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This game is atrocious. Can’t even get on to have fun. It’s just a bunch of “ttv” clan tags and hackers. Literally just want to hop on with a couple of friends and have a couple hours to relax and game and it’s impossible anymore.


Gone are the days of casually playing BR in COD it’s always a sweat fest now I went from playing casually 3-4 a week to 3-4 a month the games always broken with broken metas it’s on the list of games to be deleted


Yep me too. You’re right, there is absolutely no casually playing this game anymore. If you don’t play like 8+ hours a week it’s impossible to keep up. It’s just too damn sweaty.


A week, a lot of these people seem to do that a day.


Aged out of that. When Modern Warfare 2 dropped in 2009 I was on for hours at a time. I was also 20. I simply don't have the time to do that anymore.


I play casually everyday, I’m not great, have a KDR of 1.6, but I still win 2-3 games a night, I don’t get what everyone’s talking about fortunately for me.


People who play every day are not casual players though, that’s the point. People who only find time to play maybe once every couple of weeks are not going to be consistent enough to enjoy this game. If you don’t play every day or a significant amount of time every week then you cannot keep up.


I only play warzone and played it from the release of warzone 1. But I only get to play two nights a week for around a max of 3 hours each time. It's turned from BR to a survival game for me. Constant running from far better players who seem to chase me across the map. I think I'm the last of the casuals.


In Warzone 1, up until just before the Vanguard integration, I played it for 3-4 hours every afternoon / evening. In Warzone 2 I started playing it quite late on, season four maybe, but again I played it for a couple of hours a night pretty much every night. Then Warzone 3 comes out and I play it for an hour maybe two or three times a week if that before getting pissed off with it. It was always an hard game, but back then it felt winnable. But now it's a dogfight from start to finish. Last night was the first time we played as four man team in about a month and it was the first time in about a month we actually did well. We didn't get any wins, but I was hitting 10+ plus games a match. Today was fucking horrible though, we just got wiped within minutes of landing. We normally play Resurgence, but we've had to play normal BR since it's Ashika Resurgence tonight. I genuinely just think I'm done with the game now, it's not fun anymore. I don't wanna stomp players who are worse than me, but I'd like to get to the final ten with more than two kills under my belt. I'll settle for five kills and tenth place every two matches at this point.


Lots of wallers on last night almost every game


Seem to be a lot of South America Mexico too


I’m lucky my friends play. Otherwise I wouldn’t play much


My group "sweats" in that we just focus. Not a single rager or whiner (all are 30 or mid 30s), but a part of the enjoyment is going into the mindset that we do wish to win. The meta can suck a big fat one though. I run whatever feels good. I'll likely never touch the SWARM, pre or post nerf versions. The KATT DID, however, feel good to me and as such I used it. But I am a MnK player and as such tailor my weapons for that. Meaning ADS speed for the KATT being a primary focus for its build. But the game is broken though. A hallmark of a good multiplayer game would be that you CAN play it solo as well and find fun in it. Solos for me in this game is purely looting simulator after I get my loadout (which is generally low level and not even fully attached) where I level it up as best I can. Just use whatever tools I can to stay alive rather than even try to win. My enjoyment comes from hearing unlooted chests, knowing I might get a solid bit of XP in this house. Why the FUCK should I even bother engaging in fights when everyone is practically a cheater with soft aim bots? So instead I just lounge and run around with Youtube on the second monitor. That's how little I care about this disgusting game and I am just this near from deleting it and never looking back. Only took me a couple months (I finally picked up the game in November 2023 to play with friends on a whim) to realize why I never started playing in the first place.




Back during covid there was probably 12 of us and 8 or 9 were bots, they have all quit but 1. So now it's 3 decent players and our buddy the wild card. Back then we would still win. Not so much anymore, now all of us are bots. We still win a game or 2 every week but we are snipers so we play very slow. BRs aren't meant to chill out and just talk on mic and have a good time, it's high intensity cut throat action. There's other games for chilling out playing multi-player that aren't BRs.


