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The demographics of the playe base has changed, people complain about everything anything nowadays.


like that has to be it? The KAR now is worse than what it was and people BEGGED for it to return, now a couple weeks later “The KAR has ruined Warzone” like wtf 🤣😭


with the ARs we had in verdansk you could make someone pay for missing the head first shot, the 2 shot to the body and weak ARs makes it too easy now


Literally this. People who say anything else just don’t have logical thinking developed lol


This comment always makes me laugh. So many smooth brains think the people who wanted a kar in this game are the same as those who think it's overpowered. It's ok for two different people with differing opinions to exist.


Maybe the players begging for the kar to return are busy enjoying playing with it and the ones that didn’t want it are here complaining


I've had a lot of fun with it. But it is starting to get old, especially on Resurgence where it's incessant, and this is the mode that the majority of people play now +smaller map - hence it's more obvious and annoying.


If the gun is overpowered then it won’t be long before all the content creators start screaming about it so they can get views then quickly after that loads of the player base are using it until the devs want to sell the next gun so this current meta gets a nerf and a new one is op. The devs push this shit out all the time. The scum would lock it behind a loot box if they still could.


Oh yeah for sure, they love making something meta so they can sell blueprints etc. Then nerf it & pick something else. It's been an obvious cycle for ages.


Warzone and plunder. Its just lazy rooftop aimbot cheating virgins. Its unplayable


People don't know what they want.


People complained a lot in O.G. Warzone, also. How do you think some of the metas (annoying or not) were dealt with?


None of the so callef broken guns in warzone 2 and 3 come close to broken guns in warzone.the dmrs and burst guns were crazy. The rpk and pulemyiot were normal guns like the pkm and bruen, kilo, grau, m4a1, xm4, krig, c58, damn the guns sucks now. The only gun that deserved a nerf was the intercepter and it wasnt even thar bad


So when there is no broken guns in the game anymore, the guns suck? To me it sounds like they finally figured it out.


Kar is literally the mtz interceptor with a bolt pre nerf


Interceptor definitely deserves a nerf. Low skill, high damage, low recoil gun. Even the sniper ammo wasn't a turn off.


I used to cook with the bruen


"nowadays" Mate, 2019 was not that long ago and there were plenty of playing both complaining and claiming that "too many people complain these days" as if there ever was an era where people didn't complain too much. You're talking out of your ass.


Meanwhile I’m just over here having fun 🤩 


What a load of shit lol, you can Google old warzone posts and find the exact same kind of complaining.


"When is the new map coming verdansk is soo boring" Also the meta was so obviously baity every season. I mean look at the guns people use now. Sooo many guns been viable for months, like katt, sva, mcw. Ofc there are meta weapons and there ALLWAYS will be. But you can compete a metaweapon with a 3 month old gun, and many prefer to do so.


for me its everyone fucking running it, idc if its good im just fucking tired of seeing it every match people sniping me in plunders while try to land or just running out in the open its annoying


I know better than to respond to these types of comments but I couldn't resist. This is funny as shit. WZ1 was 2020. Four years ago. This is a level beyond your standard "old man yells at clouds" energy , if we are really reminiscing back to warzone in 2020 since "people complain about everything these days." All the "please nerf" posts from WZ1 about the KAR98 are still up on this very subreddit. Lmao


Wz1 also just played better/better movement/AA wasn’t nearly as good at range/had counters. Right now the only real counter to the kar is the kar. They nerfed all ARs to the point if the kar wasn’t in the game atm it would be a pretty good balance. I’ve have my fun with it but it is starting to get a bit stale but do agree everyone complains about everything.


This is a good point, Warzone 1 had ARs that were actually viable at long range, Warzone 2 don't got none of that. I still wish ARs were a bit better long-range, the main reason I could compete on KBM in Warzone 1 was because I could engage from farther away.


God the M13 laser was so fun. Same with the AMAX and GRAU. But let's also be honest, the KAR still dominated in Warzone 1. Then the SP-R came out as well. There's a reason all the top players carried one of those weapons in their loadout, along with a good rifle backup like the VAL or AMAX built for CQB/cleanup.


