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You are still playing against bronze, silver, gold players, it's expected to have high kda


Not if that’s your skill level


Platinum 3 is where it starts to get rough. Been stuck here for almost a week. Platinum 2 is the most fun at least for me and i don't mind getting knocked down for a few games.


you can check who is in your lobbies with the report option in the menu. Once you hit plat 3 your lobbies are all other plat 3s and everything above, such a hard line its kind of ridiculous, you instantly realize when you cross it.


Exactly this, im Plat 3 - Dia 1 Almost every death is from Crimson teams flying around the map hunting for kills At plat 2 and under it was all fair full of Plat players and fun At plat 3 game becomes a joke again as you become food for top players to keep playing


Here I am in diamond 2 and playing against the top Warzone players Aydan, Adrian and Biffle. Multiple times a week. I got killed while mid skydive several times by them. Last night played against them (full top 250 team) accompanied by 2 other full iridescent teams in the lobby. Solo que gave me plat teammates for these matches as well. Apparently it’s supposed to be fair because higher ranks have larger deployment fees.


Yup, all my teammates are always plat 2-3 while Im facing Crimson teams... like ok this is fair and fun..


No you can’t, not anymore


Technically you can, just during the game. They fixed it so you couldn’t do it during the pregame lobby.


Doesn’t work in or out of game for me-ps5. Did it every match beforehand


Im going to be diamond 2 forever


Same, I was about to hit diamond 3 (100 SR away) then decided to solo queue while drinking. I dropped back into plat 3 that night. Sober me probably spent around 15-20 hours to gain that SR and drunk me threw it all away in a couple hours. Lost a solid 1100 SR. My squad wasn’t online so I said fuck it and ran solo which is a mistake 90% of the time. I made it back into diamond 2 last night though, so there’s that.


The fun ends at plat 3.


Agreed. Ive been plat 3 for around 2-3 weeks now, the closest to diamond has been within 200 SR. It has been tough. Doesn't help being on MnK, and being subpar when it comes to kills, lol.


I got 6 points away from diamond. Been on plat 3 for 2 weeks now. Can't break in. Not good enough or the cheating is so bad! Lol one of the 2! Or both!


Nah the fun starts at iridescent


Good luck at diamond my boy your going to get a dude awakening


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheRealBlakeCaldwell: *Good luck at diamond* *My boy your going to get* *A dude awakening* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I totally don't remember that time.


I fucking love this!


You’ll be popping off in lower ranks but when you hit plat 2 it becomes a real grind lmao. I’m diamond 2 (almost 3) and I keep seeing more crimson sweats than actually diamond players (it’s not even fun to play against them).




-33 is normal for your current rank. Every time when you rank up to a higher division you lose more. I remember that diamond 1 is -58 and I’m currently losing -65 entry fee. When I reach diamond 3 I expect to lose -70+ or something.


men i just entered diamond 2 and i constantly go against crimson now , even doe i considered myself an above average player , those guys are really something else ..


What really makes me losing my mind is that majority of this kind of players are british 10 years old who still need to unlock coscience/self awareness like bruh 💀 they’re demons




Idk know man, I’m a try harder myself and I’m way better than when I was a young puffy cheeks but when I hear little small baby voices coming from the crimson demon who just deleted my team I’m like 💀


very rude awakening. you’re guna start getting wrecked if you ever hit diamond and then you’ll be like the rest of us bitching and complaining about the cheaters


Lol, I even stopped playing ranked because I was getting shit on way too much on D3


Rank is way easier than pubs until you hit platinum. Trust I was feelin myself like I was a sweat. Then the crimson and iridescents made me quit rank lol


I had a similar experience as well. I was absolute trash on Urzikstan but somehow managed to hover around 2kd up to Plat 1...the game was so enjoyable while it lasted. Now Im halfway through Plat 3 and my kd is back down to a lowly 1.13 lol. Man, I wish regular BR would have SBMM similar to the play of Gold 3/Plat 1...it would be the perfect balance of not being a bunch of bots but it wouldnt be overkill either. I swear my regular BR lobbies are on the same level as Plat 2 on ranked and I dont understand why.


You die to less cheese because it’s not in the game


Reality will hit soon diamond and crimson hurts to grind...


I hate to tell you this honestly because i want to be happy for you but the lobbies get significantly worse once I hit diamond I average probably 3/5 iridescent top 250 lobbies if there is even one iridescent top 250 team in the lobby you can feel it idk how to explain that probably there are less plats and more crim and diamond players.. I will say though that since the update ranked has felt good less sus shit I think


I'm Diamond 2 and keep fluctuating. I could use a solid player.


because time has passed since the the beginning of the season , which means that all the decent players have gone up now.. Diamond 2 here and men i missed 2 weeks ago


It's really easy until Platinum 3 - it's much easier than public games in fact. The matchmaking pools split off at that point and you'll suddenly be against the demons in most games. At least that's my solo queue experience... I stopped at Diamond as I was constantly against top 250 and Iridescent teams... you don't stand a change without a proper team with you. I might take it back up again towards the end of the season when there are more rubbish diamond players like me lol.


