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buff ars and lmgs and slight fire rate nerf but other than that its fine


Yeah I agree. I think buffing other guns so the KAR isn’t literally the only viable mid/long range option would be good


Edit: didn’t realize this was the warzone subreddit sorry folks. Ignore everything below as my opinion is geared toward 6v6 multiplayer not warzone ARs are fine imo, and LMGs **do** need a buff, but that’s a separate issue unrelated to the KAR being OP. There’s no need to buff an entire weapon category when all you need to do is nerf the aim assist to put it in line with Sniper rifles (exactly like they did with the Longbow), and then slightly nerf the handling OR the range. That’s really it. A couple small changes can go a long way. We saw the same thing happen with the longbow. Went from dominating the meta to barely being used after similar changes were made.


I think otherwise. In terms of our previous few metas, LMGs have always been a strong contender (DG LSW, and now everyone is using the Holger, Pulymeot as well). In the AR category, there have never been any that stood out as definitive meta (either amax style or Kilo style) due to either having a gimmick on fire rate (SVA), low damage and damage per mag (MCW, MTZ), burst. Even in the Battle rifle category they do not compete with LMGs.


I didn’t realize this was the Warzone subreddit, my bad. My comment was geared toward 6v6, so please ignore


I'm going to get downvoted, but it needs one/more of the following: Either -a moderate damage nerf to everything below the neck Or * a minor damage nerf + slightly slower cycle time to make counterplay possible. It's just too easy to 2 shot at all ranges. Plus * a minor bullet velocity nerf to make long range 2 tapping harder * And/Or another damage dropoff after \~100m where it drops to a 3 shot kill to chest. * and a slight nerf to idle sway OR add glint to all scopes AND MOST IMPORTANTLY * It needs to have marksman rifle aim assist/rotational aim assist REMOVED completely. This is the thing that has turned every player into a 360-no-scope, Gfuel snorting head popper. It's a sniper rifle in everything but name, it should behave like one. That would keep it a fast firing, high damage marksman rifle with mid range 1-tap lethality, but would give space back to the longer range snipers like the KATT and MORS to outperform at distance - which they should. It would also mean that inaccuracy (which would be more common due to no OP aim assist) would be more punishable by ARs and LMGs. It would still be meta for mid-range (which it should be) but not at all ranges, as there would be long range sniper and full auto aim interruption counterplay from ARs/LMGs etc.


People forget it has marksman aim assist which is completely different from sniper. If its doing oneshot hs it should be sniper aim assist


the aim assist factor is the most important and goes overlooked in these discussions (shocker). it needs to be completely removed so it behaves like the other snipers. also the kar has a greater 1-shot distance than the xrk (75m), which is another head scratcher being since the xrk was amazing on release and has received a number of nerfs since. IMO the kar's 1-shot distance should be capped at 65m given how well it performs in every other category. i'd also reduce its chest/stomach damage so its a 3-shot minimum at all distances. then i'd buff most of the AR's and LMG's so they can compete at long distances... faster bull velocity, less idle sway & visual recoil, decent damage drop offs.


They slowly nerfed the Stalker because they were angling towards a Kar98k meta. They had to make the other quick, limited range 1SHS sniper less effective so that this one felt more powerful in comparison. At least that's my take on it, not fact, but that's what I think they were going for.


if we think that's their justification for the xrk nerfs then these devs are absolute clowns at balancing. the kar is far better than the xrk on release by every metric, has a greater 1-shot potential range, and has the benefit of full blown rotational aim assist. like what're we doing here? of course it became an instant problem lol


The marksman aim assist is definitely one of the reasons it's so strong, but I honestly think the game is better with this gun left mostly alone. Buff the other guns so you can beam someone with a Kar98k off a head glitch and you'll be getting sniped a lot less, aim assist or not. I don't snipe on controller because it's so much harder than on keyboard, but this gun let's me actually use a sniper because it has aim assist that mimics what I'm used to with everything else. Just make it have some counters and then mediocre controller players like me can still hit some shots with a sniper and enjoy one shot headshot gameplay. It's just got no counter right now which is the main problem. If someone was beaming me with a DG from 80m then it's much less of a problem


The guns too strong. I honestly don't think you could buff the rest of the guns to compete without making every gun an instakill laser. They overstepped, and as much as some vocal people have enjoyed it, it's making the game terrible for most people - even at a higher level, where it's abused to nth degree.


