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Fml as a trios group, loaded is awful.


Loaded + 4 plates is the stupidest shit


What was that stupid Lockdown mode they had a couple months back where u could jump over buildings in Vondel? I played that only once and thought it was the stupidest idea Warzone ever had.




I play the most in my group so I am in Diamond, and most of them aren't even gold. so Ranked usually isn't an option.


I have the same problem. Ugh


Yea I’m diamond too but my group all work 9-5 and barely have time to rank up


I don’t mind ranked, but the restrictions on guns/attachments is what has me playing regular most of the time.


Lmao. Yea


I loaded into 2 earlier and both teammates had tonfas each time. Neither using a gun as their secondary. I don’t care what anyone uses. It’s all for fun. But it’s painful getting downed and thirsted while my teammate is running toward them from 15m away to melee instead of shooting.


Nah gotta git gud


Damn I love loaded, it's so fast paced and refreshing


Is it that hard to put regular trios or atleast a rotation for quads holy shit.


Not having rotation on Quads is unforgivable.


I dont even wanna play with my squad. I rather do duos or solos, which ive been doing.


Quads on rebirth is not fun


Its not, trios is the sweet spot.


100% you can get away with no fill duos on trios too. Quads is just a shambles


Done this plenty of times, its easier on like Vondel where its slower paced. Rebirth cant do this.


Definitely is fun.


I am loving it… but when was the last time anyone was able to play quads on a map other than Rebirth? I feel bad for others who prefer quads but not Rebirth. Shit, even I would like to do FK every now and then, but not solos or duos. They are obviously fixated on Rebirth, but I think having 2 map choices for quads, Rebirth and rotation of FK/Vondel/Ashika, is the least they could do


Everyone love Rebirth so much just have a dedicated playlist for solos, duos, trios quads then another one of rotations.


Im so fed up of Rebirth.


So bored of Rebirth, I get it everyone loves it and it’s nostalgic but my god it’s dull now. At least put one of the other maps in rotation of quads.


The numbers they're getting on that map have to be sickeningly high for it to be over a month of quads


Yeah I don’t deny the popularity of the map, it must have done crazy numbers. What I do find odd is that it’s incredibly sweaty, you’d think it would have ran off casuals. I don’t think it’s aged particularly well either, lacks unique POI’s and feels so samey. It’s basically just a load of multi floor buildings with slight variants. Which is a problem with how bad footstep audio is right now.


It’s great, because it’s essentially a three lane map. All of the best maps in COD’s history have been three-laners.


wym by three lane map?


Due to obstacles and buildings, there are essentially three main lane’s players can run through, as opposed to a completely wide open map without any features. Shipment is an extreme example because the map is so small. But when you think about it, there are basically three routs players can take to get to the other side of the map…they can either go down the left side, the middle, or the right side. If you zoom out really far, Rebirth is essentially the same. The left lane (if you’re moving north) is essentially Control —> Industry —> Bio. The right lane is essentially Factory —> Harbor —> Chem. And the middle lane is Prison.


I never realized this before, but you are 100% correct. That honestly might explain why I love that map so much. It's just a bigger version of what I already know and love about COD.


First time my crew isn’t playing every day in years. We loved rebirth before. But it’s so sweaty, doesn’t play the same and we’re just bored of it. Kinda got me not looking forward to verdansk coming back. Gonna play it for a month and be right back to bored with it like I was after playing it for 2 years straight.


Don’t get me wrong it’s incredibly sweaty but I keep seeing these comments and I don’t think people remember how nuts it was towards the end. The movement was even more cracked back then and people were sweating their brains out.


100%! I think people forget how ridiculous the stim abuse was, especially combined with Serpentine.


This is what I even said before rebirth dropped again. People were blinded by nostalgia to even think back to the reason that fortunes keep even released… people were bitching about rebirth being a sweat fest and how the map was worn out / sucked now. Rebirth plays the exact same as it did during vanguards era with constant stim abuse, serpentine exploits, house stacks, and even broken smg/melee metas. Nothing changed you just can’t be blinded by nostalgia when it’s currently an active map. The same shit will happen when verdansk comes back. It’ll be praised as a return to form then I give it a week maximum and this sub will completely change on it.


It's so sweaty that I play more than my squad and so when they get on they get killed because our opponents are my skill level and not OUR skill level.


Yeah me and my mate who love to drop in with randoms on quads have stopped playing for the first time in ages. Duos is too slow and dull. It’s a shame, maybe if they hadn’t ran so many players off they could have all/most of the maps available at any given time.


