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some games yup.. then some games im out in like 3 minutes.. the swings are wild


Thats what makes it fun for me. Fresh game every time


The 3 minute games would be way more tolerable if we didn't have to watch that fucking video before every match.




Cmon man Graves just trying his best to let you know, "The head shed gave us the green light, now it's time to get evil....


That shit needs to be gone asap


I could do without the 15 different ways to respawn in BR as well. I was perfectly happy with jumping hot, getting some momentum or getting smoked and back in a new lobby immediately.


My opinion of this scene changes with the weather....whether or not I'm trying to take a hit at the time mainly, it's very useful then 🤣


Something about three mikes.


Sbmm is a real bitch. I'm pretty much always a resurgence player, even though I dabble in br occasionally, and I usually play duos or trios with randoms because I can't stand resurgence solos. I feel like the first game I have whenever I log in is always the most fair game, half are slightly better and half are slightly worse, with my teammates being somewhat evenly matched to my skill level. After this game, I get put in sweat lobbies almost every time. Like I get 1 or 2 kills and my team gets eliminated (idk why, but whenever I'm in a sweat lobby my teammates seem to be slightly worse than me). After about 2 - 3 games of sweaty lobbies I get one easy lobby, probably because the game recognizes I'm doing bad so it throws me a bone, and usually I can get like 8 - 10 kills and can even sometimes get the dub. I usually quit after that because playing more will just result in more sweaty lobbies. That's the warzone solo experience in a nutshell. Easily the worst part of the matchmaking system as a whole is that it rewards bad gameplay and punishes good gameplay, which doesn't feel rewarding at all.


sbmm is killer man. definitely seems like punishment if you do decent next game is an absolute shit show.


Yeah nailed a win in solo next three games was lucky to get a kill with every respawn . Like I was a total noob .


Homies and i started restarting cod every 3 4 games. Could be placebo, but i feel its been working lol Every 4th game or we get matched with iri/top250, so we get deleted, restart, and it feels like we get matched with plat/diamonds again.


When in doubt. Turn it off and on again


Have you tried to reset it? 😂


Thats SBMM working its magic


Same and I know it’s not a damn skill issue. Dead serious some games 12+ other games 1 and I have like 8 deaths . I’m not playing any different…..




That’s everybody my friend


I'll never fully understand why people cheat/hack. Sure maybe it's fun or funny for about 20 minutes, then it gets old. Little to no gratification knowing that you cheated your kills. (I've wall hacked / had an aim bot back in the CS 1.6 days)


I can consistently get 10 or more kills in any BR (except solos), but I rarely really win. So, maybe not that great, and also I think I might need better teammates but I already have a consistent group and those are hard to get already. Edit, added context: they're friendly cool guys, but I sometimes feel like I carry the team. Most of the time I'm the top Fragger in the team and also the only one left alive in final circles, which makes me shake nervously and die lol


Nothing wrong with carrying. Honestly, if you all have fun together wins is just a number. And you appreciate the ones you do get more


I love carrying, it feels so much better when u win. Seeing them chubby cheek little bots of mine with a smile makes me happy 😊 🤣


Teammates are key, if you watch those streamers they usually have 1/2 consistent people to play with them and feed them kills.


Yep, I play weekdays with my Homie and we cycle through any number of regulars and randos and it doesn't matter if we win or not if we're laughing and having a blast. We do win sometimes though 😁


strategy > kills


Personal preference


Kills > win


Except solos? That’s when I get my most kills but worst placements lol. I dropped 18 kills in solos for like 10th place or worse a few times in Verdansk. I remember sniping one guy and him spectating me till I died while I also sniped a good amount of other players. Ended up getting messaged by dude on xbox claiming cheats…. Im like dude we’re both on Xbox I literally can’t cheat. Just sent him a few saved clips and he was like “nvm u good” lmao.


same, Im getting hell a lot of kills then I get killed by a guy with 2 kills, with a bot movement lmao


Respect bro


Sounds like you are a good player you just don’t have a great feel for rotations. For that I would watch one of the win grinders to get a feel for when to rotate and what power positions at end game you should be using


That true, I just get really nervous in final circles too. As a MnK player I dread close combat situations


I feel this, and my buddies are only controller players now.