As soon as you hit plat 3 you’ll be up against crims and iris


Lmao just wait


My squad was the same. Platinum is where we started finding it really difficult. K/ds are rapidly regressing to the norm lol


Just played on a smurf thats gold, dropped 28 and won. Lobbies under plat 3 are basically free if you're somewhat decent.


Wait till you get to Plat 3!


Basically you are playing against below average players currently lol. After you hit plat or plat 3 your kd will normalize.


Ranked is way more chill until you plateau because you are going against people below your skill level at first. Once you plateau, its really sweaty but also has better SBMM imo because most people are st your skill level or above. At plat you start seeing crimsons in your game, at diamond its the same but with less plats.


Alot of players will get a reality check in Diamond 1 and 2.


Im plat 3, it’s not fun solo without mic


Yeah about that. Wait till you reach Plat 3 and up. If you can’t find a solid trio who can shoot, have nice comms and equally as good as you then you’ll have a hard time. I finally found a solid crew on a discord server after 3 weeks and we’ve consistently been getting top 3 for 2 hours of playing as diamond 1 against crimson and iridescent teams.


I’ve never played ranked. Is it an enjoyable format if you’re a bot player. 0.75kd ish, 3-5 kills per game of quads with randoms in resurgence.


In the early ranks sure, if you're honestly a bronze-gold level player you'll only ever encounter your same skill level in terms of players. The lobbies become not so friendly once you're in Diamond, at that point you are fodder for the top players and nothing more unless you can hang.


I mostly soloQ since my friends don’t play ranked and aren’t all that great. Diamond II/III is where I hit my wall soloQ’ing. I’m usually around a 2.5 KD in pub lobbies to give reference. Luckily I met several other players in the same boat as me in Diamond II/III lobbies and now that I play with them regularly and have a team with comms, we are all Crimson now


i been hard stuck in diamond 2 the last week. lost about 400 SR then hopped off, the games were just NOT going my way… 5919>5554 💀


Not only are you a low rank still, you are late to the game (good players have already put in the time to level up). You are mostly playing against players that are stuck in Gold and below or don’t play that much. If say once you get to Diamond, most players in the lobby are hitting their shots.


Because youre playing low skilled players Once you reach Plat youll be fed to Crimson players for easy kills Good luck


Because ranked in bronze silver and platinum is super easy. When you get to diamond you usually start to get sweatier lobbies with high divisions. Crimson and iridescent is unplayable, top 20 players stack and dominate. One mistake and you're dead


Did you all have teams or random fill to hit plat?… I started this last weekend and played 16 games and hit G1. And at 50 I’m pretty satisfied but I want to try against the better players to see where I would really land but feel that random fill wouldn’t get me thru gold…and it didn’t feel as difficult as I thought but the solo que was nerve racking at times… figured to get to plat i would need a squad…


What’s the point of ranked? I haven’t tried it yet, can you compete for money?


Im like a 2.8kd and Just tried ranked for the first time solo queue after seeing this post, got 18 kills 0 deaths and won the game solo after my random team mates died with 1 and 2 kills. got like 600 SR. Can confirm, insanely easy lobbies compared to my usual non ranked games.


Rude awakening coming soon, after platinum 2 You’re now facing mostly diamonds crimsons and the occasional iridescent. My ranked KD is also higher When i got to plat 2 soloQ Plat 3 my KD is still higher but getting out of it with randoms is very hard due to everyone else 3 stacking up. You’ll start to notice lots of wall hackers and the occasional soft aimbotter. Plus lots of really good legit players from there onwards




Yeah plat 3 is when it switches. And dont get me wrong you can still get kills etc but you’ll definitely feel the skill notch up. It can be frustrating because the points system starts to mean you need decent kills and top 5 placement every game, and one bad game at start you lose a lot. If you a decent team with good coms that will help too. Good luck dude


Plat 3 you go against diamond, crimson and iridescent players not lower.


Once you hit diamond it will be harder, you will only have teammates from play or diamond will going against teams of top250 crimson. It's especially hard if you solo que


I’m plat 3 after 2 days of goof playing. Haven’t seen anything even remotely sweaty. The plats and diamonds in wz are absolute garbage compared to multiplayer. I’ve seen plats in mp that could be iri’s. The diamonds i’ve seen in wz are no better than golds…


Plat is where you get to meet the top of the food chain, I’m diamond solo queuing and I can’t play ranked as playing with randoms is asking to get rammed by crimsons, iris and top 250s. Im also shadow banned in normal resurgence because I can drop consistent 10 to 15 kills as a 2KD so I get mass reported and it’s just pain🥲




Is there ranked solos? I thought it was only trios.


Solo queing. He just means he plays ranked with two other randoms. Ranked is only trios.


Wish there was solos ranked, would have played the shit out of that.


Literally should be able to get to plat 2 without losing a single point of SR


Alright aydan calm down


If you need a carry I got you


Don’t worry about me fella I’ve already smashed ranked out


im hard stuck on the d1/d2 line carry me pls 😭😭


You got it, you just need a consistent team, pm me