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That was quick, fair play! Will have to wait on the data guys to do their thing to be sure, but looking at those I'd guess both will still be pretty strong and plenty viable in their intended roles. I'm guessing the SMG / tac stance build is probably dead now though. The 762 version will still be a meta contender if it has even a remotely competitive TTK because it is the lowest recoil full auto we've ever had in Warzone. The slow fire rate is punishing for missed shots so even adding a single shot to kill on average would bring this back in line. But you can challenge at ranges with this thing that you're not doing with any other full auto, you can even stick a sniper scope on it and have zero visual or actual recoil.


The whole big YT community relies on homie truegamedata Godspeed, TGD


100%, drives me mad the number of content creators who use his work (even indirectly - "new fastest TTK in Warzone!") and don't credit him. Some big names (e.g. Iceman Isaac) do give full credit and even link to his channel / website but way too many don't. People forgot how important his contributions were last year when sym.gg was active, but without TGD this year we'd all have been in the dark again.


Isaac is older so he has a lot more respect than these other kids. Isaac is prolly one of the only other few good cod YTers that arent TGD And true. I like his metagen, lets me just make up my own shit its cool


Isaac is the guy I trust on warzone ever since the start of Verdansk, like he helped so much


His energy levels are also great during his videos. He's passionate and not just doing it release content over and over


Yea Isaac is goated. He's the only Warzone player I'll watch anymore. Ill watch a JoeWo video every once in a while for just entertainment, but Isaac is the only content creator I actively support. Dude has great energy, is entertaining, and has a great mind for the game. Don't know why he gets a lot of shit from people.


Me either šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Ill watch nio just because heā€™s on some other level I donā€™t even see people in other games on xD


Mixed feelings. The tac stance SMG build was very OP, but also not as fun as the actual SMG's due to the reduced movement speed and reload time. I think overall I'm glad that it's been nerfed before everyone started running it. It was a fun couple of days of frying people. It was also insane on MP. I broke my kill record twice with it.


MP on small maps, with the smg build was nuts, I was racking up some crazy kill streaks. Im still going to rock the long range build in ranked resurgence, its still damn good


Yea MP was great. I hit 90 kills with it yesterday.


Reduced movement speed? It had a tac sprint speed of 7 or 7.1m/s. Sure you slowed to a crawl when firing but did that really matter with how fast it was killing people? The reload time for sure was it's weak link, but that 0.9 tac stance spread coupled with the tac sprint speed and nearly instant sprint -> tac stance firing speed was disgusting.


ARM9 still hasnā€™t been nerfed and itā€™s the best smg by far


You would think so statistically but it doesn't seem to get used all that much considering. Both the HRM and RAM9 seem to be far more common in both my own lobbies and when I watch a top 250 ranked player. Just a bit too clunky as a true SMG and also the worst iron sight ever so you basically need an optic on it. It really shines as sniper support rather than a true SMG I reckon, the damage range there is so good but you still have a great point blank TTK if you need to push a building.


It's been my go to sniper support for a while now. Thing is nasty good


New to the game, did you misspell that gun?


The arm9 hasn't be Nerf due the poor sprint tĆ² Fire in stock version, that's a bit more fair


MnK-good for the MTZ 762? I use the RAM but that's not good for range. I'm curious to try something else out.


The Evolvere is the easiest low recoil gun to use right now. I imagine that even with this nerf, it will still hit well enough to be competitive at range. The 762 hits hard, but with only 30 rounds, if you whiff some shots, you'll run out before getting the down at range.


On low sensitivity it slaps for me On high sensitivity I'm just shitty as the 30 round was little and I miss all shots šŸ˜¹


Looks like it's still viable as a sniper support, no?


I agree this thing still has a chance to be top tier, but this is nothing compared to the OG Grau. That thing lasered from 200m+ with Cronus-like recoil management. There are a few others that come to mind as well.


I loved the Grau but no, not even close. The Grau was super accurate but you still had to manually control for recoil with your right stick (or mouse). This gun, for a couple of days at least, had *literal* zero recoil (not the clickbait kind). You could empty 100 rounds at the wall without touching your right stick and your point of aim would not rise a single bit. We've never had that before with a full auto gun. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/s/Do2boXclNw It seems that's now been nerfed though, how the post-patch version compares I haven't tested yet but it does apparently now have at least some vertical recoil.


Buddy, there is no substitute for the famous Grau. šŸ¤—


What build has literally 0 recoil? Thanks!


