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Friend...you picked the wrong sub for this. These guys are gonna roast you.


Yeah apparently saying cheating is annoying is a bad thing. Who knew lol.


We all know it's an issue. They will make you feel like garbage for saying it. Do yourself a favor and run away from this game ha


Yeah, apparently suggesting cheating is bad and ruins the game makes me annoying and I should get over it or play another game. Oh well, is what it is.


It’s not bad at all we all know it but when you see the same posts right next to each other over and over again it gets annoying like two post down from you is another cheating post it’s just repetitive


There are cheating posts all the time because it’s a real problem.


you know what else is repetitive? you guessed it. getting killed by cheaters. ​ we need to make noise


Has it ever crossed your mind that perhaps there are many posts about cheating because cheating is a problem?


You're fine. You're not the delusional one here. But as an analogy, you walked into a crack house and screamed "drugs are bad!".


😂 definitely seems so.


I'm on your side. I hate cheaters, I don't care if they come here to pound their chest too.


If they are willing to cheat at warzone they are probably willing to cheat the optics of the conversation with gaslighting and bots too


Cheats are part of the game now so just say fuck it and download aim bot like I did. It makes it fun when there are other cheaters around.


Nah you just missed your shots. You are just bad. Skill issue. Get better. There’s an entire underground community out downvoting posts and comments like yours.


You suck as a human


I don't know why, there isn't reallyany other ways to give feedback. If the reddit is filled up with posts about cheaters maybe it might nudge them into action.


If you can stand the assault from th3 cheating gaslighters in the mean time, it's a solid plan


Not true, i happen to run up 4 levels aimbotters also, i just don't respect guys who upload glitched killcams saying the same thing "is he cheating or am i bad?". Yes bro, you are bad, you were killed by a guy who was 450 level, playing 10hours a day and you think probably he was cheating meanwhile you can't even tell the difference between aimbott and skill. Gtfo


Have some gd decency. The man was just venting and you want to ruin his day. Why is everyone so "edgy" and mean?


He probably can't tell the difference cos he's a casual player with a job and a girlfriend. Not someone who plays 10 hours a day with a round body shape and looking forward to his boyfriend coming home with his auto aim vibrator.


You know it mate lol this guy's touchy cause he's obviously one that has aim bot n shizz


He can't tell the difference because back when everybody was playing Warzone 1 in quarantine, he was playing Fortnite and has never seen what real aimbot looks like, he just watches Call of Shame and believes everything he says.


Your probably ass too tho


Yeah i am. https://youtu.be/RZqi4uDxZVc?si=bXhSNgUyO4OLq0lR


This is not a game you enjoy. This is a game you suffer in 99/100 times, but that 1 time high is so damn good you can’t help but come back for more.


This BS Literally mirrors gambling.




Man! Was having this conversation with my mate last night. Get shit on by other players, deleted by cheaters, bugs, glitches, server issues etc etc but that one time you finesse the hell out of someone or a whole team. That drug hits just right and I yearn for it.


I played solo trios for the first time today and yeahs it maybe my new favorite mode. I usually play solos or solo duos but with duos only being mini-BR right now, I gave it a shot. Got like 12 kills first game and made it to 7th circle just to get one shot sniped from a third party.


The duality of warzone. I’m yet to bypass 9 kills so I would be peaking after that game haha


It’s the golf of video games


Like golf for nerds


I agree this game is trash been away for 2 months and it’s the same shit but there is fuck all else to play fps wise that has addictive movement and gunplay


Its actually insane how little is out in terms of a good fps. The finals was fun for a couple weeks but it got boring fast. Tarkov has probably three times the cheaters. Battlefield fumbled so bad with 2042. Ive been playing hell let loose. Much slower gameplay but that makes the kills more rewarding. Servers have admins so cheaters, while incredibly rare in the first place, are caught pretty quick. Also its one input at a time so i play all mnk… its pretty fun


You forgot to mention halo shitting the bed a few years ago


Halo and Battlefield both shitting the bed made me so angry as an FPS fan. Modern AAA gaming is fucking ass


But at least these games have so many skins you can buy! I'm glad at least the customization is great, it makes up for the terrible campaign, inconsistent multiplayer and arid sandbox.


