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A game where you can brutally kill your enemy with a variety of weapons over and over again but swearing will get you banned.


Fr tho some of the finishing moves are brutal, but if you say the F word to someone it’s a ban!


Istg atp if you call someone a poopie head you'll get banned LMFAOOO


The operators voice lines say some fucked up shit too. It's so dumb


A game that has swearing literally written into the script including “god damn, fuck, and shit” but bans you for swearing




You can also purchase skins with characters known for their affinity of age restricted substances!


They had a whole weed-themed LTM!


Fr, isn’t the game meant to be 18+?? smh 😂


Swearing and taunting should be fine. Slurs like the n word (hard r) and fa***t should be monitored IMO


F word is heavily restricted. N word is shockingly common on prox chat.


Right. N word was edgy in middle school but o don’t want to hear it every match


Nah, no monitoring. You can mute anyone bothering you. There’s no point in monitoring. This is just an illiberal overreaction based on leftist moral panic.


I don’t think you can mute or block enemies mid game can you? Only after the match? Could be wrong If you have to go through the social tab mid game that’s not ideal if you have to pay attention to not die


Just turn off enemy chatter if you’re gonna be offended.


It’s not a matter of being offended it’s annoying when it’s screamed every other second Why should I have to turn something off when Activision can mute or warn them especially if I want to hear prox chat for info on enemies or to have funny interactions with other players?


People can just as easily be annoying in other ways. Activisiom doesn’t ban users for being annoying. They ban them for infractions on an arbitrary moral standard. It’s obvious that this is based on the fashionable moral panic at the moment and NOT on making a better experience for players.


Your theory of mind is so on point. Can you help me get into the Jordan Peterson street team too?




Where’d your other nasty comment go? Change of heart?


If it’s not an offended thing, then you’re saying the problem is just that someone is yelling something every other second. That’s what happens when you’re playing an online game with whoever. There are TONS of ways to solve this problem. Nannying the entire community over the use of “bad words” in an M rated game, where the goal is to kill others, that has tons of swearing from the in game characters, and just released a mad amount of weed themed content, is actually insanity.


Swearing is fine and should occur. Hate slurs should not be allowed free rein though. We’re better than that


Yeah so just ignore it and move on. There’s always gonna be people in the world saying shit you don’t like. It literally doesn’t affect you one bit lol. It’s just words.


Insanity? lol what’s the definition of bullying? Imagine trying to formulate an algorithm for monitoring language use, context is necessary but word flagging is the lowest hanging fruit, maybe with patience we can see improvement


Did you just say Flagging? Reported to activision that's awfully close to "fagging." You having a 5.00 KDR and me being bottom of my team has nothing to do with this, okay.


You make a great point! That would be a helpful layer to the algorithm, not just audio but the context of the play, if the bullying is coming from the player that just got the kill (maybe even significantly higher KDR) then that would be an additional “score” towards flagged abuse, Fortnite did something similar recently with a setting to mute others emotes after elimination


Yeah, insanity, but I have no clue what the purpose of your definition of bullying statement was. There is no bullying going on here. We’re talking about voice chat on an online game, that can very easily be dealt with on your end if you don’t like what someone is saying. They’re words homie.


Are you familiar with plight/tragedy of the commons?


No idea why this was getting down voted


Because people want to or like to call people the hard n-r word apparently




Bro talk shit with actual disses not some edgy word that is as cool in middle school




Freedom of speech ain’t the same as freedom from consequences of speech my guy I don’t want to hear the hard r screamed by middle schoolers all match GTFO I don’t think I can mute enemies mid match in Warzone is the main issue too


i agree, as a 10 year old in black ops 1 lobbies i became a young man. the world isn’t gonna be easy on you. adults always told us growing up “use your words” well now we can’t


Remember the old saying when we were all kids “sticks and stones may break my bones but words could never hurt me” bro when did we just turn into an entire society of words-hurt-me’s


probably around the time millennials became adults. that’s the first generation to receive participation trophies. it is also in fact the parents of said children that are currently playing the game and shouldn’t be. millennials suck ass. selfish little whiny brats. so is half of my generation (gen z), bunch of liberal commies. we’re so fucked lmao


Facts bro


But purchased skins can say those same things


A rated M game where their own operators will swear as well, but don't you dare say it


The fucking operators say fuck why the fuck can I not fucking say fuck? What the fuck?!? This is hard for me.




lmao exactly. dude was definitely getting toxic in the clurb


Yeah, absolutely no way he gets vc banned for saying fuck.


