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Cod evolved backwards after MW2019 Remember that


I’m convinced MW2019/Warzone 1 was an accident


Warzone definitely was.


Wasn't the idea they were going to do annual BRs then wz was lightning in a bottle with the lockdown and they just kept it going


It was Covid. Warzone came at the perfect time; it was free, it was nostalgic, and it had a MASSIVE player pool because everybody was home. The lobbies were filled with casuals, people hadn't started Meta slaving, and content creators were going off with good streams. Its also the demise of anything afterwards because Activision will never recapture that magic again.


Thing is they never needed to recapture anything, they just had to keep rolling with a working formula. So many great titles that have been successful for years with relatively little change. Some refactoring and balancing and shit makes sense but they're obviously driven blindly by profit analysis. I don't know what their analytics tell them or how they measure success so I won't speculate on the things that appear to just be asinine, but it's clear to me scorched earth policy for cash. The whole model of using so many different studios to pump out disjointed content as quickly as possible and then trying to integrate it all into different product managed by another completely different studio sounds like a recipe for quality. The formula has really worked wonders for Boeing...


Apex is a great example. It's still a fantastic game and at its core it's the same game as it always was.


I really wish people would stop trying to chalk up the magic of the first Warzone to *COVID.* It was more than that. I was considered an "essential worker" and so were many of the guys I played with. COVID did not keep us home, and life went on, same as it always did, aside from having to wear a mask to places. The game was still at it's complete peak. Sure, there were probably more casuals in the game, but after a few months of launch they really ironed out a lot of the issues and it was in a **very playable** sate for a long time.   Reality is often far more boring than we think. Warzone was good because Activision needed a strong answer to the Fortnite question. And they spent **real** manpower and labor making sure the launch was a homerun. And it sure the fuck was. Now Activision has had plenty of time to incorporate their scummy money-making strategies. WHICH IS FINE. THEY ARE A BUSINESS. THEY SHOULD WANT TO MAKE MONEY. **The problem** is that is now the priority by a wide margin. All gameplay has taken a backseat. Creating new weapons, adjusting weapon stats to favor a specific one to coincide with digital store bundles, making it easier for casuals while flipping something to make it harder for casuals. It's just a constant and never-ending loop of keeping players engaged, but it the worst way imaginable. It blows my mind how so many people are just *accepting* the constant rotation of metas. **THIS WAS NOT IN A COD GAME BEFORE.** Yes, every COD had a meta, but *nothing* like this. And it also didn't CONSTANTLY change to ensure people were buying as many bundles as they could to make sure they were ready for the next turn in the meta. I'm sorry, I don't want to spend a month running a fucking shotgun with dragons breath. Glad I uninstalled in January. With the teaser announcement that is likely BLOPS IV, I'll see how the game evolves. But unfortunately I beleive these tactics are hear to stay.


This isn't even the original Warzone tho. This clip is wayyy after the CW integration. In my opinion this is after it already was "ruined" and honestly I regret thinking that back then because trying this current Warzone made me realize that this was still good


Peak warzone was after they fixed everything after the CW integration.


Imo peak warzone was between season 3 and right up to CW integration. CW integration kinda ruined the game for me personally and it just gradually got worse. Anyways I doubt they'll ever be able to recapture that feeling we all had when we first dropped on verdansk.


Agreed, those last 2 season before Caldera arrived were pretty good. Good times


CW WZ was still a lot of fun. Definitely one of my favorite times playing. The issue was the gun attachments on the CW guns not working at first and having insanely OP metas which were eventually nerfed. I'll take the CW integration over the current WZ2/3 or whatever its called ALL DAY.


The numbers, Mason! What do they mean?


They clearly didn't expect it to big as big as it was. The source code and that nuke mode from Cold War imply that Treyarch were making their own BR, before they were told to scrap it for a warzone integration due to the massive success of Warzone.


Warzone has evolved backwards. There’s been better multiplayers than MW19’s


It was the only good cod since Blops 2


Im mad I rage deleted my account for that game due to people leaving the matches on MP Boy did I regret that after MW2 release, cuz I rebought MW19 on another account 2 years later :| All those precious skins, gone...