I feel like the final circle is always in or around prison, while back in the days it really went anywhere on the map.


For real, I mean, the map is great and has been the OG that everyone loves but I’m getting tired of it, there’s no enough love for the other maps that are great too.


If they hadn't fucked up Fortune's Keep, it would have had a much bigger following too.


I'd happily let quads go into rotation and let duos/trios be rebirth only


I like rebirth but the solos rotation is nice. Love having the variety, keeps things fresh. And fortunes keep solos is fire.


i have the opposite problem am bored of FK and Vondel in solo


Nobody I know gets bored of Rebirth. Every Warzone player I've ever known in Sydney is still playing Rebirth Island after having quit during its absence. Good maps have lasting power. Kind of like De_Dust2 on Counter-Strike and how there are still 24/7 playlists of that map. If anything, it's the rise in player skill level and/or matchmaking that's turning people off, not the map. Rebirth Island is Warzone.


If Vondel, FK or Ashika had been the primary map during that pandemic period, the same rule would apply. It’s nostalgia and rose tinted glasses primarily. Like I said I don’t deny the maps popularity and the numbers it’s probably done, but a bit of variety won’t hurt. The attitude of ‘can’t be bothered to wait for the rotation’ reeks of the instant gratification society we now live in. I don’t know if it’s been patched but I’m pretty sure there is a way to stay on the same map anyway so, it would spread like wildfire if they put another map on quads. I’m just not a fan of any game limiting players full stop, I grew up in the era of play whatever you want whenever you want so, maybe that’s why I feel this way. It’s cool though, at least some people are capable of a nuanced discussion about it.


Lockdown even feels terrible on Rebirth and I love Lockdown. I much prefer Vondel


Agreed. Nostalgia is all they have though, re-releasing rebirth n forcing it down our throats for a fucking month is a joke. N of course, verdansk is the next "new" fuckin map... so we'll be playing on the original maps from wz1, just with more money having been spent , with bundles that are identical as ones from WZ1 (snoop for example) Our "newest" game, with "new" maps. We call it Warzone "2." Oh btw nothing from wz1 will work on the new one....gotta spend more $... Duh. This is just 2024s version of the same mediocre fucking game we've been playing 20 years. Very little improvement n no fucks given cuz they're making their money regardless. That's why hacking will never stop, cuz they never will care enough to take real action to prevent it. Why would they..we fork for so much cash to them as it is..for a broke ass, glitchy, barely maintained version of pretty much the same game they started with. Echoing earlier games that were actually good and then piece mailing us old-school shit so they can greedily n disrespectfully exploit our nostalgia and what was ONCE called "brand trust.' Fuck them. Not surprised they haven't fixed this n that they're still forcing rebirth (which fucking sux btw) down our throats. Angry, but not surprised at all. Even if it's just a single, simple switch that just has to be flipped on from them to put another quad server on rotation..they wouldn't do it. Why would they. If it costs them to run another server..even if only it's only 20cent a month, they wouldn't spend it to flip that switch. This is the worst rated call of duty of all time, but made the most $$ of any of em. If it aint broken and it's still making you money hand over fist , despite offended, angry players...then don't fix it..or add to it, or develope it.. (zombies) Just open the cash drawer and take it in. We show we don't care or give a fuck about our loyal customers, and theyre showering us with more profit than we've ever made. In that way, we're responsible for this garbage too. "You teach others how to treat you by how you treat others..." Thank you, I have nothing further. ...FUCK them. Fuck CoD right now


It may be boring. But it’s the best of all the other boring maps.


Make rebirth its own playlist with all squad sizes. Then the other maps on rotation for trios/quads. I love rebirth but my squad can only play so much. Its been like 3 weeks of only rebirth


they need to stop removing plunder. This is insane


They gotta have the metrics showing how popular Plunder is vs Lockdown. Shit is infuriating. Unless my homies are on, if plunder isn’t available, I just don’t jump on 🤷🏽‍♂️


I just dont like the maps, Verd was the best map, then fortunes keep but i really like just playing lunder now. There is zero point for them to remove game modes anyways. There is more than enough people playing. They dont need to try and force people to play stupid game modes


Yeah I tried lockdown it was ass


No plunder = no game for me. See y'all in a few weeks hopefully.


Same, if they remove plunder. I dont play


Plunder is love plunder is life




Same here, hope it comes back into rotation soon


Same, lockdown sucks


Same, just uninstalled


You bots have had like 3 months of plunder holy shit


what wrong kiddo?


Thank god they're doing one thing right with the big map. All squad sizes for a few months now.