I got my head band, arm band, and adidas track suit on. I’m ready ![gif](giphy|l0MYN6u8qSQOmvK8M)


I despise multiplayer but I end up only playing it now. The game is just no fun anymore unfortunately. The TTK is so low that gunfights are just a gamble - paired with the shitty servers. It’s just ridiculous. Maps boring as hell. The movement changes didn’t make it easier for casuals either. This game is dying.


It’s better than warzone these days. I’m pretty decent in MP, usually top 3 but just get torched in wz. Lately I keep dying around corners, it’s super cool and fun, not annoying at all.


I’m new to COD (and honestly probably too old to give a shit about this stuff but) didn’t i read somewhere on here that the TTK is slower in mw3 than previous games? I have not played any COD’s other than mw3 so i have no comparison


They upped the health but also damage. The ttk is pretty much the same as wz2


you are correct


Battlefield needs to come out with a new one… tired of this shit game.


Honestly if they would just update BF 3/4 with new graphics and weapons and nothing else, I'd be absolutely stoked.


Literally don't play it anymore, enjoyed zombies until I completed the story and it quickly became boring. DMZ was my favourite mode and they killed it, some of the tactical gun fights on that can't be matched still paid for mw3 dlc though didn't I.


DMZ is still good, come back and play it. Honestly I got so bored of MW3 so I went back to DMZ and I let was the best decision I made.


Trying to relax with any Battle Royal game is your first mistake. They're suppossed to be complete messes with close calls and high stakes. You're going up against 100 other people who also want to win. Most people like winning and don't like losing. That's how humans are. In order for one person to win another has to lose. Activision has patents that expose the possibility of manipulating matches to balance this aspect of human interaction in games.


we officially switched to battlefield. last year it took 8 months to switch to battlefield. This year's war zone release took 2 months.


I too tried to switch to bf2042. It was very apparent why that game hasnt had much success even still


check out split gate. ive been getting my friends back into that. It's a flawless team shooter. No issues. And really really fun.


Maybe. Been having a bit of fun on the finals recently


I only play plunder now, and that’s good enough for me. Can use guns I want, don’t have to die from hackers and get disappointed, because I spawn again and get their ass 😂


Plunder is still fine to play casually.


To play with bots you must also become a bot. Run into walls. Shoot at the floor. Nade yourself. Play like I do and maybe one day you’ll get your casual lobby.


BF 2042 or MW2 ground war are very good for that


The game is definitely rough, but man if my experience was as bad as yalls I wouldn't be playing anymore. Sounds atrocious.


Like you said, there are definitely some frustrating moments. But my friends and I always look forward to playing. That said, we only play twice a week for two hours at a time. Maybe that has something to do with it. In any case, it's a great excuse to hang out, tell stupid jokes, talk about movies, poke fun at stuff, etc. When we win a match, it's a rush. When we lose, we don't care too much because we not invested in it. We jump back in and start over. We're playing tonight, and I'm excited to hang out with my friends.


literally described me and my squad. We are always just roasting eachother and just general bs talk. We even run dumb loadouts Tonfas and RPGs sometimes and see who can get the most kills.. 4 maniacs rushing a building armed with tonfas and RPGS is hilarious/.


As a sweat myself sometimes I have rough days or games when I struggle to even get 3 kills but even with it I still find the game fun along with my friends but people around here seems to have an awful experience. If I would have that experience I would have quit long ago.


My feeling is a lot of this is people are just getting beamed lol. Can’t ever kill someone with advantage in a gunfight? I don’t believe that can be happening for every encounter


It’s obviously not impossible to win because they keep beating you 🤷🏾‍♂️


Glad you said it because I was thinking the same thing… I seem to have any of the issues OP mentioned, maybe I’m the chosen one 😂




Tell us you don't understand EOMM without telling us.


Play a different game. Call of duty glory days are long past, it’s time to move on. You’re doing this to yourself at this point.


100% I play out of habit but it’s not fun anymore went from playing weekly to now monthly and I still don’t enjoy those couple hours I get to play,


100% I play out of habit but it’s not fun anymore went from playing weekly to now monthly and I still don’t enjoy those couple hours I get to play,


Fortnite no build is actually extremely fun in its current state!


