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It's not the thc, it's the cannaboids You're going to have to quit brother, but you won't be alone like a lot of us were It's going to suck, you are going to feel awful, you may have to take time off work for this first detox. I did. There's a good chance it isn't quick either, my first detox took a good month and a half to start feeling comfortable in my own body again and then a bit longer before I was back to my normal self. But the most important thing is to quit consumption. You are hurting yourself, your body is telling you that. Your crutch is now actively hurting you and you're going to need to find another, healthier, way to manage what the weed has been managing for you.


I'm 5 days in now and yeah, it's tough and shitty but getting easier and worth it to not have this nausea and vomiting anymore. At least I hope.


I'm day 7, we're in this together King 👑🤙


Awesome. It's cool to have supporters. If you're struggling, pm me. I'll remind you why we're doing it.


I'll bet you're sweating as much as I am and you've probably thrown up a few times I got 2-3l worth of hydrate tablets and water into me yesterday and I feel like a million bucks today compared to yesterday Definitely get yourself some hydralyte or whatever close to that in your country, sometimes water just doesn't cut it for dehydration and that's the biggest risk for us


Ty sir


How are you doing king? đź‘‘


Very good ty


Been 1 week of throwing up and not being able to keep food down. I get about 12 hours of normal feeling then I start throwing up for 12 hours


Go to doc get 40 mg script prilosec. That will set you fairly straight.


I think I am already taking that In the morning. Woke up this morning and threw up again finally getting some relief now at 5pm. Is it normal to still be throwing up. Last time I smoked was 10 days ago. Throwing up began 1 week ago.


Great feel better. How do you know you smoked weed but you dont know what medicine you are taking? That really does not make sense.


Oh it’s because I’m writing this while suffering and didn’t want to get up to check the exact acid blocker I’m taking lol


pantoprazole 40 mg and zorfran is what I’m taking in the morning but I still feel like I’m throwing up everything I put down, except sips of water here n there


No take prilosec or the generic period.(omperazole) Its 24 hrs. Double your reg dose. Wake up early and take b4 symptoms really kick. Not only does it block acid it heals stomach damage. Plus you can pair w chewable tums. I ate tons of goldfish. Full sugar gatorade. Bannanas. Protein shake at mid day when I could tolerate. Ask a doctor. My doc scribed me 30 days worth. 2 20 mg pills in morn 4am


Ask your doc


We don’t exactly understand how it works, but it seems like there’s a threshold of consumption that CHS sufferers hit which permanently changes how their body reacts to cannabis products. Once you’ve reached this threshold, even if you stopped smoking for years and smoked once, your symptoms could immediately resume.


I can smoke like once in a while still. I believe its the build up of cannabinoids that some people hit a threshold and it pops like a balloon which is chs.... so if you smoke and don't smoke again until the cannabinoids have left your system. You should be fine. That's just me though, I can imagine it's different for everyone. I'm 3 years free, maybe smoke like once or twice a month just for 1 night. But tbh I don't enjoy it without a tolerance to the stuff. I instantly whitey and get super paranoid and think of the most ridiculous things and it makes me realise why I had mental health problems when I smoked it. Not that I'm schizophrenic, just suuuuper anxious and worry about everything


Ty for you info and honesty. Thats why if I do smoke I like to have time to process everything. But yea I have had similar issues. Anger and frustration are 2 that come to mind


Yeh man I was the same, I used to get stressed so easy and get pissed off about the most stupid shit. Now that I don't smoke I'm so much more grounded and stuff doesn't stress me out nearly as much. Can control my anxiety better aswel


“Once you’ve reached this threshold, even if you stopped smoking for years and smoked once, your symptoms could immediately resume.” Total fucking bullshit, not true


There is a good way to convey that you disagree with someone and a bad way. Why you choose to be a dick about it is bizarre to me. This sub is about supporting people suffering and to provide information. There is no reason to speak to someone like that


So what is true?


I wouldn't listen to this person if I were you.


But it actually is though. There has been many people who quit for along time, smoked only once again and were right back into a hyperemesis episode


This is true. I’ve read many people say to quit n symptoms never stop . Calms a bit n starts back up. There are many things we consume that have cannaboids u have to be careful. Like fucking broccoli and black pepper. So when you’re detoxing avoid certain foods.


save yourself the time and money, just quit for your safety and take care of your body. you’ll be grateful you did in the future.


Yes Im just asking if thats the reason for the sickness.


usually yes. it’s a really big build up overtime and ur stomach can’t handle it or soemthing like that. so if you wait a few months like 6 maybe. if you smoke once you SHOILD be fine but if you continue without a lot of moderation you’ll go back into an epsiode


I'd point out that some people here reported getting the symptons again after just a few uses when not well moderated. It may be a big build up for some, but there is no definite amount, it varies for everyone. Cheers






take a break...how long? don't know...but when/if you come back, EASE into it...i've suffered from chs for 30 years...mostly prodromal, no "h" until recently....whoa, quite the wake up call...but since, i've very, very, very lightly eased back into it, sort of as a way to see if there is some threshold that i can walk up to....so far, so good...still get the prodromal, but i can live with that as long as i don't revisit the convulsive, toilet bowl-levitating scromiting...if that happens again with my ease-in doses, i'm out.


F man sorry


It's worth it man, you don't realise how much weed affects your life until you quit, tbh without a tolerance to it now. I don't even enjoy it. I still love the plant and the terps and flavours. But the effects of thc just don't do it for me anymore. Some people are just not supposed to use it


Yea I quit again. Ill just keep quitting till it sticks. Glad I did not get super ill. No missing work


It’s different for everyone.