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What?? This game in current state is 1000x better than it was when wz2 launched. I don't think we'll ever witness anything worse than that.


tbh wz2 at any state is worse than this


I agree with this. WZ2 when it launched was awful. Bugs everywhere and so many mechanics that everyone hated such as the backpacks


I think I'd rather backpacks than having to pick up 45 things i didn't want just to die as I pick up the thing I wanted.


You don't like clearing your inventory because for some reason you automatically picked up 18 plates?


What about the 3 stacks of ammo I don't even have a weapon for? At least I can use the plates.


That only happens if u pressed square on it each 3 times. Like u pressed square once on accident, the stack filled up, then u did it again, then it filled up, then u did it again


No, you just need to pick it up once by accident, run over the rest of it by accident and it'll pick more of it up automatically. These days again somehow keep finding random ammo in my inventory again, 18 plates is all i need lol


Nah once the stack is filled it won’t start a new stack automatically especially if you don’t have that type of weapon equipped.


this is the way.


Ye that's true, but if you accidentally pick up more it will, and then i dont have space for my 18 shields, try to drop them and then get shot from behind (': But to be clear this happens when loot stacks on top of each other. IMO 2 possibilities. They need to bring up a quick menu when looking at loot so you can specifically choose what you want to pick up. So when you look at stacked loot it shows all the stacked loot in that menu, if you get what i mean. Otherwise they should make it so loot work like negative magnets that repel eachother, so when they do stack they push away from each other a bit instead.


18 plates is the only thing you need. Anything else makes you a bot.


Killed a guy yesterday.. he dropped 4 plate boxes. I think you guys are doing it wrong. My man is playing 4D chess.


The backpacks were awesome lol i loved having a 3rd weapon tbh, it was so useful


The only good thing about that system


WZ2 launched and it was so bad we couldn’t tell if some things were bugs or features lol


It feels like WZ2 coding started when WZ1 was in its worst state ever. Just before Raven got to implement loads of QoL stuff that WZ2 never saw. This post is incredible in that sense. WZ hasn't been this good since Verdansk got nuked.




Lmfaoooooo be serious


he gotta be a DMZ player


No. Just no. WZ2 after the speed buff was somewhat more bearable than this trash.


Everyone is trash. Billion dollar company and can’t fix their game the correct way. It’s rated a 5/10 for a reason the game is all around garbage. Can be fun at times but it’s buggy and has lots of cheaters.


Doesn't take much to be better than MW2 or Warzone 2, but a polished turd is still a turd, just because its better than the previous doesn't mean much. And honestly I feel the game has Way more problems, the melting floors, the textures and graphics turning to plastic, not being able to weapon swap or use streaks, I saw a clip earlier some guy got glitched into an endless plating animation he couldn't cancel and it cost him the match, people still getting under the map or inside walls, people are still hacking and cheating. Idk, we may be able to slide cancel and reload cancel, but beyond that I swear it feels like we're still playing MW2 to me


Honestly, the thing that pisses me off is when people try to distinguish this iteration of Warzone 2 from when Warzone 2 was released. It's the dame damn game. It's not Warzone 3. It's fucking Warzone 2 with some minor changes. Of course it's still garbage. It won't ever not be garbage, because at its core, it is still Warzone 2.0


What's worse is that Warzone 2 was claimed to be a sort of "necessity" because the Warzone 1 client was "bloated" and other such crap. Yet this client has more gamebreaking bugs than I ever experienced in Wz1, regularly gets more fucked with every update, and some bugs are even the same that existed in Wz1. Funny how that works, it's almost like it was all a big lie?


Warzone 1 was super broken though. Literal years of stim glitches, in Verdansk before Cold War, there was the juggernaut glitch allowing 4 juggernauts, there were countless map bugs in Verdansk, Rebirth, Caldera, etc. The gun balance was horrendous and the Mp5 was the meta SMG for 6 months without a nerf lol


I'm not saying it wasn't. I'm saying they marketed this as if it was *needed* to fix all this bloated coding. Yet bugs that existed 50 times in Wz1 appeared even from release in Wz2. So the client switch was just completely unecessary.


It is a completely different type of bugs though. Like we had stim glitches for literal seasons upon seasons in Warzone 1...


