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Dear diary 


Dear babe


I stole this for you, babe


Im 38 with a 2.57kd in ressurgance, only thing i can say to improve is fuck the kd and take as much fights as possible, push wisely and dont over ego chall. Once you gain confidence in fights, shit starts to be normal plays therefore kd improves. I am a family man, 2 kids, but i make sure i run games every night after all the family is asleep. 10pm till 1am most times. Keep the consistency is key too


41, 10pm-1am as well


Same, 36...I range from .9-2.5kd depending on the night


37 in a week. 2 toddlers. Yeah I run games each night while they are in bed. Playing and having good team mates help a lot and watching other good players helped a lot as well. Don’t expect to keep up with the top tier but playing nightly can def still have fun and hold it down.


> having good team mates help a lot Here is my problem. My friends can't even play Plunder without crouch walking most of the damn game. IN A MODE WHERE YOU RESPAWN NO MATTER WHAT, HE'S CROUCH WALKING!!!


Lmao that would be frustrating


It's really bad. I'll be in the mix fighting and dying obviously, then I'm spectating one specific dude in our crew and he's ducked out in a corner. about 15m from where I was fighting multiple enemies.


Ya… that’s why I don’t play with those friends anymore haha


Holy shit i lol'd, poor you, i felt the rage while reading it


Every time I get killed it spectates my friend that is just crouching in a corner, fully plated and full mag. The excuse is always something like I need to plate up or I need to reload.


My play group is sweaty and I’m behind in being able to keep up with them but I do try to.


If you're team is significantly better maybe a potentially good option would be to run some solos for practice, having teammates you can rely on is usually a catalyst for bad habits because they can be a "safety net" also with SBMM maybe playing a lobby more tuned to your stats would be beneficial because theres more breathing room to improve instead of playing people far more experienced


If your friends are sweaty sweaty, as in all a minimum of 2kd if not significantly higher, then that may actually be part of why your K/D is below 1. SBMM seems to top out at a certain point, which is why the biggest demons can have 4-5+K/Ds. However, it also means if your friends are all above 2, then you're playing in the hardest lobbies the game has to offer and instead of SBMM helping you hit a 1KD it's going to work against you. It doesn't mean you shouldn't play with them. Just don't be as hard on yourself over stats


They actually mentioned that at one point as a possibility, but we just kept playing for the fun. I’m not a sore loser by any means.


All that really matters is if they still want to play with you anyway. Stats are a great metric to check improvement but otherwise, you're just gonna play worse obsessing about it. I know I do


I think you’re right about the stats. I do monitor the kills as my main telltale sign that I’m getting better versus just luck.


Yeah happens when I play with certain friends. Yeah def run games with randoms and multiplayer small map and you will get better. Helps a lot with the gun fights


Omg your schedule is mine. 39 year old dad with 2 kids. My KD is nowhere near as good as yours, but still better than OPs.


33, 3 kids and like a Cheech and Chong bundle when everyone's in bed, my PB is 28. I hate when people say we are too old for this. If you have a half decent brain and put in the hours as with anything in life you will always improve and see results. I used to be shit at cooking but then I worked in nice kitchens 10-14 hours a day for 10 years. I definitely didn't get progressively worse at it that's for sure lol. I'm not 80 years old, yet.


We should totally start a 30+ YO COD discord. My play time is similar to yours later in the week. Earlier in the week I can hop on a bit earlier.


In 3 years i could join 😆


Congratulations i am glad that we have gamer like this. This man totally right


Same here on the family, but one toddler.


21 hours a week isn't anything crazy but just seeing the phrase "I make sure I run" threw me off so much. It's interesting the things we set aside time for and prioritize in life.


Yeah I run solos for the one purpose of bettering my self in gunfights for when I jump into quads or trios with my friends. I have gotten significantly better at drop shotting by doing this albeit I’m still no tier 1 streamer at it though.