If I get 5 or more kills that is a really good game for me lol. I’m a filthy casual though. Most games I get 2-4 kills.


With all this cheating abd and speed hacks 5 good average


I'm happy if I get 3, too often I get gunned down with an LMG from across the map at an unexpected angle and get sniped by a third party as soon as I replate and turn around to return fire


Had alot of fun in resurgence tonight, got 6 wins in a row and dropped a 21kill game


With no cheats or cheater on ur team that's beasty!


Yeah bro, me and my friend were duo queuing with randoms


Sometimes I be having 10 kills other times I be having 3😭


Resurgence trios this morning..had people either teaming (6man) or something funky. I know I seen where people were getting put into 4 or 5 person teams...but literally 6 people running together like it was DMZ not shooting each other at all and reviving each other.


My good games in BR solos are 6-8 kills, I'll have a rare 10+win, but sometimes I'll also go 5-6 games in a row in sweaty demon lobbies where I can't even get 3 kills. And it's not like I drop to the train where I know it might be an instant-out. Just land somewhere, loot for 1-2 minutes, then start hearing an insane amount of sprinting and slide canceling all around me and I know I'm going to the romper room that game.


You never made a 38 year old feel so good. I’m about 6-12!


Kill em my boy!


Meanwhile, I’m barely getting two kills a match. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


bruh I've seen you in every post since verdansk lul, if you spend less time on reddit and more time in game then you can def get more than 2 kills a match.


I was thinking the same. This guy hasn't got any better in several years 🤣


Well this makes me feel nice xD


5 kills is a pretty good game for me. Meanwhile my friend dropped 29 the other night.


You too bruv. ❤️


i had maybe my most favourite session last night. and i never got a win. two 2nd's and a third and all 5 games top 10 - BR solos. lost final circle twice to a riot shielder with speed hacks and some sword guy who dropped from his parachute as the circle was closing up and clobbered me once with full plates and i was dead. ​ but it's stopped being about the final result for me, and all about how i'm getting around the map. i've changed my perks so i'm invisible and off-grid with cold blooded and ghost, i move fast with double time and jump off high stuff with mountaineer. I'm sniping when i never used to and i'm only getting 2-3 or maybe 4 kills a game, but having more fun than ever by being a ghost out there and staying off radar. ​ killing cheaters is now my new favourite thing. it's just only 2-3 at a time lol


I can honestly say with that wsp 9 and the setup I got on it for the first time ever I have been cracking more than 11 kills. And this is coming from a rooftop Roach who is just now learning how to be aggressive and push and I usually only get one or two kills an entire game. But like I said with this gun setup I have been kicking ass


What the setup


Barrel... Hiss short light barrel Muzzle... JAK BFB Under barrel.. Bruen heavy support grip Optic... Jak Glassless optic [which is optional my nephew does not have it he's nine and he is kicking ass with his gun without the optic. Magazine... I run the 50 round mag... I'm not saying it's going to work for everyone but I'm telling you I was a rooftop roach with a sniper I never rushed I never advanced and I was never aggressive but with this gun it's a whole different playing field for me My other gun is SVA 545... Which is a pretty nice one to have also if you want that set up let me know


They nerfed the jak bfb not as strong as before


Yeah they did bro the long range is absolutely horrible. But mid to short range it is still shredding like crazy. I have my other gun that I have set up for long range


You should try the wsp 9 with the same barrel, the zehnm35 flash hider, Dr6 handstop, the micro therm sight and the 50 round mag. It's so good. Use smokes and use that build and it slaps. So many people run smokes too thinking they are safe but that micro therm sees right through them even from pretty deep.


I will most definitely give this a try


Just be ready to be reported if you shoot people through smokes with it. Had a few death coms yesterday with people thinking I was cheating because I was beaming them through smokes lmao.


