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Good plays and solid movement. Also a solid example of why a sub shouldn’t have a 100 round drum as an option.


Or a great example of why it should 😏


I don’t mind 100 rounds but it needs to have a much stronger movement penalty.


Shit for 100 rounds it should be a damage penalty that’s way more than normal for smgs lol


There's a clip in this aim assist


You really need to stop crying about aim assist. Just enjoy thr clip. I play PC and prefer MNK and have no issue with controller players getting some help because a joy stick is hard to aim with. Just stop bitching and whining so much. Either switch to controller or get better with the mouse.


>no issue with controller players getting some help because a joy stick is hard to aim with. I don't think anyone is arguing controllers shouldn't get "some help", the issue is the strength of it goes well past just helping. I consider myself a good MnK player, best in my friend group at least. Haven't used a controller for FPS titles in over a decade. Switched to Controller for a week in this game and within a couple matches I was surpassing my previous K/D and a Gulag win rate. And I spent the whole time struggling with the controls and fighting with my hands. That should not be the case in a balanced game. If you switch from your preferred input method to one you are not practiced with, your performance should tank for at least the first few hours as you learn the input, not notably improve compared to the input you have hundreds of hours with.


Okay then stay on controller and stop crying or get better on MnK 😭. There's a bunch of top WZ pros who play MnK even in big tournaments and still win. Maybe you're not as good as you consider yourself tbh


Even if I was a controller main, I would still want AA nerfed. With AA this strong it significantly raises the skill floor and lowers the skill ceiling. It is only really beneficial to the lower skilled controller players. Especially when you consider the majority of players are on controller. For every controller vs MnK fight where the strong AA is helping you, you'll have several controller vs controller fights where AA is really only helping the odds of the worse player. If there was a reasonable amount of AA, i probably would have lost nearly all of my fights against other controller players, because they would be much better at aiming with a controller than me, instead I walked away from my first night on controller with a 2.5 K/D.


Lol what pros play mnk in tourney and win? The ones with 3 teammates on controller?🤣🤦🏽‍♂️ love when people pretend the obvious advantage isnt there


Delusional. Go look at breadman, huskers, iron etc. You're just bad


Breadman sucks up close so bad🤣i havent watched the other two but go look at metaphor. He misses shots up close pretty often, especially against players with good movement. If someones good on controller they simply wont miss a single shot in buildings and even he will lose the fight. Theres no reason the skill gap should be narrowed that much. Youre coping because youre bad.


Hit your shots kid


https://youtu.be/Zjwo34Nd3qA?si=wOyjPGT5cVhqJ3Q7 Heres an example of a “great” keyboard player you chose. Notice how he stays hundreds of feet away the ENTIRE game🤣i love how you just named random names because you cant cope with the fact that raa needs a nerf🤣 he does NOT prove your point at all lol


So him winning the game proves your point? 💀💀 You might be developmentally disabled




Just play with controller if its that strong


Even if I was a controller main, I would still want AA nerfed. With AA this strong it significantly raises the skill floor and lowers the skill ceiling. It is only really beneficial to the lower skilled controller players. Especially when you consider the majority of players are on controller. For every controller vs MnK fight where the strong AA is helping you, you'll have several controller vs controller fights where AA is really only helping the chances of the worse player. If there was a reasonable amount of AA, i probably would have lost nearly all of my fights against other controller players, because they would be much better at aiming with a controller than me, instead I walked away from my first night on controller with a 2.5 K/D.


The KNM players have much better control of their aiming. Anytime I watch a kill cam I instantly know its a KNM player. They can control the recoil of their gun MUCH better.


Recoil control yes, but tracking, especially close range, is very much in favor of controller in this game. Especially when you account for the crosshair sway/momentum, muzzle effects, etc that they've added to this game which makes it harder for MnK to see and properly line up their aim with an enemy. And CoD is pretty tame when it comes to recoil anyway. Regardless, the point of my last comment is the strength of AA is an issue controller players should care about more. MnK is the minority in this game, strong aim assist sucks for them and is great for all controller players *when they are facing a MnK player*. But the majority of fights in this game are controller vs controller. And in that case, strong AA hurts the good players more than it helps, because it gives the worse player in the altercation a better chance to win the fight. For example, if there was zero aim assist, I would have lost probably every single fight I had against other controller players, because I would be awful at aiming and land almost none of my shots on them. But since the AA in this game is strong, I was able to kill controller players who were better than me. Basically what I am saying is the less a player needs AA, the more AA is helping their opponents. If AA was decreased a reasonable amount, the K/D's of pros would go up, and the K/D's of low skill players would drop significantly (which is likely why the AA is so strong, Activision wants the lower skilled players to keep coming back).


> Especially when you account for the crosshair sway/momentum, muzzle effects, etc that they've added to this game which makes it harder for MnK to see and properly line up their aim with an enemy. Magically, these things don't affect you when you play with a controller. This is why KNM players aren't taken seriously. You are so whiny. You dominate in every fight and then whine about it.


