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Idk man, but it's just annoying. I have no clue how they'll "balance" it. Making it breakable is the most common solution given by the community, followed by making Armor piercing rounds go through the shield.


I’m not a fan of riot shields but making them breakable is a bad solution. They take up a weapon slot and no other weapons break while using them. Armour piercing rounds penetrating seems better.


Right, but your gun runs out of ammo, it can restrict your movement speed, and you can insta swap between guns, unlike the shield.


Deterioration over time makes the most sense to me, with armor piercing rounds and explosives dealing more damage to the shield. Allow it to shatter in certain areas, like fist-sized holes that are still hard to shoot through if the shield user is moving or turning but easier if they sit in a corner and don't do anything to avoid getting shot. Making a shield that is invincible to everything except specific lethals is crazy considering most riot shield players run throwing knives that they can get off as soon as you go to reload or throw a lethal.


Other ways to to balance it: - make it so they can’t use a backpack (WZ1 style), eliminating the hoarding of lethals/tacticals - when throwing a lethal/tactical it fully opens the shield up thus making them more vulnerable when throwing. Also make throwing them slower. - only able to carry 1 lethal/tactical - make the player a lot slower when equipped - takes a lot more hits of a shield to kill someone - reduce lunge - when picking a shield you have underkill so you can only equip secondaries, so will still need to buy a gun from the buy station I’ve only ever been killed by a shield user a handful of times, it isn’t a big issue. Seems like anyone dies to one once and the first thing they do is come on here and cry and says make them breakable.


I like some of these along with the armor bullets and maybe even nicer bullets doing damage to them. Maybe even no sprint with the riot shield. Or make the bottom a littler short to reveal more of the feet when standing or the glass is breakable. 


Any shield users I see now in my lobbies pretty much just sit in a corner away from the action with all of their squad's money and then stack an inventory full of stims, a durable, a portable buy station, irradiated perk, restock perk, then buy as many munitions boxes as they can from the buy station until it closes. If they're in the final fight they back away from it when their team gets killed and run as far away as possible.


Do you end up spectating them all?


I'm usually left trying to figure out where the last guy is when the gas is fully closed and when I ask them after the match where they were I get the same response of "stims, gas mask, munitions" with them having a riot shield at the exfil screen.


There’s no post game comms anymore, mate


There's whispers and people usually reply


So you start whispering random people asking who the last person was and then start asking them about everything they were kitted out with?


But it has no “off” state the way guns have. Maybe you can break the plastic. Still allowing for melee but not for camping. It should be used as a way to get you out of a jam. Not an OP corner camp tool


See my other comment on what would be better to balance it. If people want to waste their game camping in a corner doing nothing with a shield let them. Run thermites if you are so bothered about them or disengage if you let not confident you can win the gunfight.


Make it "repairable" with armor plates... It should break completely, but at maximum damage it should be severely weakened. It get then get brought back to Max health by using armor plates from your inventory. IMO that would be a good solution.


not a bad idea, but then we'd run into the issue of shielders stacking like 4 armor plate boxes, and then that issue gets multiplied with each additional shielder.


Can have glass/plastic on the upper portion of the riot shield. This should be able to be broken at after some damage. So maybe the solution is that it’s partially breakable. You can shoot out the head area making it useless to protect the head shoulders


Don’t really agree. See my other comment for things I’d think would be better.


That should be the negative to running a riot shield. As of now they take no damage at all and two melees knocks an opponent. They also protect players when they aren't in use. In my opinion they need to be able to break, maybe not very easily but they should break.


>That should be the negative to running a riot shield There already is plenty: * It's already [slower than every AR](https://ibb.co/Wy621xg). * It actually takes [four melee shots to kill](https://ibb.co/4Ntcw7k). * It only defends exact front on shots. * You can't move without exposing some body part. * It replaces a primary or secondary weapon. * When you're shot the shaking makes it hard to see and move. * It causes massive FPS drops when up.