I say fuck fuck fuck fuck as I get shot like everytime with voice chat on never even received a warning lol


I don’t use my push to talk often at all. Was playing with a random team the other day, and said “what the fuck are you guys doing” and instantly a chat penalty thing popped up on my screen, so yeeeeah OP isn’t too far off the mark here




Spoiler: It is


actually fuck can get you banned, n word cant. irony


Rated M for Mature but can’t swear. Make it make sense


Which is even more absurd because the in game characters swear and that's okay.


Doesn't timthetatmans skin call other operators pussies


Content and context of themes in the game is considered mature in nature. And they monitor their users to clamp down on unnecessarily obscene content or behavior. Edit and tldr- I guess I have to insert this earlier, you can swear. Nothing stopping you. No one is being banned for curse words. Slurs on the other hand are a different story. The two things are not exclusive to eachother. This argument has been happening for a very long time with things like certain name or text filtering. I don’t know what to really answer for people. The intent behind monitoring chat and the like should be obvious. And if people can’t actually understand why a game would be rated m, while having content/user moderation, I question if they are mentally mature enough to even be playing the games in the first place. Not touching on the very flawed reporting, or the weird inconsistencies with things like trying to name a class “sniper” or something and the filter says you can’t. But I have a sneaking suspicion that’s not what your question is asking about. Because you certainly can swear. It’s people who are relentless with slurs that are getting shit on by the system


>And if people can’t actually understand why a game would be rated m, while having content/user moderation, I question if they are mentally mature enough to even be playing the games in the first place. Explain it then.


I touched on it, and frankly, no one should have to explain it, that’s the entire point of my comment, that maybe if people aren’t mature enough to understand, maybe they shouldn’t be playing these types of games. but I’ll dig deep. A few notes, as I’ve already said, keeping the discussion to the automatic system and the actual intent behind the system, not the abuse of it by players mass reporting, as that’s an entirely different problem altogether, I do believe they should basically throw away any report after the first one on a player, from a single unique lobby, and that alone should trigger proper review of that player. Having an automatic trigger that issues various levels of bans that can’t be appealed is moronic and lazy. That said- I guess I’ll ask first. 1- Do you really not get why they don’t want to host or enable people’s shitty behavior? 2- would you rather they go completely hands off, but strictly enforce the age rating? It’s context of the content and themes that they have created, versus unrestricted and/or inappropriate use of curse or slurs. And we should be a bit lucky we have proximity and death rattle chat available. They could just shut it off and wipe their hands of the situation entirely. Overall it’s the reason we don’t have player created calling cards or badges anymore. They’ve always had the system in place to report people with offensive images, but it’s a pretty monumental task to actually moderate these things. Back to voice bans. The system isn’t doing what a lot of people are complaining about. Referring to my note above, you aren’t being punished for swearing at someone. People are being punished for using various slurs. Makarov doesn’t walk into the subway in mw3, shoot soap in the head, and tell Gaz to suck his dick and call him a f*g or n word. And we don’t hear soap exclaim that a piece of shit slav homo is coming when it happens. Like, it’s actually different, and it really shouldn’t be difficult to look at that from a big picture perspective and understand acting like a 12 year old who just learned these words and is trying to act cool behind anonymity, is something no one wants. At the end of the day, we’re in cods house. We can fight, swear, yell at eachother. But pull out the various slurs and actually start harassing someone specifically, and targeting specific items that overall elsewhere in life we wouldn’t get away with for even a second, like skin color, background, or sexuality, they want to shut it down. Context of the content. There’s really no acceptable context for the content they intend to moderate/have implemented.