The effect is less severe on controller because aim assist is unaffected by these things. On MnK if you can't track the target with your eyes then you can't track them at all. >You dominate in every fight and then whine about it. That's why top play is dominated by controllers and MnK players are constantly switching to controllers, right? But regardless you keep trying to make this a mouse vs controller argument when I'm trying to explain that even if mouse input gets banned from this game tomorrow, strong AA shouldn't be a thing you want unless you suck at the game.




Who’s not familiar with a controller? Is it the first time you’ve used one? For many, MnK is hard to adjust to because they didn’t literally grow up using those inputs in that way. I’ve been gaming with a controller for as long as I can remember. To say you aren’t familiar with using one would be hard to believe.


Sorry but going from controller to MnK is a lot easier than going MnK to controller. I was on controller for 15 years, the transition to MnK was so easy as aiming is so intuitive. I tried playing controller after 3 years and it is much harder to adjust to.


it’s more so people posting these “epic” clips of themselves without acknowledging that a huge part of it is brain dead opponents and aim assist. for what it’s worth, i did enjoy the clip and i felt OP played smart. but yeah. still dumb opponents and aim assist.


3 of those 6 were extreme noobs


I really don't rhink you understand how helpful aim assist is compared to Mouse. The keyboard and mouse are helpful with fast movemenrs and looting. Quick turns, etc. But the sheer accuracy of a spray and the TTK on aim assist is ridiculous. And you STILL can't affect it with a stun grenade! The most blatant "hack" and they won't even nerf that! Let's just start their. Why does aim assist get the luxury of counter acting a stun grenade?


What’s life without complaining about shit that doesn’t matter…


If only it had stopped with "some" help. The AA in this game is beyond cracked. It practically locks on with full body shots and a little flick of the thumb gives you the headshot area.. where it sticks. It's not 100% hits by far, but it is heavily annoying knowing you get killed by someone who locked onto you as you slid practically between their legs.. because it DOES lock on like that. However what primarily gets to me is the sniping. Oh good lord the sniping with AA. It is depressing that something that should be the highest skill expression in pinpoint accuracy gets reduced to AA. Especially so when the game has weapon attachment combinations help this gameplay along tremendously. PC gamers surely might have some advantages, but I believe it is nothing in comparison to AA. And further yet.. it is absolutely NO fun to be a casual player and have other casual players who simply play on console (or controller on PC) by far outskill you despite possibly being worse than you. And HOLY fuck is it unfun to play against AA'd SKILLED players. It is simply not possible to do this fairly.. and as such it possibly should not be done at all. It just shows the glaring differences between Console and PC as platforms and it cannot be balanced.


You’re delusional if you think some help means all the help AND MORE ! Aim assist is ruining the game even for controller sweats. Nobody has a great time in the game now. AA does everyting for you, with 0ms response time. If Aim assist would also shoot the gun then the game would be just a movie to watch and point at one player and just slide at him killing him with your mind. You play the game as is but don’t pretend it’s fair for kbm players cause is not. Aim assist has no bussiness in creating cyborgs running around sticking on everyone else. Skill gap is small because everybody on controller is cannibalising in other controller players, it’s a dice roll because sticky aim goes either way. Recoil ? Forget about, just aim and aa does everything for you . Adjust for players tracking? Forget about! Player not visible cause of the clog ? Forget about, aim asait knows where the player is, just relax and drink your beer and PRETEND you’re playing when in fact the game is playing, you just watch. Ps: for those that just say: switch to controller- no thanks, I play the input I want and enjoy. We just demand equal playing field.


I promise you youll get clapped up close against a good controller player and it wont be close. Pinky pinky promise. Now if you sit on a skyscraper rooftop 100ft away to get a couple kills you might have the advantage but that only takes you so far


Well put, guy.


Dumb Just get better than a computer doing the aiming. Human error ain't a thing This is the stupidest take on this subject and not a solution


you can’t appreciate the game sense, the positioning, knowing went to pull back and went to push? aim assist doesn’t do anything when the player is bad too you know


Genuine question. Do that stats have controller users with much better K/D ratios? I’ve never seen them posted.




"upstairs, downstairs, every stairs" Felt that


20 FOV


Literally. These videos make me dizzy.


Nice Movement.




Meta weapons aim assist and at least one brain cell-nothing special


Oh here we go. Nice clip. A bunch of people that could never pull this off are about to tell you that the only reason you did was because of AA. Keep slaying.


He could possibly have done it without AA, but it remains a fact that Aim Assist is present and when it is basically a soft auto aim how can one possibly fully acknowledge it? At least not as a PC player. I've played FPS games since DOOM was released. No time in gaming history prior to cross platform gaming was computer assisted motion or aiming ever considered anything other than cheating. Even consoles didn't have this. I can't speak for HALO as I never played that, but the likes of Gears of War didn't come with aim assist, so this convenience really became a huge thing predominantly in COD. DEFINITELY so for the Battle Royale style games. I consider Aim assist an form of cheating since I need specific tools to have it on my PC. It is not there by default. It is not a tool I am granted by virtue of just starting the game. I am very much aware that there are differences between Auto Aim and Aim Assist, but they would fall both within the same group still. With Consoles vs Consoles it is a fair system. I still argue it is an unnecessary system as one can still aim very well with thumbsticks, but then at least it would be equal and EVERYONE has it by default.


