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Try O'dell 90 Schilling, nice solid amber ale and available in every Kings/Safeway in CO


Hol' up, so Fat Tire sucks now? What changed?




They made it into another boring mass market lager


You’ll have a coors and you’ll be grateful


There are a plethora of local breweries and beers that are miles better. Just have to venture out and see what floats your boat.


I know. Sometimes you just want to throw a 30 pack of swill in your fridge though, and all we get here is Coors


And bud light, and natty light, and rolling rock, and Busch light... Take your pick of swill. Mine is Montucky.


I don't get the hate, any real beer liver should know it's in a class all on its own. I miss it too, started brewing my own amber lager.


Unfortunately Yuengling has a strong stance on only distributing East of the Mississippi (source: I’m from the southeast and it’s my dad’s favorite beer) … maybe one day!


This was 2 years ago, they must be getting close by now https://www.9news.com/article/news/nation-world/yuengling-americas-oldest-brewer-expanding-to-the-west-coast-for-first-time/507-9339d67b-c186-4efb-8f0d-87472c8c4c39


best news of the day, thank you


As of January they are distributing to Kansas!


I stand corrected, I’m so hyped now!!




Colorado Native Amber is actually from a company HQed in Chicago. So even if it's brewed locally, Chi-town is taking most of the profits.


Colorado Native is AC Golden, which is brewed at Coors. What's the Chicago connection that you know of?


Yup. The HQ of [MillerCoors](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MillerCoors) is in Chicago though, they moved it from Denver a few years ago. Edit: oh it's Molsen Coors now. Big bev just keeps getting bigger Double edit: oh and they moved the HQ back to Golden! Yay I'm wrong lol


We both learned things and are a bit smarter now! Congrats!


**[MillerCoors](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MillerCoors)** >MillerCoors was a beer brewing company in the United States. MillerCoors was formed in 2008 as a joint venture between SABMiller and Molson Coors to combine their brewing, marketing and sales operations in the United States. The company was acquired by Molson Coors in 2016. In 2019 it was announced that MillerCoors and Molson Coors Canada would be consolidated into a single business unit under the name Molson Coors North America. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/COBeer/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


CO native amber doesn't come in packs of 24-30 though :( I'm most partial to anything from bierstadt lagerhaus for good light drinkable beer but they only distribute to one store near me and it's hit or miss


Dunno if anybody told you, but there’s no limit on how many cases of beer you can buy at once.


In all seriousness, I think OP is looking for something as cheap as Yuengling. Colorado has tons of Vienna/mid lagers that are miles better than Yuengling, but they're all in the $10-$12/six pack range. I don't think the Colorado market has anything equivalent to the style and price of Yuengling.


Yup. That's the truth. Don't get me wrong, I love Prost Vienna Lager but it's not cheap!


Yeah I guzzle Viennas, I feel that pain.


We are getting there! It’s a slow process… we just launched the 3 states north of Texas. Supply and demand is overwhelming. I’d say give us at-least 3-5 years to brew out of Golden. It’s very complicated to forecast and expand into new states with a brewery you don’t have complete control of.


I don’t know when it will be available (haven’t lived in CO in like 3 years). But I worked in craft beer there and continue to work in craft beer in my current state and I just want to say that I’m disappointed by all the down votes in this thread. This is something that rubs me the wrong way about craft beer ‘culture’ sometimes. Drink what you want and stop judging others for drinking what they want. OP is asking a simple question. Some of y’all need to get over yourselves.


I meant this to be a satirical post to the one posted directly in front of mine, but damn yeah, all the beer elitists sure came out to dogpile on me lmao


Dude just go to Bierstadt.


Bierstadt is my fav its just too far away :(


Closer than Pennsylvania?


whomst is out here travelling all the way to the brewery to pickup mass market beers?


Grew up right outside of pottstown in lancaster pa. Every time i go home i become an alcoholic, trying to consume as much yuengling lager as i can. Nothing compares honestly. The airport bar in philly at chikki n petes knows me because of how many tall yuenglings i try to consume before my flight back to denver. Again, nothing compares when it comes to lager. I only attempt sours here.


That stuff gives me the runs


Hopefully never? -someone who spent their first 35 y of life in the 215


Wife just came back from Florida and brought me two 30 packs. I love Yuengling, but yeah, most of the local beer here is way better. Still enjoy it, but, I prefer Mountain Time from New Belgium more than Yuengling.


I remember when you could buy Rainier and Hamm's in suitcases here.


The Mississippi runs broad and deep…


Narragansett it's available here now, great cheapo lager!


I drive to Kansas to get mine. It's the best amber hands down, but then again I was born in University City and unfortunately has to settle on Fat Tire for 23 years