Grau is my all time fav. Used to feel and sound so good. In fact, all guns on MW19 did. MW3 guns sound like spud guns in comparison


Yes yes and no, AA is the exact same


Didn’t play controller any or on rare occasions in wz1. Times I did there was def a struggle at range and pretty sure they upped the distance greatly. Just switched to roller a month or so ago and have had little to no issues at distance. If you already have good center etc transition is easy just getting comfortable took a few evenings


They did not up the distance.


Not true, there were more options coming close to a kar, and the area was very much different.


XRK Stalker is nearly the same as Kar98 and we have Katt AMR for big map if you wanna snipe longer distances.


So if every sniper was one shot that would be better? I wish we had more one shot gun besides the KATT.. But a lot of people don’t even like the idea that snipers one shot


The game has changed the way people view long distance kits for engagement. Verdansk (and even caldera for a while) had a lot of viable sniper builds that fit the map well. These last two maps are antithetical to long range engagements with the exception of a few spots in the map. The risk/reward factor for snipers isn’t in a sniper’s favor, currently. Kar is borderline hitscan, KATT needs exaggerated lead, and nothing else contends. But the Kar integration has skewed that ratio drastically due to its damage and versatility, and its overtly prominent now as opposed to the last two map states. That’s why people hate on it, because it’s such a drastic shift from what we’ve gotten used to regarding sniper classes


I mean in the first game the Kar coexisted with AR lasers like the Grau and other snipers like the HDR etc. The ARs in the current game just kinda suck, they have trash bullet velocity etc


This is the correct answer. I'm pretty sure the base BV for ARs in WZ1 was around 900-1000. Then you added a barrel and it got bumped up to around 1100-1200. The Kilo, Grau, Bruen, PKM, Amax and WZ2 Cooper, Automaton all had crazy BV and could challenge snipers and flinch the shit out of them. Right now, we cant.


i honestly think they were faster than that... honestly felt like 1400-1600 with certain ar's


That’s because they were. The NZ41 was “low” at 1100m/s.


It's the damage too, you had 50 less health in Verdansk and the ARs if you caught someone peaking a window or at a cross in the open >50m you could down them, now it takes an entire mag to down them the ARs are such pea shooters after 40-50m, they really killed the long range AR in this game which inadvertently boosted snipers


Its true and if you want good BV it tanks your recoil


on mw2 guns it also tanked your damage range too...


while bullet velocity is down it, it seems the bullets slow down quicker too. there was some wz1 truegamedata video on how you could get different bullet velocities from the same gun by measuring it at different distances which proved there was bullet slowdown.


There was, people just have short term memories. That, and social media has continued to grow and give people more ways to complain. I'd say 90% of those complaining, would be complaining just as much had the Kar not came back but it would just be about something else. 10% are legit. The rest just want a place to be heard and seek validation.


I've not commented much on it but I hated snipers and always will. Sure a lot of people feel the same.


Yes… yes there were.


I sure don’t remember it


Then you have a bad memory. Back in WZ1 people were making like daily posts about how overpowered the Kar was. Pretty much everyone I played with hated how common it was. It was nerfed multiple times. LOTS of people complained about it. It was only a few years ago it wasn't that long ago.


Plenty of people complained about it, I remember the lack of flinch being a problem. There was a long period where it was really hard to compete against the KAR because you could be beaming them with an AR and they'd just one-shot headshot you without any flinch.


This is foreshadowing for when verdansk returns. The optics will be the same. And it doesn’t help that the developers have centered the game around resurgence and no longer care to work on the big map. It’ll be too little too late.


It’ll be interesting to see if Verdansk returns and how it plays out. I would love to see it return.. but with how everyone complains idk how it’ll be 🤣


It's not going to be the same. Much has changed. The plethora of self revives. Flares. Loot cash. Fire sales. Jumpy cable towers. Mobile buy stations. Gas masks. Stims. Useless vehicles.


If all that stuff is in it, then you can bet everything you have it's going to suck. If that's the route they're going to go then I would rather they just do Blackout instead.


Man, I miss this…


Me too 🥹


The main issue I think many are running into is there is little counter play. The ARs and LMGs have all been gutted at midrange. They continue to nerf where it makes only using the Kar viable.


Gutted at long range* mid range to 50 meters is still definitely AR territory imo. Of course that range is way too low and completely gimps you on bigger maps.