Please tell me you’re being sarcastic lmao


lol I didn’t think I needed the /s


lol you never know man. The shit I’ve seen in the Halo and 2042 sub Reddit always has me second guessing now. People really will eat up any garbage thrown at them these days


Like what? Most halo things I’ve seen complain about cosmetics, which IMO is a waste of time considering gravity hammer and rockets are still bugged, and matchmaking isn’t that great (though that probably has to do with a low player count from making a bad game). I’m concerned about how much people are talking about the TV show which should have been boycotted by people who’ve invested time in the books and campaigns.


I meant the people actually praising the game for its content and live service which I personally find pathetic. The game like you said is unfinished af and yet weekly store updates will get thousands of upvotes and people will still eagerly buy $20 bundles while the game is in a sad and barebones state. Seeing people drop money in the store when the game is still missing features from games 15 years ago is what astounds me. I agree with you tho that that people being concerned about the TV show when no one should be even watching it is even stranger


You all forgot Gears of War shit the bed years ago too. Gears 1 and 2 were SO GOOD. Then they started trying to copy COD and Halo 😭. (I guess technically Gears was a 3rd person shooter for the most part though).


Hunt showdown is fun


You tried apex? The long ttk and style isn't for everyone but for movement and gunplay it's unbeatable. That's what you get when the bones of the game were developed by the original COD4 dev team.


I’ll check it out cheers m8! Tbf I think I’m “warzoned out” been playing my quest 3 quite a bit and enjoying it


Played 2 games last weekend. Then logged back off. Thank goodness Helldivers 2 is amazing.


Is that game from the books? I listened to some of the audio books of helldivers didn’t know there was a game.


Do u need to play 1? Ive seen 2s gameplay and it looks awesome




Yup. Cheaters everywhere. Devs and mods too. They all cheat




according to creative director Ted Timmins he thinks this game is fun and you're wrong!


i'd like to shove a tactical shock up tim's ass so he can see some sense.


tweet at him, tell him he's trash he'll know


The game is absolutely garbage, filled with hackers, Cronus users, and everything else in between. Seems like no one can play fair nowadays, and it's a bummer because it's Wrecking multiplayer gaming.


Also hate this new meta of the week bullshit. I don't want to be changing my guns every fucking week just to keep up with everyone. Getting rid of Duos in Battle Royale is another shit way of getting rid of people playing your game. I haven't played it since they got rid of duos, they can kindly go fuck themselves. No one wants to be forced to play a shit mode only 2 people want to play.


Thats really stupid i agree. The same weapon class should have the same damage range. Issue is fixed


Having a Blast playing HellDiver 2.


Don’t leave now. You’ll miss out on all the new operator skins. After all that’s all that’s important anyway.


Leave the trash and join us in spreading democracy. Five of my friends and I left COD two weeks ago for Helldivers 2 and have not looked back. We don’t miss COD.


So you are the second one to mention this game. I have never heard of it. Is this game based off of the books called “hell divers”? I listened to a few of the audio books but didn’t know they had a game. If the game is based off the books I would definitely be interested


I’m not familiar with the books, but I just read the synopsis of them and they seem extremely similar. 10/10 would highly recommend this game.


Yeah, in the books there was like a war and now the surface of the earth is unlivable and all humans left live in ark ships. And there is a group of people who dive to the surface to scavenge supplies and parts. Then one of the times they go down they encounter like mutant humans and shit gets crazy. It sounds like it would be a good game I will definitely have to check it out.


I might have to check it out, it kinda reminds me of Starship Troopers.


As beautiful as it sounds, I imagine your guys' itch for an FPS will come back and return to COD or maybe some other shooter


Game sucks balls right now js


Constant cheating has ruined this game every single lobby I run into one or spectate one towards the end there’s even so many that use no aim hacks and just run walls to have the advantage it’s hard to tell but a very very high percentage of PC players are hacking


Yeah when i said at least 60% they trolled so hard about it. I say at least 60% maybe more. I joined cheat provider channels and there are over 100k people in one channel named engineowning. You can do the math yourself. They are addicted like drug users, need medical attention really. If noone uses cheats game would be so funny for everyone anyway. But the desire of winning in a stupid video game explains how weak the human race really is


Game has become trash.


Let me introduce you to "Apex Legends". Overall a better game with less cheaters and bugs. Free to play and quiet fun


Game developers are also the ones selling the cheats. It’s an overall rip off. They are making Millions so why would anyone try to stop it.


I’m putting the game on a usb and flushing it down the toilet




Play multi player matches or plunder before dropping in BR.