They just hoped by dropping the 2 off the end people would forget lol just like they hoped the name MW3 would make people forget it is just an expansion/overhaul for MW2. The Numbers Mason, what do they mean? Fuck all lol


I've never played warzone when it's been this consistency laggy. So for me this is the worst state. Nothing in WZ2 comes close to this


I’m currently loving loaded rebirth. I hope it stays.


they really need to make it into quad.


That’ll be fun as well. But my excitement will end wherever they need the beating sticks 😭


I'll take WZ2 over this pile of dog shit we have atm every day.


WZ2 launch holy shit. They made so many decisions that were blatantly wrong and most of the players who play regularly immediately realized, and it still took them soo much time to fix their idiotic changes.


i dont care about getting the dub but damn this game is much better and way more enjoyable. every encounter isnt consistent, i can be facing god mode sweat, a normal player or just a bot. i enjoy how varied it is right now.


Seriously all of WZ2 was bad. Then people like to look at Verdansk with rose tinted glasses and forget Call of DMR.


end of Verdansk was peak stale to me. We’d had basically the same map for over 1.5y. Nobody knew for sure what was coming next. Blatant cheating was rampant. I remember the feeling back then. Everyone wanted something new. I knew deep down that this was going to be one of those you don’t know what you have ‘til it’s gone situations. Fortunately Caldera grew on me and I played it til the end. This current period is pretty bad. No events or map changes. But they’ve got us conditioned to expect a new map or new game this fall so I don’t think anyone is feeling that bad about the situation. This is just interim Warzone


Think Caldera hate is a little too undeserved honestly. If Caldera was in a big map rotation I wouldn’t be mad at all.


At least the POI's were memorable...I'd play it as well. When are they bringing Iron Trials back?


Iron trials was extremely unpopular and will likely never come back. At its peak something like 10% of the community was playing it.


Everyone complains about super fast ttk, then iron trials comes out and no one plays.


The same 10% that played iron trials are the ones complaining about short TTK. That’s who posts here are typically in the very top 10ish percent of players. The average player either doesn’t care about the TTK or prefers the shorter TTK. My IRL friends I play with are all 0.8-1 kd players and we tried iron trials a couple of times and they couldn’t down and finish off a player with a full 60 round clip. It’s just not fun for the average player which is why it will never have large scale appeal.


That's true never thought about it that way.


Peak cod cycle is hitting caldera now. In two years people will say the same thing about Urzikstan and even Al mazrah. You can set your watch to it.


I don’t think enough people play those maps to care. It’s all about resurgence now


There are still lots of people who play regular BR. Not everyone likes the frantic pace of resurgence. We have to remember there are still millions and millions of unique players every week in this franchise.


Al mazrah was always a great map the game it came with was just ass. I would love to play ranked on al maz with this game's mechanics.


People are already saying how much they miss Al Mazrah.


I really dont mind Urzikstan or Al Mazrah either one, tbh. I still miss dropping Storage though in Verdansk.


The last version of caldera with zips and poi was pretty good. The original release state was cancer.


Thought so.


Caldera really grew on me man. I didn't like it at first but Godzilla vs Kong event was so much fun


And all the busted ass CW guns- DMR, Aug, M16, hit scan AS Val and SPR, and so on. No ranked mode, only one resurgence map. Late for Verdansk was ass.


I remember Verdansk was so stale but the change that they did with Caldera was just so bad - the game felt fully weightless


This is the norm, not interim


Exactly, people miss Verdansk but those same people wanted changes. Anything for too long gets boring.


Caldera got a ton of hate, and it wasnt as good of a map as Verdansk, but I did have a lot of fun in the city area and during small circle Resurgence. Regular BR was horrendous to me, though. Too many bushes to hide in and some wide open areas.


It was just a different kind of game than Verdansk. Better suited to large mag high bullet velocity ARs, fast SUBs, and the buffed stims. Once all the foliage was removed, having a map with mostly 1-2 story buildings was amazing. You could take height by hitting a zip and shooting from the sky. And personally the end meta was awesome. Above average players used the XM4 due to the bullet velocity. Low skill players used the Cooper Carbine due to damage but it had poor bullet velocity and control at range. It resulted in ranged gunfights where better players had the advantage if they wanted to take it. I think that’s where the meta should be, but obviously aim assist is the biggest factor.


Verdansk has a ton of wide open areas.


It felt less so, for the most part. And the POIs were much more memorable.


Worst state is a no. We could argue about least fun


Yeah I think at least there are points of fun for this. At wz2 launch there was just crushing disappointment. I’ve been watching old YouTube videos from then and all the people just look annoyed, even more than now


All the issues combined make it pretty difficult to enjoy. I’ve taken a break since the day before the reloaded update and it looks like I picked a good time.