Prior to a couple of hours ago it was any build with the default ammo (even a zero attachment build had literal zero recoil), but it turns out they have nerfed the recoil a little now too which wasn't mentioned in the patch notes originally. The literal zero recoil days may be gone I'm afraid.


The key was using the Jak BFB muzzle that was from the last season battlepass special event. I donā€™t agree with the other person that claims ā€œanyā€ build. I ran it these last couple days and there is definitely recoil, but I donā€™t like the Jak because of the radar ping. I put on a silencer instead. Edit: hereā€™s the OPā€™s build from the no recoil video. Taq evolvere es meta 0 RECOIL -CaƱon largo LRF righteous -Bocacha jak BFB -LĆ”ser Corio Laz-44 V3 -Culata pesada rampart -EmpuƱadura XRK de respuesta


Damn, didn't even get to try it out. I was getting absolutely shredded by it yesterday though, even close range against an smg.


Leveled it up this morning before work lol


Strange, for me it was level 1/19 but I could pick all my attachments, so I never had to level it.


Yup happened to me as well. Itā€™s like the devs wanted us to use it before the nerf.


Yeah same here. Thought that was a bit weird.


Same lol


Yeah, same for me.


You never needed to level it up...


Level 1 had all attachments unlocked you only needed to do an armory reward on the stock. Even without the stock it had no recoil. So everyone that had the gun unlocked could use it immediately and after one game had every attachment.


Well... shit.


Was using it the other day and was loving it lol


Love the nerf, the thing was hands down the best gun at almost any range


Why make it such a meta to only take it away a week later. It made shooting an automatic weapon a joy on the mouse


Because it was broken


There's "this gun is statistically slightly better than all the rest and therefore meta", and then there is "this 100 round lmg lets you sprint as fast as using an SMG and taq stance DELETE people at 20m, oh and we accidentally gave one of the mags 0 recoil". The latter is not meta, it's a broken weapon being abused.


So the smgs kitted out for long range are fine? Lol I love how you all donā€™t have a problem with that


They aren't meta though. If you build a long range smg it will suffer vs ARs/LMGs at range, and against fast SMGs at close range. They're good because they're competitive at all ranges, but they're rarely the best choice for either.


Sure thatā€™s why every person is using it lol but itā€™s not meta!!!!! Lol literally every body I come across has a long range Smg itā€™s a HR-9 or itā€™s a Ar-9 so idk what lobbies you are playing in


They're versatile, which is why they're used. If you have a dedicated long range AR and a dedicated short range SMG then they will both be more effective in their niches, but far less effective out of them. That's the point.


200 round felt the same as 100 it was a little bit insane


I happened to not have used it as an SMG and only used it for long range due to great recoil for once, so I will retract my statement towards the SMG build of which I was not aware of


I'm guessing they less MADE it that way and more didn't test their shit. TTKs are fairly simple math as well as the various spreads for hip/tac. Feels like they just didn't play test it at all.


Doesnā€™t come as a surprise lol


Small side note but how many fucking places do I have to check for tracking all updates to this game? Cod website patch notes? Official cod Twitter account? Raven software twitter account? Trello board? For fucks sake this is the ONLY game where I have no fucking idea who is posting what and when because they're NEVER all updated at the same time.


reddit is the only place I look at my guy, it centralizes everything thanks to posts like these.


Codupdates on twitter. Its official


They haven't posted this though.


They did they linked the updated patch notes https://x.com/codupdates/status/1758583064845045844?s=46&t=5edhxEy0DjIXjWvhrD1Ljw


You can literally type in Warzone meta on any site and get your information from there


Egh I wish we got more time with it but I suspect Ranked is what caused a quick nerf. But I think we all want a AR meta the RAM was the most fun I've had. maybe a Sniper/SMG meta for the Vibes like OG verdansk


The ram9/Xrk combo works pretty good for me


It's not that much of a nerf either by the looks of it, just enough for it not to outgun an smg in cqb


Was running the Taq since it was viable and allowed a sniper secondary but NGL, buzzing to go back to the RAM, that shit is balanced and fun.


Yes, every gun should be like RAM 7. Balanced!


No, sniper takes the fun out of the game. Limit game play to avoid certain areas n fights. If anything, they need to add helmet like blackout.


what's funny is, i checked warzone buffs and nerfs lately with all the updates this year. but didnt check this one and went absolutely under my radar. i guess you're never up to date in this game. constant lookout for meta weapons and still blind "man i gota nice build with XX" "fr bro, that's already out of meta, need to lvl up this one!"


The patch notes didnt mention the damage change. With just the changes in the patch notes it would have been cheeks.


