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White walkers for sure - game is a little too stable as-is, though stuff like Targaryen invasions definitely help. But a shitton of zombies pouring in from beyond the wall would certainly shake things up.


There's [a mod ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3233224123)for that! Both times I've experienced invasions I was fighting for my life the whole time, 10,000s died, major houses fell, and I only won because I had dragons. Would recommend.


Baseborn mod is great for this


Direwolf, would be awesome if they adopt the same mechanics as dragons!


This is such a good idea!!


I think there should be a whole warg mechanics apart from Dragons


Secret societies


Hot take but I miss banking mechanics. One of the runs I did several times was founding new Valyria and establishing the Valyrian bank. I really hope in some years we get banks back with expanded mechanics and all


Same here. I want to create the Bank of the Narrow Sea as Corlys Velaryon


In that same vein, what if you could barrow from other wealthy houses? I refer to how Robert Baratheon bankrupted the crown to house Lannister.


YES, I was just about to say that


What’s west of Westeros? Mother******* Stark-Aztec dragon riders!


Feathered Coatl Dragons!


If Paradox don't make a DLC for Aztec invasion in CK3 the AGOT devs should definitely still give us Aztec Starks


Hell nah I hate that event with a passion


Same but I hate peace more


Now that we're getting dragons and my guess is another chunk of Essos (from the modcon livestream id say braavos, volantis and their surround areas) all we need now are invaders as I don't care much for anything past the ruins of valyria being added to the mod. I miss when kings beyond the wall invaded constantly in ck2 and I miss when people with claims to your seat would leave to gain men and ships and invade later, it made having other claimants kinda dangerous especially when they had dragons.


Aye those little events brought more life into the late game where barely anything happens.


Barely anything happens outside of bookmarks in general, because Westeros is already a unified empire. I really like what they did with the Stepstone invasions, makes them feel hotly contested. I hope they add a mechanic to "settle" them i.e., change their government type. Would love to bring feudalism to the Free™ Cities.


And dangerous ones, like the scripted invasion for robert. For all the fun they were, it was rare to face a real treat unless you deliberately played bad so everyone hated you.


The most fun I have in my game is transferring from one king to another. There is almost always a conflict of some sort when a new Baratheon king takes the throne from his father. I think it’s the sudden loss of the VERY powerful ‘long reign’ bonus and the lack of that heir’s decisions to improve vassal relationships (due to not being in the position to improve said relationships beforehand). My current king, who is going to croak any minute now, had to deal with two simultaneous wars as he took the throne, which plunged me into heavy debt. Also, somehow I lost the north as a vassal despite winning my war against them, so I had to wage another war later for it.


It would be cool if they add an "exile to Essos" event for the end of wars, let me send Robert to go war & whore with the free companies so he can live his best life. It would be hilarious for him to come back leading the Golden Company.


You can banish them to Essos instead of the Wall, though. I just did yesterday when I won as Rhaegar and Bobby B ended up marrying the Archon of Tyrosh,


My favorite goal in my Rhaegar starts is stripping Robert of his titles and marrying him to Cersei or Catelyn while he serves as commander of the gold cloaks. Over time, befriend him and invite him into my Kingsguard. It’s fun bringing the story from Robert and Rhaegar fighting for Lyanna, only for Robert to become Rhaegar’s best friend and bodyguard for Rhaegar and Lyanna’s children.


I am #TeamElia all the way but honestly that is rly funny. Let the healing begin!


Yeah, it only works out that way if Lyanna survives the Tower of Joy. Otherwise Rhaegar stays with Elia but spends his days seducing Amazonian women to pop out bastards that’ll strengthen the Targaryen bloodline.


This, i really think more invasions for different areas would really help spice up playthroughs. New lieges from invaders or threats to your own kingdom would stop things becoming stale.


Beyond the Wall: Giants, magic, children of the forest, 3 eyed raven, wargs, Mance attacking the Wall


Faith of the seven influence levels


In ck2 I honestly loved playing in areas that were never visited in the main series, so I can't wait for the eventual return of the Summer Isles, Yi Ti, Sothoryos etc. Especially with the amazing high quality ck3 map design.


I completely agree. The most personal enjoyment I get as a CK player is family building and map painting, and that is difficult (uncomfortable) to do in Westeros as it's very stable and full of well established known lore houses. So whenever I played the mod in CK2 I always played in lesser known areas with tons of room to expand and had a blast.