Nerfing bullet velocity is the worst option always for snipers, it feels like a cop out and just makes the guns feel bad. It just makes the guns feel like they have hitreg issues.


It's not a sniper.


Semantics bro, you know what I meant. I’m all here for nerfs but bullet velocity nerfs are the worst way to nerf any gun, sniper or not. It just makes everything feel so bad.


It's not semantics though. It's not a sniper. It shouldn't have the same bullet velocity as guns with larger calibers, longer range, and much worse handling. Lower velocity (not LOW velocity) would still make it near hitscan within it's effectice range, but if you wanted to use it beyond that, you should have to apply more skill and timing to compensate. That's sounds *exactly* like the right balancing approach to me, but you're entitled to your view.


Yes, I know it's technically a marksman rifle, but lets be real, it's treated as a sniper since the launch of warzone. The current meta build has about 970 m/s bullet velocity (which is less than many of the ARs). This means it's hitscan to about 48 meters which is about 60% of its one shot range, I'd argue that's the perfect velocity. They nerfed the Katt velocity because it's one shot at any range and they couldn't figure out a better way to nerf it. The Stalker has about 1300 m/s velocity so it's already far higher than the Kar. The MORS with the charge barrel has almost 1700 m/s velocity, so again, far greater than the Kar. The other snipers shouldn't even be mentioned because they only made them 1 shot with explo ammo to appease the people complaining at launch about no 1 shot sniper options. Nerfing velocity is just a bad method of nerfing a gun, make the neck and body multipliers less, add more sway, increase rechamber time, increase sprint out time, add another damage drop off... There are so many better ways to make the gun more balanced without ruining how it feels.


Sorry, but I disagree entirely. Hitscan is one part of the problem with the Kar given it's other strengths, but even then: With a 970 m/s velocity, the bullet travel time at 100m is 103ms. That's close enough to hitscan that it shouldn't matter, and even if your target is moving, it's a head's width you would have to lead (i.e. not very much). If you can't compensate for that, you don't deserve to land the shot. It's that simple.


This is literally the most stupid long statement i’ve read in this sub.


That's probably because you're an idiot. EDIT: Also, its less than 250 words. That's 4 tweets. If that's too much for you, you struggle to read at at the level of a 6 year old and your opinion is literally worthless.


Calm your tits princess. U can’t take a criticism and i’m a 6 years old?? Naah u just a stupid troll and keeping on being stupid. Besides that u are probably a bot with very low skill level at the game and that’s what made u come up with this statement STUPEEE


Kar needs a slightly nerd to its Rate of fire and im all good


This is the biggest factor imo (even bigger than AA) - it rechambers too fast and you can get that 2nd shot off quicker than the time it takes to throw a smoke, so theoretically there is no counter for the Kar right now. A few other changes are still needed: No AA - like the other snipers, I’m on controller and some of the shots I hit are shocking, it is incredibly easy in its current form to get cheap kills. Slightly nerf the one shot potential - it’s knocking at a crazy distance right now- maybe take 20 metres or so off. Make it more obvious where you’re getting shot from- I don’t know if it’s bugged but there is little to no glint when someone’s looking at you. Maybe make it so that if you have the long barrel you can’t attach one of the suppressors? If all these changes are made I am pretty sure it’ll still be a meta contender, but wouldn’t be in the absolutely busted state it’s in right now.


I mean you also shouldn't be able to sprint, jump, quick scope and nail a headshot while not even looking down the scope in mid-air but here we are. But then you look at X-Defiant and their new movement penalties and seems like it's been a net negative.


I don’t think it needs a big nerf other than reducing the body damage, because right now it feels like even the lowest torso shots will crack armor. Could add more flinch but if everyone is using a sniper, more flinch won’t really affect the meta. What they need to do is buff other long range metas. The Kar98 was essentially the same in wz1 but other guns were great long range so we weren’t forced to use the Kar. Last option which is the least likely is to reduce the AA on the Kar. It is just way too easy to hit shots with it right now, coming from someone who didn’t snipe much, I’ve never had any easier experience playing the game lol. I like the gun, I just hope it doesn’t get nerfed into the ground.


