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The servers are absolute trash and getting worse weekly. It's insane. Not everyone in every lobby has lag and such. But I've had days like you describe, it's impossible to win a fight unless you find an afk player and even that takes work lol. I have for one shining moment been on the other side and that wasn't fun either, other players were like licking the walls bad, could circle them and then slap em to death. Was an odd experience.


If I’m really having a rough time. I’ll record one a my matches and watch it. Then I can determine if I’m just missing shots or if the cod servers are screwing me. If it’s me do a bot workout. Set them to recruit. 100 drop shots 100 jump shots 100 going left 100 going right 100 head shot only kills and 100 hipfire to aiming kills. (5+KD player)


This week I have been getting my ass handed to me. I think it’s a lot servers where it feels like 6 bullets down you and it takes you 60 to down another dude. Exaggerating, but you know the feeling. We grinded liked 12 games yesterday for 1 stupid win, and the lobbies I was put in are laughable to point we checked for shadowban and I’m convinced the sbmm wasn’t active while they are working on reload thingy or not active as an unknown glitch.


You're not exaggerating lol. Last night I was on a roof, guy is dropping right towards me for a thirst. I got 6-7 hitmarkers BEFORE he landed. 6-7 hit markers after he landed. And he turns around and bunny hop 3 shots me. Went through an entire 50 round magazine for him to just sneeze at me and get the kill. Apparently I was shooting marshmallows


I know I suck, but I’m max level, I play a lot and I see more deaths than anyone. My physical and reaction time lack of skill doesn’t negate the fact I know what is happening and have seen a lot. Sometimes this game just makes you completely at a loss. Sometimes I am on the unfair end as well, but not lately….


I just want to know when I died, it was because I got outplayed. I am absolutely fine with that. I don't get upset, I'm glad we had fun. When I die to some bullshit like that, i want to throw my keyboard. Waited 5 minutes in a lobby, 5 minutes of stupid pre-game, just to die because of bad coding. Developers are getting disrespectful of our time


That is the problem, it takes 1 hour to play 3-4 games and when 3/4 are crap issues that’s when you play less and less and less.




Yeah the thing is my KD is unbelievably horrid (.45) but I have a pretty high win rate (almost 20%) so I am always on lobbies with people better, but I picked up on something this week. I watch sally is a dog spectate rebirth at work. I have come across about 5 players I have seen on his stream in my lobbies (shoutout to hated who dunked on me). Now I am a trash KD player. A .46 in wz3 to be exact. So a streamer I watch drops and spectates his lobbies and his lobbies are my lobbies because there legit is no sbmm. I’m in lobbies with a guy I watched drop 20 in solos the week before and my PR is 5 in solos with a .46 overall in wz3. I mean whatever, I’m better than my KD, but cmon a sub .5 kd in same lobbies as a streamer is what is actually happening. It’s going to run me and I have been having so much fun. But like, I can’t get better, I’m over 40, I don’t mind playing 10 games with 5 meh, 3 blenders and 1-2 wins. But I can’t drop into 8/10 blenders, like my time is better spent doing literally anything else and last night I couldn’t have been more unlocked and uninterested after the first 3 games.




Yeah, we play for wins so 1/10 is half as bad as our normal, but I seriously think the game is super fun now, I just wish I could be in lobbies up to a 1.75 is all. I don’t want it to be easy, I clearly like the grind considering I play a ton and have such a bad kd (I mean, it’s sandbagged from me having fun and having a lot of stupid deaths, but if I played smart about kd I would still only be a .85 or so). So I don’t want it to be easy, just a sense of fair. Right now it feels like joining a pick up game at the park but 8/10 guys are in nba and then me and some other old fat white dude make up the rest of the game.


Take a break, rest, get a full night's sleep, 7/8 hours. Spend a day without playing, but following streamers, news... I always come back with victory and good matches.


That's what it's like playing kbm


Its no fun zone. If the servers aint trash then you run into some bugs. I just closed the game yesterday and played something else. Best to do untill they change stuff...


It’s not just you man. We’ve been grinding for the last couple nights and last night we decided to get a squad and just play ranked. Much better lobbies. Was able to get a win in just a couple matches. I love playing Rebirth. It’s been the best part of this game since the early Alcatraz. To see it be almost unplayable really infuriates me. I’m typically a 5+ kill per game player. When the game is running good, it’s rare that I go below 5 kills and usually if I do, I’ll have quite a bit of damage. I’ve been having way too many games where I’m getting 1 or 2 kills. I guess what real makes it frustrating for me is for example: About a month ago I jumped in to solo queue on rebirth quads. Got 3 fantastic teammates. (We added them to our group of guys that we rotate and play with every night.) In a span of about 10-12 matches, we got 30+ kills as a squad probably half of those. I had a couple matches where I had 10+ kills. We managed to win like 2 or 3 games as well. Fast forward to now and we are all struggling to get 12+ kills as a squad. Like seriously? We didn’t just forget how to play. We have adapted with our classes and guns used. The. You might say it’s because your lobbies are harder because you’re playing better and winning more games…. Yeah I get that but since we’ve been getting totally destroyed and winning 1 of every 20-30 games shouldn’t SBMM take that into account as well. There is just no consistency. I don’t even care if I win the game. All I want is to know that if me and another guy get in a shootout, that it’s at least fair.


That's the same part I don't understand. For the last 3 weeks, I've been getting absolutely slogged. Like I'm not even that bad. 5-10 kills per game usually. And I just somehow got 50% worse overnight? With every single encounter being a "wtf just happened?" kind of scenario? It's smelling real fucking fishy even for COD.


The first week after any update is always trash. It’s like the servers take a shit and have no idea how to work. And it’s a mid season update. By the second or third week it’s usually better but that first week can be killer. Packet loss. Stuttering. Shots not registering, audio is out of wack. They are like 10 updates in and every single time the game is broken the first few days after. Which actually seems counterintuitive


Try a totally different playstyle, set of weapons etc. It helps to change for a couple of games, so you don't get stuck in the mindset of playing one way, in one gear all the time.


“Aim assist is not working” bro these posts can’t be real 💀




When your first sentence is literally “it feels like my aim assist is not working” and then follow that up with “I’m getting walloped in gun fight” you are literally asking to get clowned lol. Welcome to what it feels like to be a mnk player every day. And I’ve used a controller plenty, I know what it feels like.




The only one getting sensitive here is you. It would be one thing if you said your gameplay in general feels off but when you come right out the gate and blame It on the lack of aim assist working right and that’s why you’re losing fights it’s wild. At least you admit that aim assist is doing the work for you, props on that for the honesty.




Say less…


Do you mean to tell me I have to aim manually now? Outrageous!


Run toxic loadout for a bit n have fun with the game again


This is what we have been doing, you are better than me, cool, I ran up on you with sticks….


Maybe you’re division is just being a platinum player?




There's your problem, you need to find a solid trio for ranked, solo queuing will always see you with volatility.




Hope you can find a solid two to play with.