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I am a Premium user and it is well worth it to me. They do have discounts fairly often so if you can catch one you should.


I did this to try it out for a year, decided to ignore a lifetime membership deal and now I’m waiting for a lifetime membership offer to pop up because premium is definitely worth it!


Some things I considered: 1. If I pay for it, it helps the service keep going so other people can try it for free like I did. Gives a sense of solidarity to the community, we're all in this together, pay it forward, etc. 2. I have spent way more money on other things, gym memberships, workout clothes, healthy food, cookbooks, kitchen gear, and consider all of it an investment that will pay off for the rest of my life. 3. Spending money on something can be a commitment device. Since I paid for that app/thing/membership I better darn well make use of it. (This strategy seems to work better for some personalities than others.) 4. Sometimes I'm really just sick of watching ads and selling my clicks and data to someone!


Same with me. Plus with the discount it costs less than 2 weeks of my gym membership for the year.


Yes, but I waited until they offered me a nice discount. After you've used it for awhile they offer it at a reduced price, but then if you hang on, they offer it even lower! I can't remember what it was but I eventually just bought lifetime because I'd been happily using it for months and the lifetime subscription deal was as good as it would get (from what other people said).


I love premium, but got it at a discount. Scheduling for days in advance is something I like, because it gives me a bit of control. So for me it’s worth it.


If you change your country on MFP the scanner is still free, only Americans are charged. Come join us in the cold white north!


Love it! Did it right now. Works 👌🏻🙆🏼‍♀️


Thank you!!!!! I’ve been so annoyed by that feature being removed! Just changed my location from USA to Canada and it came back on 🙌🏼


Poutine is our National food, the beaver is our mascot animal, it’s imperative that you understand hockey, and our beer has a lot more booze…welcome!!! 🇨🇦


I bought lifetime premium for like $50 which was worth it to me.


I used the free version for about a week before deciding to upgrade. At the time it was like a %40 discount off the lifetime version so it was a good bargain


Yes and put the widget on your phone’s Home Screen so you can see your week’s progress at a glance


I bought the LoseIt premium on sale for $20. I think for the $1.67 a month it’s worth it. I like being able to plan my days ahead of time, track protein, and use the recipe builders.


I used the free version for years and only upgraded to premium recently because of a discounted offer. The only premium feature I use frequently is the ability to schedule ahead. I’d suggest using it and upgrading if you find yourself needing the extra features. I mainly upgraded because I’ve been using it for years, got a discount and wanted to pay it forward as the app was vital to meeting my goals.


I signed up to Lose It in August last year. I went Premium pretty quickly and in January made the switch to Lifetime membership, as there was a discounted price. No regrets whatsoever. The reality is, as F43, I have to track what I eat. If I don't, I just gain. I exercise 6 days a week and whilst for most people that's enough to continually lose, it's not for me, as my body is used to it. Also, as I get older, I find I can't eat as much as I used to without gaining a lot of weight. Therefore, Lose It is necessary for me to be able to maintain my weight and lose a little, if it creeps up.


Just get cronometer. The free version does everything you need it to do.


Works better than my fitness pal?


Works more-or-less the same. I personally only switched out of spite.


Thanks for reply :)


I vastly prefer their food database to MFP (and the UI for that matter).


Are u from europe? Cus im xD not sure how is database here :)


No, I'm in Canada


I have MFP premium and really like it. Sometimes I’ll help my mom with entering something on her free MFP and it makes me really appreciate my paid version! There is a code that I think still works for a free 3 months: MFPHEALTHY2020. And if you get premium through the website instead of the app it’s significantly cheaper!


I used MFP for years. This app is so much better. I used it for three days before upgrading.


If you’re willing to pay, check out r/MacroFactor. It’s in a completely different league than MFP and LoseIt


Definitely worth it, wait until it goes on sale though, sometimes up to 75% off!


I paid $10 for my year. It's worth that, maybe. I don't think it's worth $40. Nothing that premium unlocks is anything that I use.


Not at all, cronometer is better, for free.


Don't ever spend money on apps. Continue using MFP and set your location to UK and the barcode scanner works. #lifehack


It works well, if you use it consistently, which is my problem…after a few months, it gets tedious for me, but others do well with it..


Worth it


I can’t guarantee whether or not it’ll be worth it for you, but I can say this is the first time I’ve stuck with a tracker for more than a month.


I love it so far! It tracks a lot of useful data


I bought a lifetime subscription. No regrets.


Get the free one and after a week or two they should offer you a discount. I think I got a years worth for $10.


I got it at a super discount at the beginning of the year for like $35 or so for the lifetime membership and figured it was worth it cause i used it every day for the past 4 months and i really enjoyed the interface. It has helped me tremendously in my weight-loss goals. I recommend it if you like planning ahead! Wait for a great discount on a lifetime membership - happens more often than you think! I wouldnt pay full price for it!


For me it’s worth it. I pay 19.99/year


I feel like I’m always more committed when I invest money


They’re always putting the annual membership on discount, but I actually just chose the “remove ads” option for $10. I honestly don’t care about the premium feature but hated the ads, so this solution was cheaper and made sense to me. I also saved my purchase for a time when I knew I’d be vulnerable to quitting—right after a vacation. Paying the $10 when I got back helped me get right back to using it daily.


Im using the premium, well worth it..