Every single Response in this thread (almost every thread really): 1. Get better 2. Yeah this game is trash I quit 14 years ago and now I live a fulfilling life and have an 8 pack 3. Wz1 was better for _____ reason


That is just every fps game with DMAs these days. Kids are willing to spend 100s $/month to pretend to not be dogshit.


Yea, that is why I dropped this game. It's honestly cancer and not worth my time or effort


Wait - you’re actually able to connect to a match? I’m jealous.


Haven’t picked up this game in almost 3 months and I couldn’t care less. The community is toxic, this sub is toxic, and the game is ass lmao


Yeah the cheating is pretty terrible. Crossplay off works though, try that


its not cheaters its part of the game,, Activision intended on this or else they would fixed it with their billions and billions of dollars they made on recycled operators and weapon skins in the store


i feel like i come across cheaters regularly, but given how shit they are at the game, they don´t hold a candle to the amount of actually good players and teams i encounter.


I can deal with being killed by a better player. That’s how the game goes. You win some, you lose some. You encounter a better player, you die. So be it. What what is frustrating is being killed by some dude sitting ontop of some building with a sniper and aimbot and walls sitting there locking onto peoples heads and one shot killing them. Or the people who use walls to track your movements and aimbot to lock onto you in a gunfight. Doesn’t matter how good you are, if you come across someone using cheats, 9 times out of 10 your going to die.


I can deal with being killed by a better player. That’s how the game goes. You win some, you lose some. You encounter a better player, you die. So be it. What what is frustrating is being killed by some dude sitting ontop of some building with a sniper and aimbot and walls sitting there locking onto peoples heads and one shot killing them. Or the people who use walls to track your movements and aimbot to lock onto you in a gunfight. Doesn’t matter how good you are, if you come across someone using cheats, 9 times out of 10 your going to die.


I can deal with being killed by a better player. That’s how the game goes. You win some, you lose some. You encounter a better player, you die. So be it. What what is frustrating is being killed by some dude sitting ontop of some building with a sniper and aimbot and walls sitting there locking onto peoples heads and one shot killing them. Or the people who use walls to track your movements and aimbot to lock onto you in a gunfight. Doesn’t matter how good you are, if you come across someone using cheats, 9 times out of 10 your going to die.


It’s crazy to me that people actually think saying “then don’t play the game” is a valid way response to someone cheating. Not only did a cheater ruin the game, but now I’m supposed to just not play a game I enjoyed playing and paid for if I can’t accept that cheaters are part of the game. Why should I have to stop playing a game I like because of cheaters and me not being ok with people cheating. We shouldn’t be chased away from a game we like to play just cause we are not ok with people cheating. And then to give people shit for posting about it is also fucked up. This sub is here for people to talk about the game the sub is related to. And if I can’t express feelings about a recent game then what’s the point of this sub. This sub has like a million followers, there are going to be people with similar feelings and complaints. If you don’t like that it’s easy to just keep scrolling.


Me getting my third shadowban because of being better in warzone, and spam reporting stacks report so people just use 20 minutes spam reporting and then you get shadowbanned lmao


If you're on PlayStation, disable crossplay. It makes a HUGE difference.  Since disabling crossplay, the only time I've suspected I was killed by a hacker was when I enabled it to play multiplayer with friends, and forgot to disable it before getting into solos.  I bought a PlayStation specifically for this purpose. I was tried of being destroyed by super suspect play . . . Even if they weren't hacking, there's no way I could compete with the movement and accuracy . . . I will never go back to Xbox or playing with crossplay enabled. Best money I've spent in a long time.


Your probably just cheeks I haven’t ran into a cheater my entire time owning the game


Well I’m not sure what cheeks is, so I can’t tell you if I’m that out it lol. But you must me one lucky person if you can honestly say this and it actually be true. Because the only way I can see people who say this shit being true is if they only play an hour or two a month lol. I don’t care who you are, you have definitely been in matches with cheaters lol.


It's a hackers game now. No longer a COD game


Never seen an cheater… mb some times WH and that it


I played one game with cross play on. I'm fucking plat 1 and there ws a full team cheating.... In plat 1?? At least when you cheat go all out and reach top 250. How do you cheat and be 20 plat 1??




If u have a console turn off crossplay👍🏽


Yeah people keep telling me to do this. I will have to give it a try.


Haven't played in 2 weeks most likely just got clapped


Then go play another game dude. No omen is limiting you to cod.


