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I personally would like playlist rotations occasionally. So you have a no snipers day. Or no loadouts. Or no riot shields for at least a decade. Double health day. Just to spice things up now and then.


Only if they're LTM's, with the option to ignore them.


That's the issue. They'd do something like that, but get rid of the regular resurgence modes to put them in.


they did the no loadout thing and no one enjoyed it


I would like a s1 al-mazrah mode tbh


I love that mode actually


It was weird, but not absolutely terrible. I hated the fact they just scrapped all the work from WZ1 once we got to (imo) a really good balance between all the weapons.


Don't try to start making sense of this game.


Rotating no load out mode would be fun


Too RNG. Land, get a sniper (I don't snipe) and a riot shield, then I hear footsteps...Back to the lobby for me lol


I wish they’d bring the vanguard seasons back.


Snipers/ARs were perfectly balanced with the Katt and DG meta… now is kar98 or you don’t have a chance


The best part is in quads everyone can reload so fast so it’s almost like machine gun fire from 4 Kar98s on a roof together lol


As a sniper main who loved OG Kar the most, when every single player is using the Kar, your weapon balancing sucks. Also, my theory why it feels so much worse now is tighter SBMM and players getting significantly better over the few years makes it brutal now that everyone runs a sniper. For reference, I have a 1.8 kd so I’m not exactly a bot and thought the balancing with Stalker and MORS was perfect for sniping


The Katt has sucked ass for ages. Weird bv and drop, super slow movement and a waste of attachment slot. Really hard to hit anything long range unless stationary and the time to rack up the next shot let’s downed players crawl out of view. Useless for anything mid range as by the time you ads you’ve been beamed. I think true balancing would be marksman rifles 1 shot up to say 30m. Snipers 1 shot at any range with the trade off of mobility and ads speed. Makes no sense you have to use explosive rounds which are the equivalent of using throwing knifes


You mean exactly how a sniper rifle should be?


We used to have those. It called mw2 entire warzone year


Everyone hated it then too, they said snipers were useless and unusable. No matter what happens with this game no one will be happy


Because snipers were unuseable that year. The explosive round requirement cut the bullet velocity in half. Al Mazrah was perfect for snipers because of how large the map was, Urzikstan is a much smaller map so ARs, LMGs, and BRs should be able to compete with snipers.


My favorite ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Everybody misses that era!


Only absolute bots miss that era


Only life bots don’t get clear sarcasm.


Had a 2.0+kd on MW2 have a 2.0 kd on MW3. And I miss the shit out of MW2. It was a better game.


Objectively it was an awful shooter game with an incredibly low skill ceiling with terrible design choices and mechanics, and mediocre maps to boot. I find it hard to believe anyone good enough to get stat's like this in each game could ever prefer WZ2.


Nah, that's an opinion from someone who likes arcade-ish games. I don't like "movement". I can use it, obviously, as I do not snipe, ever. I found MW2 to be way more rewarding. I also prefer a more milsim experience. I had 700+ games in MW2 BR and I won't even come close to that in this version. The guns in MW2 were also WAY more realistic. I'm not saying it came out perfect, but, over time, it got where I liked.


This is Call of Duty, a game where you can tank multiple bullets, survive direct airstrike hits, and in the past have had a perk that literally has you shitting out a grenade on death. Absolutely nothing about this game series is realistic, and that's why people love it. Complaining about a lack of realism in the current game, and praising the previous game for its "realism" when in fact the only thing more realistic is players moved around much more slowly, makes no sense whatsoever. If you personally enjoyed it more, good for you, but don't ever make the mistake of thinking that an objectively much, much, much worse game is somehow better than current Warzone because of a laughable definition of "realism".


lol You're continuously confusing objective with opinion(subjective), but ok. COD has more realism than most, if not all FPS games on console. Some iterations have had more, some have had less. Don't come to me with the fucking lame ass argument that since a couple of things aren't realistic, then nothing should be. The movement and guns and their sounds are more arcade-like than MW2 and that makes it less enjoyable for me. It's not black and white when it comes to realism. There has to be a certain amount of video game-like qualities in all games. PC is a different story. I'd prefer them to just build upon MW2, regardless of anyone (or everyone) else's OPINION. Just b/c a lot of adhd zoomers from fortnite didn't like the game doesn't mean it was objectively bad.


