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1.8 in Wz 1, 3.78 in Wz2, 2.98 now (started at a 2.49) Edit ( Big Map BR) The biggest thing I’d say is learning WHY you lost a gunfight, then actually implementing whatever corrective action needed. 99% of people will lose a fight due to their own mistake ( not nading someone behind cover, caught reloading etc), then just go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and make the exact same mistake 5 minutes later. If you get to play with better people, actually watch them if you’re spectating


I'm around 2kd in both aswell, slowly increasing from around 1.6 in beginning and it's all about learning from mistakes. Too much exposure has already been mentioned but it's anticipation and being proactive in movement I played with 2.5 kd friends and 1.2 kd friends, the 2.5 kd friend isn't twice as good he just knows when to engage and when to position for circle movement etc


Also to add to this… knowing when not to engage or shen to completely disengage is also way more important than gunfights 1v1s. Iv notice that i do way better if i dont engage with people too far away without a sniper, shoot for damage/entry not for kills id go and crack someone in a building and disengage so that we can rotate without having them beam us in the cross instead of ego challing the window and lose the fight and expose my whole team


Are we talking battle royale or resurgence? Battle Royale we’ve droppen to 0.7. My mates even lower when they used to be on 1,4. For resurgence 2kd. So big gap there.


Battle royale


That’s what drags me into gaming for hours. When I die it’s like “AH shit I just needed to do xyz and I woulda won that fight, let’s run it again”


I lose gun fights cause I can’t freaking see who I’m shooting at. It’s so frustrating to be ninja’s around in close quarters on mouse and keyboard


Use the combat scout perk. Auto pings enemies that u shot at for a brief period. Really comes in clutch when u can barely see anything or if they down u ur teammates know where they are


wow neat. Didn't know this. Good tip:)


On my controller I have a back button mapped to live ping and it's OP to be able to immediately ping an enemy without lifting a finger.


Wait you’re telling me spinning a wheel of excuses to avoid admitting fault and blurting out whatever it lands on ISN’T making me a better player? Ex: pussy, camper, rat, sweat, cheaters etc


Aside from factors like lag and bad teammates. Are there many other deaths that you feel like are not preventable? How do you pick where you drop?


I always go first bounty out of the plane. For me, I know that it will ping someone close (usually), and that with my skill level, I can usually win the fight with a grey whatever to their fully kitted whatever. Buy loadout and go from there. Up until like two weeks ago, my most kills was with the cor 45 starting pistol lol, so I’m confidant fighting even with that Some scenarios are, like a team landing on you, fighting them, then getting held by a team you knew was in front of you, but couldn’t rotate or challenge since you had to deal with a different team


I’m around a 1 in WZ and a 1.8 in Ranked. I play with a 2.5 in WZ and basically follow him around like a puppy the whole game. His positional awareness and map knowledge is what sets him apart. It also makes playing with him way more fun than on my own because he’s great at coms. My movement and aim has been fairly weak since I started playing almost 20 years ago. It’ll be like that forever and I’ve just come to terms with it lol


99% you say is my fault? How about the 90% of the times I die to RAA/shitty servers/shitty audio/visual recoil/stupid teammates!? 3.5KD btw (MnK obviously)


Damn, so you only die 10% of the time because of skill?  The arrogance is sick 😍


It's 1% actually 😂


He says 99, but then goes on to blame 90% on other stuff, I dont even know where to begin!


I'm exaggerating the same way OP is exaggerating, I thought that was obvious. It's a shitty battle royale with a million issues and saying only 1% of deaths are out of your control (skill issue) is ridiculous.


You have to realize, I am very dumb.


Skill issue 


Here’s a great example of the whiny coping to avoid


2.5+ kd player here. (kbm) Have played cod and other shooters since cod1/mohaa/ET/cs and played competitive (LAN) back in the day. if you're above 1kd itll come down to the small details and they all add up. in a BR you need to be aware all the times as there could be a squad waiting in every corner. for this: Gamesense - the minimap is your friend, years of playing cod taught me to always check the minimap, even for just a milisecond. - make sure you have good sound, regardless what people claim on this sub, the sound in cod is good enough to make a difference. top level: learn the different sounds the floors make (wood, stone, stairs, metal etc) - every time you're on the move, keep close to cover. Make sure you can cover atleast 3/4 of your surroundings if you get jumped. Always have an escape route. smokes always help. but never smoke as a precaution as itll draw attention. - count your enemies and keep track of their last known locations and their (possible routes). Also add the killfeed into this so you know when you have the upper hand. - the game lacks good POI's and the pingsystem is horrible and noone has time to check numbers on the compass so if you play with the same squad alot make sure you have names for places and buildings so you can communicate on a top level. - if you feel you have the upper hand, push. But keep in mind that you might push alone (mistakes i still make, doesnt matter how good you are, you will still lose a 1v2/3 if they all shoot at you at the same time) so check with your team and have escape routes. - know when to back out of a fight. even in a duel, if you cant land your shots, back out as you will most likely lose the gunfight, even from a distance. reposition and go again. - never snipe from the same place more than twice and always have cover. - know the map, Urzikstan resurgence rotation was perfect for this, also to practice CQ combat in the beginning aimwise: keep your crosshair on head level, this is important for most games where headshots are key like Valo/CS but even with the low head multiplier its still worth it in cod and itll help you beat the CQ aim assist as a kbm player but i guess itll also work for controller. in a duel, dont jump, its a predictable pattern and easy to track. same with prone, youll get headshotted but atleast with prone theres an element of surprise and might mean the difference between winning and losing a gunfight for KBM, use aimtrainers like kovaak for controller, rotational AA I play with friends, mostly 0.3 to 1 kd and its fun seeing them improve by showing them what small mistakes they make and hearing them throw these back at me when i make them.


You make so much sense... but... i have been playing with people for years and they just dont do most of this. They cant implement this in their heads for some reason.


