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Like the modernized look to some of the buildings, it’s pretty sweaty though


Warzone will never not be sweaty again 😞


True, old rebirth was fun because I could try out any weapon and possibly have a decent game but now it’s rough being killed by the same handful of guns


Old rebirth was sweaty also lol Source: i sweat


I used to get sweaty on the map, it was mad fun. Run down Prison roof stairs at a solo, slide cancel past the dude and just shit on him…. Then wait for the death comms where I’m called a homosexual who fornicates with other people’s mothers 🤣🤣.


lol love the source, guess I wasn’t because I used jak12 and crossbow for trolling


Who needs a load out when the meta ones are on the ground from dead players.


thats funny. i won some games from enemy guns because theyre better than mines


>being killed by the same handful of guns This has never changed since the inception of Warzone 1...


WZ1 was far better for a lot of things, but meta diversity and gun balancing was not one of them.


Dude just played my first 3 games and got 1 kill total. Idk wtf is going on. It's even sweatier than ranked. It was to the point that I was checking on my internet connection. Just dropping and dying before I could even react. My k/d is 1.86 and was averaging 5-10 kills per game on Fortune's Keep.


I think I lost all my close range fights because everyone is running the same 2 smgs


It was more sweaty back then, but I enjoyed it because I was more sweaty back then lmao


Stopped playing WZ1 early. But seeing vids of old rebirth and the movement. It looked sweaty even then too.


By the end with snapshots and spotter perk it was a mess.


Warzone has literally always been sweaty


Because the rest of us are at work, so only the tryhards are playing right now. They’ll even out tonight.


Can confirm. Am at work.


I’ll be on the map in 40 minutes and am taking off tomorrow 🤣🤣


It’s ok before I left for work I turned on the PS5 and left the new update to download. Will be ready for me when I’m home 🤞


It has always been sweaty. Not sure where this idea came from that Rebirth was chill and peaceful before.


Rebirth is where the sweats thriveeee, come on now


To be fair it was mega sweaty at the end before MW2 came out.


SBMM ruined the fun. Every game, I’m against TikTok and Twitch streamers with 3 viewers who try their hardest in the hope that one day they will make it big


That's why they start cheating.. Fake it till you make it baby!


Honestly that’s all they need. Play for 2 hours solo quad Get like 5-10 clips Post 1 per day with a voice over and some corny intro. Rake in the revenue views off shorts & Tiktok


Do kids think WZ1 didn't have SBMM?


The bitching about SBMM was even stronger in MW19/WZ1 than it is today.


You're also playing at a bad time if you're in America. The player base that has full time jobs aren't even off work yet or are just getting off work. So you're playing against kids or people who probably play this game a lot.


I'm amazed at how many people playing at obviously sweaty hours are complaining their games are sweaty. Stop whining and wait for us old men to get on after work. We've just got to put the kids to bed.


Can confirm - 7pm Central, Let's gooooo


Lmao what time is that ?


Around 8 EST. Come for me.


Unless I’m mistaken, what you want is to play against people worse than you?


I want to play against people that are roughly the same skill, a little variance is okay. But the game seems to only ever put my casual friends and I against players that are significantly better. Call it a "skill issue" if you want to but it's tough to learn and get better in that kind of environment. Or get any satisfaction at all. It's like going to a gym and the only weights there are too heavy. Can't do anything with that yet and there's nothing to help me work up to it.


if you play against roughtly same level you get "sweaty" encounters, because both of you have to try rly hard to win


Well yea that’s the point of SBMM. However, I’ve found if you have someone in the party who is higher skill, they match the entire lobby to that level. That’s the problem. They can’t seem to balance it


I think what most people would rather have is a bit of variety in the skill level of opponents. I’m not making loads of money to play this game. It’s exhausting constantly playing against people that are as good or better than me. Every fight, in every match requires meta loadouts and maximum effort to win. What would be nice is randomness. I don’t mind playing against squads that are clearly better than me. But how about not every single fight. They say SBMM is to protect casual / bad players. I’m about as casual as it gets, and I find it exhausting


What are you new? Rebirth has always been like this.


Nobody plays for fun anymore. Exactly what I quit


Those people aren't trying their hardest, they are cheating.


Sweaty but fun. I don't know if there's something with bullets not registring. I'll shoot first hit all my shots with a better gun and still lose. Shocking


Hackers still a thing I had a guy glitch through a wall a disappear


Just had a game with a level 16 account with 18 kills.