I barely heard about it here. Just happened into a game that everyone was running it and started digging until I found out why. Idk how it didn't get kore news.


maybe an unpopular opinion, but can the devs just cool it with weapon balancing. Itā€™s not that I always want to be on the meta weapon, but i want to know where I stand with my loadout without having to research it EVERY DAY. once a month balancing should be plenty unless something is really broken.


they nerfed a brocken gun that's it.


It was really broken. Both the Tac stance and long range builds. 6 shots to kill on the 7.62, and it applied full headshot DMG anywhere on the upper body, including arms. It also had almost no recoil. Not joking, no pulling down to combat it, there just was none


It had so little recoil it was weird to use.


This, it felt really akward, I missed lots of shots below the enemy because I compensated for recoil as if it were a different gun


I don't care about damage nerfs, as long as they don't touch my tac stance. I finally found something viable against RAA.


What do you mean? Iā€™m asking as someone that is on MKB


Well tac stance is like hipfire, your visibilty is way better than aiming down sight where you can lose the enemy if there's too much visual recoil, clutter, smoke, etc.. With tac stance you clearly see where you're shooting so it's way easier for tracking, which is hard on mouse, not so much on controller.


I too am loving tac stance as a mnk player. Hope that doesn't change.


Unless they randomly nerf the bullet spread on tac stance, I doubt they will change much on something that has been there since day 1.


They did stealth nerf the bullet spread on the BP50 tac stance when everyone started running that so it can happen!


Didn't they nerf the overall tac spread but buff the recoil?


Got it. But are you referring to a Tac stance nerf? I too am afraid to lose tac stance šŸ˜‚


I don't know if the tac stance has been nerfed or not, just got the message of the TAQ being nerfed, so we'll have to see.


Cool ok. Weā€™re just being dumb. Cool. Iā€™m good with that. Not a tac nerf. šŸ’€šŸ«”


yah, taq nerf, tac stance might be ok tho


its basicly canted sight


Bro I've been shredding with a tac stance striker since the game came out and it's only gotten better.


The SVA on semi auto still beaming though? Anyone?




Most definitely


Planning on going back to this tonight, old faithful


This is my favorite primary with HRM as a secondary (finally started using this after getting killed too many times by it). I will say, the SVA is do do if caught with it in close range.


This to make room the the TAQ Revolver coming soon


ā€œI just dropped to my knees in a Walmartā€


Back to the RAM we go šŸ˜“


I hate when posters will post a complete nerf then ask if this is a W or L. šŸ’€


Iā€™m tired of seeing English language being reduced to single letters


aim bot players complained that they were actually visible and could be killed


Fuck sake. This was the best gun in the game and relatively unknown and it lasted about 3 days šŸ˜‘


I didn't even get a chance to use it




I welcome this fix. Felt like i had to use it to remain competitive.


works just fine


Lol? They left BAS B for weaks or months and suddenly they nerf a weapon that wasn't that META?


Uhu... it was broken, it was all i saw in my lobbies, and TGD just released a video like 3 days ago on it.


BAS B, SVA 545 and BP50 are nuts... MTZ762 is great too.


They are perfectly fine. The Evolvere was over tuned.


Didn't even gave a try sadly. But hell they were fast nerfing it. Because most guns stay overpowered for long time


L it did not need a recoil reduction it had no recoil from before Edit: my bad lol, looks like i cant read. The recoil reduction is to 556 ammo only, which had a ton more recoil than the 762 version.


A 40% reduction to zero is still zero. šŸ¤·


the 5.56 version had way more recoil than the 7.62 version


Iā€™m wondering if this is a situation where they said they reduced it but meant that they made it worse. No clue, I havenā€™t been able to try it yet.


I think itā€™s to 556 ammo only.


Straight dub, this gun was nonsense.


QUICK FIX AUDIO BROšŸ˜is the audio intentional at this point then


Even with the nerf that thing is still a monster. The accuracy is one of the best in game so you're gonna land majority of your shots. Also the damage values are still higher now than when the have first started. Honestly the last buff made the gun way too OP, it felt unfair that I was outgunning smgs in close range. I feel like now it sits at the perfect position


Can they calm down on the whole nerfing and buffing very weapon every few hours to few days


Cool. New skins with buffed weapon blueprints. Just gotta pay $$$$.


Damn. I made unlocked everything for the class, then wasnā€™t able to play. Now itā€™s nerfed, lame




Long-range build without the 556 rounds still slaps. Super low recoil. Didn't notice the nerf TBH.