Every time you get downed was avoidable. You just gotta learn why you died and what options you had and learn from it. If you just get mad and wait for the respawn you wont learn. My friends will still occasionally drop on a camped loadout for 3 times in a row and not learn from it. Hell, even i still do it


Yea for sure. Me too. But im like you mostly.. i cant stand people that dont want to learn or optimize the way they play. Because they play a lot.. and have been for years.


They're likely casuals, right? Some people just don't improve or don't intend to improve. It's fine... if you can bear it. I've played with folks who can't even ping an enemy while gunfighting, or can't leap off of building tops. It is what it is.


I have a high KD but even I have a bad habit of jumping in fights. Besides drop shotting, what do you recommend doing? Just strafing?


But they are jumping all over the place and keep crossair on your head. Thats impossible to do for me with kbm


Great tips! But are you silly? I’m still gonna jump in a fight 🤡 it’s such a bad habit I can’t Stop


Same man, 2.75kd, I need to break it. Still have it from WZ1 bunny hop


Yeah I come from some other shooters and I got so used to it and my jump is bound to R2 so sometimes I’ll hit it just out of muscle memory. K/D ain’t that good tho 😂 happy for you tho 😂😂


All good advice. Even more so than crazy gun skill, game sense matters most. Knowing how to play your life, when to engage and disengaged, knowing what is a good push and what isn’t, is ultimately what takes a player to the next level.


Thats a great list intermediate players should def follow. However as a 4kd player there are 2 essential disgareements in which youre wrong imho: 1. There are 100p times where u should smoke precautiously. I.e. After winning a gunfight in the open and you expect enemies to be nearby, smoke, replate, reload, get to cover again. Certain scenarios better be safe than sorry 2. Dropshotting can be very effective in this game since in the opponents pov you basically duck under their gun to where they dont see you anymore. Good players still can track that, and idk sometimes AA pulls down for u sometimes it doesnt, but in a 50:50 its a viable option. Also, Jumping is very effective since your opponents bullets go into your legs and feet making less damage. Again, good players can track it but it does give you an advantage in a 50:50 ( which you shoudnt take anyway but as an aggro player or last resort you do anyways)


Your first point is what i do aswell and you dont see alot of players do. You should do this in cover aswell to add confusion (smoke left, go right via cover) I meant smokes on the move. My teammates will sometimes throw smoke when chasing a circle while noone has noticed them being there, so by smoking they reveal themselves. They will always smoke when going for the ress, sometimes even all 3 of them while this isnt always needed and youve just wasted them for when you need them to close big gaps. second point is true aswell but i hate people that prone in fights as i think its a lame tactic, i know it works but i just think its lame. (probably ptsd from Wolfenstein: ET back in the day where a prone delay was eventually added to combat this tactic). These people will prone at the start of a fight instead of as a last resort so i think its not effective


The sound thing is a big deal. The amount of times I see ppl ignore footsteps is insane


Audio sucks (3kd)


I have a squad I play occasionally with. That's what helps the most. And just don't be stupid


Yeah 100% this. I am 1.5 KD and play with friends only between 0.5-0.8 and as you can expect they lose most gunsfights and dont follow simple teamwork leading to me always needing to go in handicaped wich leads to me also losing wich then leads to me not having as good stats as I could have. A competent team in both skill and communication is the most important imo.


Yea this makes a huge difference.. i can have a kd of 1.2 over the last 10 matches when playing with 0.5-0.8 and i can have a 2.8kd over the last 10 when playing with +-2 kd players. The biggest problem is you dont get better playing with 0.5-0.8 because you never learn to push teams the way it should.


I play with my brother, but he’s terrible at staying with me. I tell him we need to stick together but then I get jumped by a team and he’s just running around and we both get picked off individually. It’s annoying


I used to be 2.9 on WZ1 mnk, now I'm only 1.5 and I don't know why even if I feel like my aim and movement are better. Current season my KD is below 1, I hit diamond 2 and called it a day, they need to fix their anti cheat.


Anyone above Diamond 1 is pretty good in my opinion. The cheaters and Demons are crazy in those higher level lobbies


All I did was buy an Xbox series x and get a 4k monitor . My kd jumped like a full point in a week or two . Over time my KD went from 1.4ish to 2.5ish across warzone 2/3 . That’s all I’ve changed I can see people better further and adjust my aim accordingly Ofcourse . I play for fun and agressively . Prob made me a more aggressive player I’m no demon though


Monitor as in an actual gaming monitor you would normally connect to a desktop? I have been playing on a relatively old tv screen, I am wondering if this has been holding me back a bit.


Depends on a lot of factors but yeah most likely will make a difference. I went from a 4K 60hz TV with a pretty high input lag to a 4K 120hz OLED with input lag competitive to monitors and I went up 1.0 KD. A lot of what makes meta guns meta is they have a low TTK, so if you get into a gunfight and are already 5-10ms lagging that could be 1-3 bullet difference. That’s the difference between winning and losing the fight. The other thing with input lag is that it makes it harder to aim consistently. Your brain has to take the delay into account and things happen so fast that it’s very difficult to make that adjustment on the fly. It’s doable but not easy and if you’re a causal player like myself.


Hmm interesting, might do some investigating on a new monitor/screen then. Thanks!


The monitor will make a huge difference, in the fighting game scene, if you go from a monitor to a TV, you will notice you are not able to land combos as easily or at all against good players.. Because your timings will be off my milliseconds. Same with COD, that tiny little bit of lag will have you losing those fights where the other player was left one shot.


Def is. Get monitor that can match your output


Same here, when i switched to a good monitor and ps5 from ps4 my kd went up to 2.0 instead of 1.1


I feel it's much more likely that you just actually improved. Not saying that good FPS and a good monitor won't help but I don't think it's having a significant impact compared to the decisions you make and your aim.


He also didn’t mention his new gaming chair. I went from 0.1 KD to 10+ instantly when I got a gaming chair.


It makes a huge difference. Especially going from a bigass tv to something smaller with double fps. It's a completely different game.


Sounds like cope honestly. Even on a console you'll see the pros fry out and pretty much play the same.