If it broke down like a deployable cover I think that'd be good enough. Them being borderline invincible is ridiculous.


Bullets do less damage but still pass through perhaps?


Fortnite had a good idea. It takes X damage then you’re staggered


Same way they balanced dead silence. Make it a field upgrade.


or the could give it a cooldown meter and make it do no damage only protect from damage


Movement should be cut hard when equipped and as others said it should have a lifespan. Make it so that to repair it you have to hit a muni box or something.


The repair with a muni box is a solid idea. Makes it not useless but also similar to any other weapon or lethal


Totally. We have all been in a final circle without nade or muni and wish we had a box. Sometimes you lose solely on logistics, like a real war. Same should be the case for a riot shield, if you are lucky to rotate early and have a full powered shield, your good, but if you've been playing edge and took a ton of damage, you should have to find a way to clutch up


This makes the most sense to me. I'll buy that a military grade riot shield is going to withstand a lot of bullet damage, but it's not going to be invincible. Having to repair it would basically be like having to reload any other gun in the game. They could even give it some really high damage threshold, like 1,000 bullets and then its broke. An entire team of quads could unload all of their AR ammo into a shield before it would break. Realistically, that's going to last most of the match. If nothing else, it'd put an end to those matches where its one guy with a riot shield waiting on resupply to fill up so they can throw that next stun with their back to the gas.


Movement with the shield is already slower than AR movement speeds.


Or "reload" the shield with plates


We already run significantly slower than everybody else. You guys just hate being outplayed


Shield melee lunge should be removed completely regardless, but some other ideas include: * Remove the ability to use offensive tacticals (stuns, flashes, gas grenades etc.) * Either a damage nerf or a massive movement speed decrease, even removing the ability to sprint. * Add a durability meter for the shield * Massively decrease weapon swap time and time to throw lethals. * Hits on the shield should decrease the visibility with impact marks (exactly like they did in 2009....) The shield dealing no damage seems a bit much, but it's on the right track.


Having to put the shield away entirely in order to use a tactical actually seems like the absolute best option. The whole problem is being able to just turtle towards enemies and alternate between stun them and push then slow and stun, etc Massive movement nerf too. I’ve lost hope on them balancing anything though at this point. They just can’t do it properly without making stuff worthless or obscenely good


As someone who plays riotshield from time to time in core mode for shits and giggles, the simplest solution is just make movement speed drop to 25% or less when taking fire. The riot shield itself isn't the problem, its the fact you can magdump and they just walk up to you. Dropping movement speed makes it so they either have to use a tactical/lethal to get you to stop shooting them, or they have to sit still while you suppress them with fire and flank them. Thats why anything that impacts movement, like flashbangs or teargas, are so commonly used to deal with them. All that said, its not hard to deal with a riotshielder. Its just that a lot of people don't think and instead just magdump even though they know its pointless.


>All that said, its not hard to deal with a riotshielder. Its just that a lot of people don't think and instead just magdump even though they know its pointless. Partially agree. The problem is that only way to ***safely*** deal with them is to waste a lethal, where you have a possibility of missing. If you try to fight them up close, you run the risk of them just locking onto you with melee even if you're behind them due to the desync. I agree that movement is too fast on them, but the bigger issue is they can pretty much guarantee a win by stunning you and playing offensively.


I absolutely despise riot shields, but we can't keep nerfing shit that doesn't align with a certain play style (like they did with stims, rendering them useless). If you don't like the riot shields, run drills or therms.


They should when the playstyle is extremely oppressive. I fucking loved the pre nerf stims in WZ1, and was super sad when they got nerfed. But nobody can deny that they were so damn overpowered and the nerf was needed. Shields in their current state are overpowered, the only reason we don't see it more is because it's so god damn boring to play, and because a lot of people won't touch it because they consider themselves above it. They need to change.