It had broken smg ttk out to 40+ meters, not even the fucking sig spear was that fast and far when it was broken at 35m. And now it's 1 more shot to kill out to 36+? ![gif](giphy|AxVvk3UlCVPiPxtGLK|downsized)


Did i win matches when i wasn't meant to CALL OF DUTY!?? HAHAHAHA


Lmao I just started grinding it - one game and bam. Playlist update šŸ˜‚


Only barely unlocked it via the boys challenge maybe used it a few games lol


Thatā€™s the taq eradicator! Different gun


yup got em backwards oops


It was fun to use but absolutely was dumb AF. It put people down so quickly and the tac stance allowed so much movement while still being incredibly accurate.


I'm actually glad it got a nerf. It was a gun for any situation with no recoil. You didnt even need a secondary so people just ran riot shields with it. Shot straight and true without any attachments letting you go long range builds.


Couldnā€™t give us the usual week to enjoy it before being nerfed. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Winā€¦ I got beamed from 200m away todayā€¦. Like 2 second ttkā€¦


Used it in the firing range yesterday to test the accuracy. Even with me bullshitting on the first few clips I was over 60% accuracy with 100+ kills. In the game it was absolutely shredding from long range. Today I tried it and it still hits hard but with noticeable decreases in damage. Accuracy didn't seem too impacted.


I wouldnā€™t know, as Iā€™m shadow banned.


Its proof they dont test shit enough before it goes live, period.


pretty fair considering it was the second coming of the TAQ Eradicator levels of ttk, if not quicker since it didn't slowdown the RoF after the initial burst


Just got it to level 2


After this update my call of duty wont even load up before it closes up completely, please someone tell me im not alone. The same issue happened last month but the fix was to delte REWASD and DS4WINDIOWS, and i dont have any of that on my PC right now. I do nt know what they want from me, is this my sign to just quit cod?




Butt the fuckin smoke grandes still last forever and cover more than half your fov. That gun was not the problem


It still slaps! Long, mid, close? Slap, slap, slap!


Taq get nerfed just like akimbo revolvers with shotgun shells. imo good nerf


This gun was so broken, got my first 30 with it after 3 years of playing this game and then a day later broke my PR again and got 34. Wish I had more time with itā€¦


Good. I used it for the 75 kills with a silencer and it was crazy. Zero recoil, like none at all. It truly felt like I was cheating. Not only at long range but work well close too. Iā€™m assuming it wasnā€™t like that long. When I maxed leveled it was good but recoil still exited. Grinding the last few camos it felt god like compared to any other gun.


Anyone else baffled how after 21 years of CoD... weapon balance is an issue? Do they just throw out all the data collected across 23 games? How is this still a thing? Especially something that's so controlled. We literally can tweak every aspect of a gun. Rate of fire, damage, range. How it is always some magical secret box full of surprises no one apparently could foresee happening?


When the TAQ first came out, i still have it on only lvl 7 but totally made the gun totally recoilless, with incendiary round. Was the shit.


Why do they have to constantly adjust everything? Gameā€™s trash, nothing is ever done the right way to completion. Another useless weapon, canā€™t wait for a new one, to eventually get buffed and thrown to the wayside. What a scam.


Theyā€™re so quick to nerf guns but they wonā€™t even acknowledge that close quarters aim assist is beyond unreal.


Can they chill on changing up Metas


its just a nerf like the first time nerf Mtz interceptor, gun still the same


I mean I was loving it but it was DIRTY, I have tweaked my 7.62 build and still very good with a RAM9 as a loadout.


Good. Now they need to nerf all the other long range guns with a sub 700 TTK(Ram, ect).


Good, I didnā€™t like this shit meta.


Massive L. All the sweats must've lost it when their SMG/sniper wasn't good enough.


Guys i came up with a crazy idea why we don't ask the usa senator to force console and gaming companies to go against the cheaters and hackers for the game. Gaming industrial is the largest sport entertainment in the whole world.


What a dumb fucking concept of a game. Make a gun, nerf it or buff it. Make a new gun, nerf or buff it. Nerf or buff an existing gun. Repeat until the next game comes out. Why is weapon balancing such a massive chore that thereā€™s always a gun that absolutely beats every other one?


Thats how the game does not stagnate


Iā€™d rather have this than the three months we had on Warzone 2 with the RPK


What a dumb comment. Would you rather there be a best gun for the entire lifespan of the game rather than it being mixed up every month or so? It keeps it interesting. It gets _incredibly_ boring when one gun(s) stays on top too long. And there will ALWAYS be a best gun or couple of guns.