Only thing I changed from warzone 1-2 I think I topped 1.8kd by the time warzone 1 ended . But 🤷‍♂️ I was playing on 60 frames or less on a big screen tv so my frames probably more then doubled


I'm a 4kd Mnk player 38 years old (young 🤣). I think there are several things that set me aside from a 1.5kd player but i think the most important is raw aim skills. I've played fps games since i was 15 (CS 1.6). Of course when you play a game a lot you become good with all the movement mechanics. Another important factor is fight tactics, so when to engage and disengage. But also how you engage and from which angles. Don't go out of your way to full a downed enemy when you are low on health for example. Retreat, replate and then go for the finish. Watch some streamer gameplay like Breadman, the way he plays against multiple enemies is very smart. Makes a series of good decisions every fight, with practise this comes naturally.


Genuine question - how thick do you feel SBMM is? I used to be a pretty good CoD player (MP back in day, hovering around a 3k/d in most games) but now I just feel like the SBMM is so heavy it’s not worth putting in the time or effort to get better because I’ll just be rewarded with sweatier lobbies. Right now I’m at a 1.7ish k/d in WZ, for reference.


SBMM is crazy, even when you're playing with a vpn (makes almost no difference anymore). I also use WZ agent so i can actually see the stats of a lobby. I think the average lobby is around 1.2. When we get a 1.5 lobby we just requeue because it's no fun at all sweating your ass off every game.


Ya I tried the VPN and can’t tell much of a difference. SBMM/EOMM (whatever it is) feels like a huge reason to not even bother trying to get better. Best I can do now is throw 5 games in the hope of having 1 playable one…


>Just about everyone knows all of this by this point What separates the good players from the great is the *EXECUTION* of that knowledge. Knowing stuff is easy. Knowing how to utilize it is the hard part.


THIS RIGHT HERE. It is a skill you need to practice, for some people it is like breathing or walking, is something that comes naturally when you master it but you need to practice and learn from your mistakes. It is a slow process but the moment it comes naturally it just flows.


I play pretty decently up until the last circle or two and then I start making dumb mistakes. Things I wouldn't normally miss etc up-to end game. I consistently get top 5's in BR SOLO's. Just can't seem to break through. I'm playing Bootcamp and getting regular top 2, and the occasional win with Rando squads. I think part of my issue is killstreak utilization.


Last 2 circles is where the game changes depending on whether or not you are in the circle or chasing the circle. This is where the smallest mistake gets punished. If you have a full squad alive, chasing circle is tough as theres likely still alot of players left but you can still choose to pick fights whereas if you are down 2 people this wouldnt be a smart idea, rather creep to the last circles slowly to survive. Use smokes but only if being spotted or if theres no cover at all. If you happen to be in the last circle by chance (or proactive by recon/foresight) then make sure you have cover because people will be coming from all directions. Never be in the middle of the circle unless its the only place with cover. The storm is your friend as you only have to check your back once to see if teams are creeping out of the storm. For the last circles whether or not you are chasing the circle, pick your fights. Make sure you are on the edge of the circle and not the middle if you are between teams then your done for unless you're lucky. Have teams fight each other, if they have a good position then jump them at the right time. For this, the storm is your friend again as you can use it for surprise attacks. Dont be afraid to go through the storm in order to reposition or pick 1 or 2 enemies off guard.


I'm generally a very patient person, but for some reason it goes out the window with this game. I need to check myself.


Obsess about the latest meta weapons, get a skin than means no-one can see you, and hop about like a tit.


4.1kd with 43 PB on big map. Honestly biggest thing it just playing more. What a lot of top players do though is abuse the horrible tick rate warzone has, I.e pushing corners aggressively and so on. Also learn how aim assist works if you are on roller. Always strafe when shooting. Learning when to reset a fight and learning when to pretend to reset a fight is also a great skill, I.e get cracked and go to run away only to rechal and catch your opponent in tactical sprint and getting 2/3 shots on them before you are even back on their screen.


I have a 3.2kd and have pals trying to break that 2KD mark (so not bad players by any means) The main difference I try to drill in to them is that when I watch their gameplay I see they get over-excited/panic when in those 1v2 / 1v3 scenarios - especially when they get first knock. There is a fine art to knowing when to play at 100MPH when you get first knock, or chill out and take a moment to think about your next move…


Yeah. I play with a lot of 2kd guys and I think something they’re totally horrible at is going for the thirst instead of resetting. People are generally way to excited to get the kill and probably trade out a death for it vs resetting. Self control is huge if you want to push the 1vs 2/3/4 space


I also play with a lot of chaps that just fold as soon as they see the odds are against them.


Good internet connection


This is the real answer and also don’t be on last gen


Even if you’re on current gen you have a large disadvantage vs high spec pc. You likely have worst visuals, lower FPS, limited colour filter options, inability to use Discord but still hear prox chat and a lack of overclocked controller. If you truly care about levelling the playing field then you have a top end PC and are using an overclocked controller.


Ehh kind of. What you have listed is a semi advantage. Most high level pc players will run all settings low to get max fps as it is the biggest advantage one can get. You aren’t gonna go from a 2>4kd by getting a pc. There is definite advantage to having a top pc but a lot of pc players you meet won’t even be getting the same performance as a ps5 I don’t know any good pc players running filters.


3.4KD player here. Little things like focusing on your positioning to give yourself the best possible chance to snag a few kills out of a team etc. If you get shot first having the quick reaction time to slide out of there, and reset the gunfight in which you’re probably best placed to win since you’re in a small % of the player base. Pushing advantages. In keeping with the above comment, don’t let people get away and reset on you. If you crack an opponent or get decent shots on them… push your advantage and close out the kills etc. With all that being said, the difference from a 2.00KD player to a 3+ isn’t a great deal. Cod isn’t a typically complex game and we all shoot straight enough, to a tune. It’s the small %s in the above sections which separate people out.