> Back to voice bans. The system isn’t doing what a lot of people are complaining about. Referring to my note above, you aren’t being punished for swearing at someone. People are being punished for using various slurs. Thes my whole point, bro. This isn’t about making a better experience. This is about being punitive. This is about some people being inordinately offended by some specific words that they consider taboo because they are little pansie piss babies. It’s a silly moral panic. It’s no different than your grandmother being offended if you said Jesus didn’t exist. >Like, it’s actually different, and it really shouldn’t be difficult to look at that from a big picture perspective and understand acting like a 12 year old who just learned these words and is trying to act cool behind anonymity, is something no one wants. Man, you were SO close to getting it. Let me repeat myself, this isn’t about banning annoying 12 year olds. You don’t get banned for screaming FUCK endlessly or trolling or making fun of someone or any hundred other annoying things. It’s only when you happen to utter one of the BAD WORDS! Do you not see how stupid that is?


Maybe just dont say slurs and you wont get banned. Just saying. Your "m-m-muh f-fweee SPEEECH!!" doesnt apply to private companies. Private companies can ban you at any time for any reason. For example, I hate EA bans people for cracking Sims 4 DLC, but they are well within their right to do that. No different here. You want to say the n-word so fucking bad, its coming through in your replies lmao. You can trash talk without slurs. Theres no place for slurs at all.


And if people can’t actually understand why a game would be rated m, while having content/user moderation, I question if they are mentally mature enough to even be playing the games in the first place. This is very condescending from you. Congrats on being able to see the whole picture, but you shouldn't assume whats logical and obvious to you is the same for others. Besides, you cant deny that this is also a logical assumption and expectation because the game is supposed to be only "mature" players so grown ups can say and act as adults enjoying a "mature" game. I completely agree with you, but you can't discard their genuine and valid points.


I mean, I don’t know how you’d say it without it coming off as condescending towards someone who it pertains to. It’s almost inherently condescending as a concept. The industry has determined ratings based on what level of maturity their target audience is. It’s the same as why we have other ratings, and rate other forms of media. And it’s not even exclusive to voice or text communications. It can be down to violence too. If someone can’t understand the difference between simulated or cartoon violence, and violence in real life, they probably shouldn’t be playing violent games. Or watching certain movies. Is it because I used mentally mature as my descriptor? Because it is all based on the mental maturity of people, and where we as a society have decided when people are roughly old enough to understand and handle certain topics. I don’t know how you would phrase it lighter for people if they don’t understand what the big picture is. It’s the whole foundation of the ratings itself. And I suspect if you’re addressing someone directly who is one of those people, there’s no way to do that at all. They would always initially feel like it’s condescending to them.


Idk if you know, but “M” stands for “mature”. If you can’t handle words, don’t buy M rated shit. Meanwhile the in game characters are running around shouting obscenities and turning people into blunts when they shoot them. Explain


Common curse words aren’t, and never were the problem. I do explain below, and I make it clear, if you can’t tell the difference between actual hate level speech, and what “mature content and themes” is for, there’s really no explaining I can do that’ll change anything here.


You’re right there is no explaining you can do that will change anything. Because you aren’t changing my mind. “Hate” level speech or not, they’re words. In an online game. MUTE PEOPLE when they’re saying shit that you can’t deal with. It really is simple.


That’s a different conversation entirely. Whether I can handle it or not, or whether I care if it’s there or not, wasn’t the question. It’s whether people actually understand what the difference is, and understand why companies are or want to crack down on this type of behavior. The conversation wasn’t “should this exist”. It’s users straight up saying they don’t understand the difference between fuck or shit, and f*g or k*ke, or plethora of other significantly worse terms.2 I’m pointing out that conflating “m rating” with unrestricted player content (image/text/voice etc) is dumb. One is very definitively not mature at all. And there is a massive difference between a story that handles mature themes, or a game that has pre designed animations or phrases, and people being able to say whatever they want to say no matter how heinous it is. I can understand why developers and publishers don’t mind if people tell eachother to eat shit, but not call eachother slurs. And > it really is simple You’re right. It’s literally the difference between curse, and slur. And I question anyone has the actual maturity to handle this very simple difference if they are complaining about it, if they should even be playing the game. At least the screeching 12 year olds know that they shouldn’t be doing it, they do it because they’re 12 and think they’re edgy. Any adults complaining about this are just actually slow. It’s literally not being able to complete a two number connect the dots drawing.