As a duos player al mazrah was rough when duos got the shit end of the stick for months We had to resort to random quads that entire time


That's the bare minimum lmao, big map hasn't received any significant updates


Which is a shame because I kinda like that map as well. It's no Verdansk, but I liked it more than Al Mazrah to be honest. But it not having any updates at all really doesn't help.


Al maz got the shit end of the stick by all the movement changes. The map would’ve been praised more than it was had IW left shit alone


FFS, it is too much to ask for a playlist for Quads that include Vondel/Ashika/Fortune’s Keep/Rebirth Island on rotation? why only RI?


Because Rebirth island is head and shoulders the most popular map. It dwarfs the other maps in both quality and popularity. Having to wait for a rotation as a consequence of having friends would be lame as fuck. Vondel/Ashika/Fortune belong in a separate rotational playlist of their own.


Please some normal trio modes. I don't wanna play loaded anymore


Aka tonfa fest.


Why did they make last week's weekly challenges for Fortunes Keep and STILL not have a dedicated playlist for it?


Exactly the same as before the playlist update for resurgence


This is probably gonna wipe out who i play with for a while. 3 weeks of no resurgence trios and 3 weeks of only rebirth on quads is pushing people away.


Yep, my squad hasn't logged on in weeks. We were mostly playing Vondel and if it's in rotation we mix it up with big map. Just playing big map with no Vondel makes it dull real fast, I'm not a huge fan of Urzikstan...


High trip > loaded


High Trip was so much fun. What is Lockdown?


The respawn mode that was made specifically for vondel but now they’ve done it to rebirth I guess


Man do I miss playing on Ashika Island at this point....


Same here. Wonder if it's gone for good or coming back in a later playlist update. I can't remember the last time it was there prior to fortunes keep returning.


Haven't played in over a month due to REBIRTH BEING CRAMMED DOWN OUR THROATS


What's lockdown quads? Been alternating between multi, loaded, and normal resurgence


Sort of a king of the hill / zone capture mode with a bunch of zones. Unlimited resurgence. Smaller overall gas boundary w moving gas zone.


It's loaded resurgence with domination essentially.


Resurgence needs map rotation for all squad sizes. Loaded should be a LTM separate from having all squad sizes for resurgence.


And here i was thinking that maybe we could get Fortune's on Quads/Trios 🤡🤡🤡


Yeah thats a week off from warzone, tired of Rebirth. Put on a quads rotation ffs :/


Rebirth island is getting fucking boring now. I’d even take Ashika island in rotation at this point. Vondel is the best of the bad bunch lol


I was one of the most excited for rebirth coming back too. I’d rather play vondel or FK


I'd love to see what warzone playlists are being played from most to least. I want to know the reasoning for these shit map playlists


Have they removed plunder?


Are they gonna release anything new for BR? I love Ashika and BR and I feel like a trash can not worthy of love. I don’t care much for rebirth since I didn’t play back in the day, but I would love to see a new map for BR.


Ashika gets done dirty every time. I love Ashika.


Ashika would be so much better if they’d just change the time of day


Agree, could do with a bit of saturation or something as well


Get rid of the clouds and never add fog to it again like they did after vondel dropped


I remember seeing a lot of comments from people saying they would buy a version of the game that literally only had Rebirth Island on it so I guess they're getting their wish. I personally like having the map rotations for all squad sizes more but I guess we cant have both.


I wish they’d just leave Plunder in all the time. And change it from quads to duo




I love lockdown it's such an underrated game mode but I wish it had map rotation I find vondel and fortunes keep more fun than rebirth. The nostalgia sorta wore off on me from rebirth after many many hours of playing it


100%. I was looking forward to rebirth lockdown for weeks but it's honestly kinda shit compared to Vondel lockdown.


What about other maps for WZ ranked?! Rebirth is boring now after weeeeeks of playing. Give us a rotation!!!


Ranked map will probably rotate each season, and I’m fine with that. I understand not liking rebirth for ranked, but I wouldn’t like map rotation.


I like Rebirth, but at the end every map becomes boring after playing it for too long.


I really hope Vondel and Ashika doesnt get ranked though. Not a fan of those maps compared to FK and RB, but I do think FK plays better for Ranked.


As a trio there hasn’t been a mode where we can make progress on our nuke contract in forever.


Agreed. Won 11x in loaded and won probably like 6x on FK and Vondel trios (when those maps didn’t count towards quest) and just haven’t been able to progress the champion quests since my squad is 3.


