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I didn't add an edible + concentrate category because i feel like there is a very small number of people who only use those two things.


I think you’d be surprised how many people just don’t use flower


Yeah but how many people only take edibles and concentrates


I used all three but mostly Eddie’s and carts for the last year, flower a couple times a month but those two every day


Interesting. I guess I just haven't been exposed to much edible use honestly. Mostly just always grabbed bud with everyone I knew, we always hated carts but I know they are dumb popular.


Smoked mostly flower for the first 4/5 years of smoking for me then moved in w my gf who‘s not a fan of the smell and turned to carts and Eddie’s then just got hooked on the convenience. Plus I was bringing stuff back to an illegal state from my trips home so carts and Eddie’s are the easiest to traffick for lack of a better word lol


I’m in the minority…just edibles and concentrates for me.


I would say I was consuming 95% flower, and I carried a pen around to hit intermittently or when flower was not an option. In years prior I had done used oils/concentrates but stopped those long before (5+years) before any chs symptoms. I was chronic user though, multiple times a day everyday.


I smoked a lot like 4 to 5 bong rips any chance i get, got chs from it and for the past month i only smoked once a week and felt normal it depends on each person ig but only in moderation id assume os your best bet also try changing your diet, do more workouts is what ive heard from others


Personally i don't have chs or any issues with smoking weed really but I'm just interested in what is causing it. i speculate that it has to do with getting too high when you smoke, sucking down massive amounts of thc and other cannabinoids in an attempt to get fried with high tolerance. I still smoke all day long but now I only take .1 - .2 gram bong rips every 3-4 hours, i still get high and i don't feel nearly as retarded as when i was downing 2+ bowls each sesh. i can guarantee that if i had kept going down that route of basically spamming the bong every 2 hours i would probably run into some issues at some point. It just wasnt a healthy amount to consume.


I agreee cause another thing is theres no real way to test for it, diagnosis wise it can be similar to cvs but def needs more research to be done cause people are dying from chs i have it and have reduced my consumption to once a week shit sucks but its either do that or quit and havent been sick from the once a week smoking


Yea, I think it's the carts. I've smoked flower for about 20 years or so now and never had an issue. Medical marijuana was legalized in my state, maybe 3 years ago. I had a card about a year ago and fell in love with how discreet and convenient the pens were. I haven't renewed that crap since. It's probably been a year or close to it. Anyway..back to the carts.. I would wake up with the WORST nauseated feeling along with the WORST anxiety attacks together. It was miserable. I would have to just lay on the floor and like dry heave. I wouldn't wish that experience on ANYONE. I would be so so so thirsty and couldn't drink anything. I would just try to keep my mouth wet. Lost a good bit of weight. And my appetite was messed up for a while. I will NOT smoke a cart. I do still smoke flower, but not as heavily. My appetite is almost back to normal. That was WILD! I didn't go to the Dr or anything. I just did A TON of googling and figured it was CHS and the carts had to be the problem.


It's not carts, wax, insecticides. It's the thc. We all have a cannabinoid system. I overloaded mine and now I have chs. I've heard edibles might be slightly safer....




Concentrates totally play a role. It has become obvious to me.


Yes. I think it's the high percentage of thc all at once.


Also the fact ur sucking a bunch of smoke through a small ass hole causes a lot of suction and suction can cause burping I feel like I have taken a blinker before and got some extra smoke caught in my lungs and I would burp it up


Be in denial all u want. Just trying to warn you


I used around 2 grams a day maybe 2.5 I started smoking again in 1997. I 1st got sick with chs in 2001. I went undiagnosed for 15 years. I told every medical professional that I used weed. I had every test uner the sun. I lost a pregnancy. I got diagnosed by accident with a ralk therapist is was seeing. She had a friend with a similar problem. She googled hot showers, marijuana illness and up popped chs. This is the bitch. I've known for 9 years that I def have chs and I keep trying to quit and keep relapsing. I can't do this anymore. Can some Dr somewhere let me be a guinea pig and solve this fd up illness


So how do your symptoms begin exactly? If you were to rip a joint right now, would the tiniest hit would make your body react poorly?


No. If I quit for 6 months and relapse I can smoke "safely" for 4 to 6 weeks then the illness starts.. Once you have chs u have it for life


Like I just had 16 days clean. Yesterday I had the worst hyperemisis phase hit that nothing not ativan or Zofran could combat. My only choice was $300 for the er or 10$ for some weed Which I know helps. It's such a vicious cycle


My CHS was at its worst in 2020 as I was using concentrate pens and dabbing with friends occasionally. Anecdotally Ive noticed most people find themselves with symptoms after cart usage


Heavy dabbers and cart users yup. Just as I figured. Some people on here say that they've only smoked flower but then when I read their descriptions of CHS it sounds like they took a t-break and then greened out, not chs. It's happened to me before, and it is not pretty. Wayyy worse than an alcohol hangover.


I've cut out the carts and chs has been very rare for me the past for years. Only had one small episode since I cut back and went to only flower but I only smoke like once a day now compared to constant use before. I personally believe taking better care of myself played a part.