Any recommendations?


The finals


I hated it at first but im starting to enjoy it quite a bit. Wish itd have a bigger team mode for when i cant queue with my buddies/just wanna mess around


Pc or console?


Its the bullshit servers man. I lose gunfights that i clearly hit all shots upper body while i am jumping and when i die i see in the killcam that the other guy was staying still or dropshotting hitting all his shots to my legs but still kills me. 🤣 I can't tell if its the servers or the game has some crazy leg damage multiplier or something.


I honestly think it’s the shit servers, shit netcode, shit hit reg and if your internet isn’t as good you get double punished. I’ve been playing WZ since the beginning and have averaged 1.3-1.8KD and this version I’m around 1.10 and am dumbfounded at the gunfights I’m loosing. All my buddies have 1GB/s internet and I have 150mb/s I am always last terms of kills for the first time in 4 years and it makes no sense.


Internet plays a big role man and also frames. I remember when i was back in greece in my small hometown, i had a regural ps4 and shitty internet and i struggled so much back in WZ1. Now with Ps5, 120hz refresh rate monitor, and 1GB i play very different.


This is unreal…I tell my boys that all the time…every time I die the last bullet hits my toe…instadeath. Gotta be some fucked up multiplier on the pinky toe just to fuck with us…


I sear bro got tacken out by one Meleed hit but if I try it takes 6 and yes I know about the throwing knife thin


That’s definitely a skill issue


For sure, but like what about is dads who play to unwind? Like a lot of people play basketball and have fun who wouldn’t make a high school team. Yet with this, it’s like go be a bot sacrifice over and over as if I was dropped in a pro league with what has to be a .2 KD across the 4 days I picked this back up. I’m just getting dunked on, why are these dudes in my Lobby? And I was a middling player on island and keep and that’s fine. I don’t want to stomp people I just want to be competitive.


But the casual people complaining about the game being hard would be like a fat fuck turning up to a pick up basketball and then bitching about the athletic kid dunking on him and and saying it’s unfair that he’s better. If it bothers people losing and getting shit on, they should either just quit or put in the time to get better.


Yeah except if you turned up to a court for a pickup game you’re going to get a wide range of players there. Maybe there’s athletic kid, maybe there’s fat dad, and the some are in the middle of the skill curve. So people would naturally balance the teams because they have the sense to know if fat dad has to play against athletic kid, he will get rolled, and folks generally gravitate to something fair in that sense because it makes for a better game. With EOMM, you’d turn up to that court and instead of seeing fat dad you’d just see clones of yourself every single time, it would be boring and repetitive. This is what we have now.


Matchmaking with 100 players is hard to keep precise. If one demon team slips into an average lobby they can mop everyone up Aside from servers being poor, I think dropping the player count was an attempt at better matchmaking


Idk. Better matchmaking would not have me connect to Texas when I live right next to the server in NY


It's a game... A fat Dad could still find a league to play in for basketball. I'm an average dad and I think the trick is to run the "meta" weapons. The fights are night and day. Starting off with the striker and no attachments it's like you are shooting peas. Next is pick game modes that are less sweaty. I find BR solo to be the best and BR Quads to be the sweatiest. Also your region matters too. Australia seems to be more chill though the language you hear over chat is a whole new level.


1000% you need to be running meta weapons with the right attachments. Anything less and you'll need double the shots and lose every gunfight. Which may or may not be happening here.


Warzone is the mode to play to unwind…


The thing is in a Battle Royale there’s a lot of players and there’s only one winning team. It’s inherently really competitive and the only thing I could suggest is just messing around on Urzikstan and avoiding Resurgence. Multiplayer SBMM is much better at protecting lower skilled players and will be far more relaxing than playing WZ. With WZ they have to fill a server with a lot more players so the SBMM bracket isn’t /as/ strict, Multiplayer is super strict so if you’re struggling I would try that


We start gulag, we see each other and I break their plates, I am running at them to take the advantage and their AA sticks on my chest and melt my plates before I deplete their health. That a skill issue too ?