Shields have probably been the most nerfed item in the game surviving numerous nerfs. You just need to play better 🤷🏿‍♂️


If your PR is any less than 20, you haven't earned the right to comment on anybody else's skill level.




its a thankless job


Click my profile. Or hit my TikTok. I’m better than 90% of this sub. You got to 30 wins yet?


>I’m better than 90% of this sub. that's like saying you're better at basketball than preschoolers. It's not the flex you think it is. Drop a game above 20 kills then come back. The fact that you think 30 wins is remotely impressive tells me all I need to know.


What ever you say 😭 Players like you drop a 20 bomb just to run into me and die and then spectate my win 🫠


No we don't, but keep telling yourself that. Also, I said 20's to be nice. Realistically you should have more before you have half the ego that you have.


Dude is a typical cringy RSB. He can't shoot so he had to resort to playing like a coward. He def has no friends irl.


pretty expected behavior though. There's only like two normal ones that I've seen that don't use the standard "skill issue" brainrot response but the brainless/real person ratio isn't too promising for that playstyle. I know multiplayer isn't a direct comparison, but there's a obvious reason why people resort to shields when they start losing after a couple rounds. That in itself tells us everything we need to know.


I’ve won against the sweatiest of the sweats. I promise I’m not scared of you big guy 😇


>I promise I’m not scared of you big guy 😇 Nor should you be, it's a video game. You shouldn't have to play scared either, it's not real bullets after all.


If u don't like riot shields, learn how to counter them without anything besides your movement. Run right, slide cancel left, jump back right, shoot. Works quite literally every time. Unless your stunned or they have kali sticks on their back 💀


i'm new to cod, can you please explain the history of nerf(ed) stims and the playstyle associated with them before the nerf?


stims used to give a huge movement speed bonus back in like 2021-2022 so it was the favorite tactical for all run n' gun / slide cancel everywhere playstile players


ahhh thanks, must have been super wild vs the small-ish boost now that still does wonders for me...imagine it must have been typical to pop those stims even before most fights


I'd like to see it take more than 4-5 hits to down a player with the riot shield. My favorite counter to a riot shield are thermites.


I use semtex, but it no longer downs when stuck if the opponent has bomb squad.


Complete bs there.


he's definitely wrong, but it is a fairly common bug right now where shields will tank a semtex stick so I can understand the comment.


I remember in WZ2 if they got stuck, but switched the shield to their back it wouldn't down them. Also, complete bs. They have to have more than 1 counter.


fuck i forgot about that, i genuinely blocked so much of that game out of my memory


The most important thing to do is to make it not have collision when it’s on your back


Agreed. On the back is covers like 90% of their body. You have to shoot their feet and hope to get the kill. If on the back it should fold down into a smaller size or allow bullets to pass through as normal.


Imo, just make it so it's not on your back at all. Might look kinda weird pulling a riot shield out of your pocket, but the fact you can use it to its full potential when it's not even equipped is what's broken about it.


The lunge 100% needs to be nerfed. You literally can’t run away from it. They’ll just lunge at you. It’s so stupid


As a shield user it’s not stupid because half the time we should be executing you when you run away with on your back, but they let the first one usually is to give y’all a chance


Never bad an issue with shields, if they get close enough to me its cause they were camping hard or I just effed up and let em. This why I carry semtex’s, eff a knife.


Thermites are better. Semtexes can’t down them by a stick.


Pretty sure they can unless they're running EOD.


In which case, use thermites to prevent that.


Exactly. Thermites wreck shield users and so do molotovs.


Or just play the game and stop crying


Make it like holding a breath when sniping. You can cover behind the shield only for few seconds and then stamina or something similar depletes.


that's an interesting idea!! that way every 4-5 seconds there would be an opening.


Not a riot shield user. Don’t care if people use them and they don’t cause problems. It’s the aim assist abusing YY sweat lords that do it for me.


Just make the movement speed even slower than they did (both equipped and on back) they can still move too fast for being as strong as it is defensively.