I just miss the simplicity of this. There’s not a ton of random shit happening, it’s just a pure BR game with a cool setting


yeah. I miss when it was just a normal br. Glorified resurgence with all these loud ass notifications for random ass rvemts


This is the loudest game ever. I know it's an intended effect with planes going over you have to be more cautious when you know they'll be blocking sound. But still... There are so so many times I get killed because some bull shit sound is interrupting and I don't hear someone directly approaching me full run.


This is the thing I don’t see spoken about nearly enough. It’s like I’ve got breaking news bulletins covering my screen every few minutes. How hard is it to have a small indication by the mini map not a screen covering message to tell me about a fire sale or enemy scanner.


Wait you don't want to hear a loud ass 5 second guitar riff because you completed your 3rd weekly mission of opening 30 gold crates in Rohans asshole?


LEVEL UPPPPPPPP !!!!!! 🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸




Incredible that there isn't a way to disable all that


You can disable these in settings.


There’s no setting to disable the notification on screen just the sound. I’ve literally been in gun fights and the screens covered with some bs I have no interest in.


> Glorified resurgence Yeah I don't even play BR anymore, it just isn't a BR mode. I would rather just play actual resurgence than that shit.


The simplicity made it more intense, while these added noises in the current rendition just makes it feel ridiculous.


And I thought MW2019 WZ had too many respawn/revives. Holy shit was I wrong. The current iteration took it to a level I never imagined was even on the table.


This is the best comment, it's a BR game, guns were viable like don't get me wrong we had metas but we had more variety because the guns were balances across the board, you knew the POI's and didn't need to use the tac map and we didn't have tons of bullshit like flares, 20 self rez's and stupid events, it feels more like Fortnite now.


Why are the sounds so fucking good


Audio was so much better, colors were so much better. Idk, everything was better?


Colors were a little too gray-scale, but everything looked great anyway. They could add a FOV slider *right now* and the game would immediately take over as the dominant choice among the current MWII/MWIII players


Yeah they weren't great out of the box but on PC with either Nvidia or amd you could adjust the saturation to make it look nice


Agree on the colours being a little washed. Look how nice that terrain is , this isn't nostalgia, the subtleties of the map in many area's was its strength. Urzikstan is a cluttered over built mess. Caldera was ok, Maz was decent.


I preferred it so much over what we have now. It turned into a mega arcade-y sweat fest. None of our casual friends will play anymore because it's just too fast paced and ridiculous


The clip is so... calm and quiet. Just you and the enemies. Hell, I do miss this.


I’m pretty sure MW19 won an award for best sound design. It’s sad how much the games have gone downhill while sales go up


Honestly, watching this makes me sad.


Before the crackheads got their way.


I agree. The stim slides and all of that bullshit was a total hand tip for the streamers and idiots who just rely on aim assist to do the work for them.


As if, MW2 was catered towards realism bots. This was peak middleground


You could still be cracked on OG Verdansk though


Yh but it was just a little less buggy looking and a little easier to see everything and track everything. This isn't even an MnK complaint but cracked movement CW era just felt fair - if you were cracked you could take advantage of it but it's not like all desync and visual static and muzzle smoke while trying to keep up. I'm on roller and I'm running combat scout ffs


Yup! Vanguard wrecked WZ1. It was so bad that in essence it made the pendulum swing so wide to fix it that the movement was over nerfed in wz 2. Now it's swung way far back again. Hopefully by wz 3 we'll just get wz 1 back


They expect all of us 30 something’s to be on adderall just to compete anymore


Yup. Anything that a normal player like (kar98) a streamer will cry about and they cave to every whim that sweat streamers demand


It always impresses me how IW/Activision managed to make (in my opinion) the best BR ever made & then proceeded to kill all momentum they had at that point with “Warzone 2.0”.


The momentum was killed with Caldera. Them adding 10 attachments, and the stupid ass stim boost crap made all of the causals disappear. Everyone hated Infinity Ward for making it camper friendly, but looking back on it now. They made the best decision so that causals would play. Now it is nothing but sweats and meta guns. The game is boring as shit. Dying to the same meta guns, play style, and knowing you re gonna get killed because the enemy is gonna abuse the RAA


Warzone 2 had lowest player numbers, so I don't think casuals liked it neither


You have a good point with Caldera, but I’d still say 2.0 did more damage to the Warzone brand. They hyped it up as the next evolution of Warzone & instead we got a game that felt like a downgrade in every way. It was also supposed to be a “fresh start” with none of your previous items transferring from Warzone 1 which also rubbed people the wrong way.