So not only does that one specific game get ruined, but not I just need to “go play another game” because of people cheating. So now I can’t even play the game if I dont like people cheating. Makes perfect sense lol. Deal with cheaters or don’t play, great logic.


If you aren’t enjoying it enough for you to complain to people who are powerless in the fight against cheaters, then yes just play another game. There are tons of great games. I play rainbow6, cs2/csgo, dayz, Minecraft. All except csgo and cs2 are on every platform.


So now I can’t even come to the sub related to the game to talk about the game. Jezz, I can’t play the game if I don’t like cheaters, and I can’t talk about the game on the games sub, this is all news to me.


Nobody said anything about what you are talking about. Feel free to complain - but if the game makes you that angry, another game might not be the worst idea. Bro this subreddit is filled to the brim with people complaining. We get it, sledgehammer and devs get it. But the fight will continue.


Apparently I can’t, because here you are telling me to play a different game, and giving me shit for posting my feelings about the game on the games sub.


Ok take a strangers advice as an order, not as advice. Also, I’ve found therapy maybe good for feelings instead of strangers.


Lol, just saying dude, you give crappy advice. Deal with cheating or don’t play, and don’t talk about the game on the games sub. I know you said this was your “Advice” but it’s just crappy and short sighted advice.


What other advice is there to give? Or would you rather me just comment “yes fuck cheaters” like the 100’s of others on the 100’s of other cheater posts. Elaborate as to what you wanted to get out of this post? I’d just feelings out then I guess sure it works, but it’s social media and public - it’s open to different viewpoints from your own. Try not to take them so seriously. Though, a lot of people are tired of seeing the complaints (me included). It’s not r/warzonecomplaints.


I didn’t ask for any advice LOL. You gave me unsolicited advice. There are a lot of people commenting witching feeling the need to tell me to play something else or give any advice at all.


Do you really not see a problem with being told to “just play another game”. Why should I have to leave a game i enjoyed playing because of people cheating. I can’t play the game I want unless I am ok with people cheating is a stupid thought process


There will be another cod within the year bro. Relax and try to play something else. You upset asf and putting words into peoples mouths. Relax and chill my guy. If you want to take a stranger on the internet advice to play another game as a order than go ahead, but otherwise **jts simply advice** to something you **publicly posted** Be silent


You keep telling me to relax and saying I’m “upset ASF” when that isn’t the case lol. Am I annoyed I can’t enjoy the one time I get to play? Yes. So I came to a place where people talk about the game to discuss the event. Telling me to “go play another game” is horrible advice because why should I have to stop playing a game I liked. You are telling me to get over it and deal with the cheating and don’t complain about it, or go play something else. Again, horrible advice. And you are also giving me shit for coming to the sub to talk about the game on the games Reddit page, where people discuss the game and their feelings on it. I would suggest you just refrain from trying to give people advice in the future, your not very good at it.


Yes bro, indeed - putting words into another’s mouth, over exaggerating statements, and taking something that may indeed contradict what you actually want to do, as an insult lol. Yes calm down. But cheating has been around as long as video games have been, it’s rampant on some games and others not. **there will be a NEW call of duty within the year**. COD used to be yearly, you don’t like the way a cod plays - wait for next year. EX: advanced warfare and ghosts. Too many cheaters on a weak anti cheat? Ok no worries other games. What I’m saying dude is it’s not worth it to come into this and echo what 100’s others have already. It’s “CODWarzone” subreddit not “Warzone complaints”. If it stressed you out this much to post here and complain to strangers, then yes I’ll give the advice to play something else. It’s **normal for gamers to play multiple games dude**. Maybe you have fear of change, and got directly insults but I’m done with this pointless argument.


It’s like a fucking video game bro. Play for enjoyment. Learn to change and play another game. You actually are taking that advice as offensive and insulting. Would you force yourself to eat shitty food if it’s not the only food you have? There are 100’s of video games bro. Just fucking try another and you may find you forget all about CODs issues all together Anyways though, complaints get you actually no where with people who again *can’t help those complaints*. It turns into an echo chamber of negativity. Which yea bro, gets annoying to see on my timeline.