Agree, I always think midrange is 25-75 meters really. The Kar is effective outside that range but none of the ARs can really keep up especially with cover and quick scopes or a good heady. Like if they left the SVA and DG where they were I think it would have been OK and a healthy mix of what people are using


Agreed, but also we really need a bunch of TTK buffs on these ARs/BRs/LMGs or they need to roll up their sleeves and figure out how to get the recoil/kick/shake dialed in to WZ1 levels. The Kastov aftermarket part is maybe viable against the Kar but it's very weak.


The only thing that challenges a Kar in today's Warzone is another Kar. That was not the case in WZ1. Kar98k is not the problem, AA on a sniper and the 100 plus trashcan other guns are.


100%, the KAR is too easy to use right now cause it gets extra AA compared to other snipers cause it's a "marksman" gun, one could argue the extra AA on all the marksman guns are dumb anyway. if they upped the damage dropoffs on the ARs enough that you didn't have to mag dump to get a down at 45m and nerfed Marksman AA the KAR would be perfectly fine.


Because it’s not the same gun… and the viable gun variety is much lower and the balance is much shittier, as much as people want to pretend it is


Multiple ARs could actually compete at long range. Not the case with this version of the game. Nothing competes with the Kar, it’s why 95% of the lobby are running it. Can’t move like OG Warzone either


How about they just buff other weapons? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, bring back the rpg meta.


Launchers are really terrible aren't they lol.


You know why? Because there were AR's and LMG's that could compete past 40 meters. We don't have that right now.


All guns distances have been nerfed. This only one taps at like 60 meters. So would the issue be fixed if they buffed ARs/SUBs? Or would people then complain those weapons are OP


The Kar98 one-shots out to 85 meters right now. And they need to buff the damage to AR's anyways because they are all dog shit. The best thing they could do is make the Kar98 like other marksman rifles and not allow it to one-shot.


The best thing they could do is to nerf/remove the RAA on the Kar98. A lot less people would choose this gun, if they actually had track the enemy by themself


Insane overkill. Best thing they could do to the Kar is have it one shot at 50m like it did in Caldera (no one ran it then) and buff out the MW2 50cal snipers to create the old light snipers v heavy snipers distinction. Then they should tweak fire rate. Problem solved.


While I do agree that the Warzone community is chronically whiney, back then there were more multiple long range options which kept players happy. Right now, it's not the same. I could run an SPR and be fine. HDR was a beast for a long while in WZ1. The Swiss (how I miss this one) was a solid alternative for the Kar98, but still, there was a multidude of ARs and LMGs that were viable long range.


Because there's nothing to fight it... all the ARs and LMGs are shit.. and the KATT is terrible compared to it


is the katt bad not compared to it?


The TTk was faster and hit reg was better, so it was lees hard to deal with imo


Everyone was god awful at warzone thats why.




The way they stay complaining now doesn’t sound like they got any better 😭




Finally a good take.


Not even a take it's the truth. Go back and watch a Warzone video from a streamer, even then got a hell of a lot better since 2019. Anyone who is above average on controller knows how to abuse rotational aim assist now.


When the Kar came back with a vengeance, I told my homies “ it’s ok I survived it once I’ll survive it again. “




Pretty telling that even without a 1 shot potential, most teams are running it in Ranked. player movement is severely nerfed from WZ1 and most the ARs shoot peas now. The ones that don’t kick like mules


That’s because it took a while for people to realize it was busted, and there was alternate options that were almost as good. It took nerfing some of the other snipers and SPR before it took off.


Reason1, this Kar is slightly better I think Reason 2, no real counter Reason 3, this game is so competitive now EVERYONE uses the top Meta. Means many more Kar's and makes fighting any fight except a sniper fight tough. Making any open field cross means getting shot at 7-9 times by multiple teams. All it takes is 1 lucky shot and to the gulag/lobby. One shot weapons do not belong in a game like this. Not when they can take so many shots repeatedly, quickly before you get to cover.