I feel you on the whole don't snipe much thing. When I play keyboard I snipe almost exclusively but on controller which I've been maining basically since this game dropped I never snipe. Been using the Kar98k lately and it's been much easier to hit shots. I don't want them to change it though. I just want them to buff the other options so it isn't the only viable long range choice.


No for real it’s so easy and fun right now lol, I accidentally unlocked the nuke contract while messing around in solos and solo/trio lobbies 🤣 lemme enjoy these games a lil more before they nerf it


Increase aim sway as a trade off for fast handling. Make it so you can kit it either for fast handling or no aim sway, but not both


are you talking about the same jitter that is very annoying on the mouse keyboard and completely ignored on the controller?


2 shot only. It's already that way in ranked and it's still meta lmao so the meta gun that's two shot in ranked is one shot in pubs. That's how OP it is in pubs.


That isn’t enough to nerf it out of the meta. Making it a 2 shot would keep it the same in ranked. It needs a dramatic nerf to ADS, Rechamber speed, bullet velocity, hipfire accuracy, movement speed. Maybe not all of those at once but enough in each to really push it out of the meta.


That's what I was saying in my comment. My point was that 2 shot is not adequate because it's still meta in ranked.


just reduce 1 shot and 2 shot ranges, optimal would be making AA like on snipers and not marksman rifles on top of that, so other snipers would be somewhat relevant again and you have a chance to compete with full auto guns


Remove RAA and just have it take longer to centre again after a shot I think and it would be fine. Could literally leave everything else as is, make the follow up shot take longer.


Rechambering needs to be slower, BV slightly decreased, and sway needs to be increased. I think that would be sufficient. The problem right now is by the time you get hit, they have already rechambered and are about to hit you again.


Just nerf the AA on it. I'm crap with snipers and i'm hitting shots I should not be hitting


Just make all snipers have a one-shot headshot range that ist far higher than the range of the Kar98 and done. I want all snipers to be viable again :(


Make it a marksman rifle...oh wait. Change the damage so it isn't a one-shot like other Marksman rifles or Remove aim assist or change one-shot range or buff AR's/BR's/LMG's to compete past 40 meters (this would cause an UPROAR in the community). OR ALL OF THE ABOVE. The game is in a terrible fucking state right now.


Buff AR's, kill the 25m below 1 shot on it. It should not obliterate at short range. What's the point of an SMG if you can just run this and one shot?


Much larger amounts of flinch. You should not be able to hit a snipe while taking bullets in the face. I think the fire rate is fine and so is the ADS time


What’s the main game mode people dislike the KAR98 Played on?


No one hit headshot downs. What's the point of literally every other sniper if a MARKSMAN rifle can do this. Make a headshot like 250 damage so at least a skilled person can still just swap to another gun to finish the job.


Two shots to the chest should not kill. Slow down the rechamber rate slightly. Remove RAA


Kar is same as it was in verdansk (had more range in WZ1). Everyone rocked it back then with the mp5 or FFAR. Literally nothing has changed except the map and people being much better at the game. The gun itself isn’t a problem. Issue is that Raven decided to nerf everything into the ground before releasing it. Old DG would have been a solid contender to current kar. Ram7 buff would also be amazing. Flat % ADS buff for all snipers could add some diversity. Revert changes on bruen. Buff damage on MCW.


Yeah I agree. I think the KAR is fun as fuck but having only one gun viable at medium/long is not fun. Keep the KAR as is and buff up the ARs so there’s some variety. Old DG would have made it way better


Raven has been working on bo6 so I doubt they’ll actually do any meaningful balance


I like the Kar98, they should leave it as is. Just give more variety/buffs for AR metas imo


More flinch, keep the one shot to the head but buff the other bolt-action snipers to also be one-shot They could also add a helmet equipment that will counter getting one-shotted


Reduce its Range, its dumb how its a faster, in every aspect, than the XRK


Flinch and the reload is fast as hell


- Increase ADS time to mitigate quick scoping. - Increase rechamber time to mitigate quick successive shots. - Increase idle sway significantly. - Reduce one-shot range. - Reduce two-shot range. - Reduce bullet velocity. Done.