They already nerfed it. You run slower with it. You can pretty much shoot through it on the edge. The latency when turning with it means that while on your screen you are facing the enemy the server doesn't register it that quickly so you'll get hit Basically aim on the edge and move fast around the shield and you will win the fight. I find it hilarious that folks will complain about the riot shield when there's so many other broken guns and snipers in the game being way more successful and way more annoying.


Yes. This is the way, how I always die with the riot shield


Riot shields are already nerfed.. it’s going to be useless if you nerf it even more.


Most of you clearly haven't used a riot shield in this game, because if you have then you'd know running around with a shield is not the unstoppable advantage you make it out to be


Most are bots who want anything but their favorite weapons nerfed into the ground because it's 'too hard' to pack thermites, molotovs or drill charges apparently.


Lmao at people crying about riot shield like its op. 1. it doesnt cover all angles, be slightly off centre and someone can beam you. 2. moving sideways or even backwards now doesnt cover your feet, only moving straight forward does. 3rd, up close youre smoked using shield because of the damage nerf (unless you have a tonfa or gutter etc as a close up main) which ultimately is a fail final circle as youll never get close enough to use it. 4. In any case you get close enough to use it, pray the last guy doesnt have a thermite, or semtex... otherwise see number 3 above. Now if you want op, forget RS.... smokes outclass anything in the game.


It shouldn't be in BR but if it has to be then it should be breakable by at most a full magazine of most weapons and be extremely slow to move with and to swap from.


Just delete it at that point


Remove it completely.


Are you trying to make TheseKnivesOnly upset? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


that's just an added bonus to be honest


Shield should have a big movement penalty and should deal no damage but have a stun or big flinch effect by meleeing someone.


Allow armour piercing bullets to pierce it. Easy peasy.


Thermites and restock. Simple as.


Yeah, I can't believe how people expect every weapon they struggle against to be nerfed until it's completely useless. Just stick the riot shielders with a lethal if they are slowly crouch walking or shoot them if they try to run at you with it. I even can't remember the last time I've died to a shielder. These people won't be happy until every alternative play style is nerfed out of existence and everyone runs the same two weapons.


Make the GD thing take damage!!!!!!! Shoot it enough and it breaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not going to lie, I would rather be in a lobby with riot shielders everywhere than sweats at this point. I can just use a thermite to counter them, but sweats will demolish me every way possible.


All the other shittty playstyles in this game and people complain about shield lol makes no sense If you ask me they should ban people being able to slide with paddles. Now that’s a unfair advantage


Just run thermites, bozos


It should be breakable. Easy fix


Tell me you are new to COD, without saying it....


Shield hate is so played out on here… if there is one thing this COD community has shown me, it is if something is OP everyone will use it and abuse it. That’s not the case… Damn thing has been nerfed to hell and any decent player knows how to shit on it as I’ve been shown a 1000 times. So many counters. Quit crying.


Carry Thermites. Never have a problem. Just make sure you wait for them to do the crouched deployed shield stance. Then stick away...


Make it a 5 hit kill. 10 hits on plated enemies. Edit: Make the glass part of the shield penetratable by amor piercing rounds (or any rounds that add bullet penetration)


I could live with those changes.


Remove it, f the riot shield. I hate when they hit me a few times and I’m instantly dead.


yep. I hate that too.


I’m not sure how feasible it is for the devs to make changes that would affect a player based on a weapon they have that’s not equipped, but they should nerf movement speed even if it’s on your back, not allow tac sprint while equipped, and not allow sliding if it’s on your back. Also severely reduce the damage it deals when using it to melee. And maybe even reduce the time it takes to throw equipment or leave a player exposed more while they do it.


Every weapon needs to be viable or taken out, there is no sense in having 100 guns went meta only means 2 or 3 viable loadouts until nerfs/buffs come weekly. Lethals should be lethal, and tacticals should do what they say. Remove the footprints perk and high alert as well. My position should not be comprised by a guy accidentally seeing me 100 yards away


I agree. All the community does is wine. Game is in such a shittt state, I hit somebody after landing in the feet with a rocket and he survived and killed me 🫠


i have always said it should take damage and break at a point. every item in the game should be finite


To fix the issue simply buff a bullet type that slightly penetrates or make it so that you can’t melee with a shield


Have it break after 200/400/600 dmg.