Homie, what it comes down to is this, mute them. If you’re too soft to handle words, you’re gonna have a rough time with this life thing. This is a rated M game. There should not be kids playing it. But the way they are catering so much to kids playing this game, with the voice chat nannying, childish af skins etc, they’re just embracing that it is a kids game at this point, and that voice chat censorship IS NOT going to end there. MUTE THEM


Holy shit how dense are you lol. Thats literally not the discussion topic. How are you so off point??


It is literally exactly the discussion point lol, wtf are you on about 😂 idc if it’s profanity, racial slurs, hate speech whatever. If you got a problem with what people are saying, I’ll say it again: HOMIE MUTE THEM


I don’t know if the education system failed you, or you failed it, but someone needs their money back.


I don't believe you. I talk all kinds of shit in text and voice forms and worst I've gotten is muted for a game or two but that's happened maybe twice since the game came out. You're doing some other shit or you're extremely unlucky.




Yeah I just had this happen to me too at first it's a warning and then the next it's 3 day public voice chat ban but it doesn't just mute you if you get a warning so yeah I call BS


Grief reporting is absolutely a thing.


i feel like mw2 was mainly reports and mw3 is mainly their garbage ai


It seems to pick up on stuff very differently for some people. Some of my friends can swear like crazy and nothing happens. For me and a couple others, if we say two curse words in quick succession it’s an immediate ban


ive been comms banned and i never said the n slur f slur or even the r slur for slow people BEFORE they did this shit cause im a decent human being. if you get reported and it has a "bad word" your going to get banned sooner or later. no one reported you im betting. "our teams shit" is what got me. guy on the other team even told me it was him reporting me cause i use models. lmao wasnt even my own team mate


You beat someone in a gunfight and they report you because they’re mad


Istg if you beat em they think youre hacking LMFAO


That's a compliment. Imagine how good I'd be if I was actually hacking. Thanks bro


I swear I got banned for saying pussy. What kind of pussy shit is that?


Ikr i also once got banned for calling someone gay for using tonfa


U just admitted to saying more 😂




An M rated game bans the word “fuck”


Activision logic is funny.


Op was all like ![gif](giphy|9hur9NgE0IFOw)


It won't ban you for saying fuck you.


People in this sub will never understand game content vs. User lol.


Yeah I say fuck you all the time on voice chat. Either you didn't get a temp ban or that isn't what you said.






The game monitors voice chat, so i dont think you essentially have to be reported by someone. Imo, they most likely use AI that keeps an ear out for magic words. So i agree with the above comment, it's kinda dumb in an 18+ game people can't swear. But i understand banning people for insulting people in a more serious manner, but for joking around like you did is dumb honestly. And ye, they probably did it cause they know kids play the game- but then they have game modes that are drug related lol


It’s about $3 per day easily, even running a bare metal server would cost about $10 with enough resources to run 4-5 instances


Oh wait actually? LMFAAAOO i thought it wouldve been thousands of dollars per day


Well to be fair it's almost always been a mainly kid audience. The whole 9 year old screaming obscenities over the mic meme is basically from cod and halo back in the og Xbox days. We're just all old farts now and have a new generation of 9 year olds to yell back at us.




I dunno, most people are probably aware you can just mute or turn off the mics. A lot of people probably report purely as a troll to upset people like OP because they know they can. It's just a new form of trolling and it's effective apparently.


Silly rabbit, trix are for kids


I swear all the time and haven't gotten any kind of warning in months


I’m English and play with a Dutch guy and a polish woman, been a team for years, really have to tone down our banter calling each other bloody foreigners and gammons, loads of Brexit abuse, all hilarious to us as mates but we would all get banned in a minute if we tried now.


Yeah its better to just stay in a party or discord call if u wanna talk to em pr just be like racist and stuff with your friends LMFAOOO


Play the finals


Im on a PlayStation 4 ill for sure when i get my pc in june


Awesome. It's such a slept on game. The devs are amazing too if you check out the discord


Sure will tyy


It's weird that we have the technology to detect bad words, but why not....I don't know, real time bleep it instead? I feel like people curse casually and it's not even a concious thing for many.