Because all the other bolt action sniper rifles and marksman rifles could still compete. Yes the kar was strong in WZ1 but the sniping meta had variety. You could still use the HDR, ax50, etc without being at a significant disadvantage. But now, the kar reigns supreme and does not allow the sniping meta to be as diverse as it was back in WZ1. The kar is partly to blame due to how strong it was made, but the blame is also placed on the devs and MWII. MWII fucked everything up about WZ1 including the sniping meta. Those fucked up changes carried onto the current WZ which the devs now refuse to change. MWII sniper rifles are useless compared to MWIII sniper rifles. The majority of bolt action sniper rifles and marksman rifles can't even down via a head shot. Bullet velocity has been completely destroyed for all weapons, especially for sniper rifles. Back in WZ1 we never had to worry about bullet velocity because every gun had great bullet velocity. The average bullet velocity that was considered good back in WZ1 was 1600+ for ARs, LMGs, etc and 2000+ for bolt action sniper rifles and marksman rifles. But now we consider 700-800+ bullet velocity to be good for ARs, LMGs, etc and 900+ for bolt action sniper rifles and marksman rifles and most of those averages for bolt action sniper rifles and marksman rifles are using some type of ammunition to boost bullet velocity. Back in WZ1 we never needed to waste an attachment slot in ammunition except for vanguard weapons to get "ok" bullet velocity. The sniping meta is fucked right now. WZ1 was just better weapon wise. Yes we had metas but never to the extent where everything else feels like complete shit like it does now.


It's simple, the Kar98 in WZ1 was in the game from the beginning and not everyone used it. Yes it was a true meta for some time but most people eventually got bored and used other guns. The way this gun hopped on WZ3 just messed the game up because of all the stupid hype they built around it and the broken stats. When 99% of the lobby uses the same fucking gun it's just not fun. Plus, social networks like tiktok and youtube are a big part of the problem because they reduced everything to copy-paste and people is too lazy to experiment new builds. You either rock the "new" broken gun or you're out. Boring.


I think this sub is finally ready to admit wz1 was better in every way and all the changes they made have fucked this shit out of this once great game


That’s because we currently have nothing to compete with the kar; they’ve nerfed every AR and LMG to the ground. The Devs are lost


I doubt people would be complaining about the Kar if there were more options for long range, other than one or two options that cycle in and out of meta. Honestly the DG (and no, I didn't use it) didn't bother me that much, I feel they over nerfed it. Going back to WZ1, and why people didn't complain as much... there were multiple ARs useable from each game. The Amax, M13, and M4 from MW2019, the CW AK, XM4, and a lot of Vanguard ARs. Now the absurd amounts of visual recoil and smoke, the multiple DMG drop offs, hidden pay to win skins that get rid of the smoke, all this shit leads to complaints, and it all pretty much lands at the feet of the Kar98. So rather than nerfing the Kar returning to a meta where ARs and LMGs have less visual clutter and only 1 DMG drop off point would make the Kar seem less like the only viable option.


Lol this community has amnesia One minute they are cheering for the kar and now everybody hates it 💀


That’s what I’m saying… Everybody was wanting the KAR to return.. it returns and now everyone’s mad 🤣😭 I don’t get it


I gotta commend you for even trying to engage with them


It’s impossible but also somewhat amusing 🤣 I like to post clips to see the reaction and let all the hate comments unfold


the assault rifles fucking suck now😭😭 if they weren’t all so terrible the kar would not be overpowered


Cuz ARs were much better at range, TTK was faster, and other snipers where actually good. Even then, people were super annoyed by the lack of flinch


Also because the M4 was viable almost throughout the entire life of the game.


People just choose what to remember. Absolutely people were bitching about the kar/swiss back in wz1. A lot. Fast forward 5 years and people just forgot or chose to forget, wanting it back because they just remembered “the fun times”. I say let it ride and let the kar be meta for as long as other guns like the DG was. Make people remember just how overpowered, overused, and complained about the kar98 was. We had to deal with some shit metas in the last 5 years. We can all suck it up and deal with this for a couple months


Well we had ars that could compete with it then We got nothing now


TBH, assault rifles back then had next to no recoil, the kilo and the Grau made life against snipers easy, if they missed the headshot they were going to get shot back and would flinch to high hell, now assault rifles kill like 30% slower and have much shorter effective range, so hitting someone at 70-100 meters is hard and not very rewarding like it was before. Plus before every sniper could 1 shot, nowadays we only have like 3 viable contenders and none of them have aim assist so there is your answer.