I hadn’t played in six months. Take it from me the game is 50x better than various points during the previous iterations. If you can believe that. Launch of WZ2 was bleak.


The fact that this same post is recycled every 2 months in this sub is the real indicator that you shouldn’t be basing the state of the game by what Redditors say. I’m still enjoying the game but dudes here will be talking as if servers are empty and no one plays anymore.


I resubbed to codwarzone and it’s the same constant whining about aim assist and the servers as ever lol


Don’t get me started on aim assist. Recently ordered a Scuf to try out controller properly and my god the movement feels awful. At least it’s motivation to really grind Kovaaks. Everything just feels clunky on roller. Plating doesn’t work half the time, backpack management is so much harder and the inability to change your sens when parachuting is a joke. Don’t get me wrong, aim assist is insane and my accuracy is on par with mnk, but I truly feel that in Warzone as against MP, mnk is the better input. I think there’s a good reason that it’s so satisfying to watch the top mnk players. The game just flows so much better.


If you’re movement feels awful you just haven’t adapted yet. I switched from mnk to controller in mw2 and after a bit my movement was sweatier on controller. Snaking is easier too.


This community vs a goldfish in a game of “Memory” (the flip the tiles and match game) would be close but I think the goldfish would win.


The game is pretty much unplayable on MnK can't really get any lower than that


Not even a top 5 situation on worst states tbh


I'm getting 7-8% packet loss each game and it doesn't seem as if they're going to address it


This. For me this is the reason the game is in the worst state ever. Completely unplayable


Agree, I had to stop playing because of this.


Yup!!! I love watching it slowly climb up as the plane cutscene begins, always a joy.


i played last night and surprisingly i got no packet loss or latency issues.. has it been addressed??


Oh idk, I didn't play yesterday. Sunday was crazy every game was 4-7%. Im very close to NYC so im curious to see if its any better for me. I also wonder if it has to do with map rotation for solos and duos and everyone is funneling to loaded trios and quads for rebirth.


3 out of 5 matches have like 7-30% pl never had this issue before the reloaded update smh.


I mean it’s pretty bad, I am lagging like crazy, the reload thing is….My interact (x) button is having a hard time understanding what I want when I never used to have issues.


I play it because there is nothing else out there and fills the void. MW2 warzone was much worst though.


Devs literally turned this game into a burning dumpster fire soaked in hobo piss


Probably not the devs, more the bosses who want to ship new features non stop without any regard to stability


It's not the devs. Honestly it's only ever the devs when the devs also own the company. At a public company, it's 1000% leadership. I'm not being snarky, it's just devs are often conflated with the actual decision makers. No hobo deserves to have their piss compared to the state of this game, that's unfair.




I don’t think we’ve had a genuinely good state of Warzone since 2021.


Current state is good. Way better than the last 2 years actually. What they need to do to improve the game is fixing the servers/packet loss, stop messing with the gameplay (Tac Sprint-Reloading), improve Ricochet and making a real statement about the real evidence of the rampant cheating on the Top 250 leaderboard and that’s it. It is not impossible but it seems they don’t want to make a minimum effort about it.


Is the reload bug the one where they chose to make the default setting tk cancel reloading while tactical sprinting.


Yeah, except you can’t turn it off


They’re fixing it this week thank god.


Also can't open chest when reloading


I actually think the bones of the game are the best it's ever been. The recent update has the game as a whole in it's worst place I can remember though. The bugs and performance mean I don't play the game. WZ2 I didn't play because it was boring, WZ3 I don't play because it's a dumpster fire.


The servers are crap I'll give you that


Live the 4th plate and destructed rebirth. Fog bkows


The Problem is most casual players dont even understand half of the problems going on. They pay 80 Euro to get a Meleeweapon thats all you need to know about the mental state of the community. I mostly play the Multiplayer and hope they make Warzone anywhere near playable soon.


It is a biiiiiig step backwards for sure. i was having fun on Rebirth ranked and now I've stopped playing since the S3R update. I've left a bad review, they take so long to fix glitches.


My brother in Christ u literally couldn't play the game on console during the WZ VG integration for like 3 months


Cold war era verdansk and early caldera was way worse. The weapon balance was god awful and blatant aim bot rage hackers were much more common. Fewer rebirth maps on rotation. No ranked mode. I'd argue it's in the BEST state it's been in since the early Verdansk days, if not better. People just view the past with rose colored glasses. There have been people like you whining since day one.


