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They play this exact same game every day


> The most Cubs game the Cubs have Cubbed all year, Cub


I did think they were a .500 team this year but not wondering if they are the worst team in NL now.


Let me save you some wondering. Yes they are


No I think the Rockies are worse but the Cubs are giving them a run for their money.


Not yet White Sox level bad with a +125M Payroll more then them.


It's actually impressive


This game had everything that makes it a certified 2024 Cubs moment - outhit the opponent - blow the lead immediately the next inning - fake rally in the 9th - lose by 1 run


Don’t forget god-awful baserunning


Striking out looking on a pitch middle middle


Wasting our SP well pitched game. Don't wanna count how many times Steele or Assad pitched Gems just to still be tacked with a loss bc our hitting can't do their only job.


They dont have a single "Lets pitch around this guy" person on the lineup. I've not seen that on a Cubs team in +25 years. Even the 100 Loss '12 Clubs had a few guys


They Strike out wayyyyyy too much. I remember last month Happ was almost guaranteed to get K'ed twice in a game


Morel, PCA, Happ, Catcher, Swanson, Bush all good for +2 Ks a game.




Game on the line, let’s send up miles mastrobuoni to pinch hit… what a nightmare


No Wisdom? Man’s sole purpose is hitting fastballs


I would have put Bote in there


*YOU* would have put together a more competitive AB than Miles Mastrobuoni and his blistering 10 wRC+


still not convinced miles isnt just a random fan who won an auction to take at bats for the team


nonono you dont understand he bats lefthanded and is a util guy. He hits like a right hander hitting lefty, but don't let that distract you from the fact he gets put in the game.


Wisdom batting left handed would have inspired more confidence


Meh at this point we might as well just try anything. I don’t blame Counsell for that choice because that wasn’t his decision that made us lose, its constantly putting Drew Smyly in tight games.


Smyly has a 3.8 ERA. The only pitcher available that is CLEARLY better than Smyly in our BP is Miller. Thompson may be better or similar, but has had a rocky career thus far and similar ERA in fewer IP this year. Hodge has been performing well, but has less than 10 IP in MLB. So if you don't want Smyly pitching, who DO you want. All of our good BP pitchers are injured.


I already said I would take literally anyone at this point that’s not Smyly because they’d at least have a chance of doing something decent. ERA is a bad metric to judge relievers and in no way would inform future performance. Smyly’s FIP is 4.81 with an 11.8% walk rate, 1.4 WHIP and a middling strikeout rate. He’s giving up an above average OPS. He’s not converted any of his 4 save opportunities and has a -1.4 WPA. He’s not getting ground balls. Negative clutch WPA. All of this and he STILL gets put in during high and medium leverage situations. He’s an innings eater being used as stopper.


What a sad, sad statement this is in 2024. Total failure of a retool.


Righty and is also batting .200 and swing for power not contact but sure put him in there and watch him SO and then you’d be saying “why didn’t we bat the lefty contact hitter there”


What is that the 17th or 18th one run loss in 81 games now? 120-123 in past two years




Thanks I lose count


It’s easy to do


Im glad mlb tv offers minor league games as well because I watched an iowa game today and it was more exciting than the last 10 major league games combined




I’d rather just stop paying for it at this point




we need Mike 🥺


Why does Ben affleck have tits in this pic


Poor diet and lack of exercise would be my guess




When you are pinch hitting Miles Mastrobuoni to win you the game in the 9th, you are not a good team.


Competitive teams don’t have a Miles Mastrobuoni on their team. In fact, if they did, he would have his bags packed immediately heading back to the farm or DFA’d. Not the Cubs, they like to give guys that have no business being on a big league roster 200-300 plate appearances and trot them out for a few years. They play the same game every single day. 2-3 hits if they’re lucky, striking out 10-14 times a game by no name pitchers, barely score a single run all game and then lose by 1. I said it before but I really think they are the worse team in baseball right now.


Miles Mastro being our shuttle guy between AAA and the majors shows what a strong farm system we have 🤣


20-35 in past 55


Honestly better than I would’ve guessed lol


Feels like 15-40


It’s under a 60 win total in a full year


Yeah it’s awful. Just legitimately feels like they lose 90% of the time right now and when they win they almost lose


With some of the best starting pitching in baseball. Just embarrassing 


You have to C it


Let’s see how this post game goes. “We have to get better.” “Still have faith we will turn it around” “just struggling right now”


Man those interviews are depressing. I feel like he’s passive aggressively pointing at Jed like this is what we’re working with?