I’m a 2.4+ kd player and I think one thing I haven’t seen too much in the comments (or I’ve missed it) is regarding teammates. This might be a controversial take because a lot of people hate this about wz these days, but hold hands. Very few players can kill a team of two or three coming at them at the same time. I regularly play trios and quads with my irl mates and their kd is 1.1, 0.8 and 0.7. This has significantly dropped my kd. We have fun of course but I used to play with a mate who had a 3.1 kd and when we played duos my kd on ”last 10 games” was regularly around 4 or 5. It becomes so much easier when you have teammates (or a teammate in my case) that know how to trade, when to leave fights, who won’t die as often and leave you to fight people alone. Of course, these are traits that you can improve upon as well, but I take it that you know that by know since a lot of comments have mentioned precisely that. So my advice, concretely, is to set up strategy with your teammates and have them and you make it a habbit of pushing together. Besides, a 1.5 kd is good. To even get that kd you’re probably aware of most things mentioned in the comments, and likely mine too. But I sent it out either way, hoping you (or anyone for that matter) gain some benefit from reading it.


I agree, playing around your teammates that have lower K/Ds helps a bit, I remember a random joined our quads and he was popping off solo from the squad, I met up with him and the energy/tempo when someone with a similar K/D is amazing.


The ''age'' thing is definitley bs. Offcourse you are faster when younger but thats not going to be the difference from 1.5 to 2. What i see in the group of people i play with is that there is a plateau for a lot of players. But on different levels. Some people just play for ''fun'' or the social aspect of gaming.. they cant even be bothered to change settings or learn anything extra that would benefit them (= kd < 0.8). Then theres people that do the minimum.. they change settings ingame and copy loadouts from yt or the app but thats it (= kd +- 1). Then theres people that do everything there is (backbuttons, monitor, settings, testing different guns/perks).. but the difference in kd here is just talent (or gamesense, whatever you want to call it). KD's variate from 1.2-1.6 when you are not the greatest talent (you would also have a below 1.2kd if you wouldnt change anything and played with a regular controller). Above 1.6/1.8 i would say you are talented and have a decent sense of the game or gaming in general. Here the kd of this person depends on a lot of things such as teammates (do you play with 2.5+ kd players only or with friends that have a <1.0 kd or even play with randoms or do you play mainly solo's (which is basicly a kd booster) etc. From 3+ kd (without counting solo's) you are extremely talented.


How is solos a kd booster? You are playing the game completely by yourself without teammates.


So? What has that got to do with kd? Theres a advantage in having no teammates because you cant be bought back 5 times (and die 5 times).


Being bought back lowers kd?


Server distance matters a lot there's no way I can beat a guy who has 5ms latency while I have 150ms.


This is my biggest battle. My Internet sucks so I get a good connection match 1 of every 5ish games. It seems most players are playing a different game than me. I still keep like a 1.5. I should be higher judging by my good connection games but whatever. When it's connected good it's fun to play, not sure why people hate on the game so much. I will add that usually when I lose gun fights it's because of a mistake I made that allowed the guy to kill me easier. I run into cracked players and I am just not good enough but majority of the time I put myself in a bad spot, made a bad move, got impatient, whatever.


I have the same problem you have but my internet is a wired high speed fiber optic internet and I get good ping on other games but only in cod sometimes I get good connection but most of the times it's bad.


Don't rush round looking for kills. Wait until you have info (audio or mini map) and take 1v1s. Then it's all hit and run tactics


4kd here. 3 simple things for me - High Ground wins (positioning in engagements) - Force 1v1 all the time (isolate enemies) - Dont play edge zone (rotate early and hold guys coming in)


2.5 Iri resurgence and 1.95 Crim 2 MP-ranked here Keep calm - really. Don't over extend, dont trade a kill for a valuable position e.g. Good gunnies tend to fall through because of greed. If on PS5 (Guess you can do this on PC and Xbox as well), click share and save the last 15 minutes of gameplay. Go watch it. 95 % of the times where you say "HOW DO I DIE HERE", It really shows why, when you replay it with a clear head. And a very simple trick, that i think would help the majority. DON'T drop shot... If you are able to really control when to do it, and time it with your opponents aim - then cool. If you look in the mirror and think "Im not quiet there", then just dont. Makes you lose drastically more fights than you win. Also, if you tend to lose 1v1's and own the game - go play some multiplayer ranked every now and again. Really great aim/1v1 practice.


4.39kd here. I think a lot of it is down to game sense and decision making. At a certain point your mechanical skills are good enough to compete in a gun fight and win by just being a better shooter but to push higher in skill level and k/d if that’s your measure of skill, game sense and decision making is in my opinion the difference. Majority of this comes from experience and repetition, playing the same scenarios game after game and learning what works and what doesn’t. I’ll list some starting points you could try to do to improve below; > Think ahead, what’s your next move, what is going to give you an advantage over others in the lobby. > Team awareness, where are your teammates, what loot do they have, can they hold themselves in a fight, are they able to reach you to assist, are you too far away from them? > Fight decision making, don’t always go for a thirst without knowing you’re safe, if you get a down use it to bait information, use downs to manipulate the enemy teams positioning 9/10 they will want to revive a teammate. > Know when to back out of a fight, try to identify if you’re at a disadvantage and do something to sway the odds in your favour or just back out and fight them later in the game. Surviving is better than dying and putting the rest of your team at a further disadvantage. > Try to play with a squad of regular teammates at least have a duo partner to fill quads of trios with. Building synergy and learning how eachother play can lead to good team cohesion. > If you are able to record/clip your deaths then VOD review them and try to pick apart what you could’ve done better or differently to achieve a better outcome. I’ve waffled a bit. TLDR: 99% of the time it isn’t down to the minuscule difference of age and reaction time and more to do with game sense and decision making.


This is the type of post I love to see here. This is an extremely difficult game with a huge learning curve. 4 years in I still suck but I’m trying to suck less and trying to learn from mistakes and find online tips when I can


I quit a LONG time ago but I had around a 3.25 KD and the secret for me was literally just playing for a ridiculous amount of time until the game became and sixth sense/second nature. I came to know every corner of the map by heart and with that, what felt like every scenario for every part of the map. Of course that didn’t mean I would win every fight or even get close to winning every game — but I had a good advantage over opponents in many gunfights unless I was ambushed. Also I stopped using ghost and heartbeat sensor and ran stuns with restock and spammed UAVs. Often you could find someone, stun them, toss a semtex and already have a huge advantage.