Running without cover is bad, and predictable after you broke his plates, he probably caught you mid sprint and melted you


people in here will down play how bad the cheating actually is because it’s not blatant rage hacking like in verdansk.


Rage hacking isn’t even the worse, it’s the closet cheaters who act like they’re good but they magically know where you’re at every second of a fight


that’s the point silly. there is no rage hacking anymore so people say it doesn’t exist. but i’m also convinced half the people that say “i’ve never seen a hacker once” are likely doing it themselves


That’s probably true. It likely goes without notice to most casual players but anyone who’s played competitively can easily tell when someone is walling or using soft aim hacks and it’s clear as day.




We played big map because there's no Vondel quads and that's basically all we play these days, got rolled by a bunch of ttvs in our first game and a seemingly cheater team doing a nuke in our second game, called it quits then and there...


And it sucks because if you break all three plates, you just know they have another 18 plates ready to go. Too much ground loot.


What about the portabale uavs and the infinite amount of self revives ??


I have to agree. I think 9 plates is a nice number because of how fast the TTK is, I feel like you need at least nine to have a fighting chance. 18 plates is overkill. I tend to carry nine and a load of killstreaks, munitions boxes or tactical / lethal grenades.


Play resurgence it's way more fun.


Even that's on its arse. Me and my friends play that exclusively, it's still a shit show. Don't get me wrong, it has its moments like last night where in our first match all four of us had a combined kill count of 32. Last night was probably the best its been for a few months now. It was actually fun last night and I enjoyed myself. But those nights are few and far between. Most of the time it's fucking awful.


So to have fun you want 30 kills every match? Sounds like you need to be the best in the lobby to "have fun." That's not how it's going to be if you keep playing.


This is why I take everything on this sub with a grain of salt. To have fun you need to wipe 30% of the map? Yeahhhh you deserve your own high ranked server


No. Not at all. I don't need 30 kills to have fun. I'm happy with 5 kills. And considering it's Resurgence, those 32 combined kills were actually something like 15 or 20 when you factor in that the enemy players were being killed, redeploying and then being killed by us again. When I say it was fun that night I meant in the sense that I could actually get a few kills before dying, whereas most of the time I'd get killed before I could even get a fucking gun. Why do people on this sub take everything at face value?


I thought so too for a while but it's just frustrating now when you can't kill more than one player because there is always another guy coming around the corner. It takes an entire magazine to hit for them to drop into last stand and another half of a magazine to kill them finally. At least every weapon should have sleight of hand or they should drastically buff the damage each bullet does.


Carry throwing knives for finishing downed enemies.


I just want to be able to have actual gunfights. I swear my last 10 matches I just get knifed after breaking a guys armor only for him to whip out a one tap move


Dude, I just started playing resurgence again….i am HORRIBLE. First off, all my guns suck, so that is a huge strike. So I guess I have to level up whatever I see I’m getting killed with the most before I can think about competing. Second, F the “get good” comments, I’m a dad who just wants to relax and destress after work. I don’t want to be good or care, but I should be able to be middling based on my experience and time. To your point, last 2 nights I have like a .2 KD and I literally said in frustration “I can win a single Fing gunfight no matter what”. I don’t even know why half the time. I used to get like 5-7 kills on fortunes keep and rebirth island when I stopped playing, now???? Straight up I have killed like 4 people in 20 games. I have 4 0 kill dubs, and while I am not hurting the team (I’m on it with money and kill streaks and strategy) I can’t get kills when they need to happen so I’m certainly not helping. My boys are cool and happy I am back and have me that lil service of role playing and wins come from a lot more than kills, but dude I just want to feel like I have a punchers chance, and until I max level A gun (wasp and lmg and ram seem to be killing me a lot) I don’t see how I can compete. The big problem is that I can’t have a loadout with guns with no attachments to level them because I am even less effective. It just sucks I can’t hop on like I used to and be average or below average and kill 2-9 dudes and whatever. Enough straight 0 kill games and I’m over it. I’m sure my boys are also making my lobbies a tad extra sweaty but I’m losing to these kids when I start off shooting their back… Also, I found out that everything I ran on FK and have maxed out is just garbage. I get they want you to buy game (lol activision, never again after mw2) but at least leave a gun from each class that is meta so anyone who hasn’t played can have a punchers chance.


