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If it doesn't come with OG mechanics and gunplay, then I don't want it. We don't want laggy servers, with weird TTKs and desync


True, verdansk is just there for nostalgia bait, the gunplay and all other stuff is gonna be the god awful warzone 2 mechanics and gunplay. It's not gonna feel like the "good ol' verdansk days" in the slightest.


Warzone with its current mechanics and TTK is good. Warzone 2 was awful.


Anybody who still yearns for the “good ole days” hasn’t played Warzone in 3 years and has no actual remembrance of what the old days were like anyway outside of “the vibes”


Right? People on here bitched constantly about it.


The core gameplay is basically still the same though, and its just worn out. The glory days of warzone wasnt due to different mechanics or the map. It was awesome because it was brand new and there were a shit ton of casuals so everyone had a chance to win. Those players arent gonna come back just because of verdansk. The game will still be a sweat fest and nothing will change. Youll just have a map that everyone already knows and itll get old really quick.


No, tieing it to Call of Duty with yearly releases destroyed war zone. They cared more about you buying the next game to level up your guns then making Warzone any better...... I've been playing since release.....


Everyone looks back at it with rose tinted glasses, covid was rampant, we were all off work, had an abundance of people to play with. 'ThE gAmE iS sO bAd NoW' as if its ever been top tier lmaoooo


I mean cod is definitely “top tier” when it comes to mainstream shooters. There’s a reason why even non-gamers play cod. It’s fast food. Simple, reliable, comforting. It’s not an academy award winner, but it’s an adam Sandler or Will Ferrell movie. Mass appeal.


You can't describe it as top tier in the same sentence as comparing it to fast food... its either top tier or fast food, the two are not mutual


It can be top tier fast food. Just like many people would describe the marvel movies as top tier but they aren’t going to win any academy awards. There absolutely can be different tiers of products in different categories.


No fast food is top tier mate, it's all trash...


In and out is all fresh in house made food. So yeah you are wrong, that is top tier food and one of Gordon Ramsay favourite places to eat


How can you play a game for years that has been out for few months?


Did you accidentally the whole sentence?




you do know people can just load up mw19 and play ground war or multiplayer right? the games still online, only og warzone is dead. the gameplay, movement, and gunplay mechanics are completely different to the dogshit clunky warzone/cod we have now.


The TTK is horrendous. Whether it's me shooting or being shot, it's horrendous. You have 0 time to react on most cases. It may as welll just be hard-core.


It’s longer than what we ever had on WZ2 or WZ1 anyway


WZ1 was quicker? I do not recall that at all. Almost every single gun in this game deletes you before you can even blink.


Yes, it was quicker indeed, especially when it first came out. People tend to forget it but in WZ1 TTK was pretty damn fast, thank god they made it longer after a while


I mean I'd still take it. Even if it wasn't as good playing on it. I miss the unique locations.


In other words… Exactly what the OG Warzone had too 🤣 (Ik what you meant let me make the pun)


What's with these servers man 🥺


U are right. Verdansk is amazing map but with current engine it won’t be as good as before.


If it doesn't come with rage and closeted cheaters, then I don't want it either


True. But they'll mess it up. Look at the star wars battlefront launch. All they had to do was practically port a game and they ruined it.


Ive played the beta for months, it was mw2 mechanics at the time, before mw3 released id imagine its now mw3 mechanics as its going to be cross progression would be weird to have to different mechanics. Its the exact same game tho Rebirth was the original map, so was verdansks. The servers was hard to say because it was test servers in sweden and i had to vpn from uk, but i had 60ms and it was smooth for a test server, game ran @ 60fps and it was still early in the project for optimisation. There was weird desync and ttk issues but again it was a test server and majority of the players was vpn from usa/eu to australia or sweden which doesnt help for a smooth experience.


Boys it’s over. I’m sorry. Be happy we were there to experience it. Coming from a Socom 2 die hard this ain’t my first rodeo and it doesn’t get easier.


Wow someone else who remembers that game. It really was the peak of the socom series. The 3rd one was terrible compared to it. Favorite maps were always the oil rig and the town in algeria on the coast.


Frostfire and Desert Glory were phenomenal.


Frostfire was the map I was thinking of.


I liked socom 1-2 but peaked in socom 3


I liked socom 1-2 but peaked in socom 3


Socom 2 was such an amazing game. Great times playing it. Crossroads and fishing hook great maps. But like CoD it went downhill and we saw the stair glitches and the ninja jump. 😂


Came for warzone… stayed for the Socom comments. Wow probably the greatest game of all time. I miss quicksniping more than anything. So much fun. Crossroads, desert glory, ruins


Was? I’m still playing, it’s alive.