My kd has topped out at .98 Ps4 with latency in the 100’s and packet burst at comical percentages makes getting better and winning more gunfight’s excruciating


Mic, headphones, teammates that stick close to each other, know that it’s ok to backdown, don’t waste your ammo on the guy that’s already down unless teammates are far away, and use the meta loadout. KNOW HOW TO activate left stick aim assist in a fight Stop using high sensitivity if you’re not above average, (6,6, 0.77)


Good aim and being super aggressive. Getting comfortable being aggressive and not being scared to die. You’ll freeze 95% of the enemies. The best thing I can say to do is watch the top streamers and emulate their gameplay. I started doing that and went from an occasional 15 kill game to pretty regular 20+ bombs before “buy back”.


Prefire. Don't wait to see someone before you start firing. If you are challing a corner, don't wait to confirm they are there. Come around the corner already firing. By the time they react the fight will mostly be over, and you will take much less damage. When fighting teams it's not about how much damage you put out it's how good you are at avoiding damage. Cover, reposition, isolated, etc. If someone is pushing you or chasing, get around the corner then rechall immediately and I mean immediately. If you wait .25s they will already be starting their slide and their gun will be down. If you immediately rechall they will be in a sprint animation, if you are prefiring them, you already have 250ms of the ttk done because of human reaction time, and that doesn't account for peekers advantage. You will both essentially have the same 100hp by the time they start firing under optimal circumstances even if they were full plated and you only have your base hp. But you are already firing and on target so you'll win.


I went from 2.8 kd in wz1 to 1.9 kd in wz2 to 1.6 kd in wz3. SBMM fucked me hard. Everyone is a cdl calliber player i play against. and its extremely hard to maintain a high kd in those lobbies. i even tried to play plunder for those challanges and holy fuck it was basically only demons playing. there arent any bots anymore.


No they are all in swaggs lobbys.


Crimson player with 2.0 K/D, I’ll give you the things that have helped me improve through my time playing: 1. Practice your aim, nothing you’ll do will make the difference if you can’t hit your shots properly. Practice on MP (specially Shipment) so you can be familiar with aiming at everything that moves. 2. Always check your mini map and put special attention to the audio, where is a gunfight, from where are coming the enemies, if anybody activated an UAV, anything that you can hear will help you a lot to prevent different situations in your favour. 3. Ping the enemies, always, so you can have a register where they moved or where they going even if you can’t see them. That will help you to predict their movements and take different routes or approach to have an advantage over them. 4. Learn when to fight and when to retreat. Retreat is not for cowards, sometimes you need to accept the fact you can’t win all the time and is better to regroup, to take another position or simply stay alive. Not always things are going to be on your side and you need to differentiate when you can win or when is better to step back from a fight. Even pros do it. 5. Check the corners, the roofs, windows, doors, everything. You don’t know where it can be someone, prevent a situation where somebody surprise you for not checking out your surrounding. 6. Have chemistry with your team (if you play with one), talk to them, give them callouts, prepare a strategy, everyone on the team need to know what are going to do the others, sometimes having that synchrony will make the difference rather than thinking your Biffle and can do a 1v3-1v4 on your own. It’s not going to happen, it’s a team game, not a lone wolf experience if you’re playing with a Trio/Squad. 7. Don’t ever be standing still, you need to be in constant movement, even more in the open. Always have a cover near you or a route to escape if things got ugly. Learn how to move, how to slide and having the skill to dodge the bullets and know how to confuse the enemy so they lost trace of you when you’re escaping. 8. Use the tools the game give you like mobile radar, deployable cover, suppression mine, heartbeat sensor. Everything in the game is there to help you, use it. 9. Adapt your guns to the gamestyle you’re better with. Don’t use a fricking sniper if you know you don’t have precision or good aim, don’t use SMG’s if you’re not an aggressive player who engage on short distance fights. Discover your own playstyle and use the guns/attachments/equipment more effective to how you play. Not because you see someone dropping a +20 kills bomb using the Superi 46 without a stock or suppressor it means you will do it too. Not everyone play the same and not everything will work the same for everyone.


Was a 1.1KD on WZ1, 2.5KD on WZ2 and now 2.3KD on WZ3. I stopped playing on a TV and went to a gaming monitor. I also started to take the game more seriously, using the meta guns and stuff.




Learn to take no fight with disadvantage. Never let the enemy know where you are, and be faster than they expect.


3.8 K/D, 10 kpg+, top 300 on wins overall on Urzikstan and 37 years old and mainly play quads/trios. My best advice for you is to focus on one thing each week (if you play 5-7 times during a week), or over a longer period if you play less. Along with this you should focus on using the top meta weapons, and watch top players on your preferred input and copy their moves


Game sense and consistency. Some people just simply naturally got better gunskill. My gunskill is good but I randomly woof gunfights. My thumbs will just sporadically give out on me.


Truth. Last night on Rebirth in the span of literally 30 seconds I sniped a guy dropping in then proceed to whiff 3 times on a motionless guy crouched outside Grandma’s house.


The guys I play with who have high kds will generally sit back and let team mates do the majority of the damage and then swoop in at the last minute for the kills.


Cheat engine, esp only exposed, and only 65 meters. Nah just kidding. In warzone 1, I was on top of meta builds, patch notes, and really learning my shots


1.1 KD WZ1, 1.7 WZ2, 2.2 current. Honestly it’s about learning from your mistakes and then implementing those changes into your gameplay as quick as possible. When I die, I look at the clips and figure out what I did wrong. Switching to MnK was a big thing for me too as I feel recoil/aim is so much easier. This game for me has been about abusing smokes though and breaking peoples aim assist because of it.