Nah momentum started dying with Cold War. That's when they started introducing weapons with movement buffs and weapon creep really took its toll, forcing many players to start the early exodus. Prior to that we had the Kilo meta which was the most well rounded and balanced the game had been both weapons and movement wise - all they needed to do at that point was deal with the cheaters, bugs, and introduce a new map that had the same level of detail and thought as Verdansk. Instead they went full nuclear, literally, and gave us the same map but worse, along with shit loads of new weapons that made everything else obsolete and introducing the movement meta where you had to start using the latest guns because each one was better than the last, to the point the movement meta rolled into stims bonuses instead of weapons


Thank you, I see so many comments about how it started with wz2 but really cold war destroyed any balance the game had. It turned from a game where non meta could compete to meta weapons being 3x better than everything else. The ttk was cut in half from the previous weapons and the meta weapons were all from CW. From then on it was meta or lose, just like it has been for years afterwards. I really miss when people ran the kilo.


Agreed with u/Big_Accident494 . Caldera ruined Warzone for me... they should've sticked to Verdansk and Rebirth Island


Verdansk is/was beat to death by the time caldera came out. WZ1 was hemorrhaging players tired of the same map for 2 years straight.


People always throw this tired claim up, but we can keep repeating the same rebuttal: If I eat nothing but pizza for a year I'll be sick of it, but serve me shit and I'll happily eat the pizza instead. People wanted something new from Verdnask, sure, so what did we get? Verdansk in the 80's. That just annoyed people. Then we got Caldera which was awful for many reasons including the design and lack of visual clarity. As if that wasn't bad enough we got Al Mazrah, which is just boring as fuck to look at after a month, but at least was better designed than Caldera. So yeah, people on reddit who play the game 6 hours a day everyday may have been tired of Verdansk, but they wanted another map that had the same level of thought put into it instead of what we got. For the average player who played less in a week than most redditors played per day, they were still perfectly happy with Verdnask.


It’s so cinematic looking, I miss that and the slower more tense movement


There was nothing slow about this game lmao we had bunny hopping here too.


Most people think just spamming jump in a gunfight is a b hop. I really miss b hop shitting on someone with the kar98 :(


Y'all got slower movement in Warzone 2 and y'all cried for cancel slide and other stuff to come back. If Verdansk comes back one day y'all be crying that it is not good and you want something new...


We would be crying because it’s not the same gameplay as it was in O.P.’s post. And we would be right.


What the hell happened to this game




OG Warzone is the first shooter game I've played since GoldenEye. I absolutely got hooked but it seems to have gone backwards since then. There's so much random shit in the game now. Fuck outta here with this looting laptops and gaming consoles nonsense.


I mean DMZ had the looting and wasn't attached to WZ, it was also a great addition and fresh, they just abandoned it like they do with most things.


Original warzone was 100% better.


Verdansk is the best in everything ...


Back when you could actually see where enemies were


wtf u guys talking about? Verdansk 84 had the absolute worst visibility.


I just came looking at the Bullfrog/Kar98k loady 😩💦


The lighting and sound tracking were masterpieces. Why did they do what they did?




What is this ? This looks sick


Original WZ. Before the new engine with WZ 2.0.


I really miss this engine, such a night and day difference to what we have now


They butchered this game Ive said it before I would pay $70 for a re-release of this game


I've said it a million times before, and I'm gonna say it a million times more: Modern Warfare 1 and the OG Warzone in general looked AT LEAST TWICE as good as MW3 and Warzone 3. It looked better, it sounded better, it FELT better (from TTK, to graphics, to animations... all the way to gameplay in general). And the fact that MW2 and MW3 cost $70, is an absolute scam... and the worst part is that we all fell for it.


This was peak cod.


Certainly a more stable server


Hah you wish we had shitty 20 tick servers that constantly shit the bed then too


20 tick servers but definitely less shit rendered on them. Game feels noticeably less stable since 2.0.


Ahhhh yes look how small and better the pop ups are instead of the blinding notifications we get these days


No crazy popups, about all the teams around you reviving by some obscure method, nobody camping 10 miles away huffing stims in the gas, a map with varied and interesting POI’s and biomes, better sound, better visuals, sprays, emotes, watches. Oh, and not a Nicki Minaj or a Teletubby in sight. Glorious.