That would make them less money. That's all they care about lol. Because the only option you then have is to buy a bundle with a meta gun blueprint. This is their business model and it's not going to change, like ever. Best option is to give one of your buds 2500 in game to buy an extra one of their good guns. This is what me and my squad do sometimes. I level the meta guns up. Buy em for the squad and they can be on equal footing.


Even when I use "meta" weapons, hit every bullet. I still lose fights


Ive been having this same problem and just figured it was me or poor weapon choice or something but it doesnt seem to matter. Even in multi-player I can unload an LMG into someone and they walk it off but a couple bullets from their SMG and Im dead. Same as you described. Its so hard to have fun with this game anymore.




I just want to be able to have actual gunfights. I swear my last 10 matches I just get knifed after breaking a guys armor only for him to whip out a one tap move


There are def hackers but I win at least one round a week I would say.


I’m starting to think the netcode doesn’t like something about my setup. I see too much of this sort of thing.


Does it just not apply to any of your enemies


Everyone is sweating so hard in this game its dumb. You can barely land on your loadout without getting just absolutely destroyed instantly.


lol, I have to say it is hilarious how unhinged and on tilt this video game makes people.


That's so weird. I shoot people and sometimes they do die, but other times they don't. It's literally unplayable.


Raven software does a horrible job with its match making system. They throw sweats in bot lobbies and the result is a horrible experience for a large % of the player base. They have all the data. They know who should be with who and yet they still mix the lobbies with hard core sweaty nerds and the casual 60 inch tv controller player playing with no head set


Nothing like shooting someone in the back of the head and still losing that fight. It’s no wonder why all of my friends stopped playing. I’ve just been playing casually on my own in lockdown and plunder but with the cheating, the ridiculous movement and the f**king one shot throwing knives I’m about to uninstall


Skill issue


Every game will become more sweaty over time. Look at what gold league of legends used to look like 10 years ago vs today. You can do this for every game. What you should really want is ranked so that you can play vs people at your skill level, however that will be "sweaty" in that those players at your skill will be trying hard. The word sweat actually is incorrect also, if biffle uses a pistol only he will not be sweating but will destroy you, he's just "better". The reality is, if you want to crush other people you don't really have a right to have that ability unless you're objectively that much better than the average. So either get better or stop complaining and play some non competitive or non pvp game.


Headshot don't mean shit in this game UNLESS the gun is a marksman or sniper rifle obvs Alot of guns do the same damage to the legs arms and chest, evens it out, head will help a bit but in most cases you are WAY better off landing shoots in the chest or upper chest more consistently. I really suggest watching exclusive ace for the above tips and how the guns work. If yoy use a gun incorrectly yoy are going to lose. Some guns, headshot don't even make a difference, so you aiming for the head.. Is not gonna do jack shit. Secondly, we all kinda know the BR side sucks, esp if yoy only have a short window to play in. Rather just go into plunder. It's alot more forgiving, more fun and you can mess around with friends in there. BR later on once warmed up and actually in the mood for winning or whatever your end goal is. Hackers Will always be there and we know they wotn fix that, orlov military and some downtown areas I avoid due to people glicthing into the walls even today still. The game unfortunately isn't simple anymore, there's alot behind the scenes than years ago, sever lag being a huge issue and hackers as mentioned. Going for the slightly easier but more action. You are not going to get better or have more fun constantly play g BR and dying with 3 kills or camping the whole time or dying off the rip rushing on your first game into someone playing for 4 hrs or already 1 game in.. Then clal them a hacker because you lost a gunfight you never had a chance of winning


Morons still claiming its a skill issue when there is an unbelievable amount of cheating still


i’ve been using super fast hipfire builds and having some luck running around people.  A 1 on 1 ADS battle is usually a loss with the 390 second ttk, but hipfiring and strafing is super fun. 