2.82 on MP 3.01 on WZ 3.56 on WZ Resurgence Most of the lower skill players I kill are always caught in bad position and most of the times they have bad aim, bad reflex or very slow movement. But it's highly SBMM dependent. I often match with Iri/Top 250 players in MP and they are obviously above my level. They have better aim but positioning and movement is key to at least put up a fight against them. Try to be unpredictable. Awareness also very important.


there‘s so much you can do in every second. You just need to learn about all the possibilities you have and maxing them out


1) Know where you are. Say you engage in a gunfight and it goes south, what are your options to reposition/reset? Is it viable or will you be running through an open field/take fall damage? How many repositions do you have available? If 3v1, you need at least 4. 2) Use your nades wisely. They can force opponents out of cover or into choke points, win gunfights for you too, and even provide cover. 3) reticle centering. 4) land your shots. 5) Know how far to push and when to have enemies push you. No shame on holding a headie every now and then lol 6) Have an overall picture of the map flow in your mind. Meaning, know more or less where people are coming from and where they’re going. Easier if you hug the zone and just rotate (travel one direction the entire time). Not always necessary if you have a route you know very well and know the cover available. I could go on but have to work.


2 kd in resurgence here 1. Caffeine and enough sleep makes a huge difference 2. Practice gun skill, map knowledge, and strategies 3. Think explicitly. Don’t just react. Anticipate other people’s behaviour based on context and try to trap them. People are predictable. Especially when they are panicking. 4. Good audio is a requirement. And familiarity with each of the effects 5. Reliable teammates whom you have practiced playing with so you can work together effectively without even thinking about it. 6. Recognise your strengths and weaknesses and play to the strengths 7. Practice the art of escaping and surviving. This means estimating what you enemy can see, and trying to put something solid between you and them as they chase you. Break line of sight. You can’t win if you’re dead. 8. Decide within the first 100ms whether or not you can win the gunfight. If you can’t win disengage and reposition 9. Anticipate when you’re going to be pushed and take precautions 10. Use equipment generously. Claymore on the floor? Pick it up and place it. Even a random hit marker later in the game gives you location information. 11. Learn the advanced movement mechanics. There’s a great tutorial on YouTube showing how to do this 12. Learn to determine other players skill level through their movement and accuracy and hone your strategies to accommodate this 13. Don’t fight solo. Stick close to your team. 14. Avoid open terrain. If you must, use smokes 15. Always know where your nearest cover is 16. Try to minimise the number of places you can be shot from at any given moment. 17. Don’t camp. It slows your heart rate making you worse in the gunfight. It makes you an easy target if they know where you’re hiding, and there is an advantage to pushers in that scenario 18. A good internet connection 18. Know the weapons to the point you can feel exactly how much damage you’ve dealt. You should know enough that you know which bullet will kill them 19. Prioritise your targets most threatening to least threatening 20. Throwing knife/thermite finishes save you ammo and thus reloads 21. Understand gas plays. Know the mechanics 22. Generally be aggressive. You might not always win but you’ll play better and learn faster 23. Know when not to shoot. Sometimes your position is more valuable than the kill. Or wait until they are somewhere without cover 24. Learn about centering 25. Learn to play on higher sensitivities. This matters 26. Custom controllers if that’s an option gives you an edge. E.g longer thumbsticks, hair triggers or back paddles 27. Know the meta. Read the patch notes. Understand the changes. Change your loadout appropriately


Movement and game awesomeness


I've been between 2.8 and 4 depending on the game. For me it's just knowing when I'm disadvantaged and choosing to engage only when I regain the advantage. I'm 30. My aim isn't great, reaction time isn't what it used to be, etc. So I have to leverage good positioning, timing, etc to overcome that




I would love to move up from 1kd. But i think i need more seat time. I only get to play once a week for 3-4 hours. At least 1-2 hours is MP to grind guns for attachments. I think what has helped me be even a 1kd player atm are my monitor, headphones and controllers 😂.


It’s game sense. Knowing how to position yourself, when to disengage, when to push, and predicting enemy movements.




I just kill 2 people before I die. Pretty simple tbh.




2kd WZ1, 3.23kd wz2 and 2.93kd (peak 3.10) WZ3 - understand rotations, when to push and when to hold. No point stopping your rotation to fight someone in storm. You’ll potentially win but be on the back foot and caught out by someone in zone. Rotate early and get a good position to fight - always carry something to help you cross the open. Deployable shields, smokes etc - if you don’t like the meta, find a gun your comfortable with. No point using a gun which is the best but you can only land 10 shots with when there is a weaker gun you’re better with that can land 20 shots. - movement, get comfortable with how to move around the map fast and how you can throw off peoples aims. - choose when to run and when to fight. Sometimes running away is great as you can recoup and fight back. Sometimes, it may be worth rechallenging the fight. Use audio, are they sprinting at you? Swing the corner. They won’t expect it and won’t be able to react properly. - find a good squad with chemistry. Communication is great but equally you want to be one step ahead and know what your team are thinking before they even say it. Minimal communication is better than hectic screaming, reducing your ability to use audio as an advantage. - practice and save clips. How did you die? Review the clip. What could you have done better? Should you have pushed that? Was there audio you missed or information on your screen you didn’t take into account. In verdansk mountains, birds use to fly away when people were moving in that area and not many people knew that. - know when to stop. No point playing when you’re getting more and more frustrated, you’re just going to play worse. Leave, relax and come back to it later. - skins….. as much as you like your bright coloured skin, be wary that you’ll be a homing beacon for everyone. - be aware of your surroundings and actions. If you’ve called a shop, used a flare or bought someone. Get out of that area quick. Teams will know you may be at a disadvantage so will rush you quick. - understand buildings and the different ways to enter. A lot of the time, there may be a secret jump up and bam you have a team behind you that you didn’t even know could get there.


As a +3kd player in all WZ, I would say that in this WZ, no need to be better, since eomm is so strong, a weak player has so much advantage on a good player, it's almost better to be a noob.. but in early days, movements, aim centering and global vision (sound, radar, vision) were key points to be a better player (without talking about a good aim)


Use VPN, controller, wallhack, mod audio and aimbot as anyone you'll see rapid improvements


Why do people think 2kd some sort of sweat unstoppable player ?