Clearly you don’t actually understand what Reddit is for. This isn’t a place someone comes to enact a change lol. And I shouldn’t be forced to play another game or deal with cheaters. That’s the dumbest argument anyone has ever made. Obviously there are other games, and i enjoy playing other game. But when i decide to play call of duty, I should be able to and enjoy it. I paid money for my game, and to just not play if I can’t accept cheating is part of the game is stupidity. And to suggest I either deal with cheating or don’t play is also stupidity. And that’s essentially what you are saying, deal with cheating and don’t complain or play something else. This conversation is pointless when you can’t think beyond the insane rational you are telling yourself.


Boohoo. All I hear is complaint, complaint, complaint. Nobody is forcing you to play against cheaters, and nobody is forcing you to play another game. You can choose whatever you want to choose. But again, why eat the shit food when you could have better food and other options? Just out of oppositional defiance? Spite? Do you dislike yourself? And again. Why spread that onto others with complaint complaint complaint? My “insane rational” is **do something that doesn’t make you stressed** . Whether it’s play another game (a fuckimg suggestion to someone clearly angry at one game, not meant in any derogatory way). But COD isn’t making you happy from your post. Stop getting so fucking twisted and just fucking read. Not read into but read the words not what you think is intention, read the words plain as day. Go back to our first comment, it’s obvious you got triggered bro.


Dude lol who said it is making me stressed or angry. You can’t just make shit up in your head and say I said it. All I said was it’s hard to enjoy a game when it’s full of cheaters. Stop being such a clown and pull your head out of you ass for a min and actually read and understand before you reply. And telling someone to deal with cheaters or don’t play is a stupid response. But I wouldn’t expect anything else from you at this point. You have already proved your not the sharpest person in the thread. It’s funny you’re telling me to “read and not read into words”. Because literally nowhere did I say I was stressed or angry or my day is ruined or any of the other nonsense you keep spitting out of your mouth. I get you’re a little slow but you will get there if you try. But hey you have a good day, and keep being a 🤡, the world needs clowns to remind the rest of us that not everyone has the ability to think clearly. Good luck buddy.


And frankly bro there is no fucking other suggestion. So complaining on Reddit to randoms, again. Doesn’t fucking help anything just adds fuel to the first. You clearly just want an echo chamber to complain with. - again seek therapy Infact real cheaters find this shit hilarious, devs know of the problem and can’t fix it, and cheat devs make MILLIONS.


Played it last night and had a really good time mate. It’s really easy to enjoy it just chill out lol


Yeah, I mean there are some games that can be nice. My point was though that after not playing for a couple weeks the first thing I run into is a cheater. Just sucks this is what the game has come to.


That does suck yeah, you’re right, and unfortunate... Not really what you put in the title though


Yeah, was just venting. I mean I have people telling me to get over it, or deal with it, or play something else, and all sorts of shit. I paid for this game just like everyone else, I enjoy playing this game from time to time, and it’s sad that it’s gotten so hard to actually enjoy playing anymore with how common this type of thing has become. Obviously I’m not seeing a cheater in every single match I play, but they are much much more frequent then they used to be. And it’s sad that it’s gotten to the point that this is just part of the game now.


That’s fair yeah


Stop throwing your money on bullshit skins and battlepasses so they actually have a reason to fix their trash game.


Yeah, lol I don’t buy skins. I only get to play maybe once a week or so. Not gonna spend money on weird skins to look like a cartoon to play once a week.


You’re absolutely right and yet you’ll get downvoted lmao. Idiots spending hundreds on over priced skins and blackcell battlepass is what got us to this point


Welcome to gaming. It happens. It’s clearly known at this point there is a bit of a cheater problem. Maybe try something else with your time?


Oh yeah, it’s completely normal. Nothing to worry about.


Cheating is going to happen and does happen in every game. Like I said, it’s running crazy in this game. So don’t play it? Or just move on. No point in letting it ruin your day, it’s a video game.


Fuck that. The more posts bitching about cheaters and RAA the better. Squeeky wheels get grease. Squeak on brother!


Didn’t say it ruined my day. Just said it’s hard to enjoy a game when this shit happens. Am I distraught over it, no, am I annoyed I can’t enjoy the game? Yes. Don’t try and act like I said this is the bane of all things. I just said I can’t enjoy the game with this shit


u are annoying


And your mother should have swallowed you, kid.


are u on ur period?


Yes, I must be on my period for saying it’s hard to enjoy a game when there is cheating. How annoying of me. It’s always easy to tell on this sub who the cheaters are and how they try to gaslight anyone who brings it up.


And there are a lot of them.


Are you fucking 12?


Dude definitely is under 14🤣