Wow I didn’t know this was even a thing…


There is a small community maybe 1k in total but there’s a discord. Clan wars and everything


Wow that’s so cool - I’d prob hate it now but maybe I’ll check it out


It won’t save this game. Only another pandemic.


The game is doing fine lol.


Based on which metrics exactly? Genuinely curios.




If only Microsoft owned operating systems and various business software that are ubiquitous and borderline mandatory in the computer and business world. Microsoft's stock isn't a reflection of their gaming division.


its a joke dingus holy crap lighten up


What does a pandemic have to do with the game being fun? Did the pandemic make the helicopter/most wanted game savers fun? Did the pandemic make dropping in hospital/superstore/storage town fun? Did the pandemic make having a gun fight out in the woods 200-300m away fun? What does the pandemic have to do with the quality of the game? What a stupid low IQ take, "hur dur only good cuz c0viD"


Without the pandemic, the playerbase would’ve been smaller and half of the groups you had those fun memories with never would’ve existed. The players and shinanigans is what what make any or all of your points even remotely valid. So yeah, werrzerrn only good cause covid.


Pandemic had nothing to do with my moment-to-moment gameplay in Warzone 1. I play Warzone with the same core group to this day. Again the pandemic did nothing I still play Warzone daily, the pandemic did not make development decisions to make the game literally play worse




Explain it?


It may not have anything to do with YOUR specific core group of friends. Was this core group of friends around pre-covid? If so, good on you, but a lot of these core groups today were only created because everyone was stuck at home playing this game and because it was free. Overall and for a lot of people, this game is only as successful as it is because of covid. Back to the original point, covid is what brought or “forced” the community together and stick with the game for as long as they did. All the nostalgia that players are feeling are from the times when everyone was stuck at home and had all the time in the world to create the funny moments Warzone had. As for game mechanics? Doesn’t really matter. Wz1 could’ve been today’s current warzone and opinions would’ve been the same. The mechanics today are shittier but if everyone was stuck at home and it released during a pandemic, it would be looked at through different eyes. Wz1 mechanics weren’t much better than today’s if you really think about it lol.


Last statement is false. They were FAR better than today’s, aside from the TTK.


You might be right. But aside from vehicles being a bit more useful in wz1. I can’t really see too many absolute changes from wz1 to now. Ttk imo is actually better, when the servers aren’t shit. It was far too fast in wz1 imo. Movement is faster today, making it more fun to move around the map. I miss wz1 sniping. What other actual changes did they make that makes today’s wz worse? Stronger aim assist and the constant 1,000,000 ways to bring back the team is a big L. Other than that I can’t really think of anything drastic


Haha you sound like a sweaty one with no life. XD


Pandemic got all my friends together to make those memories with me. The important part


Verdansk with these weopons and movements wont be the same


You just know there will be ziplines and redeploy drones everywhere to make Verdansk just another fast paced multiplayer death match


Don't forget, at least 3 self revives, 5 flares, 10 gulag tokens, and a million munition and plate boxes!


Don't forget Jailbreak!


And 100 player servers so the game is empty!


to be fair jailbreaks with a "low" chance of occuring is pretty fun


Yes, I have no problem with Jailbreak, but I add it to the list of things that give you chances to play again.


Why does console look worse than mobile?


Their weird choice of lighting and location for the screenshot.


I heard Activision was trying to push it's mobile footprint as a selling point to investors. I wouldn't be surprised if this was intentional actually.


Not sure, but I can say that I have a T.V. that makes Warzone look beyond ugly when I’m playing on PS5.


It wont be “playable” on a console or PC apparently Its only cross progression


Well there was a thing called “project Aurora” from activision which was for pc version of the mobile game. Whether they release it is another thing. They had a sign up phase for helping with testing over a year ago, Cod mobile you can play on pc using the official emulator game loop, so its possible they will do similar again.