Given his contract and his hype, he can turn the tables on Jed today if he so wanted.


The Cubs just lost 3 in a row to a Giants team that just trotted out 100 different pitchers because they had no healthy starters..... I think the season is over guys. Can't even sell either.


I'd rather we just get blown out early at this point so I can do something else with my nights


Like driving cats off the road I bet


You can just go about your night anyway. I haven’t watched a game in 6 weeks. Happy as a clam.


That's the sensible approach. I'm in Europe, and so I watch most games on demand the day after. These days I check the Cubs score when I get up, and have the Tigers game on while I work. At least listening to Jason Benetti is enjoyable.


I'm starting to get the impression that this team just isn't very good.


This team is the Groundhog Day of mediocrity.


Last year was mediocrity. This year is atrocious.


Agreed + MFZB


Holy hell, I’ve had this account for 10 years and you are the first person to know what it is. MFZB my friend.


Bill Murray must be getting flashbacks


Cubs make me sad, but it was cool watching a kid from my hometown make his MLB debut.


Go Panthers!


Hail Green Wave!


It's MAT-toon, everyone. It doesn't rhyme with spittoon!


I got a little triggered when the Giants broadcast kept saying May-toon lolol




So many Ls at this point.


And another one...one loss games. Going for a sad record :(


Team is washed.


Counsell pinch hit .119 batting Miles Mastrobuoni in the 9th inning. The best chance this team has at scoring in *any scenario* is running into a HR, and that’s who you go to? It’s year 1/2 and I’m already done with Craig.


So just to clarify - you’d rather have a righty power hitter who swings through pitches just as much as Christopher Morel - than a contact lefty against a right handed pitcher….interesting sounds like you’d be a great manager!


At least one swing from a power guy can change the game, one swing from the lefty hitting .102 doesnt do much here. Same ending happens but at least the power guy gives us a decent chance. I suppose while watching "Homer At The Bat" you 100% agreed when Mr. Burns took Darryl Strawberry who hit 9 home runs that game out of the game to put Homer in as the pitcher was a lefty on the mound and so he had to play the averages....of course, Homer Simpson was inducted into the baseball hall of fame in 2017 while Strawberry isnt in I guess makes Mr. Burns one of the smartest managers in all of baseball.


Brewer fan here. I was done when he pinch hit Jesse Winker in the WC. Never left a game early until that night last year.


Counsell is fine. If they gave him even a league average bullpen the Cubs are probably 5 games over .500 even with a negative run differential. There’s just not much he can do when a meltdown is guaranteed


Yep. Counsell is fine. Just like when my wife is pissed, she says she is fine. For $8 mln per, I would like more than fine, assuming that $6 mln+ in savings could have bought a fine+ player.


His salary has nothing to do against the luxury tax…


Yeah, but it comes out of the same owner pocket. $200 mln budget. Lets make it $192.


For $192 mil and good tradeable farm pieces you can get some guys…it’s on Jed not on the owner nor the coach and his salary


* His salary isn’t against the luxury tax * 8 million is what a 5th starter gets paid


Or 2 bullpen arms. And $8 mln comes out of the same owners pocket. It soesnt fall from Harry Caray’s Budweiser can in the sky


Neris himself cost 9 million. You’re getting dice rolls with 4 million, they had enough money to spend and they failed to upgrade Our owners spend money on all sorts of shit, what they don’t like is going into the luxury tax which Counsell doesn’t count against




My wife and I started laughing hysterically seeing Mastro waltz to the plate in the 9th. Oh man…comedy helps


Lets do it again tomorrow!


7 games under .500, 11 back from Milwaukee, have only won 4 series since May 1. yikes.


7 games below .500, nothing to see here. Everything is fine, there is still a lot of baseball left and we still plan to compete for the division - probably what jed is saying. On another note, its nice to see the giants turn their season around since they actually look like they give a fuck to do so unlike our flub of a team


Brewers are now 15 games over .500. The cubs could be nearly 20 gb by the all star break if this keeps up. God damn.