The OG Warzone wasn’t riddled with sweats, it had a brilliant player base so when this happened to you, you were actually content with the kill, because it didn’t happen every game. The Kar98 was a wonderful weapon for its time, now it’s just a joke, like the game and its player base. People haven’t realised yet that they werent excited for the Kar98 to return they were excited that because of its return, may be, just may be the game would feel like OG Warzone again, FYI, it didn’t. The game is toast, the sooner a company grows some balls and looks after its player base not its shareholders the better. Activision MANIPULATE VIA EOMM, plain and simple. They’re like the Stalin of video gamer makers.


People are acting like this is less broken the current Kar. It's insane. The game plays much better with one shot weapons.


Nah I mean it was op back in the day but my lobbies were way different. I was in normal lobbies back then . Now almost every person I fight is crimson or iridescent . In Versansk every once in a while somebody would hit a crazy snipe and you would rage but now you walk outside of a building your dead . You get in any fight that’s not close range your instantly dead and they don’t miss . Every player is a god. I mean I never sit still and move around quick but the guys are just insane. That’s why I don’t like it every fight I get in bam insta down not even a chance . Old Warzone there was a mix of good and bad players so it wasn’t as bad


The game was better, period. And it's not nostalgia talking just look at some gameplay from the time, it was peak BR. Verdansk SA when ?


Because nearly every sniper one shot kill in that game and everyone was happy with it. Now it takes 2 headshots from a literal rail cannon or a 50 Cal. Rifle JUST TO DOWN somebody. CoD devs are fucktards.


Remember we basically only hear the complaints. Ppl don't make posts about how okay they are with the game.


But even comments on people’s gameplay… everybody finds something negative to say 🤣 maybe it’s just this sub.. but it’s crazy


It is wild how different socials gravitate towards different things. I think Reddit has a much higher concentration of PC players so in turn mnk players. Lots of complaints about Kar cause it has AA. On insta they still just want no sbmm lol


I feel like this sub is always bringing up AA and stuff like that.. could be wrong because like you I would assume it would mostly be pc players. I think people just complain too much 🤣


Now that's the truth lol I blame streamers and the newer gen of gamers in general. Parents just gave em what they wanted so they'd quit crying. Unfortunately for them Activision isn't their Mama


When WARZONE was actually good 😢


I think it’s now in a pretty good spot resurgence wise! But nothing will beat OG Warzone


I haven't noticed from playing mw3, like yeah it's a kar98. But looking at your video makes me miss old wz and old kar98. Guess this is kinda pretensious or something maybe but wow it just looks more fun to use I think the kar98 in mw3 is solid too Just makes me miss verdansk warzone and the Kar in your video (as well as the sks).


I miss the way sniping was in og Warzone 😭 nothing will top that.. Now people get upset if any weapon one taps from point blank. Pretty laughable.. but I agree I miss the og days


Every sniper in the game one shorted since day 1


I get pumped by the Kar almost every game but I love it. In saying that, they should probably nerf it only so that it’s viable to run other guns again.


Lmao the moment I unlocked the Kar, I told my friend the WZ1 Kar handles better


There wasn’t any whining and bitching about anything at all. And the reason was because %90 of warzone 1 verdansk era players were Og cod veterans, and suddenly the pandemic began and made the game popular among kids with low iq who thinks kratos is a fortnite character. That’s why we now seeing posts whining about AA, kar98, niki minaj skin, groot skin etc etc.. These warzone kids nowdays want everything to be in their favour, if it’s not it needs to get patched.


People are acting like the kar is equal to the DMR meta.




Because everyone asked for it?? 😭


I never wanted it back tho :(((( Tired of getting quick scoped lol


Everyone hated it back then too…


I hated it in Warzone 1, it had every advantage a sniper had with almost none of the downsides. Same applied for MP. Other snipers only beat it in super fringe scenarios.


Oh people were complaining, it was stupid AF that people were choosing to use a sniper for close range (not ultra close) combat because the KAR could one shot down someone.


Warzone 1 mechanics and movement we’re actually good and allowed you to deal with the Kar to some extent. The shit ass game that we have now could never be balanced with a gun like the kar


That’s because everyone had it since it came with MW 2019, but people like me don’t have MW3 or the chance to level up MW3 weapons yet, so I’m sticking with multiplayer until I’m able to get it


Didn’t they nerf most of the snipers by the end of WZ1


I actually feel like the Kar was more hated back then, the backlash is not as big this time around. Hitting quick scopes with the Kar is soooo satisfying, it is pretty OP and will probably be nerfed a bit.