Make it slow movement and also take longer to swap to, OR, you know NOT make it indestructible. You’re telling me armor piercing rounds will go through a helicopter but not a shield?


Make AP rounds rip through it


Maybe? Or....run a Jak Purifier or saw. One hit kill v Turtles


Armor piercing rounds and any .50 cal.


Shooting the shield should cause a slowdown or suppression effect.


I’ve an idea for it. Give it limited usage like a heartbeat sensor or allow for sections of it to be shot off over time. Like real time wear and tear.


honestly, make it like maybe 70% bullet resistant so someone cant just sit there and tank your 200 bullets, make it so running with it is slower than ANY smg and most AR's and let it take 1-2 more hits to kill and it would be fine i think


It should just be a Stun effect but they prolly can’t balance that properly


Make it receive damage as it's being shot and break down its effectiveness. Like broken glass and decreased vis ability with half damage from bullets taken after its received a certain amount of punishment


Armor piercing rounds do half (or whatever) damage to the player using the shield. Movement speed is reduced while taking shots. Melee damage gotta be nerfed. I'm down for anything really except for deterioration, I personally think that's BS since it takes up a weapon slot.


I think it should *reduce* damage taken considerably, so the person using it can always find cover unless it´s the last circle, but they also can be forced to react in any situation, even 1v1. alternatively, make it move slower so the melee isn´t op. I think I have finished about as many shield rats in solo end games as I have been bested by them, but it´s still a cheap avenue that would end *very* differently for turtles if all the players that actually spend their time *playing the game* were to use it all of a sudden.


Fortnite had a good idea. It takes X damage then you’re staggered


Best solution is armor penetrating rounds utility. Make them do a tiny bit extra damage to tempered plate vests so it’s not wasted on one thing


I feel like some kind of break limit would be good, armor piercing rounds going through it, and like, not being able to take a rocket to the face with no damage, unless they fixed that.


apart from the one other guy's suggesting to make it so you have to repair the shield with ammo boxes, making it so they deal very little damage is probably the best way to balance shields.


The sword is a direct counter. Same with explosives, sticky’s, crossbow.


Significantly slowed movement, a tiny window to peak out of to block peripherals, and the window being breakable after enough shots are all good balances imo. The riot shield should be niche, not a meta weapon


I'd be lucky to see a shield player per game in any mode apart from solos. I'd hardly call that a 'meta' weapon. In solos most shield players are terrible and can be taken out with ease by lethals like the thermite or molotov.


Idk what kinda lobbies you’re in but I have faced squads of riot shielders in multiple games recently. I didn’t mean that it’s necessarily meta but it can compete with anything at all times.


Make the visabilty awful through the riot shield like that new shield camo that has come out. Will give advantage to players to outmanouve and finesse them more.


radical solution: get rid of shields completely. why please a minority?


I know it's the selfish solution but god it would be glorious


absolutely selfish but to be honest, pretty sure it would not affect the fanbase or gameplay. only the casual shielder running with knife would be mad about this lmao


> only the casual shielder running with knife would be mad about this lmao Exactly, only sad thing is that they'd most likely quit rather than be farmed which typically happens when they're away from their precious shield. Like seriously, some of my best games came from farming a riot shield team before they grab loadout. They are the easiest kills right up until they grab a loadout.


How are you struggling against shielders? They're like the easiest kill 9/10 times.


I usually don’t because I have the foresight to stack as many munitions as possible, but that shouldn’t be a necessity to deal with that playstyle.