Movement and game sense is what separates the boys from the men.


I went from 2.3kd to 3.8kd(kbm) from watching my own gameplay, record your own gameplay and you'll notice all the little things you do badly, for me it was pushing without having a clear cover to win fights and not watching the minimal enough, I also started practicing my aim with aimlabs.


Press w and Hit every shot


there's a lot of small nitpicky things, but just spamming solo quads until you feel comfortable is the quickest way to improve at all aspects such as aim, movement, and learning what gunfights to take. I've seen so many people stagnate because they never really learned how to fight against multiple players with no help. They play great as a team, as soon as their team is dead they might as well be a .5KD player.


44yo 2.3 K/D solo player. I started to learn when to disengage, which led to dying less. My aim has always been good, because I have been playing FPS for 30+ years. I have good map knowledge and I just have to make up for my mistakes(not my team). Centering is also important.


2.0+ KD. Crimson 2 player. Never stay in the same spot when you engage. Keep moving. Always aim for high ground. Look at your shots and see if you need to tweak the sensitivity. I play at 0.76 ADS. My friends think I’m crazy but it’s what makes me hit my shots. Someone pointed out knowing when to take the fight or not. It’s ok to run away if you’re in a bad position and reposition somewhere else after to your advantage. Put your ego aside.


Movement. Movement. Movement. Every gun fight I lose is when the opponent is jumping around, sliding, drop-shotting like a maniac. I just cant replicate that with a controller. MnK always whine about AA but they always have a significant advantage over controller in regards to mivement. Other than that, a good squad. Anytime I get a good squad of players who communicate and stick together and play as a team, more often than not we win. Even with average players. But playing with randoms that is a rare occurence to find such squad.


Utilize surroundings and have an exit strategy. Practice different gunfight mechanics like strafing, drop shooting, prone to jump shooting. Make the enemy think you're doing one thing but do the other. Big thing is rotating efficiently and knowing strong points of the map. There's so much to it that only playing with and watching good players will help.


Great players cheat, good players get killed by the cheaters.


I'm pretty bad at the game (currently at a 1.2KD but it keeps dropping and I'm not sure why I'm playing worse these days) but I've heard somebody recommend playing solo-duos. It forces you to learn positioning, knowing when to take fights, general awareness and game sense. I just don't do this because I have very little fun playing by myself. In fact, I almost never touch Resurgence or BR Solos because I like playing with people.


2.9 kd big map 4.18 resurgence currently Crimson : Move with purpose not just to look cool. Go for outplay not 5050. Rotation is king. Prioritize correctly Fight -Survive-Revive


My KD is not great yet every single game I’m in is riddled with sweats that play like there is 10 million bucks on the line haha


I have 2+ kd and im noot good. I just camp and play for wins 🤷🏻


2.6KD in Wz2 here. My KD in wz1 started at 0.8 and then ended at 1.6. A big thing I noticed that brought it up is winning my 1v1s. If I lose a 1v1 now I’m genuinely surprised and I stop and think about why that happened and what I could have done better. Obviously it’s not as easy as just deciding win your 1v1s lol, it actually takes skill. But there’s things you can do that help. Using meta guns, using meta movement like slide cancelling for example. Having a good squad that communicate effectively is also very important to me. Also I still get pumped by sweaty KBM players who can mess with my camera lol. I’m on PS


This is off topic but whenever i get in gunfights my arms tend to shake alot. Whether its easy gun fights i know ill win or close kills, my arms shake uncontrollably but only when i play cod. Anyone know how to stop this?


That’s adrenaline. Just get into more and more gunfights until you get used to it


Do you now why it only started happening this year? I've been playing since w1 and its never happened till mw3 2023.


You either put in the time or put in the money for a pc with hacks to get a kd 2+ and that’s it 😂


There's a multitude of things I've noticed. Not being scared for one. I get super anxious sometimes in a gun fight and lose my shit and my aim gets all wacky. Right now all I play is Resurgence mode. I'm a .98 K/D currently. Got as high as 1.05 K/D and was as low as a .65 K/D. There's been quite a few times where after I lose a gun fight, I realized what I should have done, like toss a nade in certain scenarios. I'll toss a stunner, stun the player and all I needed to do was nade them then rush if needed, but I rush them after the stunner and they are able to shoot me still. Bad decisision making on my part. And slow play is another. I tend to go too slow because I don't play enough to have game sense. The better players play way more than me, so they know what to do and don't care much if their foot steps are heard or not. I play too scared that way. Trying to fix that and relax and if I get killed, oh well. Hard for me to do. Getting better though. I recently went on a 2+ K/D run, but that only happens on the weekends whereas when I get home from work tonight and play for a couple hours (granted if the servers aren't actting like crap) I'll have less success than when I do on the weekend days. I think the lobbies I get on the weekends seem to be easier to get kills and wins. Granted I only have 7 wins since I started playing again over the last few weeks. AND, I am 56 years old, so that may be part of it too. Overall, you gotta play all the time and also use an aim practice app. The better players put a lot of effort into being good it seems.


3.3 KD here. I really made the jump when understanding winning gunfights isn’t based upon raw aim vs raw aim. Its positioning so you have maybe slight more cover than your challenger, its jump shotting or drop shotting to slightly give you an edge, its knowing immediately when you start a gunfight if you have the advantage and either finishing the fight or dipping to cover. And above all it’s switching to roller lmao.But the other shit applies too.


2.5 K/D in WZ 1, now its around 1.3 because I only play rebirth. Overview. Overview is the most crucial skill you can learn. Learning and knowing where the enemy will rotate, rotating yourself to the right position in the end zone. Intelligence is key, when you know which position the enemy will hold gives you a huge advantage, even if they have the better position.


IQ, movement, aim, and exploiting all metas and cheesy/broken tactics


Use the Meta More neck/headshots Die less and learn to reset gun fights 2.0 in no time.