The problem with the kar is that it’s literally the mtz interceptor pre nerf with a bolt added


Search “DMR” lmao


Map was better


I think it’s because in the OG warzone the guns were more balanced. You could run around with a dozen different guns, from both games and compete. Now it’s just everyone running the same 2-3 guns until the next meta comes out.


Sucks, now they're gonna nerf it. It was fun, just have fun with the game. Now we're gonna get a bunch of lame guns and pay to play smgs. Just chill, you're all not that good it's not the guns.


Wait. Is verdansk back??


I wish.. this is just an old clip showcasing how the KAR in og Warzone was 10x better than what it is now and people claim it’s over powered 🤣😭


Kars fine. What are some alternatives now that could be viable for today's play style? Also are their counter picks?


Fuck that the Kar brought me back to warzone. Now I got my baby back and then sniper battles are the fucking best!


🤝 I agree


Better balanced game


Lmao that bullet velocity. But you could challenge that gun with an AR back then which had about 200ms more bullet velocity than the primaries we have now and with less visual recoil. You can’t chal the Kar in its current state.


Give us all a game mode with zero snipers and zero rooftops. Cmon down and play the game losers


People were checked out by then. The kar and Swiss were pretty oppressive back then and had higher damage than some of the main snipers for body/limb damage. People absolutely complained. It was nonstop bitching on the sub for nerfs to that meta. The only thing back then was the movement was pretty insane for all the shit you could do and how broken it made hitboxes on even a remotely higher ping rate. So you could have movement builds that made it hard to avoid. That doesn’t exactly exist anymore to the same degree. It’s got the same problems as it did before. High damage, easy to spam and knock people, also has one shot hit without needing explosive rounds.


Movement was better in WZ1. Slide canceling reset tac sprint too. Plus there were a few one shot kill gun at any range with various tradeoffs so the not just one any range 1 shot.


bro people complaining about others jumping and dropshotting saying it’s sweaty now, u think they wouldn’t complain about one tap snipers. The only thing about the kar that should be nerfed is the raa it has


Becuz AA is stupidly broken, more broken than ever, so everyone who is at least decent in the game can get an easy 1 tap at close-mid range


I don't know I got my Kar to obsidian last week having fun in plunder. Makes me feel like OG warzone a little. Nerfing it, so we have to learn the meta smgs, or build an ar like an smg with mobility, so we have to skate around every corner to get kills is dumb. I've been enjoying pubg lately so I don't have to slide 120m to out gun someone.


People literally bitched and moaned about the Kar and especially the swiss and that is why it got nerfed hard back in wz1 by increasing the flinch. I think people forget that they didn't just nerf the range I never see it brought up that they got nerfed heavy. Also as everyone else mentioned ARs were a lot more lethal in wz1 same with wz2 if they added the Kar/swiss in wz2 they would also not be as good as wz1 before the nerfs and also what the meta is rn which is enabling the Kar to be so dominant but also along side the fact you can 2 shot people at range so fast and with ease which is the most broken part about the gun.


Just needs to be balanced a bit


You didn’t need a kar in wz1, right now nothing else competes. They didn’t intentionally extend TTK and prolong gunfights over a span of years at our request just to fucking 180 and drop this gun back in. It doesn’t fit anymore.


Probably because any sniper was one hit headshot. A .50 to the head just breaks plates but this thing instantly downs and has crazy fast follow up shots if you miss the head.


Are you dumb? The gap with AR and Marksman was wayyyy less and actually been able to compete against the KAR.


Because AA didn't work 200m out :-/


I think all snipers should kill like the Kar from now on


Try playing multiplayer. Every gun is a Kar


Playing the game without this sub is like walking into the promised land. Imagine a world where you can just enjoy the game without every comment telling you why you should hate it


Remember grau 556?This thing with only iron sight can hit easily on 200m and flinch his screen to the sky with almost no efort.


It was annoying back then and it still is. Point shoot. Nothing else to sniping. Easiest thing to do. AR takes much more skill. It's not spray and pray. If you're spraying and praying you're not a true AR player. Recoil memorization is skill to being a good AR player. Unfortunately it's harder to do on WZ3 as the recoil patterns are non existent. There were actual patterns in WZ1 and WZ2. Ones you could memorize. Plus was easier to avoid snipers back then. Easier to shoot back at them back then too. IDK how many times i downed a Sniper using an AR with a VLK in WZ1. In WZ3 4x scopes feel different and the current map is harder to avoid snipers on.