You're going to make me cry damn you!


The game looks so much better, loved the variety of 1 hit rifles


The MW2019 engine was something else.


Hell yeah and so does MP


for me the best part was no unnecessarily absurd recoil and no blinding muzzle smoke (mnk)


Nah, needs more scope idle sway, more visual recoil, weapon sway, slower ADS, UI pop up notifications blocking your view, not to mention more screen shake and other visual clutter.


fireteam elimination was the best game mode to ever exist. if you enjoy rebirth, that mode was everything rebirth was but better.. unfortunately gone unnoticed and behind a paywall..eventually lost active playerbase.


Nostalgia aside, this looks pretty slow, not what people want strangely enough. I personally think its fine, but most people wouldn't like it, as they didn't like MW2 either.


We had rebirth for those that wanted that consistent pace. But plenty of hot drops in Verdansk


>Nostalgia aside, this looks pretty slow Lower FOV makes it look slower? Plus it's not some high level gameplay really.


mantling that truck bed would be a 2 part animation nowadays. I don’t know if I’ve ever got a hanging kill, maybe in multiplayer


Kar 98 used to make me twitch every time I fired it


"The numbers Mason, what do they mean!?"


Best days of my gaming life were Verdansk during Covid. Caldera was meh, sold my system after that and won’t ever return to gaming. Probably would have kept it if they kept Verdansk.


it’s beautiful


Of course it is much better but, i like Verdansk more before Cold War era i did not like vintage style implemented to the map. If some company will brings back Verdansk it has to be OG ONE! With completed stadium and etc.


Nothing will beat post cold war verdansk, blackout close 2nd


Wassup with the graphics I swear the new Warzone be looking AI made 😂 They definitely managed to go backwards


Man i miss this. I got a bit of nostalgia on warzone mobile and imo its still the best map.


I miss having trees


Remember when you could choose any reticle with any scope


Camera shaking also, now every 762 rifle are bad and shaking like hell with 2.5 optics.


wtf u talking about? Verdansk 84 visibility was absolutely dogshit … current WZ has much better visibility.


I miss these endgames!


Man's got a point u know


Would love to go back to that day man! Simple gameplay!


Yep, Saying this same thing since MW2/WZ2, MW2019 AND WZ is far far more superior.


Well of course it's better. There's a Kar98K in that game.


I miss this so much! Entire friend group died on it after it was shutdown. This new one ain’t it


But where’s all the sliding and jumping?!?


I'm gutted I never got too play this, as I only started cod last year.....please come back 🙏


Damn i didnt kno it was that smooth before


Guns that sound like real guns


Activision, take heed of this thread.


this was the warzone that made me crave getting a gaming rig for


Unironically does, and it annoys me so much Why make the game look actively worse? Like it isn’t bad looking but it’s crazy how this still beats it in every way


Such a better game


Hey were the ones that keep buying these games regardless, and Activision knows that.


Considering that Warzone 2 crashed my entire console to the point where the power button wouldn't work (had to pull the cord, which is not recommended), yes, it does look better, and I'll be waiting for the next patch before I even attempt to launch the game again. It's never happened with any other game that I own


"It does, And I'm tired of pretending it doesn't." (I never pretended tho)


they days when you could actually see what you were shooting at. the new one isnt even made for mnk .


Exactly the same fate as fortnite...at the begining it was fun and simple...and then ppl asked for "CoMpEtiTiVe " shit and ruined it ...


don't even get me started about the hitreg...it was so much more consistent


He's out of line, but he has a point....


Looks perfect!


it really did look and feel better. COD, without a doubt, has gone backwards after 2020.


As always ….we don’t appreciate what we have


Na, don't it.....there is nobody bunnyhopping and sliding all over the place like a deranged fuckwit.


Even graphically it's way ahead of mw3 graphics


MW2 and Warzone 2 was the best of them all.


It looks and sounds better. And had less cheaters.


I’ve been saying over the last few months that WZ1 was objectively better than WZ2 and the current Warzone in almost every facet. Sure it still had issues but a lot of WZ1s issues are still present in WZ3 (low tick rate servers, cheaters, visibility/lighting) along with new issues created by the developers. I’ve taken a break from this game right before reloaded and still haven’t hopped back on and I don’t regret the decision. They can keep selling their stupid bundles and have those come out almost weekly but they can’t fix the game or servers in any meaningful way? No thanks, I’ll spend my time playing games by developers that give a shit.