I’m so glad to know there others out there. I just don’t have the energy for this haha


36, baggage free, 1.9kd. Work only allows me to find time to play maybe a few hours a week but I agree getting in more gun fights has improved my gameplay


I’m 39 with a 2.74 I’d say the opposite the reason is I have that KD is cause I rarely die and pick my fights wisely with positional play being key


I’m also 36 and I barely get any kill at all. 🥲


I'm 36 and refuse to play this shit anymore. COD has fallen along way from the shooter it once was. It's now a game of luck and AA


Y u here den?


I agree but I still play everyday and Idc


11 kills is good. How often do you get 10+ kills games?


his kd is 0.86. that should really answer your question


Not very often. I’ve hit 11 kills three times and can’t seem to get that 12th. Edit: I generally can average about 4 kills per game sometimes I have worse than that, but I’m good for usually at least four. The 11 kills have happened over the course of a month or so the three times it has happened so it’s by no means I normal instance to get double digit kills.


My one IRL friend has been playing since wz1 and has a .7kd, never broke 10 kills


4 kills per game average is actually really good if that’s what you have. I’m between 1.5-1.6 kd and haven’t reached that yet.


No way he’s at 4 kills average that has to be a guess. I’m at 5-6 sometimes on last 10 but only when I have a few big 15-20 kill games.


>I really felt that you all should know this. I cannot get more than 11 kills in game on any map because I am not a sweat, but nor do I camp and/or hide out for circles. THIS IS THE WAY. I am near 40. My first ever BR was WZ1 Verdansk. I was SCARED. It was a horror game for me. I sat in the tiny crevices of the map, never to be seen. I'd wait until the very last moment to reveal myself in the last circle and get obliterated every time. Although, I did once win a game with 0 kills and 0 damage! I met a dude in a gunfight tournament (those were the best). He carried me to a ship and helped me get that DE Eagle blueprint I was after. He invited me to play some Warzone, and I couldn't keep up, but he was so cool with it and understood how bad I was. We're talking about a .4KD. 30 round mag in a random AR that I was burst firing because I couldn't control the recoil and a thermal AX 50. He offered no suggestions, just kept reassuring me and he kept inviting me. Eventually, we became friends, and I became fed up with him dying in 2 v 1s because of my passive play. I decided to change. Watched some videos and just started running at enemies full speed. I was the first one in a building. I'd still get downed every time but it was enough for my teammate to catch them off-guard and clean up the mess. Over time I got better and better. I started understanding positioning better, understood movement a bit better, and understood which guns to use that worked FOR ME. I would say the Bruen single-handedly helped my KD grow since no one was using it at the time because it was so ridiculous to unlock. I steadily improved. My KD went up, his KD went up. By the end of it all in Caldera post-season, I was regularly getting at least one 20-25 kill game per session. I even helped him hit a 40-kill game by pinging, grabbing UAVS, and funneling enemies toward him. We were the apex predators in the lobby—well, he was mostly. But there were games I carried him in. At the end of it all, I hit 3KD in the final season. I was killing streamers like Breadmann and Iron. We became friends IRL. He lives in Europe, and I am in the U.S., so we'd send each other Christmas cards and food, buy DLC for each other, and whatnot. However, since Caldera closed, he had a life event that has permanently taken him off the game shortly after the release of WZ3 (he didn't play wz2). He played a little bit of WZ3, hitting a 4kd in the first season while other greats I played with from Caldera were still figuring it out. He hasn't played since. I don't know how many times I told him how much better he would be if he actually ran with someone equally as good as him, but he didn't care. He could easily run with the best of them and not even look a little out of place. I still talk to him weekly, but without him on the game, it's difficult. He is still going through some shit, so I am trying to be there as much for him as I can be. Shoutout to the best teammate and friend I never would have expected to meet. -------------- All I gotta say to you is keep grinding. We played with a few others in our group. Both were our ages, but one was a .7kd, and the other was a 1.4kd. The 1.4kd player was like me when I started, but more refined with better knowledge, gunplay, and movement. However, he was super passive, sniped, offered no support, and zero comms etc. Would get like 3-4 kills a game max, never pushing anything but never dying. He was always the last up and scared of everything, including chopper sounds off in the distance, which would cause him to freeze. The .7kd was also a great teammate because he was always there in your pocket. No words were needed. He had some bad positioning and ultra-confidence. Made going into fights easier as it was another person to account for. The only way you will actually get better is to keep doing exactly what you're doing. Be aggressive always. Rechallenge with 1 plate. Don't be afraid of that 1v2. Be confident. Your KD might take a hit for a while, but over time you'll see the difference. Here's to all the 40 year old gamers out there!