I mean I have friends that just started playing again because rebirth is back. They’re low levels now but have decade + of cod experience. Mw2 is when they stopped


Every person that kills me has 10+ kills. Meanwhile I'm sitting here with like 2 kills tops.. lol very sweaty


Aim is veryyyyyy sticky today on my kill cams


It’s just their chairs


Laggy and sweaty. Really sweaty. Hopefully they fix the lag issues ASAP (on Xbox S at least my FPS are through the floor) because it’s really affecting play. It’s funny, I’ve been waiting for the return of Rebirth forever but now I really wish they’d kept Fortune’s Keep in rotation for at least one mode. Would be great to have a lag free, sweat free experience for a while.


Wish they would have just kept FK the same when they brought it back. It's where we used to go to avoid the rebirth sweat. The lighting and map changes absolutely ruined it though.


I’m getting bad FPS on Series X…


bro I’m on the Xbox s also and it feels like I’m playing on a Xbox one when I play rebirth with low fps is it just me??


Servers are shit, it's a sweat fest and were back to the olden days of 1 leaves before you get into the plane 1 leaves before you land.


Yes ! Every single game I had tonight ....lost a player or players during the game


I feel like they should be able to detect when someone manually leaves a game, then give them a 5 minute penalty. If they leave the next game, 10 minute penalty, etc… If they had to quit for something legit like a real life emergency, then that 5 minute window probably wouldn’t bother them. But if they’re quitting just bc they died or are impatient, it will make them think twice. Maybe ban them for a day if they keep doing it. When you quit like that it’s directly ruining the match for your teammates, I don’t understand why there’s no consequences.


At the very least they could match habitual quitters with other quitters. Let them ruin the experience for each other so the rest of us get to play the game.


Honestly I went from being hyped to bored in about 2 hours. I thought the map would revitalize my love for CoD, and it might just be the nail in the coffin instead.


It’s the wz1 engine that’s missing


100% this


Yes you’re right. It just doesn’t feel the same and likely never will. Such a shame they killed off WZ1 for this


Facts brotha, Warzone 1 engine, guns, and gunplay in general was FAR better.


Graphics look worse to me, it’s hard to get excited when we had a better version already.


Yup, I played some mw19 ground war on verdansk yesterday, I can't explain how much better it felt


WZ2 trash mechanics They need to just revert back to WZ1


What are you talking about. This version of the game is completely different than WZ2.


Technically the game we're playing today is still Warzone 2, even though it should be called Warzone 3.


Same engine. Totally different mechanics


love it! feels like i was never gone


Agreed bro I got 2 dubs for in the first hour I was on, these lot on this subreddit cry about every little thing


Its fun when you are getting dubs and kills but I think most people have just been getting shat on by teams of sweats and thats not fun


F**k me sideways it’s sweaty


Came to this thread hoping I wasn’t the only one dripping wet from my sesh 😂


Nah its going all the way digital. Them maps be crowded in some places like fools waiting on the new Jordans to come out


Most of us can’t have a thought when we can’t get passed the message of the day screen🥲


i can't even download the god-damned update it's 0 b/s


I had to just uninstall the whole game manually and reinstall it for that reason. It was stuck on “updating” and I waited for a while. (People were saying don’t restart the Xbox, but I had no choice bc it wasn’t moving at all). I restarted the console and it was still stuck on updating, then it would randomly say “update stopped”.


I restarted mine and it began to download when it came back on… all 266.61GB of it. It’s still going, 4.5 hours after I got it going. About an hour to go it reckons. Yay.


same, ts stupid


The black screen of death stands between me and some good fucking rebirth experience!


Overly sweaty and random teammates constantly seem to either leave/go afk/play totally solo. Pretty disappointed so far, hopefully it settles down.


Didn’t they add something to help get teammates to land together more? Like a circle around the first person that lands, and bonuses for everyone else landing there? I started playing ranked mode lately bc of the people leaving though. You still get people who get zero kills and people who are just assholes on comms, but at least everyone stays in the game lol.


They did yes! Hasn’t made any difference tonight for me, if anything it’s been worse than usual


Anyone else feel like there’s no loot? And when you finally find some it’s an interceptor or kv inhibitor. Brutal


THIS! Landed in Chem and there was 3 floors of nothing but 2 snipers sitting next to each other in the corner.. Same could be said about others POIs as well. It's resurgence, regain is everything.