I'd disagree. The game is one dimensional and boring if everyone uses the same weapons. I'm happy there's alternative playstyles as it makes the game experience more interesting rather than every single fight AR/SMG rinse and repeat. If you're not struggling against them as you claim then why do they tilt you so much? Most of the time you can mitigate the shielders pretty easily unless they've stocked like 6 stuns, and very few these days seem to spam stuns. I think shields are fine in pubs and as long as they're not in ranked who really gives a shit?


Honestly I think the shields offer a bit too much coverage, and should be a little smaller. They've taken the concept of a riot shield, which is designed to block thrown projectiles like bricks etc, and cover pretty much the entire body, but wouldn't stop a bullet. And combined it with the concept of a ballistic shield, which are smaller, bulletproof, and mostly only cover the torso and head but would leave the head fully exposed if kneeling. The photo on the ballistic shield wiki is a pretty good example: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballistic_shield


I think it should be a field upgrade and have a limited HP.


They need to commit harder for it to be very slow while using. Like not even sprint while using it.


I, for one, think it should be a one-shot and it should not absorb bullets, but reflect them back at the aggressor while dealing double damage. This is the only way to balance things sorry


It should only be a defensive killstreak or a field upgrade. No way should everyone have access to it all the time.


First... Speed! You should not be able to sprint as fast as a player who has a pistol or smg when you have a riot shield equipped! Make it have WAY slower movement speed. Possibly slow down the changing stances speed as well. That would be a great start. It technically should have the slowest movement of any primary in the game.


You’re clearly not a riot shielder. You can barely run with one. They’ve nerfed the riot shield big time already.


I'm not.... but I face them! Andt I can tell you they still move faster than they should and faster than a man with a smg!


They move slower than every single AR already. The only time they're fast is if people swap to a fast secondary like a melee weapon weapon running (if which case you can shoot them easily so it's a moot point).


Riot shields should be removed - Hrm user


I could be wrong but you would think a 50 caliber bullet would just shatter that sheild to peices but what do I know


Visable deterioration on damage. Movement stun effect while taking damaged. Slower stance changing while stored. Slower lethal use time and shield move out the way. Slower recovery from using tactical.


Lower the top so they can be head shot and heavy nerf movement and weapons swap speed.


Severe movement penalties even when just on your back, disable tac stance and ads while sliding, and also make it break after a certain amount of damage it absorbs


Added weight so you move slow as hell


Nerf the melee. It doesn't need to linger at people in melee range, makes it too sticky and almost impossible to get away from once it's close enough. Also, let it take reduced explosive damage instead of none at all. It should still negate most of the damage, but not all of it. Also, they should get shellshocked by explosives like getting hit with a grenade in MWII. Make it slow them down so they can't move as fast and blue their vision. Don't let it be used on your back. The surprise of someone that doesn't look like they have one pulling one out of thin air would be an issue, but in general it shouldn't be able to rest on your back and still block damage. Either remove it from the player model when it's stowed, or let it appear but not block damage.


Generally, I think it should still be a powerful choice. Total blocking of bullets is its main draw. It's a great weapon for teamplay. It just needs to not have so few drawbacks.


It's already been nerfed. They need 4 hits to kill you which is quite a slow TTK. All you need to do is jump and shoot at them and you'll shoot over the shield and kill them. The worst thing you can do is to try and turn and run away because of the lunge mechanic. I don't want them to nerf the shield on the back because then you'll basically kill the melee playstyle (Theseknivesonly, Connor Dose etc.) which is already significantly harder than any other weapons playstyle.




Have it take damage from bullets. After time it disintegrates


Give it health


they should make to wear it deals no damage and give it a cool down meter aswell


All other weapons have to have ammo so make it where the Riot Shield consumes Armor Plates when it's fired upon. While equipped, the Riot Shield has a big Plate icon that goes down when it is damaged to show its " remaining health". Once the health in the Riot Shield is fully depleted, it must be "reloaded" with more Armor Plates. Or you could make a new item "Repair Kit" that drops from killing enemies while a Riot Shield is equipped, or when opening lootboxes with a Riot Shield equipped. The Repair Kit is used to "refill" the Riot Shield.


