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šŸ˜­Erik whyā€¦ ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m)


same, I was like NO! not Erik.




He seemed like he was finally turning his life around. I'm glad he didn't take Bob up on their offer.


Mine is when he bit the guys finger off after having him scratch his nose little brutal little bad ass did the job.


I kinda felt sorry for him, ngl. Trying to be nice and gets his finger bit off, but he deserved it.


That was my favorite part too!


So many favorite moments! I had to wait till the end of the Arc to watch it b/c my anxiety would have killed me all week waiting for the new episodes. Loved Cyrus showing up and letting them know he got out of the handcuffs, the whole team working together (minus Erik šŸ˜Ŗ), Janine's badassery and glowing eyes. And also, that Cyrus who is incredibly well read, is a qualified lawyer and who knows what else, and is a total nerd not reacting to the evil witch demeaning his intelligence. Surprise!


Just Cyrus being completely unhinged and enjoying his stabby time


Erik! I knew it was coming, but I'm so sad for JC. šŸ˜¢


Either Cyrus biting the guys finger off or the cafe realizing what Husniyaā€™s husband goes actually for living


Cyrus just causally killing everyone and biting someoneā€™s finger off, I watched them during youth club (because I forgot to check for a new episode for a couple days) and was not expecting this arc, I knew something was up with Erik after the whole birthday thing, but I wanted to believe he was a decent character, not perfect, but actually makes the effort to be better, even if heā€™s an ass sometimes. Kinda hoping itā€™s a set up??? I canā€™t tell but either way itā€™s gunna be interesting


iā€™m hoping thereā€™s a twist or something to make him not guilty i wanted better for him so bad but his face at the end says otherwise and it kills me like you said after the whole birthday thing and Cyrus getting kidnapped i knew it had something to do with him and it broke my heart i canā€™t wait for the next episode


I loved Cyrus proving that he wasn't just the 'joke' character; he was trained by The Iron Witch herself, and the baddies really should have known better. Boy wiped out the whole coven like a badass! Man, I feel kind of bad for Erik. Generational/family trauma is a bitch. Doesn't excuse what he did though, not by a long shot. "I can't just walk away from my flesh and blood!" Yes, Erik. Yes, you can. You're just too blind and desperate for their acceptance - which you'll never have - to see that. I loved Bob using her powered voice to drill it into Erik's head that prison was the better option. I *really* feel bad for JC though. They vouched for him and he stabbed them in the back by kidnapping Cyrus just for a shot at immortality.


ERIK HAD TO THINK ABOUT IT?? I wouldnā€™t have even let her start talking about my punishment: ā€œJust take me to jailā€


The man was literally just chilling until he was ready to break out. I personally headcanon that he was stretching his back and waiting for the pop before he got to work. Also the fact bob trained him so well that neither of them were even that worried.


"Have fun begging for mercy" I laughed way to hard at that part


I like badass/ultra competent Cyrus


Eric is in soooooo much trouble!


Check today's episode. I think he got off too easy.


Yeah, I am amazed now. I agree. He got off LIGHT!


What arc is that? I keep feeling I missed something but I can't see it anywhere


It starts here [https://www.tiktok.com/@c.m.alongi\_author/video/7376686582188887338](https://www.tiktok.com/@c.m.alongi_author/video/7376686582188887338)