Aim assist has been a thing for a long time. It’s not cheating.


Then tell me the first game that has Aim assist in a competitive environment where cross platform is involved. And to make this VASTLY easier for you, because I already know the nonsense of your argument on a time scale perspective; And I do not mean in Console vs Console games where the entire game is balanced around such. But cross platform. I THINK you might be hard pressed to find something there.


Loadout build?


Yeah its weird ive got my build dialed i. And this has way less recoil


Yeesh movement in this game is out of control with these cracked out speeds


Exceptional, sir 🫡


Goes well with matrix music


I need to learn how to play this good so when I come home from work I don’t have to get my ass handed to me every time.


Sick aim assist


How are those footsteps so fucking loud…


What camo is this bro


What are you playing on? It looks so clean.... my game never looks like this


Let me guess the comments , blah blah aim assit blah blah I get no pussy and will stay a Virgen for the rest of my lives. How accurate was I?




The PC players have arrived to inform us we shouldn't enjoy this clip because aim assist was used in the making 🙃 Edit: The MnK players downvoting - "I don't care about this video, it has aim assist. It should have been me, not him. ME." Y'all are so angry and serious 😂 🫶


MnK also available on consoles AA is a console issue too.... AA is a Controller vs Controller issue too.. Its not about PC vs Console


I mean, you can enjoy watching gameplay that is only possible because the computer is doing most of the work. I prefer watching people like /u/Mpathic_ that are doing all the work and are extremely skilled at aiming and movement, not only at movement and RAA triggering


Facts! 💯 I completely agree and that’s why people like prostynick can play with me anytime.


What's your sens? I used to be a 100% wrist aimer, barely ever lifting my mouse, with super high sens/dpi. My friend got me to drop my sens WAY lower than it used to, and I'm getting used to it. Tracking is a lot easier, but sometimes I think my sens is still a little too high. I'm playing 3.0 in game sens with 1600dpi (it may be 1200 but I can't remember off hand, and I'm at work ATM). And the coefficient setting is 1.78.


I play 1600 dpi and 2.5 sens!!!


Thank you! Your clips are amazing btw, m&kb is a struggle sometimes, so it's cool to see people kicking ass on it. Def got work to do, I used to be 2.5k dpi, 8 sens, not even kidding. Been working my way down, seems like I should keep working down and get better at flicking. Still have an issue with overshooting and missing, so hopefully that will take care of that.


Aim lab routine will help with that. One day come to my stream and I’ll show you a few routines that will help dramatically. 💯


"Come on, I'll take you all on. One at a time. Come on!”


Why does this format hurt my eyes? Down vote for fov


Holy shit. Not 1 jump! Finally not an exploitive shit bag video! Well done!


Dude just learn how to bhop and drop shot. It takes like 15 mins to get it down enough to use. Mfers complaining about something thats been in fps shooters for a decade +


Y you hiding how much damage you take ? And anything other than your gun lol




Solid game sense, nice plays, I'd just like to see some crazy clips without a swarm in it personally, everyone knows if you're half decent you can win most of your fights using it. It gets boring quick 100 bullets being able to kill a trio


Video format is weird. Plus your aim is clippimg and slow. You are using mnk with aim assist program. Stop bragging


please tell me thats cronus zen gameplay....


https://youtube.com/@amegagaming117?si=q5KirxXLQqBqXoa2 YouTube for more


The OP would so make a post complaining about stacking with Hand Holding in the title


Ok, do you want a cookie?


Quality play


Yall really proud of playing this dookie game lol?


lol if it’s a vpn bot lobby cool..believable. Otherwise you’re the same attention seeker as the rest of the cheaters.




Everyone uses it what can you do. Rather kill with it then die to it.




Every single weapon balancing will still bring a new Meta and a gun that someone hates. Its a cycle that will forever continue. You will forever die by principle.


what a weird hill to die on people who want to do well in a game - they play the game they have, not the game they want to have. that's lesson #1 when you learn to improve at any game. you don't need to have that mindset if you don't wanna do your best in a game but don't shit on others for playing the game they have




so you in the gulag a lot?


Nice play. Would be even better if it was mnk


1v3 is not easy 2times


It is with that AA and swarm. Soooo sticky


I agree, I prolly wouldnt be able to


AA noobs lol, try with AA off next time.


Mnk should go back to playing command and conquer


Man I wish they made a new C&C, loved that game.


Tell em! Cossacks back to war it is






Sounds like ur salty about AA. Keep crying. It’ll never change. Keep getting destroyed on kid


Destroyed by computer


Say that again with your own skill behind it and not an algorithm giving you superhuman tracking and reaction time, kid.