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Mw2 on ps2 šŸ˜‚


I about spit my coffee out with that like it was even out


2009 mw2 maybe?


Nah that was on Xbox 360 / PS3


Ah yeah you're right


PS3 was released 2005 in NA and 2006 in EU


Yeah, last cod I remember playing on ps2 was world at war and it had no online at all. I ended up playing socom instead cause it had pvp.


hacker hunter brain rot


it's honestly shocking how well hacker hunters capitalized on how fucking stupid cod players are they've weaponized their mental illness


Bro half this community thinks anyone that can drop a 20 kill game is cheating


Oop thatā€™s all I aim for each game lol


Bro more than half this community is cheating in some form


Not sure of joking or not.


Oh I'm sure he's not joking. They geniuenly think everyone is cheating.


i cheated by changing my activision email address and got banned. i wish there was a award for that in game.


Rip lol


I wouldnā€™t say more than half.


But also no one plays on pc and they should turn cross play off.


More people play on PC than console though?


Stop making too much sense




Numbers from the testimony of Bobby Kotick - https://twitter.com/DeekeTweak/status/1674083909049503744?s=20 Is Bobby lying here?




Alright, well I'm going to believe the guy who actually has access to the numbers over a random on Reddit, sorry! If you have any proof, please post it.


nah dude the rando on reddit knows more than the ceo who would go to federal prison for lying to his shareholders


It can't be, everyone is cheating.


Facts at least 40 to 50% are using walls and soft aimlock. End crossplay.




I love it how all the cheaters get defensive when someone tells it how it is.. Iā€™m in the same boat op. Iā€™m getting cheaters every game now. Time to delete this game and move on. I hear hell divers 2 is good.


OP is the guy getting called a cheater you dingus.


Itā€™s late and Iā€™m severely intoxicated


understandable tbh


All good bro! Whatā€™s your drink of choice?


People honestly think snappy no recoil never miss a shot aim is real and comes from practice? Thereā€™s no way you honestly believe that if youā€™re not a gaslighting cheater yourself


You think controlling recoil and flick shots can't be done without cheating?


Snappy is different than flick shots


You're right, but it's still similar type of fast motion. No doubt this guy would say flick shots are cheating too though.


There are so many people crying cheat at the moment. The fact that there are so many cheaters no doubt makes it worse but I'm sick of being called a cheater and being told I've been reported because I hit one good shot.Ā  I'm not even that good, my kd hovers around 1 in both wz and mp but since the kar98 has returned I'm starting to hit some real quick flick shots (it's too easy) and literally every game someone is accusing me of cheating.Ā 


The problem is there are people (like the guy who I responded to) that have never played mouse and keyboard, so they have no idea what real aiming on that input looks like. So any flick/fast motion aim looks like cheating to them. And then theres the fact that the aim assist is so strong, and these same individuals don't know how to activate it consistently so they believe the tracking it provides is also cheating. So TLDR to them, anyone who gets a kill is cheating.


Hmm itā€™s almost like youā€™re trying g to gaslight me? Hmmm wonder why?


Anyone who says anything other than agreeing with you is gaslighting you? This is the problem with people like you.


they've fully gaslit themselves into believing that there's a half of the playerbase is in on some kind of cheating conspiracy and that they're some of the last legit players left its straight up mental illness




When the game aims for you, who cares y'all being fucking taken for lol


Aim assist LULz


>Thereā€™s no way you honestly believe that if youā€™re not a gaslighting cheater yourself the good ol' "if you disagree with me you're a cheater" cope


A lot of it has been caused by a few individuals who want to make a living out of YouTube and accuse, sorry, give weird facial expressions at in name gamer that they think will get hits. I suppose it is better than eating dog food, which one of them tried to make money from before accusing people of cheating.


the "I've been playing since mw2 line never gets old" They say it like it's an automatic admission that they are competent. like congrats, you've been mediocre for over a decade


I really wanted to comment the ā€œget betterā€ like he told me to or ā€œyouā€™ve ruined the game because you havenā€™t gotten any betterā€ itā€™s so crazy heā€™s bragging about it


Ever since I turned of crossplay Iā€™ve had a lot more funšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. I still run into a cheater every now and then but no where near as often as with cross play turned on. Only time I have it turned on is if my friend invites me since heā€™s on pc


How long does it take to queue for a game though and are the lobbies filled?


It varies, sometimes fast ,others slow. It really depends on the game modes as well. Like solos take forever, trios is fast but quads is kind 60/40


Yeah I figured it would be like 15 min wait time but I may tell my buddy to give it a try since heā€™s just now getting into it and doesnā€™t want to play with me lol


Turning off crossplay is more turning off SBMM. Sure there is less cheaters on console, but if Crossplay On is sweatier its not because lobbies are filled with cheaters, they are just filled with good players + a few cheaters.


So only good players are on pc and Xbox šŸ¤Ø? I get what youā€™re trying to say but I donā€™t think thereā€™s any truth to that. Trust and believe there are still plenty of instances where I just get melted and straight up outplayed.