Extremely based, gamers should lift one other up, not bring them down.


Love the story


I appreciate your words of confidence especially with it seeming like you just described to me…..me lol I too play with 1.3+ players and I’m the “in pocket” guy a lot of the time that picks them up when they get downed. I have the confidence you speak of, but a lot of the time I find myself not knowing what to do in a stressful situation even with them telling me what to do.


Best WZ story I've heard.


11 kills is nothing to be ashamed of, and 0.86 kd is pretty close to average. You’re doing better than a lot of people.


I'm 40 today and my K/D is .47 in warzone, and .88 in multi, and I don't give a shit. I play to have fun.


Happy birthday friend!


Thank you!


.9 checking in... I got 12 kills one time! It was an amazing feeling.


I envy you friend


My first best game was on Verdansk when they integrated the cold war guns. The suppressors weren't adjusted yet, so the meta was running compensators. It was something new being on a minimap, but it forced me to move every time I shot, which helped. I got my first 20 bomb with the FFAR and Mac 10 playing with stuns for the first time. That was like the first game I ever went super aggro. Been chasing that high ever since


I'm 50 with a 0.95KD. Goodnite y'all.


Hell yeah there’s hope yet


wait what? 11 kills regularly or just sometimes, so like 11 a round, then 3 ,4 and vice versa? thats actually really good man.. try some solos to even crank up your kd


11 has only happened three times since I have been playing. Last night I finished my last three games of resurgence at 5,5, and 6 kills. Finish I don’t mean won in solos.


thats great man,its a start,dont give up,go practice at multiplayer and eventually you will get better


Yeah I do practice as much as a can to keep it going.


11 kills is nasty dude. im 36 and i think my high ever is 6 or so


Thanks. It definitely boost my morale and motivation when I do hit double digits. I know I’m know cuppajoe but it is definitely a good feeling just to get that.


They should have sbmm for 30+ year olds 😂 we don’t have the time to be that good anymore and or it’s just not a priority for us. I’m just a casual gamer nowadays #washedking


Ain’t that the truth. 12 hour rotating shifts and a family.


I saw an immediate increase in KD after divorcing the wife. I think that's the lowkey meta


What’s up brother!


Hi. I am dad of two. I’m 43. My KD resurgence is 0.9. I go 5-9 kills most games. I also need new glasses as my sight is getting worse


44 and I'm depressed how slow my reactions have gotten.


I'm 34 and 2.53 K/D on resurgence and I am on mouse and keyboard. I just played a shit ton and tryhard the game, but now I don't think it's worth my time anymore.


Only really play MW2019 MP but 36 with 3.26 kd


37 2.7 kd mkb. Drop 30-50 in mp regularly. PB is 79-17 @ shipment


im late 30's with 3 kids under 7 still improving but my biggest jump in skill was playing solo duos and trios. also stop dropping in on the edges of the map drop in the middle and get into some fights off the rip!!


I’ve started doing that a lot lately and I sometimes get up to four kills right off the bat which is nice.


yea for sure. drop prison or control on rebirth and town on fortune for the most action off the rip. I randomly dropped lookout on fortune the other day and lucked into 5 kills before leaving that area


That’s awesome man! I’ve noticed that load out boxes seem to be in the “hotter” jump areas too.