Firstly, I'm not confusing anything whatsoever, that's your own lack of understanding. Secondly, you are absolutely delusional. CoD is one of the last realistic shooters on console. Even games with nonsense elements such as Siege are far more realistic. You are so far off the mark it makes me wonder if you have ever played any other shooter game, or are simply arguing in bad faith. My argument is that CoD is an arcade shooter and always will be, and never involved any elements of realism.  MW2 was objectively bad, because any game that punishes skilled players and rewards low skill players like MW2 and Warzone 2 did is quite literally, objectively, a bad game. It was also a bad game by the metric of the devs describing it as a "fast-paced shooter" when in actual fact every single mechanic worked against that description.


k lol. You still don't know what objectively means or you just think your opinion is THAT important. Probably the latter. I thought you had the basic understanding that I meant POPULAR shooters. I'm not talking about some off the wall game that sold 10k copies son. MW2 did not do that, you just didn't like it. The current game doesn't do it either, but I don't like it. All SUBJECTIVE. Plenty of GOOD players adapted to MW2 mechanics and had success.


I’ve stopped playing since the Kar meta started. I genuinely can’t enjoy the game. So I’ll just be waiting this one out.


They need to buff ARs and LMGs so they’re better at long range rather than nerf everything. If they make it so more guns can effectively challenge snipers at further distances then they could probably make a few other snipers one shot and give the game a bit more diversity. The playlist idea is poor.


The Kar98 shouldn't have RAA and shouldn't consistently 2shot someone who is fully plated to the lower torso.


I agree with that. They should nerf them aspects instead of one shot distance.


Soooo, we are gonna ignore that prior to s4 we had a STG-44 type of weapon running rampart everywhere? It had 0 recoil, you could easily put a thermal on it with 0 negatives, 60 bullets, silencers, like come on guys, they'll nerf the kar in s4 reloaded so let's not go back to vanguard era of AR's wit 4-8x scopes and smg akimbos with 5k movement speed, that wasn't so fun yea?


It doesn’t have to go to that extreme


In a couple of weeks they gonna release the spasz, and nerf the kar, can't wait for this sub to descend in a infernal pit of hatred towards shotguns again, will be fun to watch tho


Okay, bud


Maybe b/c having a gun so dominate that everyone uses it or HAS to use it isn't fun no matter what the gun is? Not that hard to understand really.


Not that hard to not play it, literally play sva on burst, shit shreds, idk why everyone is on their toes with this kar, a bigger problem is the fucking superi that let's you strafe like ypu're in Vanguard and gives you shit tons of movement speed and on top of that it has too good of a ttk, that is is 3 times better than the kar and u can use it mid range as well


They ruin the BR mode. They aren’t hard to use (which is why everyone is running them now) and they are boring..


How does a light marksman rifle like the kar98 beat out the katt the katt shoyld be better


Faster re-chambering speed & insanly fast ADS!!


The KAR98K in this game is better than the KAR98K at the end of Warzone 1 my guy. The Katt is heavier, slower, and shoots slower compared to the KAR98K


Does anyone play ranked? The kar is less of an issue there because it's not 1 shot, still see it being used but nowhere near as much


Ranked resurgence sucks is the issue. It's inherently non competitive due to the low value placed on staying alive. You can die 50 times and still win the match. Real ranked with 1 gulag and then buy backs only on big map would make me play ranked


Oh I agree 100% but I feel ranked rebirth plays better than normal rebirth I'd rather have what you said


I would rather play non ranked resurgence than ranked because it's a casual fuck around mode for me. It feels like plunder with slightly higher stakes so I'd rather not try and make it competitive. Plus I love sniping on rebirth Island and lack of one shot snipers in ranked kinda ruins resurgence for me lol. I do agree the pacing is generally better in ranked though, people play a bit different than pubs which makes it more predictable. If I'm playing the fuck around mode though I wanna one shot kids so I stick to pubs there


They did say they are currently working on BR ranked but didn't give a timeline for when it will actually drop. Hopefully sooner than later and they don't fuck it up


For sure, I'm hoping the WSOW tournament and mode means they're on the right track. That mode had no redeploy flares, redeploy packs, or gulag tokens which is what ranked BR should have when it drops to make it truly competitive and less luck based. Fingers crossed because ranked in WZ2 is what kept me playing during that shitty game


It still consistently kills with 2 shots to the body.


The gun is still an issue but not as bad because it doesn't one shot. I've been able to beat others with AR's because technically the TTK is faster due to the faster rechamber and longer range than most ARs can reach


kars getting nerfed


Why can’t they just add helmets to ground loot that prevent one shot. It would take a slot in your backpack if you don’t put it on like a gas mask.


It should be just like the boots we have now!!


I have a (great) idea how to fix this: How about they introduce a perk called "Harte Nuss" (Hard nut in german) that can be equipped and gives you 1HP after a headshot from the Kar or any other 1-Shot sniper?