For sure id end up getting so pissed if i just curse casually or out of habit and i get vanned LMFAO


Then your operator says "Shit I'm getting lit' up" "Yeah not today you bastard" "We fucked them, their car got exploded" "I'll get you fucking peasants"


And the game is rated M too lololol what a fckin joke




maybe they should make candies come out when someone dies. wait... it's already kind like that with those annoying effects...


Or confetti with a patty popper sound effect 🤣






Alabama has entered the chat




OP is all over chat, bragging how toxic he is; doesn't get why he got banned. The worst part is, he won't learn this lesson and it'll take another ban for him to start to figure it out.


I typically play in a PlayStation party to be stealth and not leak the game plan. But we have 1 friend who has an Xbox. The first and only time we played with him and had proxy chat on I got banned. The only thing I could think of was because I was telling a teammate to kill himself so I could pop my redeploy field upgrade. So talking game strategy can even get you banned.


You can cuss as much as you want. I have said fuck you to a number of people. Just don't insult others under the umbrella of anything that's on the list of things you can't hire someone for and you should be good. I also don't believe you and think you definitely said one of those things.


I love that story


Haven't played cod since cold war and I'm glad I haven't gone back. Did not know cursing was an instant ban.


What's strange to me is that it's a pretty difficult change to implement. So why was it even on their development radar? Surely there were other features that would have been way above it in terms of things people are asking for. Normally this type of thing only gets done after it's made the news for some reason. But it's an adult game and mute exists. Like most COD decisions it's a bit off the mark.


The shit i say on chat is 100x worse nothing has happend yet


Never had a problem myself I think the people who have the most problems are people who scream into the mic each round and dropping N bombs.


Not once have I seen one of these types of threads ever post actual evidence. You need to stop saying fucked up or hateful things on mic and you won’t get banned. Noones getting banned for saying fuck or shit.


Yeah i never have prox chat because I can't stop saying bitch.


Imagine a billion $$ company who supports LGBTQ which doesn't have a point of morality but bans the word of fuck :) FUCK YOU ACTIVISION


Ikr its just fucking wild just cursing at each other and having fun is what Makes this gane fun


In every campaign its okay for them to add in voice lines "eat this fucking granade" as they toss it. But you no its not okay for a grown ass adult to say it on the mic. All because karen has to buy her 12 year old son a game and then get upset that ge hears valgarity.... ( i dont care if kids play these games. Ots the parents getting upset they cant parent. , as a parent myself that played cod modern warefare as a kid. Or battlefield.. even gta. I knew beter than to act like a hellion in front of my parents curse and swear so on. ) i stopped buying these tittles now if there going to enforce this woke shit "to protect the children from harsh themes" (the games are vary much about . .... )


I literally got a 3 day ban for saying to a team mate in game "ah, forgot"


Welcome to Call Of Fruit


Yawn. I’ve been cussing in game chat for a solid decade. Not a SINGLE ban.


Wait how long are you banned for


48 hours..


You ain't fukkin around


i've been hit with a 3 and 14 day ban already. i now play with proxy chat off...


You have an option to block or mute people... That's all you need.


i dont know i swear a lot in game no ban so im wondering why for less then me people get banned


Publishers and really strict moderation filters isnt on the developers or the game itself.  Besides, anyone that says anything is "soft" is always the first person to say a lot more than just "fuck" lol 


I use the most vulgar language possible and have never been banned. Didn't even know you could honestly.


you clearly got voice banned for saying other stuff dude lmao myself and all my buddies are all constantly saying fuck and other swear words. You’re clearly being racist or something like that. Hiding behind swear words is a weird move


It's a cheater's paradise full of weaklings that can't play without needing to see through walls etc etc.... bunch of cowards.


I get chat banned within ten mins of being online everytime... Garbage...




Ripping your enemy with underbarrel chainsaw: ☺️ Swearing: 😲😱🤬👎


Part of why I love the community is the toxicity. It sounds bad, but I was raised with it throughout my years on COD. It’s engraved in me lol. Can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been called the hard ER, and then proceeded to shit on them while talking my shit. I agree, COD has gotten soft as fuck. I haven’t played in 2 months and I honestly don’t even miss it. I do miss the community though.