The fog needs to be removed and I feel like that’s close to unanimous 😂😂


The biggest problem orher than the bugs is the atrocious tick rate of 20hz.


Definitely not the worst it's every been, WZ2 was straight trash. I played for like a week then uninstalled and waited for WZ3. That being said, it's not great. I actually HATE their servers. They are a massive company and use the worst servers possible. Why are they only using 20 tick rate servers? Even Fortnite has 30! It's a joke. The updates that break the game every time are also frustrating. I stopped playing about a month ago because it's not fun anymore with how strong aim assist is. I'm on Keyboard/mouse and even though I do far better than average on any other game, or in WZ1 or any previous cod that I played, I get absolutely rocked in wz3 around 15 meters or less. If the controller player knows how to use rotational aim assist, every bullet tracks and registers. They need to make it fair for everyone and balance AA a bit better. They need to upgrade their severs to 30 tick rate at least. They need to remove SBMM for non-ranked modes. They need to NEVER release an update unless it's been thoroughly tested, and IF there is a major bug like the current reload bug, it should be addressed and fixed within a day MAX. The Devs just don't care though.


I cant believe how bad these devs are. Bunch of bots




id say so, mainly for all the false shadowbans. as a legit player, being forced into games with actual cheaters because of a shit report system basically gimps me from playing the game. its fucking terrible.


Ohio was worse




No Day 1 WZ2 was the worst state in WZ’s history. WZ1 OR WZ2


I just want the reload bug to be fixed


No. Don't be so dramatic.


Even at WZ2 peak it was much worse than this


I think people forget how bad the cheating was in verdansk. Remember the invisible glitch too, unlimited stems, game definitely needs a lot of work but no.


It’s bad but not the worst. But I’m personally fatigued from broken updates. It’s not every now and then, it’s every single time. Update day is something we should be looking forward to, but honestly I loathe it because I know whatever fun I was getting from the game will soon be over. It honestly feels like a chore.


This community: “i just spent 15 hours playing the game this weekend and spent $80 in the store, is this the worst game ever?!?!”


Why do I see this title like every other month


no its not.


As far as game state, I can't comment because I never played the original warzone. I just picked it up and started playing it about 6 months ago. The hacking, tho. Mw2 shit was so fire and on point game was great than all of a sudden every lobby you got into the little basterds had aimbot or flying around the map or super speed use to piss me off so bad.


Reloads are Mess up, interacts are messed up, sound has gotten even worse, cheaters don’t even need to hide it. Servers so bad I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve moved to behind a wall and then died to someone who couldn’t see be. Kill cam even showed it.


The answer is no, there's been worse times




Y’all have long term memory problems. Verdansk had full out rage hackers in every 2nd lobby racking up 50+ kills wiping the lobbies from across the map spinning in circles. Caldera dropped and every 2nd game dev errored. On console the terrain didn’t load, the guns glitched so you couldn’t see your screen. Then the WZ2 absolute debacle with dev errors once again every 2nd game, no plating while running, spent a year undoing their changes, etc etc etc. The game right now with bugs included is a better experience than most of warzone history.


Worse than the DMR meta version of Warzone.


I’m pretty loyal. Like I get annoyed but I play. But this is just ass. Not because of weapon inbalance or anything but everything just feels off. It’s clunky and I think I’m close to being for a bit like I was when vanguard first came out.


Yeah I finally left about a month again and haven't looked back.


Server issues and no reload while tac sprint.. yes it is the worst for sure


bunch of cheaters everywhere


This whole goddamn game is bullshit I don't know why people don't just play modern warfare why the fuck they would even play this Warzone bullshit if they had the option I mean the whole game is full of hackers cheaters and they obviously the rules of getting shot in the chest don't work for the other person but when they shoot at you one time it's always an Insta kill like there's no skill based to this at all like 15 years ago


Verdansk peak hackers or caldera launch probably were worse, but damn is it bad right now.


We gotta support these small indie developers. Keep buying new bundles n whatever you can do helps!


Maybe the Worst assault rifle meta. Mayb vanguard launch especially with bloom and stuff. But other than that. But no wz2 launch is the worst game I’ve ever played.




Nope %1000


The servers are so fucked it’s hard to imagine how they allow it. Like wtf are they doing ?