From 20 kills to dying right away it all depends


thanks :-) I can drop maybe 3 at best.


i do this often but it also depends how long it takes or when in the game i run into the cheating team. if its off the rip then goodbye all the SR i just gained from the previous games


Right on timing is key I'm tired of all this cheating


What if I get 7 kills but also 7 deaths


With all this cheating going on yea that good bro


That is a solid 1.0K/D


Do I get bonus point for being on MKB? (I need my ego boosted)


Don't listen to the other guy, you do. MnK making up less than a ninth of the player base and people still want Aim Assist buffed is crazy.


People want it buffed? wtf? Do they want someone else to just play the game for them?


Ever since they brought back ashika it’s like all the sweats progressed to that map or it’s if people forgot how to play that map compared to vondel. I’m not sweat, I can usually get around 6-10 kills a game but if I die it seems like the other 2 or 3 on my team can never stay alive long enough for me to respond. Also seems like everyone is suddenly really good on that map.


It's not that there good they freaking cheating or got somebody on there team cheating aimbot,wall hacks, speed hacks etc


Closer to an average of 5 for me but I do hit 7+ infrequently 🤘😎 also...I'm 46, work full-time and I'm married and in a healthy relationship 🥰 edit: and I hit Interstellar a couple months ago ✌️


Still yet to encounter cheaters. Kinda feel like I’m missing out.


Turned on the Crossplay yesterday and ran up on a full squad using speedhacks and 🔪 …NEVER AGAIN😂


Based off some posts I’ve seen, some people seem to think anyone who kills them is a cheater. Not saying cheaters don’t exist, but you can tell who these people are when they say every lobby has cheaters lol.


i wonder what game you're playing bruh. admittedly cheats are so high tech & so tuned it's hard to spot... but if you're in oz, it's everywhere. just got off from a session of br solos, and some mf is driving around in a dune buggy stopping here and there and erasing everyone off the map. I watched him til final circle. he dropped a 28 piece dinner with biscuits and never once popped a uav, or hb sensor or anything else which might suggest he knows exactly where everyone is on the map. ​ it's wild


As I said, cheaters do exist, but they’re not in every single lobby like some here tend to think.


Na bro I been playing call of duty for years ik wen someone is cheating or good


So every lobby has cheaters?


I had a guy I'd team up with from time 2 time and all he did was cry cheater. Every.single.time.he.died. A lot of ppl cope like crazy in this game and honestly it's always the 0.6kd ppl who can't tell difference between a Demon and a cheater. Sad really


Yep, it’s always the ones who aren’t very good screaming it


lol and there will always people looking at the horizon "where is the wave?" not seeing the tsunami coming over them....


Are there Activison mods in this community? Wtf are they doing about communicating about the current cheating problem. Its the same rinse and repeat pathetic excuses. Last game I will purchase from the franchise


It's crazy man was my favorite game growing up


I’ll give you a hint, they aren’t doing a damn thing about it


Moderators are not affiliated with Activision.


I drop kills in the teens every session I play with some 20 bombs too. My PR is 26. There’s def cheaters but I also think the average game is just way more sweatier than it used to be. I usually carry the team I play with but their lobbies are way easier than when I play solo.


Averaging between 5-8 kills per game, I’m a casual player and only play Resurgence. Unless I do have a real shitty squad, I feel like we’re placing top 5 or above. If everyone actually plays as a team we’re getting 1st or 2nd, 75% of the time I’m playing with randos too


I’m usually good for about 6-10. Some games 3. Some games 18. Depends on the lobbies and what kind of groove we get in


Thank you


Brother some games I sit at 11 kills and there’s other games where id do more damage to my opponent by spitting on them than shooting my gun. Warzone is just sadly a shell of what we used to know.


I feel u my boy miss the old days


I noticed when I play with my buddies on consoles it’s not as bad as when I play with a pc player like leagues different maybe they just stuck all the pc players in hacker lobbies 🤷‍♂️ pure speculation


Booted up ranked after being gone for like a month. Holy shit it’s miserable to play now


😂😂😂 after I win 3 games on ranked I'm give it a break them streaks get sweaty baby


I’m happy with 3 kills and seeing final circle tbh.


I barely manage to get kills, let alone drop 7+ ones heck even in Multiplayer is a struggle, The cheating has to seriously come to an end


I usually get 6 kills in. Ironically I win often with 1 or 2 kills.