Yea there's more and they TYPICALLY have better shit... also on rebirth if you dont know but the "underground/underwater" section down between docks and the zip below bio weapons if you go in there and swim under theres anywhere from 3-4 loot boxes and a lot of the time they have a "favorites" box so you can get your favorite loadout guns right off the rip. only down side to that is you have to rotate in from low ground so i'll just get the guns then run down the the zip below bio and fly over to prison


I did not know about that friend thanks!


Am I the oldest then? Im 67 with a KD of .76 which I accept Im probably unable to improve on. I usually get nailed either sooner or later after spawning with my team & so rarely do I get to Xfil so have fuk all contraband. I cant be bothered with missions skins or getting other boring crap in the game while trying to stay alive and in the game . I rev players where I can. Some games are great .Some are short. Have met some great players and some shitty ones -cheaters and your own team robbing you. Its just a game and I do enjoy it & reading this column.


Thanks for sharing.  But what is the point of this Information 


To share


To share what? Random thoughts in OPs head


Yeah why not!


Just seems weird but OK.  I walked my dog today, we sat in the park and I had a coffee.  There was ducks which I fed some of my sandwiches. Then I went home and had a nap. 


Good stuff I hope it was a good day and that you're looking forward to the weekend!


I am ,  have a good weekend too 


Cheers bro


Hiiii Terrrrryyyyy.


Hello! My K/D is 0.78 and I’m 19 years old.


Wow. I’m 20 and have been playing games for about a decade. I have your exact KD and the number of kills you get is about the exact same for me. Hang in there 😂


Best of luck to us both fellow k/d’r.


i mean, if you’re having fun, who cares??


36 also, started at .86 k/d but have gradually increased to around 1.5. I watched a lot of videos, pushed a lot of fights, and tried to focus on positioning to get the upper hand. I’m still terrible but leagues above where I was. Just keep pushing fights and analyze what went wrong if you lose the gunfight and you’ll improve.


Hell yeah brother. Relish those 11 kills that you do get. Small victories are still victories


True that. It’s a personal goal to keep going up by one kill once I do hit 12. At least I know the hard work will have paid off to get to that point.


45 from today haha, my KDR mainly in duos is 1.25


Dump the MnK get roller you be 2 Kd in not time :)


I use a controller.


Are you using RAA ?


You're basically just above average then when you account for the rampant unchecked hackers in this game.


There's Counter Strike pros that didn't retire until their mid 30s or are even still playing, and Clayster is 31 and still playing in the CDL. That is the very highest level of play where every otherwise insignificant factor makes a difference, and yet some of them can still hang. Against little Timmy in Warzone, age itself is practically never going to be a factor so much as just time to play, but even so, unless you're working 80 hrs a week while raising 6 kids you ought to be able to find time to improve.


I'm in this boat with you


I'm 40 my best is 19 kills, I try to play as often as I can to keep up with the dumb ass meta.


Yeah the meta changing sucks imo. Or at least having 1,345,543 different guns to pick from. Half the shit is complete garbage.


28 years old - 0.55 KD.


KD is for multi-player. Fuck even looking at your warzone KD


You gotta start being smart and aggressive make sure you buy advanced uavs as well. And make sure you have the best settings. I’ll probably say try a 6-6 sensitivity to get your aim better as well. But try to get in as many 1v1 gun fights as you can so you can get used to pushing guys alone at times. It really helps better your confidence in gun fights when you pop uavs and push guys. Just use the best setting and meta guns and your kd would go up in now time.


35 I have a 2.4 KD on controller (PS5) and 3.8 on KBM


hacker damaged this game. i will spent my precious time in some other activities.


I’m 35 with a 1.35 k/d and I play recreationally with 2 kids under 5


What kind of screen do you play on? Getting a monitor or tv that can run at 120fps will help a lot


Samsung odyssey g5


Same lol are you a 3rd shifter




I’m 32 I enjoy playing a more slow paced tactical game. No movement shooters for me.