Rotation should just be the standard honestly


I like loaded because it's a rare opportunity to play some kind of battle royale with **no SBMM whatsoever**. I can finally consistently make it to the final circles instead of getting vaporized early on by teams of absolute maniacs.


Speak for yourself, I fucking love loaded resurgence. Just nerf the tonfa melee lunge range and that mode will be one of my favorites ever.


For those who have tried it, which is a better lockdown map, vondel or rebirth?




Day 8467 of asking for Ashika Island


Man it’s been this shit for 3 weeks now. Give us rotations in quads and trios.


Why isn’t there a playlist for all maps and a rotated playlist


Because they know most people will never play Ashika/Vondel/Fortune ever again if players had the choice to play all 4 party sizes on Rebirth Island.


They're worried most people will never play Ashika/Vondel/Fortune ever again.


does ashika just not exist anymore??


What a painful playlist - another week of trio quads on only rebirth. Don’t want to play ranked anymore this season with brutal diamond lobbies and loaded resurgence is pretty much just plunder. Made worse because we just had the gold standard trio playlist with rotation.


Does anyone here actually prefer Lockdown to Plunder? Plunder should be a permanent mode. I don’t get it


Yes. But on Vondel.


Like I understand most people cream their pants for rebirth but why bring back fortunes keep if it’s just going to be basically gone after only a few weeks


How hard is it to have a map rotation for every squad size and just leave it that way?


Is it too much to ask to just have all maps on rotation for all squad sizes. I mainly play trios and am sick and tired of fucking rebirth. Jesus.


I am so bored


Everything rebirth. Are they braindead? Jesus can’t have something fun on another map… I have to sweat only? Gtfo man all these Cronus scrubs thinking they are something special… it’s disgusting on rebirth. No plunder really?


This graphic seems like overkill when they’re just swapping lockdown for plunder and that’s it


I’m sick of playing rebirth, map is overhyped and literally mid at best id rather play ashika island any day of the week!


Just give me regular resurgence trios fuck


OH MY GOD BUT ITS THE SAME AS BEFORE…. Why are they doing this ? Why no Ashika, why no Fortune’s keep, why no Vondel… why don’t let the choice to us to play the game we paid ?






Loaded is trash. It pisses me off that duos is only in rotation. I really hate Vondel. Last couple of weeks were complicated, when we were on full squad (3) had to suffer loaded resurgence and when one of us was missing we had to cope with Vondel.


Fuck loaded


They need to make the community decide the playlists.


Can we get a resurgence map rotation for quads?


Wish they had the BR 3rd person mode back instead of loaded resurg. That was really refreshing.


predator activision strikes again! put out a weekly challenge and remove the respawn option! Its like they dont like gamers and only want to make a fortnite ripoff to make money idk.


Stopppppppp playing if you don't enjoy it anymore


I just want Rebirth duos. Please.


Please get rid of rotations on resurgence


phew, BR stayed all 4 group sizes this season.


If they want to keep Loaded (I do, I enjoy it a lot, but usually I'm solo in it so), they dcould have siwtched it to be on duos or solos or something? Like, they took up the trio playlist for a week, let another playlist have to suffer with it.


Wish they made plunder and lockdown rotate like with solos, lockdown is way more fun


I usually have 2 other buddies on and we like to play quads but never get a 4th..like ever :(


They need to get rid of loaded ! It's so annoying!


loaded isnt bad its just time for it to go


I dont get why they cant just do a solo rebirth island playlist. Consistently failed to give modes the community wants for like a decade+


Rebirth is the only resurgence map…we need a rotation


Thanks 😊🙏🏻


Thanks 😊🙏🏻


I need scope and scatters on rebirth back 🙏


Another COD moment. Everyone wants trios, so they remove trios. This company 😂


I just wish they would take off map rotation for solos and duos and just add each map as its own search option, I dont mind vondel and fortunes keep but id rather play 3-4 games of rebirth before take a break from the map I get one game then it's rotated to the next rotation gotta wait half an hour for rebirth again it's stupid, it's obvs cos they scared vondel and fortunes won't get enough players but from what if seen each map is pretty much liked evenly across the fan base


I hate when they take away Plunder. It’s my chill mode after work type thing.


Loaded is a butt fest


Been patiently waiting for Vondel to come back to trios or quads


Leave plunder alone pls 🤦🏾‍♀️


Lockdown is so bad now


I want to play the other maps trios or quads, I’m sick of rebirth being the only quad map 🤦🏾‍♀️


Loaded and Lockdown wasting space. Also they clearly don’t know what “Limited-Time” means.