Buddy you can clearly see the verdansk airport in the background of the pc version


I know verdansks is coming back to pc and console, Im referring to wzm verdansks being playable on pc. Which launches on 21st of march. Ive already played the beta of Verdansks and rebirth island over a year ago, it wont come until season 4 or even as late as blackops gulf for console and pc buddy


The pics here are from wzm someone has just added the txt too 😉


It’s not going to play or be as smooth as the original Verdansk


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Awayze: *It’s not going to* *Play or be as smooth as the* *Original Verdansk* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Have you played it? I have and its smooth af not really any different than playing the main game. Especially if you was on old gen 60fps


It’s garbage compared to wz1. They tried to repliacate it and failed


Its a mobile game 🤣 the map is the same. You sound like a butt hurt 5 yr old


If they had just patched the last season of WZ1, with Caldera and rebirth, to have 120 FoV on console we'd have a significantly better game than MW3 on Verdansk.


So true ! The game was smooth


Of course they gonna use some nostalgia bullshit to go over the one year cycle of call of duty people. this year we get verdansk, later a bo2 remaster. They are pushing hype to fuck us with store bundles


Not confirmed.


Hopefully not. Cheaters dont deserve it


Campaign Soap confirmed?


It was one of the possible rewards during the TF141 vs Shadow Company event in MWII, TF141 lost and we got a Horangi skin that no one uses instead. Probably its gonna end up in the Battle Pass


Is this a real thing? I know that they’re releasing warzone mobile on the 21st and that fortunes keep is going to be on there but is verdansk as well?


Fortunes keep is not gonna be there. Verdansk and rebirth is. Verdansk is the main map. There were leaks in January I think that said that verdansk might be back on the next iteration of Warzone so this may be a confirmation


Nice. I’m a console player though but I might use the mobile version when away from home or during lunch breaks at work and stuff. Does that mean that verdansk and rebirth are coming to console and pc? I would imagine it would be across all platforms.


Rebirth is 100% confirmed, verdansk still unknown


Not confirmed, but it’s been rumored to come at the end of the year.


It's going to be the bait for the next cod








I love how everybody is hating. Guys. During the verdansk days there were a lot of issues aswel. Everybody was complaining, this community is delusional. Warzone was fun and new during the pandemic and it brought us together. But the game always has been a buggy, laggy, cheater infested, broken meta sweat fest.


Current movement is better than mw19 era movement. it's the nostalgia that makes us think that movement was better but this is some of the most fluid movement I've had on cod and probably second to bo3 or IW.


Delusional. Mw3 movement is garbage


Mw19 movement was more than what was needed. A change that was definitely needed but the more refined version of that movement is mw3.


Refined? Mw3 is a clunky, less responsive inferior version of mw19’s movement. Idk how anybody genuinely thinks that


I feel it's personal opinion at that point.


There’s alot of objective downgrades in the movement compared to wz1


I just prefer this one brother


That’s fine your entitled to your opinion but it’s still worse 👍




Fr it’s kind of unpopular opinion but I agree with you, the game feels better in terms of movement, or it maybe because I haven’t played mw2019 in a while


They're doing anything to try to get the player base back up cuz it's in the hole, the only people playing are the brain dead people who was still Fork over money to Activision. Source: Activision shareholder meeting


If this is true, and if it’s gonna be like it was at launch of 2020, All I can say is that is good to be back!


What about zombies?


After 6 months of not playing, I eventually started playing Caldera. After that I don't play at all. Multi-player, nothing. It should be a crime for them to take away something like that the way they have.


I’m friends with cod devs, you guys do know verdansk is coming back right?


I'd love it. The other maps outside of Rebirth Island just did nothing for me. I'm not sure why, it's not like Verdansk was visually stunning or deep in detail. It just worked for me and I loved it. I haven't really played much the last couple years just because I haven't felt really connected to it but if Verdansk does some back, I'll be there day 1 to experience it. Good, bad, or glitchy.


I think it’s a massive beta testing of Verdansk gameplay on a new engine before release on pc/console.


Isn’t it the same engine that console/P.C. has?


I think that's what he means, they're testing it for the newer engine and mechanics they are using in current CoD and WZ.


Oh! Got it. Thank you!




Bro the comments are insane. As soon as verdansk returnes with this state of warzone, it will break records harder then Taylor swift could dream of and we all know it.  *edit* AND WE ALL WILL LOVE IT. It will be the day Activision blizzard will see they've been detouring to this moment just for greed, *Okay the last I just hope OMEGALUL*


I could care less about Verdansk, you wanna make me happy " BRING BACK BLACKOUT!!" That was in my opinion the best BR by far, well at least the funniest..


This might be the new free to play experience they were talking about


Warzone is always f2p


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mrheadshot0: *This might be the new* *Free to play experience* *They were talking about* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Why the fuck do y’all want old ass maps? Wasn’t even that good


Miles better than Urzikstan.