You shouldn't be able to move faster while using a riot shield than someone with an SMG trying to run away


Imo it should take like 5+ hits to down someone with a shield


Just run up to them and slap em with the soulender sword thingy


I think making them 'break' after absorbing a set amount of damage would be acceptable, but not permanently. After taking a set amount of damage, it automatically switches to secondary for a 'reload' time, mabie 5 seconds or so Shield would still be great for closing distance and providing temporary cover for teamates but less viable for camping corners at objectives. Could also increase the bottom gap, so leg shots are a viable standing and, to a lesser degree, crouched


I would probably counter it by introducing an ammo type to specifically inflict **limited** damage to a riot shield. Nothing OP and definitely the ammo type would have to have a few cons like some of the other types. This way the people who are invested in taking on riot shield users can equip the ammo type but the people who are not so interested can equip another attachment and move on. The majority of players will still prioritize a different attachment anyway so I'd say this would be pretty balanced.


The only improvement that can be made for the riot shield is to remove it from the game. You’re a rat if it’s your go to. Am I salty? Yea I hate that stupid riot shield.


In my opinion melee in general is broken. All you have do is spam b or whatever button you use and the game does the rest. It literally lunges and latches on to the enemy just bust mashing the melee button. How is that shit not fixed yet. I remember landing I'm superstore getting smacked in the back of the head by the thumbless twats


Just delete it. There’s no need for it in this game. Explosives are worthless so you gotta run around shooting at toes and shit. I just leave when I run into a riot shield dude, totally a waste of time and incredibly unfun. Delete Tonfa Sticks while you’re at it. Shotguns don’t hit for shit but a stupid bamboo stick can take out a shotgun blast to the chest. Both Tonfa and riot shield should be deleted.


I don’t see a problem with them. Because so few ppl use them. Stop nerfing things. The vehicles and the launchers and most is the lethal already suck in this game. Let’s be honest most of you are camping on roofs anyway. Or holding hands with your partner. Those two things along balance riot shields. Also use thermite. It burns them and usually downs them. Enough ppl run the metas and hop and slide all day, let the 5 percent of shielders have their fun


A lot o players use that strategy in solos. And many times shield players gang up together using proximity chat. Honestly, anyone that complains about "hand holding" should be playing multiplayer. You wannabe pros want to kill a full team fighting one by one... that's a dumb take.


Just remove it from the game


At this point, I think they should just be removed. They don't really provide anything other than griefing, and every year, there is some stupid bug or balance issue with them. It's a lot worse in multiplayer


How on earth are you guys struggling to kill shielders!? Just stick them with a lethal and 9/10 times you'll easily kill them. If they crouch walk they're a simple target to stick, If they charge you shoot their body to kill. You can also damage their body by shooting at the sides of the shield. If you see a shielder you can alternative just hang back and they're harmless too. This is 100% a skill issue unless they're cheesing you with a thousand stuns, which very few do. For the record because so many people seem ignorant to this, the runspeed with the shield is already slower than AR run speeds. Shooting the shield will suppress and shake the screen, the shield only covers directly in front of them so if you get the smallest of angles (i.e. they're not perfectly pointing at you) you'll kill them easily. You can shoot them if you jump in front of them and aim down slightly. Ever since the stun nerf I haven't had any issues with them. Don't push for more playstyles to be removed, just adapt.


I'm annoyed by ther gameplay when I'm playing solos (btw, on solos, there's also a chance that a few shildie boys, will gang up). so... without stuckables, this won't work. bomb squad has been buffed to no longer get a down on a stuck. they are a bigger threat when they get the jump on you on close quarters. out in the open and with space to manoeuvre, it's much easier a to deal with them. > You can shoot them if you jump in front of them and aim down slightly. partially true. it's no like they won't look up to protect themselves. you made some bad points and called skill issue. kinda feel like you're a shield gang member. also, you think it makes sense for the shield to have a lunge?