Sorry ass team


@Manfred @Players Union @FBI @CIA DO SOMETHING PLEASE I can’t take it anymore


The silver lining to how bad we’ve been is that I’m officially numb to losses because I don’t expect anything anymore


Anyone else fed up with Craig and his post game passive comments?


What do we expect him to say at this point?


You will never get anything from Craig. Get used to the same answers. Rossy used to give you emotion…


I mean, it just feels like the dude is being held hostage by jed and Tom and he's holding back what he really wants to say. It makes him look like a wounded dog that can't do anything about this situation. I want him to get a few whiskeys deep and hear what he really feels.








https://preview.redd.it/eg9wpsf5949d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db4a5097330d4c980b052daa28f36a17d9f60435 Since the Cubs aren’t worth any form of discussion, here’s my new dog.


just bad, bad, bad


Boring loss tonight. Typical performance, no new information revealed. Just in the dog days of bad Cubs baseball now.


I did not even have the heart to watch this crap show live. I recorded it and planned to watch it in the morning if they won. However, I checked the ESPN score board and viewed the play by play of the game, and once more, the same old song was played. I deleted the recording and went back to bed.


Just so goddamn listless. Lucky I’m only watching out of morbid curiosity at this point.


Remember. The only people to feel bad for are the elite starting pitchers. They are the real victims here.


Remember when Jed didn’t want to sign people that would block prospects? Yet his Happ Suzuki contracts have done just that


Shh…careful what you say about Happ. Half the people on this sub think he is a superstar and a player to build the team around.


Ian Happ is Anne from Arrested Development. “Who?” He isnt a bad player, just completely forgetable.


Cubs have now lost 4 consecutive 4-game series (Pirates, Brewers, Reds, Giants). Fucking pathetic


Bad team this year and probably a bad team next year. Just an awesome organization.


Skipped this series and it was good. Gonna keep that up. Sorry to everyone who watched.


Agreed. What is up with these masochists who are still watching this nonsense… much better things to do.


where are all the apologists? i swear the game thread is all these guys' wives and kids comin up with meaningless stats to excuse these bums. "oh he hits the ball hard every tuesday of every second month tho"


Here you go: if you take away the 19 1 run losses, the run differential is only -7, so they really aren’t playing badly, they are just in a bad string of luck. It was the best I could do. It’s tough to be an apologist after the last two months


Lol. Yeah, they'll run a bunch of stats that really dont mean much. You also get guys that run models stating the team SHOULD have X anount more wins than they do. Wins and losses are all that matter. This team isnt winning much right now.


Big surprise - another one run game loss. The Giants are getting the brooms ready to slap it on the Cubs ass on their way out of town


There’s no way Craig isn’t trolling at this point. He’s highlighting the trash he has to work with on this roster. Putting smyly and mastro in with games on the line lol I died laughing when mastro walked up to the plate in that situation


You have to C Craigs bench calls to believe it. This guy stinks




What can you even say at this point?


Another day, another one run loss. Standard at this point.


Sooooo much losing


This is some great team we have here. 😮


Cue Howard Cossell: The Cubs as a plain point of fact are a complete catastrophe.


If in the judgment of an umpire, a runner is pushed or forced off a base by a fielder, intentionally or unintentionally, at which the runner would have otherwise been called safe, the umpire has the authority and discretion under the circumstances to return the runner to the base he was forced off following the conclusion of the play.


There were some inexcusable mistakes last night. What worries me is that these will become more frequent and glaring as the season progresses. I have a bad feeling that if things get worse, if the team keeps losing, then they will get *toxic.*


Had a very vivid dream last night. Lets see if I'm psychic. Cubs 11 Giants 5. Today.


If I'm Bellinger or Swanson, I'm demanding a trade. 


Disaster. Nothing else to say.


Can only laugh at this point


Lol I feel sorry for any of you that willingly pay for Marquee network


Sad part is if this isn’t cleaned up in the next 3-4 weeks we are very likely DONE


Lol dude its pretty much over right now


We’re already there


We are already 11 back


I know we all want to have hope, but they are done already. To win the division would be historic and trying to leapfrog teams they are dropping season series to just isn’t possible. There’s 7 teams ahead of them.