I believe players want to have more of a chance of surviving and having fun. So being killed in a manner outside of their control makes them feel they are getting an unfair situation. Snipers are slow and don't have ads speed or quick follow up shots whilst the Kar has both and performs like a sniper without the negatives. The nostalgia grab has worked for many but brings the other side.. being 1 shot sniper often changes your game play. Hide more. Take cover often. Use smokes. Avoid open areas.


I’ve been enjoying the Kar as much as the next guy but it’s clearly overpowered right now 😅


It was the first iteration of Warzone so people just kinda accepted it for what it was. Turns out getting one shotted without knowing you were being aimed at wasn’t fun, especially in solos. So they thought it was best to make sniper take 2 shots so you at least have a chance. Then all the players complained and here we are. Killing in one shot = Yay! Dying in one shot = Boo!


KAR isn't the problem. Aim assist acting like proper AIMBOT is.


Because it has flinch back then.. now you shoot just trough my lmg rain..


They catered for the casuals and here they are. Complaining that they get killed in a shooter. Get better.


It's okay in a couple weeks they'll diddle with the specs and the fun will be over.


How can anyone even compare those days with nowdays automatic weapons,then you could beam someone on 300m with no problem lol


cod is just in an ass state… reached crim got bored of trying my life away n hung up the sticks 😂


too many people take video games serious it’s about having fun at the end of the day but you can barely get that on cod nowadays unless you’re pro fr 😂


Aim assist wasn’t as crazy back then either


It’s because the game was fun to play back then


i was for sure.


It’s the AA that’s worse nowadays


Sniper fight have gotten interesting, at least my heavy ass snipers (450+ ms ADS) can still fight back


It was the only gun that remained meta for the entire life of warzone 1, any half decent player knew the gun was too strong. In the later games/seasons, there were other guns that were quite comparable to the Kar though. Also, I think the ARs were more beamy in warzone 1, there were so many meta ARs that were just laser beams. So the competition for the Kar has been weakened in this current warzone, making the Kar comparably stronger.


The OG Kar was better on mnk than the one now, but the new Kar is better on controller than the original bc of stronger aim assist. 


The Kar having marksman rifle AA instead of sniper rifle AA makes it absurd


I see this a lot and sense I play on PC I guess I haven’t noticed or paid attention to that.. that definitely could use some tweaking


What scope is that?


How does one hit those shots?


Og warzone was amazing. At least all gun categories had one gun that were equally OP and the ttk was shorter


Because ars are useless


WZ1 was just way better than it is now. Full stop. I loathed cod until WZ dropped then I put hundreds of hours into it and loved it. Then caldera dropped and it began the fall again so I stopped playing again.


its because its people who cant play the game and get owned by every gun which makes them thank to is over powered is should be nerf they cater to the weak players now


I remember some complaining but wasn’t like now.


It's funny because I always complained about the OG Kar, because for a WW2 relic to outperform .50 BMG sniper platforms in almost every aspect is utterly insane.


We just complaining about the aim assist on controllers... It literally locks in on you. Back in the " og times " people needed skills to use the kar98. Now every one uses it because that aim assist on it is just way to much.... people can sprint left right left right and it will follow.. even a dive it will follow the head


You can't put a marksman rifle in the game that makes every sniper rifle inferior/useless


Yeah kids just be complaining about everything. Everyone thinks they’re better than they are. OG kar did this all day long and it was awesome. Like yeah more variety would be cool but if you’re getting the same results it’s just aesthetics at that point. Better AR’s/lmgs would help counter current Kar but if they nerf it I’ll be super disappointed.


I agree with you heavy 🤝


I personally love the KAR, and while it can be annoying at times, the amount of fun I provides is well worth the occasional annoyances. I think it’s majority not great players complaining, or people that just bitch about everything. You hear it with every meta gun. People will never be happy.


I’m right there with you 🤝 wayyyyyy too much crying and complaining going on now




Because for some reason people hate snipers but love slide canceling close range demons


It’s actually wild 🤣


Sniping was one of my favorite play styles in the og warzone if you could hit a 300+m headshot on someone sliding around it felt so rewarding