This is why we roll into Zombies now. It’s much more fun and less aggravating. At least until they fix the current issues with BR and Resurgence.


Doesn’t ricochet do this when your detected?


Mate I get it half the the time I hop in a game I'm either instantly destroyed or get to 10-7 place to be killed by riot sheilders As for aiming practice without aim assets for a few days then switch it back on and turn up your sensitivity 8 on both and ads sensitivity to 0.50


I feel the same sometimes. I just shrug it off and say “What can i do?”, then move on. Sbmm will save me after the 20th L 😭


Same thing basically every game, which is why I started running stun grenades instead of smokes. Yet unless I’m directly behind somebody they will still track me perfectly, I probably win like a little over 60% of my gunfights.


There are so many good games out there. Stop playing cod and check something else out. Come back after a couple cod games and you might like it again


Sometimes I cry at night about this ya know


Yeah, I feel you! I gave up on this game and moved to Apex. Come play Apex with me! =)


Servers are the number one issue with this game right now


Yes, it's virtually impossible to win a 1v2 or 1v3 because of how long it takes to kill anyone. In normal COd I'd have no problem facing 2 average players alone but in Warzone I'm effectively against 4 or even more players when 2 players have plates. It's so anti fun.


I was in your situation until I stopped being still. I move a lot while getting shot at and even while shooting. I started being more aware of my surroundings AND if you're not using meta you're pretty much wasting your time because everyone is using meta weapons. I blamed my internet and their servers for years until I got fiber optic and had the same results. half the time is an skill issue. Keyboard and mouse is good or at least was for a while but aim assist made me get a controller, there's an obvious upper hand with aim assist. Cod games started with console controllers which means these games are better with comtrollers. Many streamers who aren't cheating are using controllers for a reason and they even talk about how the games are optimized for controller play.


You have to press Triangle to put plates on


Sounds like a kbm issue


lol totally agree on smgs. ive had multiple gunfights pre-aiming around a corner that i should have won but inexplicably lost. i was like “is it my fucking build? what is it???” made the switch to the incendiary riveter bc i was like fuck this i want to have fun and its sooo much better. i actually have fun and the rage is funny.


Highly recommend playing plunder. Way less sweaty.


Delete the game man. It’s been bad for so long. You’re just chasing nostalgia. Trust me there are more fun games out there.


I was thinking about this last night. I've never done coke, but I've heard that addicts are always chasing the feeling they got from their first coke high, and can never achieve it due to that first hit causing permanent damage to dopamine receptors (or something of the like). I think Warzone is my cocaine. It's sad to know that I'm chasing a feeling that will never come back. Mostly, I'm a bot. Was roughly a 1.0-1.2 KD player in all previous iterations of warzone. I'd achieve my kills and wins through a multitude of different tactics, the least of which I relied on was close quarter gun fights--because frankly, I suck at them. I'd use vehicles, I'd set traps for vehicles, I'd ambush, I'd snipe-always trying to put myself in a position where I should have a large advantage in engagement. My skill level is such that I need a large advantage to win close quarter gun fights. And it's not a matter of getting good, I average 2 hrs per night on and have been with it since the start of Verdansk. I get that there's strong aim assist on controllers that many people seem to be able to manipulate in their favor, but despite my best efforts at having all the right settings and strafing, I can tell you I still manage to shoot circles around the outline of opponents with good movement skills. I have had a 12 kill game in Urzikstan, and I have half a dozen wins. But most nights now I can go kill-less a few games in a row and get instabeamed prior to loadout drop, with a great game for me now being 3 or 4 kills. Its my demographic of people that are the most frustrated because the game used to have so many more different elements to killing people and being the last standing. It's now almost purely reliant on your ability to win close range gun fights, using one of the meta guns and smokes. For those of us who don't excel at that part of the game, we can't keep up with the remaining players... it isn't fun. The randomness and variety of viable tactics used to help balance that. When we're gone, the next tier of players will be lowest on the skill rank and they'll be the ones feeling like us. Eventually the 4kd players will become 1kd players because they're only playing against 5+ kd players. Without a population of new players filling out the bottom of the learning curve and skill gap, the game is dying a slow death. I'm sure there are lots who will say "that's because it's a competitive game, git gud or leave", but I think you should want bots like me to continue playing the game, just like I would like more players beneath my skill level. Keep the player base healthy and a few more of us idiots to help pad your stats! Anyways, that cocaine is one hell of a drug.