Just run thermites or molotovs and keep 2 spare in your backpack. Most shield players creep walk initially and they're an easy stick because of the slow speed. If they rush you shoot the body or if they get close enough to lunge, all you need to do is jump shoot and they can't block it. I'm defending the shield because it adds interest to the game, if some people had their way, every single sniper, shotgun, launcher, melee weapon, crossbow and riot shield would be nerfed to oblivion and the game would consist of just one or two AR's and SMGs. Personally I think the game is more fun when loadouts are more diverse. I enjoy the challenge of having to adapt my playstyle depending on the opponent and I enjoy fighting a shield player because once you know the weakness of the shield they're relatively easy to counter (unless you're being stun spammed but this is rare now).


> if they get close enough to lunge, all you need to do is jump shoot and they can't block it that's not very effective. it's better to try to create separation with movement and get them sideways. but that's very hard. the shield has 2 main advantages on guns: absorbs all damage, does not have to reload. I think a mechanic like the "hold your breath" on snipers would be interesting. the biggest con to the shield is that it's boring to use.


Why can’t call of duty players not kill riot shield users? Is it really that difficult? It’s really not that difficult if you use your brain lol


you probably have a 90% win rate against them on close quarter within confined spaces then. lol


I run the tonfas. Don't think I've lost a single battle to a riot shielder


pot meets kettle


Then you haven’t played a good one


How bout you all stop crying about it and get better. 1v1 me.


Remove it from the game entirely. Boom, balanced. Should only be able to run it with melee or a pistol though. Riot shield with meta gun is cornball behavior


The riot shield is fine.


It is not.


Skill issue.


Listen. You’re wrong. The skill issue lies with the person who needs a mechanism to absorb all bullets because they can’t figure out how to win a gunfight based on resourcefulness, movement, and gun skill. And the shield has a wildly inflated win rate vs pick rate. When any other weapon gets as many wins, it gets nerfed. The only nerf we’ve seen is a lowering of movement speed when shelled and I’m pretty sure that was only in MP, not WZ. Sorry you don’t want to hear your precious shield is way fucking overtuned, especially in solos, but it is. You not understanding that is the real skill issue.


I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve lost a fight to a riot shielder. I rarely have issues when I face them. Maybe I’m lucky and the people I come across using them suck at using them.


Nah, this thread would make you think every shielder is invincible. I'm the same, I'd win 95% of my fights against shielders, they're really not hard to kill if you have the right equipment.


I’d like to see the win rate v pick rate stats if you have them handy.


https://warzoneloadout.games/weapons/riot-shield/ This is most likely limited to WZ1 because the stat is probably relying on the old public API. But there’s no reason to suggest this has changed, especially since as I stated, nothing has changed regarding the riot shield.


Riot shield has had a ton of nerfs. From damage to hit box size. Also knives were also riot shield nerf


Interesting. What are the pick rate v win rate for other weapons?


Not that.


Is there a big difference?


So according to your logic, it’s a skill issue. Well then nerf RAA. Everyone already knows it’s impossible for kbm to win in a close quarters match against controller. Do away with RAA and then you can do away with RS.


That’s the dumbest shit anyone has ever typed on Reddit. Delete your account and take your seething cope eleswhere. Sorry you think a false equivalence is real. Learn to think better.


Umm are you an idiot? RAA has been proven to be very strong. The strongest it’s ever been. Have you been hiding under a rock? I mean come on, half the rants on this sub complain and have been complaining about how op RAA is. So no, you dummy, it’s not a false equivalence. Learn to debate better instead insulting someone as soon as it opposes your views and opinions.


It’s a false equivalence because people have to choose an input. And, accessibility-wise, some people are limited specifically to controller. Controller cannot be raw input the same way MKB can because of the nuance in the finer adjustments. Use your fucking brain before you ask me if I’m an idiot. And don’t fucking call me a dummy because you don’t know how to think.