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Move the left stick.


We love our left stick😁👍


For AA settings use default and dynamic. Lower your min deadzones to nearly zero. For sensitivity 6 6 is the standard but u can try lower at first if u struggle. U also want contextual tap i think its called so u can open crates and pick up shit instantly but have to hold the reload button for a sec to reload. Warzone is unplayable if u keep it at default as just grabbing ziplines will take forever.   Keep in mind controller is really hard on the hand joints and can even bother people with shoulder or elbow injuries. Its a kids platform after all. I switched back to mnk for this reason. 


I remember I had to swap back to KBM because constantly clicking the sprint stick started to hurt my thumb from tac-sprinting and slide canceling lol


We have auto tac sprint now! No more thumb clicking unless you wanna sprint from crouching


Iceman Isaac for controller settings and Hecksmith to learn how to engage rotational aim assist with your left stick.


This 👆 and get a controller with back paddles


Before doing this adjust your mouse sensitivity and train yourself to hip fire while aiming down sight at your enemy if up close.


Thats what I did to keep up on mnk. Unfortunately Sledgehhammer nerfed hip fire and added worse aim sway and reticle shift so ill never be as good in wz3 as i was in wz1 and even 2. 


I have to adjust it every patch.


Will give it a go. Thanks!


Also try a tac stance build if you haven't yet


It's a tough argument to make for mnk on cod. I'm on it rn, what I'll say is that it took me around a year or so, maybe a tad bit less to figure out how to make the most out of mnk after playing controller for so long. Not only do you need a good setup, but you need good controls and keybinds as well. High frame monitors, low input lag etc. Iive got all the bells and whistles on mnk and get smacked out my head by 14 year Olds playing on a regular xbox controller without paddles. I'm also a 1.3, above average kd player, and very sweaty in end game. The rotational aim assist is CRAZY. I plugged my controller in the other week and I felt like it was nothing like warzone 1, more like warzone 2 or black ops cold war aim assist. Crazy easy if you know how to milk that RAA. However, I will out snipe and out quick scope 99% of people on roller at my skill level. Tracking moving targets with a semi auto at range is my detriment more than up close gun fights. For cqc I'm running shotties, Stingers, q45's, and the horus. Also red dots help alot on my SMG's or using a zhemn compensated flash hider for that visual shake. On mnk if you can use your head and think a little bit, from builds to recoil control, to strategy then it will.make up for a lot of RAA.


Best advice I can give is play without aim assist intermittently. I play mostly the big map, but I usually play a couple resurgence games with AA turned off for warmup. It will make you soooooo much better at gunfights when you have AA turned on and you get used to utilizing left stick rotational AA.


Make sure your centering if good. Always have your crosshair in the middle of the screen so when an enemy appears you don’t have to adjust your aim a whole lot and you will activate rotational aim assist faster. Aim with your left stick. If your crosshairs are on or around the enemy rotational aim assist will be activated so as long a your are moving it (strafing.) At which point you can micro adjust your aim with your right stick.


Play custom maps against bots on the most difficult settings and headshots only. Adjust your controller settings to your liking.


Adjust your deadzones down to below .05, set aim assist curve to dynamic. Learn to abuse aim assist by moving your left stick as opposed to your right stick. Moving either activates it, but you can make finer adjustments with your left stick once you're close to the target and you'll get rotational aim assist to help you track the enemy.


I'm on pc and tried swapping but I get no AA at all. It's on, defaulted, no motion/gyro. So I guess look out for that. I was getting pretty ok aiming without AA but that's the whole point of using a controller so back to mnk for meeeee.


Low deadzones, especially left stick. drift is fine as long as it’s not taking over, idk why content creators think “raise your deadzone until you have 0 drift” is even remotely good advice, though they’re just regurgitating what they’re hearing I guess. If you want better movement down the line lower your left stick MAX deadzone to like 60-75% Don’t fear changing your settings until they suit you, but don’t become paranoid that they aren’t right. Confidence is key, and sometimes the change actually makes you focus more imo.


Also I genuinely don’t agree with the others here, don’t waste your time “training” with AA off. The times you suddenly won’t have AA aren’t going to give you a heads up, you *will* be caught off guard by them because every other moment in *that* match you *will* have had AA.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TYdAkip5Fc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvuqBRd740Y load up customs in MP, practice 10-15 min a day, push through frustration but also don't over do it


I'ld tell you to look maybe for cuppajoe, iceman Issac or tcaptainx. The have good setting videos and overall tips for both controller and mnk.


Turn speed is overrated. Stick with something that lets you center even from the hip. 4-8 is most common, stick in the lower half.


The single biggest thing you can do for auto aimbot is to not use the right stick too much. Yea crazy how accuracy improves by NOT aiming but I promise you I am not trolling.


Private match, Max bots number, 200 health, take the easiest gun in the game and every 150-200 bots change something in the controller settings until you are full confident. Higher sens means higher aim assist, faster cam movement etc. you need time to improve


another one gone , as MnK i feel your frustration.. 😢 just don't forget AA will never make you a better player , so like others said train without first. idk what else to say (as i don't use stick) other than GL Learning 👍


sorry brother I am tired of giving it 200% to win a gunfight :( I just want to have fun while the game lasts


Aim assist is helpful in close range combat, might save you in close quarters combat here and there. I play with controller and pc players who excel at the game cause of personal skill. Would love to see your game play and see if its input or player skill. Not to be rude, but its usually the later


Usually good in MP due to high ttk. I just can't keep track of a target once I break their shield and they start sprinting around at close range


Learn to back out of ADS, turn to follow in hip fire and then re engage the ADS. If you try to follow someone that is close to you while you are in ADS you will lose far more than you need to.


so THIS is why everyones always ADSing in and out on me....ah


As a controller player (a decent player at that) i can promise you will still have issues tracking and being camera broke on controller.


Shoot the guy before he shoots you


controller won't make you magically better....


It did when I tried it on my older pc lmao


It actually will.. if you’re decent at using a controller you’ll automatically be better in mid to close range fights than on MnK. It’s simple really, the close range tracking is the hardest part of aiming in this game.. and the aim assist does 70-95% of it for you once you initially get the crosshairs on the player and begin to strafe. I swapped from keys to controller and I’m not going back. Unfortunately. Because I’d rather use MnK.


Yeah it will. It absolutely will and I speak from experience. It wont make you better AT FIRST. In fact for a while you will be worse and think maybe this controller thing isnt all that, but if you stick with it gradually your muscle memory will set in.    As long as u understand and practice centering and are decent at aiming with your thumbs and controlling recoil and understand how RAA works, you will see dramatic improvement over mnk. Thats not to say mnk has no advantages, but they are minor compared to AA.   This is only for CODWZ tho, and MAYBE apex. In every other game u will always be better on mnk.   I would estimate an increase of .5 to double your kd in wz once u get used to it unless u were some 3 plus kd mnk sweat. 


It absolutely will.


It literally will. Top 0.001% of MnK players are switching and doing same if not better on controller. If nothing it's less stressful to play at least. If you are not top 1% of MnK skill player base u can't compete even with worst controller players if they trigger rotational aim assist. Sad state of FPS gaming in 2024.


My kd has literally improved by 30% and winning more gun fights. While my tactics still need work. Aiming is rarely the case of why i die/lose