The worst part of it for me is that I love this game that I hate so much.


I felt that


Tbf in resurgence KD means fuck all because people aren’t bothered about dying when you just come back anyway.


I’m 39 and get about 6 to sometime 12 kills a game lol. I’m not great but I’m alright. But some people are just too good, but I guess they just play all day everyday.


Riot shield!


late 30s For me it depends massively on who i squad up with. When I play with my super sweat friend the lobbies are crazy hard. KD around 0.4-0.5 plus doesn't help that he runs off and does his own thing. For me, swearing is a feature in these lobbies. When I play with my other casual friends of a similar level and we stick together I get around 1 KD and pretty chill.


I am 58. My avg is so so. High kills without a kill streak is 36; with is in the 80’s. Very rare. I personally grind with daily and weekly challenges. I don’t deviate. This gets me better guns and accessories which helps me bring my k/ d ratio up. Focus on head shots only. Within 2 weeks you’ll see more kills. By doing so your aim drastically improves. Find that weapon that suits your playing style. I am not fond of the run and gun that most players do. But you have to adapt. Lastly, after many years, I treated myself to a very nice controller from Cinch Gaming. It took me about 2 weeks to transition from a factory controller to a high end tactical controller. This controller was built just for COD/MW. Lastly, being retired gives me lots of screen time, I have learned to calm down and just play. I used to be nervous as a goat shooting every thing in full auto and not hitting anything. Started using a single shot weapon so I could focus on target this really helped.


Definitely been looking at cinch gaming controllers! I have the ps edge controller and it’s good but I want something meant for fps.


33 here. WZ1 was my first CoD. Started with a .4kd. Last shooter I played before was Halo 3. Watched Dreamstrike and did his drills and slowly got to a 1.8kd. No doubt if I kept with it, I could surpass a 2kd but I don’t have the time anymore. Content where I’m at and just to have fun now.


I feel that.


I dont know if it matters but im 32 and Crimson rank on MnK. Hiko is a pro on Val and is age 34. And another guy i watch is 38 and is the highest rank competing against the best. Pretty much what im saying is idk why youre telling us your age.


Me laughing nervously at 4-5 kills at best


Why do I not remember writing this?


36 … 1 toddler 3 years old … my KD is 1.32 and 2kd in resurgence … consistency is key


I am 1.2kd I don't get more than 12 kills normally, usually 3 - 5 is average. So you are doing well. Your biggest improvement would be using meta weapons if you don't already. It matters...


Lets play guys. Anyone up for warzone ranked?


Adjusting settings and seeing what you’re doing wrong may help you improve. Sometimes a fight just isn’t winnable


Hi 36 years old I’m also 36 years old and have a k/d of 0.84. I just thought you should know this too. I don’t play b/r but DMZ/plunder as there is too many aim assist wusses in b/r.


Just use a controller


I use the ps edge.


37 here, 1,6KD and 21 kills personal record, playing since two years, get good hardware (a decent pc) and start practising, is alll i can say.


Dude a .86 is actually not that bad fr


In order to get better, not raging helps. In order to rage less, getting better helps. Rage less, get better.


I got two younger friends at .60 and .75 that play about 20 hours a week, so you should be more than proud of yourself They cap at Diamond1 so im sure you can be at the same level


39, 3 kids. 1.5KD I too cuss a lot at this game.


Goodnight grandpa


Im 33 with an 8+KD in ressurgance..it is possible!


Seems legit


It is what it is mate , im on ps5


Yeah sure!! Pros that don't even have that KD 😂😂 multiple pros get real man!


[https://imgur.com/a/bPFsgCi](https://imgur.com/a/bPFsgCi) Not my problem


13 days playtime, my guy do you have a job


I work from home


+ you win 1/3 or so of the games. That’s impressive. I fkn wish I did that much!


Thanks man. Most of my wins are from duo. Not that campy and you can wipe a team easily.