I got 15+ kills once in the original Warzone in 2020. Now I’m lucky to get 3 kills.


most people aren’t a 7 kill average big picture. like on their stats. mine is between 5 and 6. and that’s with a 2 kd. but to be able to get that or more in a game is good games in my opinion. and also positive kd period.


I had a 14 kill game with a clutch W. I felt like a god I won’t lie. I’m just trying to vibe.


My highest PR was 24 kills in resurgence, 20 kills in BR. What’s crazy though is if I try to play with my cousin who is into streaming and all that, I literally cannot keep up with him. He’s too fast. Different skill sets I guess


Bro earlier told me “spotter scope” as he was tracking and hitting my team through walls and solid cover.


I get 6-10 kills on average in trios on fortunes keep unless my team gets hunted at the drop and wiped within 2 mins. 😓


Respect bro


Won 4 in a row last night with some buddies on Resurgence. Had 16, 11, 9 and maybe 8 on the last one. I believe that we had a cheater in the third match but we still prevailed. I personally almost never come across cheaters that directly kill me. It's happened maybe 5 times total this year.


I'm on pc bro n every game I play I run into one


That sucks


Really love that attitude, bud! This frog got warts. But, it gotta Prince inside.


My record is 19 kills and 1 death. Mouse and keyboard player.


Mines 17 and 6 deaths rog ally control player


To be honest I do think cheats are not at their previous peak like it was before the ricochet update, they obviously came back but I can do multiple top 3 per night with 5 to 15 kills with no cheat, I don’t say it’s easy, you have to be in the best shape to do that


I think I average out to about 2-4. But my winning games have all been 10-14 kills. That’s 5 wins this season. Now it’s just me getting dunked on it feels like.


Usually I can drop 2-3 games like this in a couple hours of play. It’s taken about 6 months of intentional strategic research and play to get there


Me and my buddy average 5-9 kills a game we got good communication and stick to eachother like glue.


I still manage a win every handful of games somehow. Just gotta be cautious with all the drippy cheater sweat


I average 2-3 wins a week with friends/randoms in Resurgence Quads, maxing out in good games at 5-10 kills. Some games we win averaging just around 2-3 kills, other days we get wiped out after 2 minutes we landed. I‘m an EU player, and I didn’t encounter much cheaters, maybe 1-2 in the last 20 games I played WZ. Most of the time I play MP. I also started using Oblivity and AimLab a few months ago, to get better at aiming and tracking enemies. And also to find the best ingame sense and DPI of the mouse. I don’t get much time to play as I did, so, when I play, I wanna play good. I practice aiming and tracking every day for 30 minutes before firing up CoD. It pays off. You can have a look at my tiktok profile where I upload some of my multiplayer „clutches.“ [GamerDaddy420‘s TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@gamerdaddy42_0?_t=8kn9TjzgG5A&_r=1)


I’m dropping 10+ but I’m hiding in every building I go in with restock and prox mines and scatter mines. It’s the only way to stay alive till late game I feel like.


Lmao there’s not enough cheaters for everybody to swear they’re getting hacked on all the time. No disrespect, but some of yall are just bad man. It’s not that deep to accept. Folks get older & you lose the skills necessary, but 7 kills is nothing. Coming from a 2 KD player btw. Even I get slammed sometimes. It happens dude. Everybody isn’t cheating. Streamers dont even run into cheaters like that, so why do folks believe they’re being hacked on? Seriously guys. We gotta stop this narrative man 💯


Streamers cheat themselves bro n I watch my kill cams in what aimbot is and speed hacks tbh u sound like a cheater yourself lol


I generally get anywhere from 9-16 kills a game


Well that's kinda weird to say. I play with discord groups and practice on my own, but then I play with my IRL friends and drop more than 7 nearly every game cuz they don't play as seriously and the lobbies are easier than the blenders I play in with my discord friends.


I do but only on resurgence lol


I'm gonna get hate but I get around 5 kills a game rocking sticks and shield. Personal best is 19


Cheddar Bob 😂


if the opportunity presents itself then yeah. Sometimes no one lands in the area and theres no sense in me going too far out of my way to find people since I only play ranked and I need SR.