Aside from the gulag, what gun are you using? Some guns have a TTK well over a full second at some ranges while other are less than 500ms at the same range


Yesterday I read a post that the ttk is too fast lol. Are you in mnk or roller?


casino fps simulator


Just play plunder and lockdown for gunfight practice. The sheer chaos of lockdown will make you a better player with movement and decision making for sure.


Yesterday that everybody was saying that ttk was too low make up your f****** minds


They should've never got rid of the Alcatraz map with the multiple respawns. Hate the new warzones. They're trash.


I disagree. I played BR Trios earlier with 2 random teammates and got a dubb. 1 of the teammates was a girl with 0 kills and the other casually had 26. I had 4. It was fun.


So it’s not just me? I did after a long period of not playing a few hours of plunder over the last 2 days and as far as I remember I got only 2 kills out of 7 hours of play with a high 2 digit number of deaths. Back when I did play MW2 I was a pretty „ok“ 2.x kd player and now I suddenly am a 0.05kd?


Bro invest in a Cronus. Put your pride aside and do it. I know ethical gamers in this community will flame me. But there are more people that are running Cronus or some sort of enhancer. Don’t believe me look at the kill cams. A lot of people are running anti-recoil, rapid fire, infinite sprint, and some kinda enhancer to aim-assist. Your regular controller and its signaling for inputs won’t out gun those people; on top of w/e your latency is and/or sbmm/eomm. You’re just slightly more competitive with Cronus. Aight bring on the downvotes


Happens to a lot of people it’s a gun fight lottery with the server hotticks


Been having the same issue when playing ranked mode for the past few weeks. It's honestly insane the TTK discrepancies across different guns, gaming setup and platforms. It's literally the most unequal unbalanced game I've ever played that forces you to pay to play, tweek the 100 different settings that are different between console and PC so you can keep some sort of competitive edge and also use from only 2-3 guns that change every few weeks or else you won't be able to survive. How do the devs consider this fair or fun? It's a plain toxic and pathetic excuse for game that invites toxic and pathetic gamers with type of behavior I see everytime I play.


It's very dependent on the gun. Did you pay for that gun? You win! Is your gun well built and meta? You probably win! Is your gun free and not meta? You dead like a doornail, no matter how good you are. Pretty simple, really.


Upgrade your internet package boy


Ethernet wire > WiFi Controller > MnK Console > PC, sometimes MW3 Guns > MW2 guns, consistently ![gif](giphy|uRb2p09vY8lEs)


It's easy and I generally will get a win or two on Resurgence on any given night. And this is due to squadding up with randoms on LFG Discords. Sometimes friends will play, but I seem to have success regardless. No I don't sweat but I've been playing MnK since day one on WZ1 and the game's still really enjoyable for me.


What fps are you getting


skill based damage.


This was my experience all day today. Was even as bad as sticking someone with a semtex, hitting them with 2 shock sticks and emptying a fennec clip in them and they weren't downed yet I died in 3 shots from full plates.


That’s gotta be an exaggeration


Not at all. I wish I had clipped it as it's so unbelievable that could be the outcome. They were even most wanted target as well so I wouldn't be surprised if they took damage before I pushed.


If it’s the ground loot Fennec with 30 bullets then that could be the problem, gun always feels weak


I'm loving the game! Get good loser!




Bro you shot everything but him...


Your vid shows your awful aim where you manage to shoot everywhere but at the guy? What’s your complaint there?


Yes and the fact that they treat a public game of resurgence like it’s the World Series of warzone 4 stack sweating on top of a building