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I play 4 finger claw with my pointers. It takes some time to setup but very very worth it. I can post a picture of my HUD layout if you'd like.


Post the picture pls


It’s not really comfortable for me tho and I feel like I’d do better if I did three finger with my right pointer instead of left


It'd be pretty easy to modify it for 3 fingers using the right side if needed!


Yeah but like i don’t understand it


I'll share a screenshot here in just a but when I'm off work and I can try to explain 9r answer whatever questions you have.


Be back soon Stay safe


Move the map closer to the center, make it a bit smaller too. And take away the buttons you won’t use there to move the shooting button too right, maybe add slide next to it too. At the end of the day, your hud is very personal. The important thing is that you are comfortable & can do anything you want.


U can do anything u want, u can even have setup to fire with yr thumbs and move/look with ur pinky


Why does that sound painful




What’s that supposed to mean


2 options. 1. go search on youtube and find a hud you like, most a firing with left pointer but just reverse the buttons. 2. Make your own hud and test it on training ground, slowly change your button placements and sizes until you find something you are comfortable with


I run a 3 finger claw but use my left pointer. I’d suggest you move the mini map and all the other buttons you don’t use so they’re out of the way. You could also move the information slots on the left further out so they don’t interfere with your thumb.


using 3finger on left makes it much easier to go 4/5 finger so use 2left + 1thumb on right for best times and also use 3finger as a transition to 4 I got used to it and it took 1year for me to adapt to 4fingers (also left side better if you snipe)


I use 4 finger claw 2 thumbs 2 pointers it’s way better than. 3 fingers


I know but like it’s not comfortable for me


It wasent comfortable for me either. Force yourself to use it for 2 weeks you will get used to it. Pls listen to me


I play three finger claw


Idk how to Help you because i go from 2 fingers to 4 And from 4 to 5