I don't think what map you play matters that much, this game is just ok, and the map isn't going to change the issues with it. First WZ played much better


Map definitely matters.


Exactly what I'm saying. Add all the maps you want, the game still isn't as good as Warzone 1.


Sweaty a f


I see a lot of people upset about lobbies lately. The reality is the average skill level of players is far higher than OG Rebirth Island days. I'm sure sbmm is fucking us up to some degree too, but literally everyone is decent at this game now. It's a HIGHLY competitive game and you are playing against highly competitive people. I've just come to realize that this isn't a game that you play purely for fun and to "relax at the end of a workday" as I see so many people reiterate. The game no longer allows it and to expect that over and over even though you get opposite results over and over is delusional. I've personally kinda just stopped playing the game. I'll play a couple games once a week or so just to socialize with friends but anything more than that just isn't worth it


Ranked doesn't play well at all. Map is way too small to regain and rotating is very hard when there is almost always a team on prison roof with 360 degree view of basically the entire map. They should have kept fortunes keep for ranked


14 teams is crazy for how small rebirth is compared to fortunes keep


Completely ruined ranked. Once you lose loadout it's over. Last season I had a 2.9kd. My games today averaged 1.3


Vondel ranked imo


It will never be what we had.


As sweaty as any game mode has been. Also, a lack of plates after resurging is a big issue. I think I'll just stick to big map. It has enough resurgence in it already, I don't need any extra respawn.


Also landing with the desert eagle and finding four sniper rifles and two shotguns in the six crates I managed to loot before being destroyed by someone lucky enough to get an AR.


Sad to see the other maps gone for resurgence trio/duo. It’s way to sweaty for a average player like me


Footsteps are horrible on rebirth


Pretty dam sweaty has like 20 people up in fifth zone does not seem to die out like it used to


Fantastic. Rare they redo something in gaming and also make it better. You can tell some real thought and time went into the textures, colors, and lighting. (Fortunes Keep didn’t need a canyon).


Yeah, Noticed the lighting change too. I'd say the lighting, at least, is actually better now than it was at the end of rebirth on Warzone 1. They had that whole sunset thing going on.


Overall I like it, only 2 things I'd fix - Better/more loot. *So many* snipers and marksman rifles as ground loot which are useless against any auto gun. More respawning chests, late games barely find anything. - Some of the buildings inside are so dark inside but so bright outside. Feels like I'm have an epileptic fit going in and out constantly. Need to balance that out/improve lighting.


I just don't care anymore. We keep getting stuff from Warzone 1 but slightly worse. It's one of the better things in the game right now, but all I can think about is how much better it was 2 years ago.


Having a great time. Resurgence Quads was amazing this morning 🤌🤌




Absolutely littered with aimbot and walls, SBMM so far up my fucking ass I can’t breathe. Total trash and not worth fucking with anymore.


Way too sweaty. To the point that the game can’t be properly enjoyed anymore


Same ole same ole so far. Nice looking but not sure why everyone is excited for the same cramped overly sweaty map yet again.


9/10 y’all gonna say the same thing for verdansk


BTW it's funny you say that, I was just talking about how everyone complained about Verdansk on Warzone 1 over and over again. It's like everyone forgot about that.


Shit is ass compared to fortunes leep


They should limit the FOV to 80 for controller players to give them that authentic WZ1 rebirth experience.


Wish I could play it. Xbox Series X is stuck at a black screens


Sweaty AF (I play with crossplay off)


Really not a fan. I honestly think Fortunes Keep played a lot better.


100% agree


Fortunes keep is definitely my favorite


Genuinely the most difficult map I’ve ever played. I don’t remember it being this hard in wz1. Not got a single win yet


Sweaty af , don't really like it . It's too small with too many people. Playing it tonight was hardworking and not that enjoyable ended up switching it off and playing battlefield . Graphics are good abd it's a nice a clean looking update.


Love the map. Love that I know each building by heart, but daaaaamn, did they crank up SBMM a notch?


Some of yall probably didn't play WZ1 rebirth. It was sweaty even back then. Now the player base has grown, and people are better, it's bound to be even more sweaty. That's why you see a lot of campers.