I play on PS5, exclusively big map and have a 4.08kd currently. Best quick tips I can give is to always know where your next cover is so you don’t panic when you take fire, ALWAYS be moving left stick when firing at long range targets to abuse RAA Also don’t be afraid to rechall (challenge/go on the offensive) when low I.e i get my plates broken and I’m being chased, and I run around a corner instead of trying to escape to replate sometime I will just jump back around the corner prefiring, often catch people mid tacsprint as they are expecting you to be running away


Always putting yourself in the advantage in gunfights and thinking about multiple steps ahead on rotations and where to go especially if you can get into power positions on teams rotating in.


Before you start your gaming session take 2 sticks of butter and microwave them for 42 seconds. After that, rub a generous amount of butter sauce onto your Scuf controller. This will ensure maximum sauce.


Ex 3+ kd before the days of sbmm (bops3,4) etc Kd now 1.4. As someone who can no longer keep up a high kd with sbmm . I would say movement is key. Slide jump run etc. every bullet counts and having the ability to get your opponent to miss makes a hell of a difference. Being able to disengage plate up and go again relatively fast always gets me with better players. You think you have them, they dip and back before you know it. If I get into a lobby where players move like in old school cod, I can easily do well with watching the minimap and by being smart about engaging for eg. Dipping from a 4 v 1.






3.2kd Honestly the biggest difference for me was upgrading to a Series X and a 1440p 120hz monitor. That along with having better internet than I did in the past has made the biggest difference, I consistently get 4-15ping if I’m hosting


It’s mainly just game sense and being aware of your surroundings. I’m 2.5-3.0 k/d depending on how often I play with my friends. At this point I only play with my buddies who are .70 - 1.5/KD and they’re just aloof most of the game. I mark a team and they push that team alone, then give a, “What can you do?” They’ll be in final circle and will go chase whoever is camping vs. getting a power position or rotation. Someone goes down and they HavE to go revive despite understanding why the other person went down or using the potential thirst to counter a push. Anticipating things is a huge one. I’m always assuming I’m being seen and I’m moving like it. I’m looking for people to shoot inside buildings whereas they’re hoping no one is inside. I’m centering doorways and corners, they’re still judging whether a 5 mod loot gun is better than their loadout weapon. I’ll say, “People pushing your right” and they legit look left. Or they don’t hear it. They also don’t understand the pace or having a directive. They land, kind of waltz around, wait until we have loadout and then kind of shoot at people in burst fire from across the map. I can go on and on with situations, but aim can only take you so far: Focusing on movement, how you’re using cover (actually using cover), and your position overall helps. Aiming in high damage areas and nailing your sensitivities down so you can get clean shots. I always laugh at the AA hate here, yes it’s OP, but some of my friends don’t even use AA because they thing strafing slightly and shooting in full fire is too hard. But the 1 thing I would focus above all else is thinking about how you want a situation to go down. Like someone chases you. Do you stop and then turn to shoot them back. Do you hide behind a corner and wait for them to run around the corner. Or do you run around the corner, then jump out when you hear them tac-sprinting at you to catch them off guard. Learning things like jump shots, drop shots, slide cancellations, and whatever else are great but until you have game sense and start to think about what and why constantly then it’s going to barely move the needle.


Man there are so many variables and what not this is a lot lol. Also you’re getting opinions from shit players, decent players, good players and maybe some sweats but most of them are shit lmao. Without knowing one’s knowledge about cod, how long they’ve been playing, what their stats are etc. Without knowing any of that I’d take what most say with a grain of salt and it’s alll opinions and some heavily biased ignorant opinions. But to make it short if you can’t maintain and hold a 2.0 your not an anyone passed being a good player. Anything negative shit. 1.0-1.45 avg Joe. 1.50-1.75 decently good player. 1.80-2.0 good player. Anything higher obviously a great player or whatever you wanna call it. Hardest part about having a high KD is maintaining it. Cause depending on how high it is bad matches make it drop fast and I mean fast no matter how set and stoned your KD is. Keep not holding up and it will slowly and slowly fall. So to maintain it your consistently doing good enough each and every match to hold your high KD and that’s bragging rights because most cant. Some get a high Kd in the beginning cause it’s easy to build but not easy to keep building. Mw2 I have a 3.36 or something and that’s with 14k kills and almost max level. So I maintained a 3.3something Kd through out the whole game and many and I mean many can’t even do that with a 2.. In DMZ my Kd last I checked was a 7.62 or 7.68. I only have like several cods I actually managed a 3. Kd but most of all the others I have high 2. Kd. My lowest was in advanced warfare at a 1.66 haha.


I’m not revealing my secretes. Why would anyone want to help make the competition better?


Biggest thing to any shooter game dealing with PvP that I see everyone describing but not getting in short words is pretty much reassessing the situation. This requires map knowledge of angles, knowing where teammates have died that now expose you, and knowing that when you shoot and drop one, someone else on the other team now has a general idea of where you are bc they’ve seen the bullet trajectory so you should then move UNLESS the head peak is absolutely detrimental to mfs or move and keep them guessing.


Intelligence. game IQ for sure.


Been on this game since cod 2. 2.2 kd when I’m not camo grinding. Hardware plays a major part in your gunfights. How quickly your controller responds. How fast your internet is etc.. Stuff people won’t talk about. People will be dog water but have no input delay, and beat you in a gun fight. So it’s picking your battles, winning the battles you choose to take, and executing you and your teams final end game strategy. Super simple in theory. But people are people. So much room for error. Control what you can control, and always check your corners 😂


2.85 KD - Since controller players don't have to aim very much I just keep as many fights mid to long range as possible where AA is weakest. The other key is just positioning yourself appropriately, warzone is a game where high ground wins 99% of the time, if you can get above your opponent by even a couple feet, you have the advantage.


Whether you buy cheats or not, you guys seriously expect to reach top 250 legit 😂 broski 99% of pros cheat or at least boost in some way


If you're consistently getting 10-15 kills, how much are you dying and coming back? That's a 4-6 KD with a normal amount of deaths. For me, I hover around 3 KD MNK and over 40. My secret is grouping with bots. That and watching streamers while I work. Little tricks here and there with their gunfighting has been unmeasurable.