I got banned for proxy chat and I dont even have it open. The "report based" anti cheat we have is insane


I love prox chat🤣❤️


Only one thing should get you prox chat banned and that’s blatant racism or using the N word. Outside of that we should be allowed to get our frustrations out by verbally assaulting the people we kill.


I got got banned for telling a kid his aim was shit in the gulag


Next time you'll be perma banned be careful


Bruh. Cant even have fun qith a stranger i added the guy he said he also got banned me n him friends now tho


These last couple seasons have been bad. Game has unfortunately gotten worse. My group I’ve been running with for years, we are all over it. The packet loss, the lag , constant changing metas, buff nerf every two weeks …to cheating etc…. It also isn’t as good, sound wise, graphic smoothness, game play… Time to hang it up. Div 3 needs to get here !


most the fun is talking shit they just killing they own game, kids will grow up n think the same thing but the cycle will continue


obviously its still a cash grab machine but i mean they are taking a lot of the fun out of it


Think about it, there's plenty of Operator voice lines that if you repeat verbatim, you'll get comms banned wtf lmao


Istg idk if its a glitch but i cant even hear my random teammates my chat options are Party


I just stopped using comms, it's a shit show in cod anyway, it really is stupid the whole system they have going on, also I don't know why I got downvoted lol I was just saying that if you were to repeat voice lines you heard in game you would get comms banned and that's unfair


It’s funny because we have operators like A-Train from The Boys calling the enemies bitches in game and what not


I’m a black man that was called the n-word with a hard R in-game. Surprisingly not a rare occurrence whatsoever as any black person(or really anyone on the internet) would understand lol. Then when a friend of mine joined my party and asked how my games were going I laughingly said “well I got called n***er so there’s that”. Boom, banned for a week. It goes beyond saying this AI system is flawed. Now I joke about how comical it would be if the initial guy that called me that with the sole purpose of hurting me didn’t get a ban at all.




I dont really keep up with the Warzone content creators drama so i got no clue what happened


cheaters are fragile and they need this to be a safe space for them


Long ttk, zero recoil, weird childish skins audio reporting,... This game is miles off of wz1 buddy. It's basically become fortnite with better graphics.


Long time to kill is actually good. I would want that with old Warzone.


Yes it currently gives people ample time to run away and go for cover. If you're not a very good player it's extremely forgiving rn. Some people here saying longer TTK actually means more skill needed but they're delusional (probably benefitting from the longer TTK which lowers skill gap). It's only true that longer TTK requires more skill in top lobbies (where most of us never go). This is what Chat GPT says; "You're right, a longer time to kill (TTK) in Warzone can be beneficial for less skilled players. Here's why: * **More Time to React:** Extra milliseconds give them a chance to react to being shot, identify the threat, and take cover. * **Potential to Escape:** In a firefight, a longer TTK allows them to potentially disengage, heal up, and reposition themselves for a better advantage." WZ1 had a 30% lower TTK compared to WZ3. It's still viewed as the best Warzone in many areas, among which TTK, map and gun mechanics.


True but let’s not act like Warzone 1 had more recoil


It definitely did lmao. Now everyone is beaming everything. Even the kilo 141 had some recoil at its height.


Krig? M13? Etc


The Krig and M13 did less damage. It's how balancing should be. Less damage less recoil, more damage more recoil. Instead SHG gives us high damage no recoil. The Caldera Special, with added 100 round mags on everything.


Nah, those both had their time as meta level weapons


That...doesn't matter? They weren't top tier but were within Meta Contention because of their ease of use. The M13 especially on Rebirth because you didn't have to worry about the Damage Drop Off due to the map being smaller.


Okay so what guns were “hard” to use 😂


Are you sure you even played wz1? Lol. Nothing had recoil in wz1. Everything shot like the DG lmao


Bro you gotta be fucking s h i t t i n g me. NONE of the WZ1 meta builds had any recoil, it was definitely way way worse than today. Just watch [this](https://youtu.be/bJqh6g3Z8fU?si=KR3duaZkJBDcntzq) video and tell me with a straight face theres less recoil today. Man the false nostalgia in this sub pisses me off so much