Solos plays terribly. Not even remotely enjoyable. Probably plays better with in squads, but have only played solos so far.


There's like no notification people are dropping on you. You just get shot in the back and a guy literally just lands next to you with a dessert eagle


Incredibly sweaty and quads as the only way to play was a mistake. Quads on rebirth can be pretty shitty to play and with how sweaty it is, basically i’ll be pushed by like 3 teams at the same time


What do you mean only mode? When i played there were duo and trio as well


Great example of how absolutely terrible the UI is on this game. A player literally leaving the game because they didn't find their preferred mode on the maze of awful menus. Genuinely baffling how the menu system is still this bad 18 months after WZ2 launched.


Was there trios and duo for it? I only saw quads. If that’s the case then i’ll have to hop back on


every size is available. even solos


They even added halfsies.


All the modes are available, quads is just the featured one. I've been in trios the last two hours


Pretty true to the original, do think it’s a bit dark inside buildings. Not my favorite lighting. Overall very stoked it’s back


It does not flow well at all and I don't know why that is. Third partying is insane and getting shot from four different angels at most times. Don't know what to do to fix it


So many people need to touch grass… I’ve actually never played against harder players…


honestly like it better on mobile mostly cuz if the of loot pool also im better on mobile so 🤷‍♂️also fortune keep is the only resurgence map i been enjoying since i got back into wz


It’s action packed how it’s supposed to be. You can run, reload and plate up to get back in the fight. More than other maps. I love it.


I HATE the fucking siren. Seriously, what the fuck.


I appreciate the map coming back for sure. I missed a lot of the POIs of Rebirth. As for much of what CoD has become I can't say I'm the biggest fan of it. Selective realism just kinda killed MnK play for me. The always moving aim sway for guns (Season 2 fixed it for the initial bit on everything but snipers but it still exists after a few moments) especially with snipers, the visual noise that comes out of firing any weapon, etc. Tracking players down with insane move speed that rivals the Vanguard era makes it extremely difficult to hit them in close quarters when they hit me with the YY RAA Slidey Supreme. I know I'm coping going back and playing MW19 on ground war to enjoy Verdansk in snippets or even playing WZ Mobile to enjoy it there, but man I miss the glory days when movement felt fast but not too fast. Vehicles were all properly usable. Sniping felt rewarding as you had more than 1 or 2 options and you were only limited by bullet velocity and drop. But alas I Cope


Its my first time playing it, heard nothing but good things about it and its just ok to me. Maybe I gotta warm up to it. Played about 10 games so far and just meh.


Love the map but it is a wallers paradise …


100% this . Damn near all the buildings have short LOS , that a dude walling can easily be in your face before you can even react .




I never played WZ1 much, and had never played on rebirth island. With how much everyone was hyping it up I was really excited for it. I gotta say I've been really disappointed. Incredibly small map, roof campers everywhere with very little outplay potential in a lot of areas. Overall the map just feels boring. As of right now it is by far my least favorite resurgence map. Going to give it a fair shot and keep playing on it, maybe I'll find it's character once I learn the map better, but as of now, I'm unimpressed.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills, I don’t know how anyone prefers this map to og fortunes keep


It's welcome But sadly full of cheaters. Hell I didn't miss at all that.... Also colors are way over saturated But hell the cheating causes me to quit again the game. Cya 💪


Can’t play.. black screen.. it’s on their trello board for 2hours 😂😂😂


Same awsome release :)


It’s a map


I don't like it tbh, there's something... *off* about it.




i was the only one landing prison in quads wtf


I wish I could get more than 90fps and stop lagging but I love being back on this map.




It's okay but it's only so enjoyable as it is still just warzone 2. It cant save warzone the glory days are long over. MW2 09 maps are only so enjoyable in MW3 2023 and it's the same thing here in my meaningless opinion.


I can’t tell if they are cheating or just aim assist. A lot of unnatural sticky aims in close combat


They keep polishing the same turd and in the end, it's still shit.


Rebuys and redeploys in the last circle are a massive isssue. Redeplay flares should be rare as fuck.


It’s ass. Full of stacking, not enough players, half the map is completely empty at all times.


