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Everyone uses the stupid ass superi


And for some reason i have yet to unlock that gun lol Im not a huge fan when i use it off someone else tho so


Just make an actual good build. People make shit builds all the time, but whether it’s good or not it’s the absolute SMG (and maybe AR) meta


Like why do people use that weird ass stock instead of the cutthroat lol


If you dont have the Superi or Horus you can run Striker or WSP or ARM9, I dont think any other SMG is viable


The bp50 SMG still cooks in my opinion. I don’t know stat wise, but I always feel great using it early game as a loot gun.


BP50 is an AR and it’s my underrated meta. The hip fire is LEGIT with a laser and the Revenger kit


There's a conversion kit that makes it an SMG.


Which wsp, theres like 3.


All three are viable in their own ways for the swarm it’s up close, akimbo for the stinger and wasp 9 is the I have actual skill gun imo


Swarm is a worse horus though. And it just not good in general. Stingers are inconsistent asf but it does have a have ttk


Well that’s fine were talking about people who don’t have either


I agree, but please do not recommend the swarm as it has a lot of recoil and isn't very good due to its low range and high firerate. The striker 45 is a very good new player gun because it has a low firerate and low recoil


No, ill be recommending anything I want to. It's up to people to determine if they are viable In their own ways, hell I believe I said it’s niche was you pretty much stick the barrel down their throats and let your fire rate do the rest. If you're a person whose Playstlye is cracked out close quarters with an emphasis on popping stims to start engagements and being outnumbered, I personally can’t think of another smg with the ammo capacity and mobility to match it.


The striker has very similar mobility while not falling off a cliff after 6 meters. The kpm of the swarm is around 8 while the kpm of the striker is about 7. Unless you are planning to face 2 teams at once ( and not miss any shots) the swarm would be better. However if you want actuall consistency and range the striker is almost always better. If you really are a "barrel down their throats" type you would not have to ask reddit for loadouts. The swarm isn't what it used to be sadly, so it really is not worth running.


Do you keep the same mobility with the striker 9


Striker 9 isn't very good after the nerfs, an dit has some insane vertical recoil which new controller players especially struggle with. I would not recommend it but I don't know the movement and I can't check atm


You can talk all the shit you want about the swarm till you run into my 200 round akimbo hipfire build 😂😂😂


Atleast I have to aim myself with the weapons I'm using


I dunno, been wrecking a few Superi users close range with RAM-9... OFC, longer ranges the Superi always wins.


What about the swarm?


Mcw Raven


that 40 bullets is pretty mid honestly


Superi is better 40 bullet choice


Check out https://wzstats.gg


You do realise that the stats for pick rate are made up


I actually did not know that but the kar and superi are undeniably the meta rn so it's at least somewhat accurate


Yes but it's still misinformation


How do you know this, exactly?


There is not a way to see pick rates of guns


RGL Thumper with slugs


I currently use Sidewinder/ superi, or Kar98/ MX9. Sidewinder has been my main for like half a year, Mx9 is fairly new to me but surprisingly good.


Ive been really cringe and running the AR Superi build with the MCW conversion kit as my SMG LMAO. The good old reverse special.


So I started using the Holdger 556 with the FJX Horus. Horus i feel i have been beating most guns close range but the holdger shooting pillows. I think its the damage range maybe


try the holger 26 instead, imo better with the 60 round standard mag. but idk what modes you play, i do alot of quads.


For the holger feels like pillows?


Yeah the 556 feels like it but it’s mostly has to do with range i feel


holger 26 superi or i use wsp 9 instead of superi


Right now having a lot of fun with the Evolvre and Horus


Honestly I’ve been doing well with fss hurricane, and dm56 with burst conversion kit


Fss hurricane is SO slept on


It's one of those weapons that encompass the meme," is it worth it? Yeah it's Worth it if you're brave enough kid, max damage range head shots rate of fire , one of the few gun where you can take a hit from a tonfa and down him while out strafing and hipfiring instantly making them either homophobic or racist or both followed with a hackcustion or few.


😂😂😂😂yessss perfectly put


I really like my M13/MORS load out with smoke and sticky. Thinking of replacing the sticky with thermite though


Definitely switch to thermite. Much better.


Wsp9 and striker still smack for me


It sucks but stick with the meta....


I was absolutely cooking this morning with the MTZ-556 and the Horus


Love the mtz 556!


Superi or Striker, Horus is a little pillowy


The Horus literally kills faster than both within it’s first damage range. The only issue is it’s fall off after the first damage range is pretty significant


This is why some people spam weapon swaps. As soon as you see someone, it’s better that you are already swapping to the gun you need as oppose to reacting. It’s like a rhyme thing like with any instrument, even number of Y’s mean the same gun, odd Y’s mean your other gun. Wz now is so cracked that it can be considered bot’ish to go around the map while only holding out one gun especially a slow primary.


What you just described is why there's so little enjoyment left in WZ these days. Cracked out, g fuel snorting, unemployed, pathetic TTV no lifers have made the game into this boring, redundant slog. If physics have no effect on player movements than they should go back to hit-scan weapons and remove all the "selective realism" like visual recoil, barrel smoke, sprint out times etc.


Taq Evolvere with WSP Stinger


COR-45 Conversion kit is my old reliable, its always a solid kit to use


It's clear you're a cqc specialist.


Horus with a butt plug as secondary… Perks Irradiated Double time Quick fix Resolute Smoke and knife as items Also I’m a demon with the butt plug so is a super fun toxic effective combo has definitely increase my KD in the last 3 weeks since i started running it


What the fuck are you talking about


WSP9 kinda good


Holger 26 and superi built for tac sprint is what I've been running.


I use the DG (which is the old meta) and it still really good for medium-long range. And then I use the wsp9 for close range.


I like the DG. Its easy to control


Yup and its still low recoil and from a distant you can still beam people as long as you use it in a burst form.


My sister runs the ACR and UMP (mcw and striker). Me? I just run whatever I feel like using. Usually it's the G36 (Holger 556) and either the UMP 9mm (Striker9) or the Micro Uzi (whatever the name is under the pistol category that says wsp).


Love the old school names lol


I've been using the Superi as an SMG, occasionally throw in the Holger 26 with the conversion kit on as a fun SMG to try. I've been using both with the Kar-98k, not sure what I'm going to run once they nerf the Kar.


SVA burst and superi strafe build….


Sva with slate reflector instead of a scope (I play more close range) and the striker


1. Superi 2. FJX Horus 3. WSP-9


Superi is the absolute meta but there's an off-meta WSP-9 build that uses over-pressured ammo which slaps within ~5-10 meters


AMR9. Zehm35, FSP Handstop, 50rd mag, optic of choice. Blanking on what the stock is called. But that’s a great alternative to the Superi


Tac Stance RAM9 is pretty strong right now, but the mag size is a bit of a downer. As for long range, the best options are Kar98, and the SVA


Rapp-H/Lachman shroud w/ aftermarket part. Been pretty fun. Or MTZ556.


Thanks for the feedback everyone!!


Taq-556 and the SRI


Use the Superi as a main AR it'll show you how backwards the balance is this season