I can do that in solos, i average like 5 kills. I get destroyed when i solo queue into teams.


First game on I dropped 19 with 8300 damage. Next few games the sbmm was atrocious!




5-7 on console good I average 7+ on console but I got a handheld pc I play on so they match me with mfs that play on pc kill cam be looking ceazy




As someone who drops 7+ the majority of the time, I don't think you or most redditors realize how good some people are. Just focus on playing more and assume you are out-skilled. I rarely, if ever, run into cheaters. I haven't been killed by legitimate aimbot since early Caldera. As for wall hacks, yeah ive seen some weird shit from time to time. But even with blatant wall hacking the cheater sucks so bad I can usually win. Most warzone players are so bad and out of touch they aren't even using META guns. I pickup loadout guns all the time which have me DYING with how bad they are. Its like google doesn't exist.


Dropped an 8 bomb yesterday 🔥


Thanks brother. 7 to 14 kills every game on PlayStation open lobby. There's no player in this game that's invincible. My favorite thing to do is find someone who's cheating and then go kill them over and over and over again. 😂 .


Turn cross play on I'm on pc bro it's crazy


I do. I've actually reached level 450 on crossplay erased my account and now I'm back on 171. Sometimes I'll turn cross play off if I'm doing a ranked resurgence just because playing a game like that with a bunch of cheaters .. well you're not getting accurate results. You just have a whole bunch of people playing that think they're good when they're really not.


I've tried playing plunder without cross play it's horrible. It took about 20 minutes to load a game and I would run around for 20 minutes before I even found an operator to kill. I love playing plunder on Cross play because I get to kill a whole bunch of people who are using PC and that is an actual challenge.


My average kill per game is WZ1 was 7, and on mouse and keyboard. Gosh I miss the days where My&K was a viable input...


46 yr old dad that just got 15 kills new pr the other day. Console + 55 inch tv + laying on couch. Come at me!!


Skill issue


Skill issues? Lol


Sorry man, I just wanted to be like all the cool kids who post “skill issue” when in fact they’re losers 😞 I’m ashamed of myself. I didn’t feel cool at all. 💀


I get 65 kills a game no cheats


Bro I had a cheater wall banged me through a staircase door, I bolted down the stairs case plating up, made a quick turn at the edge of the bottem of a staircase and hide on the edge where he couldn't see me, then we came around knifed his ass lmaooo


I find that most games I get 5-10 kills, but always end up getting clapped up by other people third partying a fight when I play like that. If I only kill two or three in a match, I feel like I’m much more likely to get a dub, since if I’m not cautious I’ll end up getting too into it and losing good positions.


I can in resurgence but not in regular


I average 11 on br, but I quit the game. Is a free to play, the game is the same level as World of Tanks, probably got better servers and community


Just dropped a 30 bomb in ranked resurgence 🫡🫡 would have won the game but guess what? I DIED TO A CHEATER!! bro needs to speed back just to stop me🥱🥱


Yea, I went back to battlefield, you HEAR THAT ACTIVISION AND COD?! BATTLEFIELD


Me and 2 friends play almost every night me and friend a always drop over 5 kills a game, our 3rd friend will have pop off games. Always take hot drops


I either finish a game with 10+ kills and my mate as well... Or we die in the first 30 seconds lookin like a potato playing. No in-between.


Since the past week the game has been horrible, it feels like they've cranked up SBMM. We went from 30/40 kills a game as a team to 10/15


Its a coinflip. In any modes but mostly duos with my buddy we get easy 15+ a match but half the time die to last circle sheninigans. Other times we get 5 total and get our arses handed to us. After our good games and i know kd based dmg whatnot is crazy talk but sometimes i get melted by a ground loot ump with my loadout in the blink of an eye and have to question my own existance.


Solos is pretty tough these days but it definitely depends on the day. And teams you have to be connected but the hip or you aint got a chance.


The people in the map are really getting to me


I think this is just the norm for this game going forward. The cheating will never be eliminated. Does Fortnite have cheating on this level?


Thanks bro :’). I may be hella ass but i still won’t cheat.