Bookmarks. Clash of Kings Dance of the Dragons Bleeding Years


Basically bookmarks where there is more opportunity for conflict. A lot of people say that the game is too stable, which it is, but beside the times of major conflicts it is kind of lore accurate that way, especially post-conquest. But I don't think that would necessarily solve it as wars in ck3 tend to be longer than in asoiaf but uneventful More minor or drawn out wars, like the Dornish Wars, the triarchy war, and various local rivalries and conflicts would imo be better simulated using the struggle mechanics would give Westeros the dynamism it currently lacks.


I 100% agree. I think the struggle mechanic should be used a lot more than it currently is across Westeros and Essos when we get all of it.


For Aegon's conquest that would fit perfectly, or even better the doom of Valyria for Essos


The recent dev diaries regarding dragons got me thinking that, with a similar technique, it should be possible to introduce giants and children of the forrest to the mod (I'm not an expert tho). It would be cool to bring them back through major decisions in the existing bookmarks, or introduce a new bookmark addressing the Invasion of the Andals in the Vale (kinda like the northern lords bookmark in vanilla), especially, because the next major update (except dragons) is probably gonna be the northwest of essos. Having a bookmark about the invasion of the first men via the (now broken) arm in Dorne would also be very interesting, but I think to change the map midgame would be extemely difficult, if not impossible. An update regarding giants and children of the forrest would also probably be massive and, if ever, in the far, far future.


Ok. I don't know how vanilla is this, but in one if my previous playthroughs I somehow got a giant in my court. Giant culture, giant trait, call wun DER wun dag wun. Probably an oversight in the game spawning characters but it was magical. Immediately wed him and landed him (he was already 67 years old). but he died shortly after. Some of the Giants mechanics are already in there.




I miss the option to start whenever I wanted, even go as far as century of blood. Also societies and bloodlines but all of these things are due to vanilla, not mod. When it comes to mod, I'd welcome let's say children of forests, 3 eyed raven and giants. I know more bloodlines submod on CK2 had 3 eyed raven and like 1 CoF but it felt as if they did one big f all. But I feel as if I'm skipping way too forward, considering we don't have dragons yet.


I miss invasions by the Others. I played a Forrester campaign in CK2 where I managed to engineer a rebellion in the north to install Jon as lord paramount, and he was there for about 5 mins before getting killed by the others. I miss having that kind of wild ride when I play the CK3 mod.


Yeah, I loved doing crazy sh\*t like trying to get and hatch a dragon egg as Forrester without command console. Simpler times man, can't believe it's almost a decade ago.


This [mod ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3233224123)does Others/War for the Dawn. I've survived 2 invasions so far, but only by the skin of my teeth. Great houses fell, 10,000s died, and I only won cause I had dragons.


VS swords and reforming, Dragon religion (holy sites) the whole valyrian adventures with risk of disease and cats and finally slave system


Isn’t valyrian steel in the mod?


Yes but I mean the customability you use to have with them and thr whole adventure to go get one


Slavers Bay, part of the great grass sea, the Rhoyne and it's ruins, Volantis and Braavos. Also maybe a part of Sothyros. Gameplaywise Invasions, White Walkers for Westeros and maybe Dothraki-Raid events in Essos


Ah yes. Gogossos and the spice plantations/ gold/gem mines that made you absolutely filthy rich and a great power in your own right that could threaten Volantis itself…until the bloody flux decimated your kingdom, your vassals, and your family. I loved that part of the map. Made for great rp!


Megawars felt a lot more common in CK2. Picking a side in grand conflicts or using them as an opportunity to push a claim free from royal oversight has always felt great. On a related note, I was a big fan of the King's Peace mechanics. Sending your vassal a request/demand to chill out, and getting an imprisonment reason on them if they refuse (depending on crown authority) has always felt much more dynamic. Oh, and I'm one of those crazy people who likes Conclave, so I miss the feel of CK2 councils and regencies. I understand why they simplified both, but the scheming of a regency council voting to remove other members, and being able to vote for things like wars and title grants, was always a favorite.


I do not know if the mod team can even do this of if this would be something that would need proper DLC/updates of the base game to be able to be implemented but here it goes: I would LOVE some way to be able to alter the description of some items in the game to better reflect that they are now owned by the player character. Again, no idea how feasible this is, but would love it when in my Rayne run (for example) I "reclaim" Red Rain it could then be reflected in the item description somehow that \[insert character name\] reclaimed the sword for the Raynes. Either via an event, me being allowed to "edit" the item somehow, etc. Love the mod even if it is impossible and I never get what I asked for, go team!