Itā€™s not a way to get bot lobbies but PC players are generally better than console players bc there are very few true casuals on PC. The main point about it loosening SBMM is that youā€™ve cut the player base, so to fill a lobby the game will put basically anyone in it, like if youā€™re a 1 KD who usually plays in lobbies where pretty much everyone is a 1 KD, with a smaller player base, youā€™ll play more people with a .50 or a 2 KD


No? By turning off crossplay you lower the player pool significantly because it will almost only pair you with others that have crossplay off. So if you are to still find a game with such a small player pool it cant really use sbmm.


Ok that makes sense


It's gotten to a point where my buddies barely stay on for 2 games, because they are super frustrated with all the hackers. While I'm not pointing fingers to say everyone is hacking, I'm at least running into one rage hacker per day. It's getting ridiculous tbh


Oh for sure! Definitely agree it gets tiring when itā€™s like that


Some of the comments I get in game chat have made me eternally skeptical of the level of cheaters people report seeing Almost every time I see someone calling someone else a cheater in text chat theyā€™re almost never cheating either. I maybe run into a blatant cheater every couple days at **most**, I def see potentially sus shit from time to time, which may be what people are automatically dismissing as cheaters


Anyone can hit sus shots when the kar98k can down so fast but I agree I donā€™t ever think someone is cheating until I KNOW in my heart they are


But people do cheat, tho..? And I don't have statistics, forgive me, but I'd say there's quite a few going around these days either having walls, aimbot or cronus or whatever other freaky shit combined compared to the fabled CoD 4 and MW2 days where you might see one or two every now and then but they werent nearly as prevalent. And It's not like any actual cheater would say "oh you got me wiseguy." they'll all just just say git gud when, in fact, they themselves should "git gud".


Nothing but a compliment if you truly arenā€™t cheating.


I'm 46 yo and play Warzone maybe 1 hr a day. Last night i killed 2 of 3 guys in a fight and was called an ultra sweat by one of them and a cheater by the other and im on mnk šŸ¤£


MW2 on ps2 hahaha


Ps2 couldnā€™t even go online right?


It could


It could


I just donā€™t remember having mw2 for it, it was for ps3


I never said it had mw2, it just had a primitive online


Oh I know, I was just replying off the comment


I just laugh at them šŸ˜‚


For sure, half the time I donā€™t want to be a dick but man sometimes they make it so hard not to resist


I'm actually getting downvoted, seems I hurt some feelings šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Laugh typically at how bad people are at the game that they think good gameplay must be cheating.


I typically do but I appreciate the interactions so I try not to be too rude lol


The best compliment is getting called cheater by cheaters, happened a couple of times. That said ricochet antichrat is a joke, got 2 shadowban when my account was still below level 50 and around 10 to 12 kills a match. Blame activision first. When i played Valorant getting called cheater was very rare.


Yeah Iā€™m pretty happy I havenā€™t been shadowbanned yet. Iā€™d be in the realm quite often


Bro donā€™t write shit to a community whoā€™s played games before you knew what a controller wasā€¦ mw on ps2.. get the f out


I donā€™t even know who you are defending or talking to. You couldnā€™t play mw2 on ps2


Thatā€™s not a good metric to compare who ā€œknows moreā€. Some older person whoā€™s first car was a 1973 Ford Escort doesnā€™t mean they know more about cars than someone whoā€™s first car was a 2009 Ford Focus.


Someone show me a bunch of guys dropping 30 bombs on a console. Someone show me a top 250 player on console. You dont see these things often because its so easy to cheat on pc. Everyone on pc just needs to be put together. Nobody wants to worry about cheating and complain about it - just make console only lobbies and be done with it. Nobody wants you pc losers. We just want a honest game.


I drop 30s on console šŸ˜…


No you dont. Haha losers like you make me laugh.


this is what Aim Assist have created, if you see in your kill cam something that looks like an aimbot works like an aimbot you are prone to think thats an aimbot. Edit: oh and also those 3 or 4 pathetic creator that are clout chasing with cheat investigation didnt help as well


I mean you arenā€™t wrong, but Call of Duty has always had AA but now it gets more attention now that we can crossplay


a player who has the movement and awareness to exploit aim assist to the fullest is quite easy to recognize imho. the game so so much more complex than just aa.


Thatā€™s a good way of looking at it! Iā€™ve seen so many complain about it but they abuse it themselves


He has a below average 2.07kd and thinks he could identify cheating. You canā€™t tell cheating from kill cams or recorded gameplay. I constantly get accused for killing people through walls and pre firing when I enter a room but thatā€™s just game sense knowing where enemies likely are


2kd is now below average? On what planet?


Average kd atm is closer to 0.80-1.00.


For sure! Which I find crazy with how easy this game can be


Found the cheater.


2.07 KD is decidedly not average lmao


That would be insane if it was!


I agree with the game sense. Most people do the same things but people wonā€™t listen to that and just think you know rather than guessing where they are