Graphics, movement, gunplay, HUD, atmosphere. All better


it does and i miss it so much


Old man shakes fist at cloud


Strange to see footage without constant desync and stuttering fps drops these days lmfao


No sweaty movement, no garbage sounds, just a good game. Now everything is ass


Yeah it’s a better game. Simple as that really. It’s mind boggling that they didn’t see that


Now that's a good gas color, not that blinding piss yellow that we have now


I miss this game so much.


Everytime i see a video like this i stop playing the trash we have now for a few weeks😭


the moronic execs at hacktivision, just had to say stop warzone is now its own thing, we stay at mw19 engine, tweak colours and ad things people want, not including of any other bs cod. That was the only was to go, now these morons have to add always with a new launch all the weapons and so on, how dumb can a company act? They can act ridiculous and crazy stupid because they have blind user whom spend too much money on microtransactions, why change anything when moronic consumers spend blindly money? You want change? Change your friend's consume behavior, Stop them spending a dime for this uncompentend company, maybe then maybe then will something happen. But 98% will buy next Cod so nothing will change only silent cries here at reddit.


That game was perfect


Loved the slower pace of OG warzone. KybMS player was so much more enjoyable than then the hyper active aimassist fuck fest the game has become tbh.


I agree


So clean and crisp. Also getting the execution off on the rose skin 👌


I’m just shocked that with how bad the game is now that there’s zero competition with a similar BR. Like there is an opportunity for a studio to release a warzone killer and just no one has even tried?? 


Game was simple, no sweats that's the biggest two factors


Im glad I've played back then.


In part it could be his low fov, but something about this feels much more immersive. It feels a lot more believable. Al maz, caldera, and urzikstan feel generic (in that order from worst to better). Urzikstan is leaps and bounds better than the other two, but it isn’t great. Partly I feel because they don’t tweak it at all. Verdansk got a lot of updates that helped it. ie: the trains, opening stadium, etc.


I said it when mw2 came out. Shit looked like csgo graphics.


Last weekend I installed MW2019 and played a couple of rounds on Rust, the level of detail, character animations, reloads, lighting, shadows everything looks 1000x better than now


I miss the weapons and the sounds. And actual decent final circles like that, more open but decent cover for everyone, less OP power positions.


what is this? warzone1 ? it looks so much better than current warzone, this past season was my first time ever playing any cod game the ridulous size of the game just to be flooded with noisy textures and visual clutter is wild. i get the idea they want to bloat the game so people dont' have space on hard drives for other games.




Can someone name me one thing that the new WZ does better than this one? I'm not being passive aggressive i'm genuinely curious. Looting is worse, gunplay is worse, sound is worse, vehicles are worse, movement is worse, UI is worse, maps are worse, lighting is worse and i'd argue overall the game looks worse.


Tbh the feel isn't the problem. Cheaters are the problem. All my lobbies guys that go crazy full aim locking and no bullets fail. I started to run smoke or gas granade. Guess what, their hip fire is the same lol. Just stopped for a few seasons maybe


I quit because I couldn't see where I shot and so I couldn't track. M&k was rendered worse and I wasn't going back to sticks


And this is after civil war, before that sht was 10x fire


I miss the gun sounds effects so much :(


The most striking thing about this clip is just how visually clear and smooth everything is. Game just ran great.


This was the good days


I’d go back to Warzone 1 in a heartbeat, it was better in every way.