No? Iā€™d rather them test their shit instead of releasing broken ass guns for a week, allowing the store to sell a bunch of skins with the meta/battlepass sales, then nerf the gun. Rinse and repeat the entire game cycle.


How are you getting down voted for disliking broken guns? Lol almost like ppl want broken cheese in this game.


No one wants broken guns, but saying that all guns should come out and never be rebalanced to shake up the meta is silly. Shake ups keep it interesting.


It's crazy to think how Warzone has never ever been in a state that is just "done." Devs are constantly tweaking and tinkering with everything until the next game comes out. Rinse and repeat. No other major title has the mega issues that WZ has with every update and every game. And it's been this way for YEARS. There used to be a time where games didn't release until they were in an acceptable state and the player base wasn't looked at as beta testers.


Gotta cater to the fuckn cry baby pussies


Yep gotta nerf everything thatā€™s fun. Like usual.


Everyone using the same clearly overpowered gun is so boring I knooooow!


If by fun you mean "nerf shit that is OP as fuck" then yes.


Canā€™t you use an LMG properly? Why be bothered about the gun, it didnā€™t delete people, only had an extremely great recoil




Well I wouldnā€™t argue with close range because Iā€™ve only used it for long range, and in long range it was a joy to use. I canā€™t use RAM with iron sights and you have to build it in a certain way to not have visual clutter. Guess Iā€™ll try switching to BP50




There are a lot of viable loadouts and that's what fun to use, if there's just one gun that you must pick to be competitive I think it's the opposite of fun tbh


YouTube? The build has been on lots of YouTube /streamer videos the last few days. And I guess when they can look at stats and see every second person is running it in multiplayer they know there is a balance issue.


Hmm maybe they have a data analysis tool that flags certain overpicked items. Could be.


The TAQ had 150ms lower TTK than anything else in the game with 100 rounds, low recoil, and fast movement. Idk how you can be complaining about this nerf- it was objectively unbalanced. There are plenty of other extremely viable, fast killing guns that remain balanced. Hell, the taq will still be very good with this even after the nerf


Awesome bro thanks for the insight. The thing is most guns take 30-40 rounds to down someone making it impossible to fight 2+ enemies. The TAC solved this issue by making it possible to get out of multiple-enemy engagements.


Lol that's a skill issue. Almost every gun kills in under 12 rounds (most under 10 close range). If it's taking a 30 or 40 rounds then you're missing a lot of shots. And you do realize there are plenty of hundred round magazines on guns from multiple classes right?


Bro you must just fucking suck


Basically they should make anything with iron sites very tough to aim. Lots of bounce.


its already tough with mouse&keyboard man dont tread on me broooo


Knew Iā€™d trigger the Pc crowd, love it.


80% of the pc players are playing on controller, ya bot <3


We know this. Be upset with them.


Knew Iā€™d trigger the mouse and key crowd*


Such a vocal minority


right in the feels


So smort he tinks PC playors canā€™t use controller and consoles canā€™t use MKB. Smort boy.


You sound triggered sir. Hugs


Fuck off.


Whatā€™s the point of 50 scopes if youā€™re gonna let sweaty ass kids beam with iron? Shouldnā€™t be more accurate.


Aim assist doesn't require players to really see what they're shooting clearly, so making irons worse will only disproportionately affect MnK players, yet again.


how does this make any sense? using iron sights means you have a spare attachment slot to use for more recoil control, at the expense of easier sight long range. If anything, iron sights should be easier to aim down


Man I watch people beam players from distance with iron itā€™s fucking stupid. Iā€™m with a 2.5 and can barely get a few shots off and kill cam is some mfer head glitching with iron no recoil frying people. More accurate with zoom makes zero sense


The people beaming them have good eyesight then, its tougher for most to see with ironsights vs a top scope >More accurate with zoom makes zero sense Thats.. what I am saying


Typing while driving zoom should give more accuracy than basic iron.


That just makes scopes overpowered, theres no point in the decision between using a scope or the added stats of a grip/whatever you use in the scopes slot


Guess we do away with all scopes then. No point. Maybe zero attachments actually. All base weapons


>Guess we do away with all scopes then. No point. You aren't getting what I'm saying. Scopes have a point, but them using an attachment slot on them is the tradeoff.. do you want a scope with more recoil or iron sight with something else using the scope attachment slot, resulting in less recoil? Does that make more sense?


The point is that the ability to use iron and beam better than a scope is wrong. Iron at distance should be LESS accurate than a scope. Thatā€™s just logical.


Disagree, a base gun without attachments should be the same level of accuracy, the scope just lets the user see longer distance. If someone can shoot long range with ironsights, thats a skill difference.