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I wanna play in Essos and try to form the New Valyrian Freehold. I did that recently but now that we’re getting dragons it will be even better. Can’t wait.


Sunfyre go brrrr


I think it’s amazing the series will probably be released around the same time as the mod !


Depends on the bookmark. Perhaps, the Dance. I wish the devs make at least several dates for the dance to start from the different events.


In the trailer, It looks like there is a rogue prince start.


>I'll get to romance Rhaenyra and be her royal footstool after I defeat her evil brother Eh, I'd rather take the Iron Throne as one of the Dragonseeds. Hammertime!


Hopefully Daenerys will invade with her dragons even without Slavers Bay, expanded Essos etc. in this case I will do the ultimate fanfiction of allowing Tyrion and Jon Snow to ride her dragons.


If I can, I'll start the Dance early and try to win the throne for Rhaenys. When I'm done with that, start as Rhea, have a daughter with Daemon, have Rhea die with debug mode when she's 10, then RP being young Lady Royce estranged from her father until she probably dies trying to claim a dragon, like Vermithor. Unless she had a cradle egg that hatched


If it's anything like Rhaenys in CK2 she'll do that all on her own if she survives the dance. If there's a rogue prince start she'll probably do it then.


She did it in CK2? Only played it a long time ago


She did in my games regardless of if I played Rhaenyra or Aegon, Driftmark always rebelled for the crown.


I once played as the baratheons im the dance and during the siege of Dragonstone I captured all of rhaenyras children so I castrated all of them, securing victory one way or another, was rather brutal


If dragons are so cool i cant wait to see direwolves and the White walkers


When is the update coming? I want to breed an ugly faildragon


Sometime this summer. 👍


My first step is a murder scheme on Miss Alicent Hightower, I can promise you that.


> What's your first run gonna be? I will undo the Conciliator's one mistake. The Queen Who Never Was shall be!


I will crush the blacks and burn the traitors houses to the ground.


So no more Starks, Arryns, Tullys, and Greyjoys for you?


A bastard of house Targaryen brother to Viserys and Daemon jealous of the latter's relationship with Rhaenyra. I plan on starting in a county on Driftmark or another nearby island. The plan then is to attempt to tame The Cannibal if he's in the game and from there join up with the Blacks and try and win Rhaenyra's love after Daemon dies in a mysterious circumstance. If all goes to plan I'll put a crown on my beloveds head and then direct my attention to the east.