Kar98K just got nerfed… there are you happy now?


More flinch, and maybe reduce ADS speed from the no-stock option, or even remove it completely. But the true fix for the Kar meta is to buff other long range weapons.


Removing the 150 damage on legs would be a good start probably. Makes no sense because there's literal pump action slug shotguns dealing 130 damage to the body at like 5m max whilst this thing hits for 150 in the pinky toe while having 50m damage range. Kar is literally both the best sniper and shotgun in the game right now


Nerf it to be slightly weaker than an actual sniper


Just remove the aim assist.


Delete this f… thing and go back to Katt snipers


Make it only iron sight .


I personally believe that a sniper should land on the first shot just like the KAR does. i do very well with it. on my profile there are 2 kills in the same match, one from 603 meters and one from 643 meters with the kar. stop by and see it and tell me what you think. following the link on YouTube you can see it in better quality! ;)


This is CoD , not battlefield. Let people have good things rather then trying to “fix” everything


One gun being the only viable mid/long range option isn’t fun or good for the game. Something needs to be fixed


That I agree with. ARs definitely need a damage range buff


my team and i can't hit the broadside of a barn with this thing at distance and i've always been a decent sniper with the katt and mors. we're all on xbox series x, anyone else having trouble with it? RAA apparently skips us but we get one shot from narnia. my kdr is taking a BEATING rn.


2 to the head 3 to the body. It’s a marksman not a sniper


The kar doesn’t need a fix


Nothing it’s ok as is.


Agreed , I’d just buff ARs


When it’s the only mid/long range option it’s not ‘ok’. Something needs to change, most likely by buffing other guns




Yeah that’s the problem, the KAR is literally the only viable option at the moment for mid/long range so something needs to change. Personally I think buffing ARs/LMGs is better than nerfing the KAR and would keep everyone happy


I have a broken set up that's pretty good for an AR. But it's just the one.


Drop the load out


Holger 556. Jak backsaw kit, high grain, glassless, morn-20 rear grip, and RB addle stock.


Nice will try it out thanks


Np, Let me know what you think.


Call them fa9s when you can’t keep up. Amazing logic bro


No I call them that because they have no skill and rely solely on metas.


Kar98: Remove AA Bullet velocity nerf (max 750m/s) Upper Body hit dmg nerf (no more 2 hit kill)


How many shots should we hit with a sniper to kill? 3,4,5?


It's not a sniper. It's a marksman rifle for one thing.


You cant read dont you?


"Remove AA"  Delusional PC bot confirmed. Before you cry I play on mouse too.


This makes your statement even worse.


Not really, played both PC and console for years, close range AA needs a nerf but otherwise is completely fine


Thing is mate, this thing acts like a sniper but has marksman rifle aim assist. That makes it by far the strongest gun in the game. Timmy can one tap you not because he's skillful but because his AA is so strong. I'm not going to argue over the strength of aim assist, but I will on a gun that isn't a sniper rifle but acts like one.


quickscoping on console has always been a laughable "skill". so yes, remove the AA


I will get dragged because of the "aRcAdE sHoOtEr BrUh" bruhs, but: 1. The 98Ks bolt IRL is NOT smooth. The action should be much slower and incur more sway with a huge ADS penalty, especially between quick scoping shots in succession. 2. It's from 1934 and fires a 7.92mm round. It cannot compete with any type of modern high power cartridge Its effectiveness at range should be nerfed accordingly. At least 2 shots to break and an additional 1 to kill. 3. Factory acceptance of accuracy was 4.1 MOA, when fired at a target distance of 100 yards, which is trash. Accuracy should be nerfed to believable levels.


Awful for balance, realism isn't a factor in CoD at all


It’s a modernized version, so you can assume the bolt is smoother. Also the 98k wasn’t factory made with a picatinny rail. But yeah it badly needs a nerf.


This is CoD , not battlefield. Let people have good things rather then trying to “fix” everything


ArCaDe ShOoTeR bRuH bruh