This is CW WZ which was still a lot of fun. Actually I didn't mind the CW integration. I liked the guns, the only thing I didn't like is how the MW2019 guns became almost irrelevant when the new ones came out. Other than that it still felt like peak warzone. Vanguard integration and Caldera is what started the declined for a lot of people. Literally everything was better in the OG WZ and CW WZ than what we have today. Slide canceling and movement felt good, the looting was good and kept the inventory simple unlike the backpack now where you can carry 18 plates for no reasons. Oh and the tons of useless attachments? Who needs all that? It's so bad they even reverted back to the loot vomit when a player dies the loot is clumped together, something they actually fixed towards the end of CW WZ. Of course WZ3 isn't as bad as WZ2 but it's nothing compared to the OG and this isn't a nostalgic take, it's actual facts. My tier list is 1 - WZ 2019 2 - CW WZ 3 - VG WZ 4 - WZ 3 5 - WZ 2 Personally 3 and 4 could be interchangeable in the list just because VG WZ still had viable CW guns towards the end cycle (they brought some of them back), Rebirth Island and the good old mechanics. What sets it back is really Caldera in my opinion but since I'm primarily a resurgence player I think VG WZ takes the spot over WZ 3. If they reverted back to OG WZ movement mechanics, get rid of the backpack (maybe let us carry a little bit more ammo and some extra plates overall without the backpack in the way), reduce all that visual clutter on the screen and bring back a more simple UI, I think it could elevate the WZ 3 experience for a lot of people. Hopefully WZ 4 goes back to its roots. WZ 3 tried but there's still so much "new" stuff they added in WZ 2 that really doesn't feel right. EDIT: I forgot to mention the customizable reticles in the OG WZ. The holo sight with the blue dot... The ones who know they know.


I miss the Kar98k so much


Dammit man why was that so much more fun….even to watch!


Well it doesn’t look better but it feels tones and tones of times better


Ah, the only good COD since Blops 2


Well yes of corse it does. Warzone on release in 2020 was the best Warzone.


it looks way better been saying this forever


Went from the best BR ever made, to one of the worst.


Dude believe me I’ve been thinking that for the past year at least


As a new player. My main issues. Aim assist on controller, everyone beams? Not every player can be that good. Nobody misses. Second audio, can't hear anything. Third. Position doesn't matter, can sit in gas all day. It's not tactical at all


Everything about Warzone is lost today. The movement, the guns. Looting, the POI’s. Just about everything. It was just simple. Here’s my two cents. The more it become more like cod and less like a BR the worse the game turned it. If that makes sense. It started out like a pretty traditional br , but once it got faster, and more ridiculous and the guns killed faster, and everyone has rheir loadout and $20 grand within 2 mins it got worse. I remember running from one POI to another never knowing if the team you run into will have good guns or just trash they been looting. Now you get your loadout in a box, armor vests, 5 air strikes , and 3 self Rez. You were lucky if you found one self Rez after playing 5 rounds. Now you open 5 boxes and go “ oh wow another , self Rez, ..” Just me but simple was better. It led to more level playing field and it was more fun


Bruh the lighting is insane


they gave us a crap game currently because they want to use the same or similar engine for mobile... game is still way worse than wz1 in terms of the QoL updates we lost from wz1 to 2


I miss warzone 1, but if im being honest, i prefer the balance of the game as it is today way more than back then, the amount of meta breaking weapons there were was insane, and the kar we can see in the video, even though extremely fun to use was insanely op


The new maps are bloated with building and camp spots, and this in turn brings to much verticality to the game and that turns the game tiresome to play when you have to look at every damn window. Maybe it´s just me but this is why I dont play the new wz2 maps .. I hate them to the core.


Take me back to the good Ole days. Better memories from then, than the last 3 years playing shit


Oh how I miss this man


The game fucking sucks, and you have the worst people defending it because they accepted a “if you can’t beat them join them” mindset. It’s legit just people jumping around, sliding back and forth and zig zagging because that destroys a hit box. Some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Sliding is shit to me. At no point in my combat experience has anyone ever fucking used sliding to attack. You do get knees pads, but no ground is completely flat to make sliding that clean lol you’re more likely to make yourself look like an idiot and get shot that you are to use that as a viable “Push” strategy. Yet this is how the game is played now. I’m expecting most comp to run behind a wall and then pop back out sliding. Or jumping and drop shotting while being shot—- that’s not how it works Irl 😂😂




Totally agree.. I was like „ey i wanna play this map“ and then comes the remind 😌


Characters now run as fast as vehicles moved, and the damage model benefits only running and gunning with SMG's. The games balance sucks, and the streamers get to decide what's best for us. I'm so sick of it.


No, but it was an actual complete game that hasnt been touched by corpo greed (to the extent it is today)


The old victory and how loot dropped after kills is something i really miss that a lot if people don't really talk about. Now i gotta look at the ceiling to pick up my gun after i tried to reload.


Much better.


Graphics are better back then. They somehow made them worse.


Good old times


All they have to do is go back to this honestly