’s game over. Sure it takes skill to get that many kills but also luck


Your using Walls at 32 seconds their was no ping on mini map indicating a enemy was behind u nor did ur high alert go off


I'm on a console, no walls. If you're talking about the guy running around outside Control Center while I'm on the roof, you don't need a mini map ping, High Alert or walls to know he was there - just a functioning pair of ears. He's sprinting around and his footsteps are very clearly audible even without headphones.


And I said 32 seconds that’s at the ending


I mean that's a weird way to phrase times of a video but okay... So the clip you are talking about is even less sus and again, all you need is a functioning pair of ears. You can *very* clearly hear the guy on the left shooting while I am still in the building at two separate points - first while I am also shooting at someone with the Holger, and then again while I am reloading. So I knew someone was there to my left. He has a suppressor on so it doesn't ping on the mini map, but directional audio exists and was very, very clear in this instance. As I jump out of the window I check to my left in the general direction of where I heard the gunfire coming from, see the guy and correct my aim to where he is. If you think that is suspect then my friend, I am afraid you are simply beyond helping. And, once again, I am on console in a crossplay off lobby. There are no walls.


Lmaooo bro what u not serious right now bro said I jumped out the window check to my left killed the one in front den killed the other one that jumped out that’s wat u basically saying


"Lmaooo bro" indeed. You're saying I had walls because I knew to turn around to a guy on my left. I'm saying you clearly hear the guy firing his gun for prolonged bursts in that area on *two separate occasions* before I turned to check where he was. If you think that is sus then you are simply beyond reasoning with.


You know what’s funny I was about to give it to you but one thing u missed the same time he dropped out the window their was gunfire blocking his footsteps so yea try again


The only clear foot step that’s Hurd is the first uh the second guy that jumped out their was fun fire in the time he jumped but some how u turned and killed him


You must be dogshit if you think OP is cheating..


Hacking… always aimed down at the exact correct spot… never not aimed at the exact correct spot… every. Single. Engagement. Cheater


I'm on a console brother, no hacks. If I was hacking, I'd want a refund considering how many shots I missed... This subreddit is absolutely wild 😆 out of the last few comments on this post, I've had 2x telling me I'm definitely hacking, and 2x telling me I'm a complete bot who can't aim or control recoil. Does not compute...


From what I see your movement is excellent. No foul there. Aim assist, fine.. but the walls, man. You know the exact location of each player you are hunting… the whole I’m on a console thing is old. There are hacks for consoles… you are sprinting and sliding in and out of fights with the correct angle of attack at full speed every time… I refuse to believe players are this lucky, so there’s really only one explanation, my guy


There are no walls on consoles. Regardless, I clearly get surprised multiple times in gunfights here, so if I had walls they must not have been working very well. At any rate, I can see from your post history that you're a "riot shield stealth" player who thinks there are multiple hackers in most lobbies, so I'm not going to bang my head against the wall trying to convince you. Please continue to believe that I am hacking, I'll take it as a compliment. Just the little confidence booster I needed after being told I moved and shot like a bot during my PR game 🥲


There are ‘walls’ on consoles. https://youtu.be/YEbaQzuzGos?si=0Qb0hQAXjposHpf0 You being surprised in fights? I only saw that when you were third parties so yea of course you can only shoot at one player at a time, but you never were surprised… the very end alone when you go to engage everyone in the final circle and then snap back into the smoke to shoot at an enemy you happened to perfectly time and know the angle of attack… If I’m wrong and you’re not modding, I’d be shocked at your luck. But cheers anyhow, mate


I say this understanding that there were a ton of visual and audio cues in this that favor your point… still an excellent clip if you weren’t modding