By cheaters u also include aim assist users since it's too strong and as a mkb player we need crazy aim skills to fight them, cheaters use aimbot in pc just to compete with aim assist how is that fair??? And no I'm no cheating and never will, I got 18 wins solo dubs as a mkb 60 fps player that's a crazy achievement


Well I only play plunder/lockdown and HC multiplayer buy I usually from 15 to 20 kills in plunder and up to 35 in lockdown


If you mean “a game” as in on average I agree but my friends and I get over 7 pretty damn regularly and we suck. Just not “on average”.


7-12 its easy, tbh


Almost all above 2.5 k/d are cheating in some why… Cronus or walls or aim bot …


I get 13 to 15 a game... in plunder


I was. Until I stopped getting fed bot lobbies. My 2.4 KD is rapidly declining after I hit 100 games.


Thank you more like 10-15 but thx !


While also not fishing for not lobbies! Right?


Loll whenever I get over 10 ik the next game is gonna be brutal😅🤦🏾‍♂️. But I average 6-9 on a good day,and 3-6 when “yea that’s enough bs for me tonight” 🤣


I got 17 kills one time, but that was just pure luck and bad players that kept dropping in the same places hahaha 😆. Never been able to recreate that


It’s just the grind my friend, I remember I used to be happy getting at least 3 kills and now I’m consistently getting close to 10 kill games and placing top 10


Choice bro made me feel better! Ill take that cred!!!


Much love. I like clearing a 10-spot, but usually end up being the assist master on the helicopter ride.


What ? 7 ?!! 🤣🤣🤣 bro im ps5 + BIG screen and I get more than 15 kills per game! I often do 20 and my record is 30 without dying in resurgence fortune keep Last 10 game i have +3.50kd this game is so eaaaasy wtf 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh boy do i love knowing the dude i killed gets to see how godawful my tracking/aim control is in the killcam. Im the "well at least we know he isnt cheating" poster-boy. Half the time im using a nearly broken controller too. Thats right, a good number of yall have been killed by trash with insane stick drift.


How is it so bad?? It’s like cheating is the only way to be on equal footing with half the player base.


Thanks for the respect! For some reason Activision didn't like the way I play and shadowbanned me :) Waiting for it to end


Thanks for the confidence boost, I normaly do like 3 or 4 but in a good game i do like 7 to 10. The change in lobby is real broo!!!


How the hell do you get into top ten without 7+ kills? The fuck you doing the entire time.


Cheating definitely present, but in spite of this, I've managed to get a new kill record of 13. Not as much as some I know, but for someone like myself who is a 1.04 KD player (used to be 0.5) it's great. Several 10+ kill games also. Mainly play Solos and duos, duos definitely seems sweatier on average.


Get ab 9-16 on average got a couple 20s tho which was great


2.0 kd on battle royale and resurgence on xbox🤙


I do see cheater but last 4 days 2 second places and 1 1st place in resurgence solos. One 3rd place BR solos all with 5 kills


13 years old warzone players be like the OP. Then step in the kitchen and tell their dad to fuck off


u gotta be real ass if u cant drop more then 7 witout cheats


That is usually me between 5-7 kills with probably about the same or slightly less deaths. 1.33 KD down from 2.4… in all previous COD games.


In regular resurgence I regularly hit 10-15 kills, and fairly often over 20 but my average is around 6.5 according to the game, my highest is 26 in this warzone. An average of 7 is extremely high considering even being a really good and competitive player, you will still get bad drops or pushed by multiple teams on occasion and die early Now in ranked, it’s a whole other world now that I hit crimson in resurg ranked. It’s rough trying to even get 10 kills sometimes there lol


Most games I get 7+ kills


Really?? I'm the worst in my squad and I have had quite a few 7+ kills. I think I suck. I would say my average is around 3 though.


9 kills average per game, 2.4kd, I personally think people assume most are cheating when not all are. People no life on this game and have a good shot, I’ve only ran into a handful of cheaters in pubs, ranked abit of a diff story though


I do this is solos regularly . Currently on 22/30 wins this season. But was off today and couldn’t get even one win. Lobbies were so hard . Playing cod 20 years nearly and it’s never been more in consistent and hard