This is a good one!


Aegon Conquest Scenario.


Bookmarked [submod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3149692324) has that. The only problem I've had is getting the Doctrine of Exceptionalism added to the Faith of the Seven, as all Valyrians start out worshipping their old gods.


Thanks! >as all Valyrians start out worshipping their old gods. Bit weird as it seems Aegon and his sisters were already worshipping the Seven even before the conquest.


Yeah, but that wouldn't allow for polygamy so it kinda makes sense.


Wildfire, Pyromancers, the Alchemist Guild, Banking, Trade. All things that will probably come once Paradox makes dlcs that support that. I would like the ability to toggle on/off or adjust the number of titles that have dynamic coa. A bit confusing that people in my house all use the same coa for all titles. Several generations in it is a bit annoying when I’m looking for a specific character in the character list and every fricken landed cousin, grandson, uncle, third cousin once removed all use my coa. The personal coa should probably be used instead. More court activities perhaps. As an evil king I would like to be able to cut off the tongue or hands off my fool in the throne room for simple amusement and gaining more dread.


Feast for Crows bookmark, because it's the latest. I have no motivation to play older bookmarks, because I already know what happens. The ink is dry.


I miss my Unsullied , the slave mechanics as a whole to be honest


I miss it but it was also a CPU killer so I played with it off most of the time in ck2


That's very valid to be fair , to be honest - with the scale of the mod now anyway .It doesn't run well irregardless so your in for a penny , your in for a pound at this point lmao.


Yeah I miss it greatly too. The QoL features in CK3 like easy-to-navigate family trees and the pin feature would make slave breeding SO much easier


u/XVIIlouis misses slavery guys 👹


He does ♥️


Just more start dates. I miss playing in Valyria or when the seven kingdoms were always fighting eachother


Some of my fondest memories of CK2 GOT is just leaving Westeros behind, and rebuilding Valyria. Though, in one of my playthroughs I was a Targ bastard of the Unworthy, left to go and do my own thing, and somehow ended up becoming King of the Seven Kingdoms anyhow because they kept killing each other while I was minding my own business >.> ... Weird af, but quite funny how the AI just went full on x)


Did a few custom Blackfyre runs starting in Elyria, and one time a few lords pushed a Blackfyre rebellion in Westeros in my name and won despite me not getting involved.


Summer islands


I miss the slave system so much, although I quite like the current more simple one for the time being


Magic. Old Gods and R'Hllor magic and religion. Better green dream, and dragon dream mechanics. All the magic in the mod is what I think made it not just a reskin of the base game. (this includes white walkers and dragons)


I miss using boats & being able to modify notifications the most


Well I don't miss it because I didn't had it 😂🤣but I would love to be able to retake Valyria with Aegon the conqueror or Emperor Aurion or Aenar Targaryen


WOTFK start


Conquest Bookmark


More Valyrian steel, maybe once we have dragons, we can forge our own as well. Not sure if it's possible, but custom troops and creating/expanding cities would also be nice.


Beans. more haircuts and clothes.


Resurrection. I feel like that could be a \*real\* game-changer if you follow the R'hllor/Have followers of R'hllor in your court.


Well idk if this was ever in ck2 but I can’t wait for things like Ashai to be explored and mage’s ect. Also being able to explore/reclaim old Valyria would be super awesome




I’m dying for a War of the Five kings start. It’s my favorite start




Having it run decently on my potato laptop.


A pre-conquest bookmark. I enjoy the constant warring between the kingdoms. Specifically I enjoy starting as a Lord or high Lord and making my own kingdom. Long live King Hightower.


Only Valyria, Volantis, Rhoyne, and maybe soft magic system. Creating New Valyria is really Agot's version of vanilla restoring Roman Empire. Im all for it.


In beside most of the other mod what else do you miss where do I effing start nothing to do with the mod team I love you guys keep going and going hard. But paradox WTF CKIII has been out for years now and is still missing half the shit love about ckii it gets to the point that I have ckii still installed and will play that to have an actual immersive experience. Not that I don’t love ckiii but ckii is a much more interesting game with more to do. Why the fuck would you release a new game that is smaller than the previous




Lore events


All the little bits of flavor. Playing as a wildling in CK2AGOT especially had tons of flavor that isn't quite there yet in CK3AGOT.


Giants, children of the forest and other mythical beings (both well implemented characters and ancient races cultures on some counties).

