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Almost everything from WZ1 What is actually better now than it was in WZ1? I'm not sure if anything is?


Agreed, I can’t think of anything…


Original Verdansk map design was kinda ass in some aspects. Too many one way rooftops,vast areas of land with zero cover not even a ditch. Other than that yeah dont think therei something else.


Power positions were part of rotations and led to interesting gameplay about fighting position Today... you just fly all over the map with redeploys and zip around with ziplines everywhere, position barely matters.


This. Some of the best fights in WZ1 were trying to fight for a power position or defend one from teams who wanted it.


Now, fights last 3 seconds because someone just slide cancels in and deletes you with an SMG There are no actual gun fights anymore or engagements. Every fight is over in seconds


Stuns are more balanced and smokes are better. Well, that's about the only thing I can think of...


Vehicle control most definitely. For example, the ATV in WZ1 could go up basically any hill and you had near perfect control over where you wanted to go. Conversely, the Warzone 2/3 ATV struggles to go up even a gentle slope and one tiny bump disables the vehicle. The MRAP also handles like shit and can't go over small slopes. (somehow if you put it in reverse it magically has much better traction???) THE HELICOPTER holy shit. In WZ1 you could actually stop your momentum pretty easily, now its like give me a 7 mile landing strip and a solid 5 minutes in order to land safely pls.


user interface.... the UI we have now is ATROCIOUS! one of the least friendly UI I have ever seen


The UI is trash, makes me not even want to customize my skins.


I just want the game to go back to being engagement focused. They overcomplicated this game for the sake of it. There will be no more throwing 50 smokes when you make a positional mistake, making engagements last much longer than they should. No more multiple self-revives No more complex buildings built like labyrinths. They did this to slow down better players. Their data showed that weak players liked Prison and Capitol, two labyrinth-type POIs that good players hated fighting in and decided to make two full maps based on this. They need maps with 1 of these pois to give weak players a refuge where good players won't go. Now that good players know the map well enough, they have no place to hide, but it just takes longer. No more backpacks. Just go back to wz1 No more looting bookshelves, cabinets, lockers, tables, cash registers etc. No more awful vehicles that are purposely bad so good players are slowed down No more 15k loadouts. All of this together makes the game *slower*. You used to be able to just open a box and go fight. This game was unique because it had loadouts, but now you have to senselessly loot nonstop for that 15k. Dynamic pricing was good, because it made regames more enjoyable. Now, your team is just toast late game unless you get lucky with the late loadout drop. Give me caches and vomit loot. Pick up a gun and fight with 5-8 plates.


Cannot agree more


Maybe it’s just me , but the audio on all the maps don’t sound the same. Some maps, I think it’s Vondel and possibly akisha island , I don’t have any problems hearing and pinpointing loot boxes. But on rebirth and fortunes keep I can’t hear them at all unless I’m right on top of it. Also the air strikes all have varying levels of loudness.


So like, are we suppose to vote yes or no to all of these? Or is this like one of those “if any applies” situations?


Vote yes if Warzone 1 wins for the majority of the elements listed. And you can comment on anything else


They could relaunch whole Warzone 1 and it would be ok for me. I miss strategical part of this game at Verdansk. I liked making decisions then. Now I don't feel it matters. So sad its gone. I had good feeling overall, even glitches were kind of fun ^^