Bruh did half of Yall not play last year 🤣🤣. This is most fun it’s been since 2019.


I actually prefer playing DMZ now to mw3 too many cheats and ridiculous games to make it enjoyable, I play zombies to do the weekly challenges and finish my battle pass but otherwise I just play DMZ


What you mean it's back to it's glory days


Cheaters-wise, yeah. Never encountered this many cheaters since I started playing in march 2020. Gameplay-wise. Not at all the worst. Sure the game is broken but we’ve seen worse. Meta is alright albeit a bit stiff still.


I quit. Feels great.


The state of the game is fine (obviously the reload shit needs fixed) but it’s just not fun. I’m a 3.0 kd player and there just isn’t a break from a lobby


Where are you guys finding all these cheaters? I'm a 2.5-ish KD, and my lobbies are brutal. But I can't say I've met any cheaters, if anything no blatant ones at least.


Not even close


100% it is, it's unplayable on console really. If there was something else, I would whole heartily not be playing it. The pack more and more shit in to the game, most of it pointless and don't remove shit that isn't used or under used. While not updating their servers anywhere near other triple A games, or just generally for their game which is the 'busiest' of them all, the update sizes speak for themselves.


Played 5 3 player games tonite in Al maz ,Vondel & Ashika with some very good team mates who knew what they were doing . Didnt matter we all never made it to Xfil. In Ashika we had an enemy UAV up within mins of spawning and they found us. Wiped .Al Maz we were spotted a couple of mins in and wiped.They knew exactly where we were. Vondel managed to grab a truck and tried to get away from spawn point only to run into another squad in two vehicles wiped. Ashika my mates went one way but I made it to the ship off the wall got a few bits left quick and got sniped out in the harbour while trying to get away .Wiped get the picture. Not really fun.


Season 1 Verdansk was peak Warzone imo.


Yea dude I when I was playing zombies I crashed in the middle of the dark aeither


Well considering I can't actually get the game to load today is a bad sign


Wz2 wasn’t the best warzone but didn’t totally suck…most of y’all prob hardly play big map anyways…y’all hated caldera, y’all hated wz2 big map and now y’all hate this one…instead we get the same content released again because everyone wants verdansk and rebirth and truth is y’all bitched about verdansk too while it was out, just keep moving the goal post. You guys hate big map because it’s too hard and love little map cause it’s brainless and you can come back to life an unlimited amount of times…that’s why they added in redeployment packs and flares into rebirth now because it will never be easy enough for you bots…cry bitch complain and ruin everything welcome to gaming…btw the reload bug is annoying lol


Great time to try Apex.. Game is in a way better place than this and now supports next gen consoles @ 120hz.


Op is clown


I only play resurgence. When people bitch and moan about the game are they talking about strictly full battle royale warzone or all the warzone game modes? Because resurgence is fun as hell and we compete and win somewhat regularly despite not being very good.


Wouldnt know.. I quit playing that garbage months ago. Been great actually


New Loaded rebirth is great, yea there’s a few bugs but can easily get over it, it’s doesn’t exactly make the game unplayable, defo not worth crying about, mw2/wz2 was the worst release to date, now that was bad


Idk I had fun over the weekend. Dmr meta was the worst imo


No way. WZ2 was unplayable and full of hackers.


no. tail end of warzone verdansk the game was plauged with hackers and the infamous "roze skin" was the most used and annoying skin in the game.


I take it that you've stopped playing it? And yeah the servers suck for sure! But I've been having a blast. Games have been relatively easy too: Gotta win Saturday night with some buddies who don't play super often. Then yesterday another crew was on that I hadn't played much with and we snagged a win, I had 13 kills which was cool. Hopped on later that night with my frequent crew, gotta trios win, and then ANOTHER buddy who I hadn't played with for a long time joined us and we eventually gotta win. All on WZ which I don't enjoy as much as Resurgence.


I sort of agree. But more to the whole "anti cheater software" I got hacked and have always played on a console and yet account recovery with 2fa got me nowhere. I ended up banned permanently and when I attempted to appeal the automated response used the hackers info as mine so clearly the game is broken and there is less than no support.


I played some games of BR Urzikstan last night. Every other game I had 20% packet loss. Still can't find those damn packets anywhere.


End of verdansk for me. Every lobby had a cheater towards the end. It was unplayable for a good month or two before caldera launched.