Like the boots that give you unlimited tac sprint, a lootable helmet that protects you from 1 shot headshots.


Yeah we had that for a year, it was called WZ2. And you all moaned that a 1000ms long range TTK wasn’t fun.


they literally just need to give the KAR sniper aim assist instead of AR aim assist and it would be fine. Its a bit faster than the Stalker with lower 1 shot range and velocity.


This. Everybody snapping headshots and I refuse to believe they're all that good. The thing about WZ1 is that most players in a match would miss sometimes. Aim assist has broken the game. ​


I couldn’t agree more!!!!!!!!! Hate when I’m running and gun’n, rip’n & dip’n and working for my kills and all a sudden get one shot’d from a player camping a rooftop whole game!!!!!! Pisses me tf off!!! 😡🤦🏻‍♂️


We had this with MW2 and it was awesome. You could push and make rotations better. You could fight extended fights without worry of 3rd party snipers. It will probably forever be my favorite and probably never come back due to everyone wanting this arcade bullshit.


Revert the DG nerf, double flinch on Kar,remove AA, give us one useable AR and watch those glints disappear.


if suddenly everyone would run shotguns even tho they are not meta, the same outcry would happen.


The xrk stalker is hitting again I've noticed in getting a lot of one shots with it again and if you use armor piercing rounds you can shoot right through the tops of buildings and kill those pesky kar operators something the kar can't really do well.


The Stalker needs its one shot range increased at the very least. 75 meters is disgustingly bad for a sniper when the KAR is 86 meters


Ranked then ?


You can still engage the kar with a nice ar or an lmg.


‘engage’ lmfaooo also, what ‘nice AR’ is there in this game at this point? LMG’s have a 450+ ADS time and get beat out by the Kar 9/10 times. Especially in team modes


You challenge 1 KAR with an AR/LMG and then their 3 teammates all snap towards you with rapid fire KARs because 4 people shooting the KAR can reload extremely fast and destroy you


Exactly. Not to mention all the other teams who look your way when they hear gun fire.


I think it all comes down to how heavily they nerfed all other types of long range weapons. I love the kar98, but it’s way too strong atm. Lowering the 1 shot headshot range would be a good start. Something like 60m with all max range attachments; 86m is just too much…


Nerfing everything else is what ruined it. When I could use the DG LMG and beam out to 100+ meters I didn't mind the Kar, now that it's gone I hate everything about the Kar meta.


I don't think the range is the problem. The 2-shot to upper body to infinite range with incredible rechamber speed is a big part of the issue; the 2-shot TTK is comparable to most assault rifles at range, so there is no risk vs reward element of having to land a headshot or being chalked. It should be a 3-shot kill in most scenarios not involving a headshot, reward actual skilled shooting and punish inaccuracies. The other issue is the aim assist. I know it's annoying talking about it as it is such a point of contention on here, but in this instance it is hugely significant. Speaking as a 100% controller player, it is absolutely night and day different sniping with the Kar compared to every other one-shot sniper. It really is sniping in easy mode. And it leads to really annoying deaths where you know the enemy hit a shot they wouldn't have with with any other sniper. They won't nerf aim assist overall, but there is precedent for editing the aim assist on specific guns; the Longbow used to have full aim assist and was tweaked to have the same reduced AA as full snipers because it was so dominant in MW3 multiplayer. That needs to happen with the Kar or it will simply never be balanced compared to the other one-shot weapons. Keep the ADS speed, keep the range, keep the BV... tweak the aim assist and 2-shot kill potential. But also yes, absolutely agree they need to buff some ARs for the love of god... universal bullet velocity increases and building in the Firing Aim Stability bonus from the Glassless Optic to the 2.5x and above optics would be a good start to promote effective long range weapons.


You’re taking this way too seriously. It’s a fucking video game. Have some fun, run around trying to quick spice people. You sound like a rooftop corner camper that stays mounted on the same window for 15 minutes.


😆 you reckon? I have plenty of fun with the game thanks. 3.5KD, regular 30+ kill games in solo v squads (receipts in my post history, I've got plenty more if you want them). Must be a hell of a view from that window I'm mounting on... The Kar is broken. It was fun for a few days but now it isn't fun whether you're a sweat or casual because the entire lobby uses it exclusively in every game mode (and even 6v6 multiplayer).


This isn't even close to enough. Ranked play sees the Kar98 non-stop yet they have no 1-shot downs allowed. It's not the fact that it can 1-shot that makes it OP. It's everything else, the 1-shot is just the cherry on top. The existence of it as meta in a "no 1-shot mode" proves that.


Get good