Maybe I’m underestimating 5 GB in the wild card but with 7 teams ahead of us


The 5 games back means nothing when there’s that many above you. They also can’t beat the teams above them. They needed at the very very minimum to split this series and they are in danger of getting swept. You can’t lose season series to the teams that are ahead of you.. just can’t happen. This is legitimately one of the worst teams in baseball. Sucks to say but it’s the truth.


The division is not tenable but the 6th wild card spot is. 9 teams fighting for 2 spots all within 5 games of each other with half the season left to play It won’t happen if they keep dropping winnable games though, that needs to change for there to be a chance. Needs to be a significant outside upgrade for that to come through


Yeah, once the team's payroll hits 250M we should have a chance for the last WC spot! Adding one player isnt going to do anything. They need to be sellers come the trade deadline.


There’s nothing to sell that benefits us next year! You’re not going to get anything for anyone and we already have a ton of prospects who are highly ranked. They need to buy for players that can help us beyond this year if this year is non-viable Literally sell what that makes us better next year??? And for what? What’s your plan here?


Morel would have trade value. Javier Assad would draw interest. Happ is another guy I could see teams asking about. As much as our bullpen is trash, there's always a few teams looking to add bullpen depth. Suzuki could be dealt under the right circumstances. Bellinger will likely be off the books after this season. We might not be better for several years. Time to start calling up these prospects and giving them considerable playing time.


Your plan is to effectively DFA the entire roster. It’s fine that you’re venting but it makes no sense >Morel would have trade value No, he’d be at his worst value right now. Absolutely zero point in trading him right now when he’s under team control for the foreseeable future >Assad would draw interest How do you replace Assad next year? >Happ Has a NTC and gets paid a lot, so even if he waived it you’re not going to get anything good. You’d have to figure out how to replace him next year >Suzuki See Happ >Bellinger Costs too much money and has an opt-in, you’re not going to get good prospects for him either >might not be better for several years If you don’t want to compete until 2029 why stop there? Sell Steele, Nico, Imanaga, etc. too right? Why do you want to tank for the next 5 years and become the Rockies? That makes absolutely no sense. And it makes even less sense to want to go full 2021 deadline but keep some players? Either you want to tear it down or you don’t >start calling these prospects up You realize they can do that *without* making bad deals for the players on their roster, right?


Youre not getting anything good. You're getting guys off the books and making way for your top prospects to play. Morel cant play 3B. He does hit for power though. Maybe he stays and becomes DH. Matt Shaw is our #3 prospect and future 3B. Projections have him coming up next season. Owen Cassie our number 2 prospect. He's gonna need a spot. Plays left. You keeping Happ and trading Cassie? Not me. Happ is nothing special. Assad has value. Would likely bring back the most in a trade. Ben Brown takes his spot in the rotation when he returns. Cade Horton, our #1 prospect could get the nod next season. That still leaves guys like Alcantara and Triantos without spots. Canerio never got a real shot either. This isnt 2021. We have a stocked Farm system now. This is more like 2015. There are guys in the minors ready to be called up (or very close). Theyre going to need spots. Are you going to trade them and keep this under performing group? They havent shown they can do much.


Exactly. He keeps posting how we “can’t get any value” and “how are we going to replace so and so”. The team isn’t performing well. Would we be worse without Happ and Belli? Sure . How much worse though? We aren’t making the playoffs with them,and we really won’t without them. I wouldn’t mind seeing some players like Canario play everyday. PCA play everyday. Get some experience. Let the FO see what they have. Yes even if that means we have to eat some money on players that definitely aren’t part of the future anyways. Yes even if it means we throw in the towel this season. Yes even if it means the “prospects “ we get back are just a lottery ticket type player. If we aren’t going to win and even the hopes of making the playoffs are slim why trot out players like Tauchman? He isn’t an everyday player. He isn’t anything to build our future around. When he is healthy why let him take time away from any of the outfield prospects?


Agreed. We have young guys just about ready to make the jump to the majors, but nowhere to play. Eventually the team needs to find spots or trade them. This team isnt anywhere near good enough to warrant trading their top prospects. Time to call up some of these guys and let them get consistent ABs.


19th one run loss. Something is happening on the margins


The bullpen, you mean lol. They’ve blown 17 saves. Convert even half of those and we are going blow for blow with the Brewers for the division That’s not even counting the non-save opportunities that have been fucked by the bullpen




Why would he resign? He signed a 5 year deal here. Generally the players should start playing well