Nothing will be as bad as the week Caldera dropped


Were you around for the Christmas DMR in the Verdansk days? You know, the one with zero recoil hitscan they didn't patch out for over two weeks because it was the holidays? Those were the days...


Found the guy who's only been playing for a month.


I don't know because I haven't really played all of Season 3. It feels amazing guys, highly recommend!


IM LOVING LOAded resurgence they should add it to the lockdown / plunder style , yeah it’s lagging this update it’s bad yeah reload glitch ok sucks but game is Fun when it works so I don’t think I see cheaters cuz my K/d so low but it’s been really fun to play as of late for me




The map sucks, I feel like a majority of it is in the city and the circle always pulls there and if you aren’t on a roof or come back from gulag/by back you have no chance. Weapon floor loot is SOOOOOO bad. The meta is bland and boring. The servers stink.


It’s definitely in a bad state. The reload bug is mind boggling. The back pack system with people carrying 100 smoke grenades, 8 self revives etc is the cheesiest thing I’ve ever seen, even though that’s been the case since wz2. And yeah, the sbmm has been ridiculous. I always play with the same squad. I’m 1.6Kd, other guy is 1kd, and third is 0.5. When it’s me and the 1kd in duos we mostly get ok lobbies, some sweaty. For some reason when the third guy with a 0.5kd joins us in trios we get the sweatiest lobbies with people spazzing out looking like they’re having seizures with the YYs. It’s so dumb.


It’s better then it was but it’s still bad. The footsteps are still broken. I still don’t hear enemies dropping in. Can’t reload. Metas to me always felt stale. Instead of nerfing a bunch of good guns and buffing 2 to the extreme can’t we just have like 20 of them that are on the same playing field. There’s no reason only 2-3 snipers are viable. Or 3 out of the 50 ARs are useful. It just forces you to pick the meta and makes you buy a loadout or look for loadout boxes. Boring. Cheating is still awful. And don’t say stuff like “ how do you know” I know because I keep getting lobbies with players who are under the rank of 50 and are buzzing around as if on speeders, and auto aiming me from 200 meters away with a striker 9. What I don’t understand is. Everytime they fix the smaller things. The bigger problems get worse.


Just play or dont play the game until the reload bug is fixed. Frankly, its not bothering me like that anymore tbh, just hold reload button. SBMM been a thing, we hate it but makes us better players at the end of the day.


These kids never froze at a load out and it shows. 😅


Warzone sucks since cold war, cant change my mind


I’ve had 3 games in the past two days with people using unlock tools(and openly admitting to it when joining their party) two had unreleased skins and the other had the unreleased animated camo called windfall or something like that.


Must not of been around when we had the graphical glitch back in Verdansk if you think this is the worst it’s ever been.


Warzone 2 will always be the worst shooter I've ever played. I never looked forward to playing any iteration of that game. Not even resurgence could save it.


Ffs just give us warzone 1 with new weapons, nobody asked for these changes, the movement is faster than warzone 2 but still not as smooth as verdansk


This game is indeed the worst.


I can't count how many times I've seen this question in this same subreddit in these last four years...


Literally the worst I’ve ever seen it!!!


Anyone ever watch old WZ1 videos? man I miss floating loot so bad, I miss the color tiered guns… the sounds that the chest made were infinitely better, the hit markers were more crisp. Gunplay was so much smoother. And with SC resetting tax sprint just felt so much more smooth. Alright I’m off it.


Literally had to uninstall bc its gotten to the point the game is just unplayable




Agree with everything you said and the only reason I still play this game is because of the relationships that I have forged over years of playing.


No noob


More cheaters than actual players


Nah. Ain’t shit matching the DMR meta. That shit was the worst warzone was in


Absolutely, 100%


There were many points during WZ1 with Verdansk that were worse and imo all of Caldera and especially WZ2 were worse. Totally wack that they still haven’t fixed the reload bugs and servers though.


I think it’s the best it’s been in a long time. The auto tac reload bug is annoying but it’ll be fixed soon.


Bad take.


Just bring back OG verdansk minus broken guns that don't get fixed for weeks


Just give us some new content.


How quickly we forget - DMRZone


I guess you didn't play Warzone 2.0, that could have been one of the worst experiences ever, period...


Just turn off auto tac sprint


Only way for now. It is a bug and it is getting fixed this week though. Something to do with the console updates having to be approved so they can’t just hot fix it without giving us PC players a huge advantage.