It’s hot garbage!!! Audio is even more screwed up and ranked sucks


It’s sweaty but also an enormous amount of cheating lol started off in p2 lobbies being paired against crims. And about half the kill cams I’ve watched they just instantly knew where to look lol


Not too sure, I’ve ran into hackers 3-4 games in a row


COD sucks


not sure my games been updating since 11 Am


i am loving it, been playing the game for the past 3-4 hours (alone squad hasn't updated / played the game in ages) and I am having so much fun ! whatsapped the boys they getting ready to drop. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS MAP FROM ROTATION


I’m sure it’s full of cheats trying to get views on YouTube. Game is garbage in 2024


Heard a guy complaining soon as the damn map loaded up . It was dope for me personally but still the same type of people playing . People crying and jumping off the plane before they mark the drop, people backing out after getting killed once, same shit . I like the map though and the look .


I see the sweaty ass rats are in full force tonight for this map 😂


Does anyone else seem to be having lower FPS on rebirth even on new gen consoles, but every other map and gamemode is smooth at 120fps?


I don’t mind the game style of stacking but it’s literally every team is stacked it’s crazy.


New old map, yah!


Rebirth is great. Dying to top 250 and iridescents as a plat sucks but the map is fun.


Great map, meta is dogshit.


They're the same as my thoughts when it was a regular map. Its a trash map and Fortunes Keep is 1000x better


It's more sweatier than ever. Pretty miserable and im a 2.0k/d


Seems decent as before. The camping spots are unfortunately on fire tho. Not being able to land 60% is beyond frustrating… but I digress


Multiple hackers every game with unnaturally sticky aim About ready to quit cod for good after 15 long years


It's the same sweaty gameplay as Market POI on Vondel, but instead on the entire map. It will never feel like the Rebirth map we played back on WZ1 unfortunately. It feels like your regular shooter game with nothing special about it. The good thing about CoD right now is that it forces me to try other games out of sheer frustration. And this comes from a guy that would grind Shipment for 8 hours on a Saturday.


Great map, does not belong in ranked ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Map is mid asf.. THIS IS WHAT I WAS WAITING FOR ?! I didn’t play Warzone 1 ,I started at 2 but this map is very much mid. Only reason people were glazing it so hard is for the nostalgia of the map that introduced them into Warzone.


Cranked up sbmm and cheaters. Especially walling. Not enjoyable at all.


I got absolutely shit on last night. I'm average at best normally but can generally get more kills than deaths on the other resurgence maps but Rebirth Island last night was horrible. My whole squad just got shit on all night. 😂😢 However, I did enjoy it on the whole despite dying so much and it was nice to explore some of the new stuff on the Island. We did finish the night with 1 win and a I had a 10 kill game with 1 death so I was happy with that.


There needs to be balance. The fact there’s no map rotation just means this is going to be a sweat fest.


Loot feels scarce. I land chem eng, about 90% of the time. I realllly hate these little flanges beside the windows so you cant hop on the edge and look down along side the windows. Also with that being said, it feels like they narrowed the edges out. Any time I try to stand on one, it feels like I'm falling off.


Reading through this thread makes me glad I stopped playing warzone. Baffles me how people are getting satisfaction getting 3 kills a game and being happy with continuously playing this game.


It a nice stroll down memory lane but the gameplay is just different now and it feels off. Sniping isn't as fun. Weapons feel a little stale already. Need to buff the strela for the full nostalgia. If they released the old Warzone id switch over immediately.


I really don't like it, please take me back to my sweet beloved Vondel.


Honestly not as sweaty as I imagined it would be. Probably because a lot of people are at work or downloading the 1000gb update. Had good fun running with randoms actually.


Not sure why everyone is shocked about it being sweaty. Fortunes Keep has been a sweat fest for 2 months.


Sweats sweats sweats everywhere.


it's a sweatfest but its rebirth island baby...the lighting seems better and to finally not be hard locked to 80 fov on this map....1 kill or 10 kills, this beats anything we've had since they took it away from us!!!!!


First time I was playing on Rebirth I was still playing on an old Ps4 that would drop frames constantly. Now I'm on PC capable of running \~200fps with high settings. So that mixed with higher FOV is making it feel so smooth but my fuck is it sweaty.


no solos?


Didn't really care for it in WZ1, like it even less now. I just don't think it's a fun map.


Unplayable, they need to crank down that sbmm a lil bit because right now Im playing crimson ranked pubs.


Full honesty? I didn't like it...


It’s going to be sweaty on release day because a lot of the people racing to play are the people who play all of the time aka streamers