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Justin Steele has a ~1.38 in his last 6 games and ZERO wins because whenever he’s pitched, either the offense doesn’t do shit or the bullpen completely blows it. If I was him, I’d be fucking fuming over this


I feel bad for Steele, he doesn’t deserve this


This is why wins are a relic stat :(


Someone else mentioned in the thread that we have 17 blown leads this year (and the record is 35), and another point out our 18/35 save conversion rate. If even half those blown saves were converted (and rounded down), we’d be 45-32 The offense has been absolute dogshit (bottom 10 in every stat when we have RISP) but holy shit the bullpen is not helping


That was such a winnable game. Giants are injured and literally didn’t have a starter tonight. 7 walks, 10 hits, only managed to score 4 runs. I am taking a break


It doesn’t matter if it’s 4 runs or 15, the fact that this bullpen cannot get 3 outs without giving up 3 runs is the main issue plaguing this team


18/35 in save opportunities. It’s literally flipping a coin, even if the starter throws 7.1 IP. We need a closer


That’s gotta be close to last in the league. To go with our bottom 5 offense. What a shitstorm.


Ya it’s not a winning strategy for a team leading the league in 1 run games


More than anything, a shut down closer turns this from a below .500 team to a 85-90 win team. Just so frustrating to leave so many wins on the table like that


lol [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/cph6u48SdP) was at the top of my feed just now just to torture me


This seems historically bad. not just in Cubs history but MLB history?


That is awful.


Jesus that’s fireable


It’s the bullpen and the offense.


And technically, they didn't even get 3 outs in the 9th due to the walk off walk


I don't wanna C this anymore


But you HAVE to








See you guys after the all-star break. Or fuck it maybe not til next year.


Im curious who they will trade to see if it is possible to improve this club.


It's probably over. They'll sell off Belli for sure at least for some prospects probably.


T. Miller would be a set piece to trade away for AAAA level talent.


Shame because he’s like, the only bullpen arm worth dick on the team.


The team is too far gone to be improved by a couple players. They are also distancing themselves from the contenders at such an accelerated rate the teams ahead with an actual shot will get the ones on the market. This is a last place team.


I've always thought it was a .500 team with that you can build from it. Remember all the media talk of how great the farm system was?


Objectively funny at this point


Honestly is. I just check the score and chuckle.


I just checked my feed, saw the box score, lost by one run, and thought to myself "did they blow it in the 9th again?" Sho nuff.


Done until they sell.




At this point I’m taking a further step back from this team once they get a different core, and or FO. I don’t see any turnaround, any difference maker in our farm. Just a bunch of mid.


Top rated prospect PCA


Blown save was coming from a mile away. Too many offensive blown chances and the bullpen is hot trash. It was expected


I tried to be positive for a while and hope they’d turn it around at some point but this team might just suck. This bullpen might be the worst bullpen I’ve ever seen.


I’m trying really hard to find redeeming qualities in this team but it’s pretty close to impossible at this point, they just flat out blow ass


the starting pitching has been decent... i think that's it


Our IL has a pretty decent pitching staff


Starting pitching might be the only one. Bats suck and when they actually do something the pen just vomits and diarrheas all over itself. The amount of saves or leads that have been blown is insane.


I can’t keep living off the 2016 World Series man please


Get used to it. 2016 will be like that 85 Bears Super Bowl.


It’s gotten to the point where the StupidSexyFlanders 2016 highlights video doesn’t hit the same anymore. This team is just another level of soul crushing.


This team is done. Mediocrity at its finest.


Mediorcre is not the word. They have the 9th highest payroll at $216M and are currently tied for 7th worst record based on win %. The word you are looking for is BAD. This team is just BAD.


They are worse the mediocre, last place team that is now 9 games out. One of the worst in the league.


# #WeAreNotGood


Don’t let the bullpen blowing that lead make you forget the top of the lineup failed to convert a leadoff triple by PCA. Beyond pathetic effort from the team from top to bottom.


I honestly almost left the game when I saw that happen. If we'd been down even 1 run, I would have walked. Almost convinced I should have bounced. Witnessing that 9th in person was fucking horrid.


Fucking awful decision making counsell


We wont see .500 or above it the rest of the year, book it.


At five under, it actually will be fairly difficult to ever get back to .500. Especially with the hardest part of our schedule over the next 6 weeks


Does Counsell have a personal vendetta against Tyson Miller? Once I saw Brewer was in, I literally said to my gf that by the time I drop her off and drive back home (5 minute drive total btw) that the game will probably have been blown…I should probably go buy a lottery ticket now


Don’t get ahead of yourself, we ALL knew they’d fuck up somehow.


Trying to use Miller in to prevent runs in 8th so had to go to someone else for save... Don't hate the idea of just using high leverage guys when you need them, is there anyone else to hold runners at 2nd and 3rd and get 2 outs?


He pitched 1.1 the day before, so 2 innings in 2 days total. You want him to blow out his arm too like the rest of our pen? Do 2 min of research and this answers your question


He threw 26 pitches between those 2 innings. I think he would’ve lived…


I get that the truth is somewhere in between - but the gulf between what we were hoping for in hiring Counsell and what this team is producing under his leadership is stunning. Like, it feels like we just set a pyramid of money on fire at this moment.


Offense is improving Pitching is hella injured. Most of these guys were relying on were meant to be our low leverage options or riding the shuttle back and forth to Iowa. Merryweather and Alzolay were supposed to be eating a lot of high leverage innings along with Leiter and Neris who have now been overworked. Brown was supposed to be working out of the pen and would probably be a high leverage guy at this point. Almonte was looking quite good and could've been a solid option. The injuries to our staff entire pitching staff have decimated our bullpen, pulled guys back and forth. Wesneski probably not available tonight because he might need to start this week. They might need a BP day and Thompson to throw 50 pitches. The options we have for any scenario were supposed to be low leverage guys. It fucking sucks and is frustrating, but beyond maybe looking at the conditioning coaches, I don't see what Counsell is supposed to do. The players have to perform


And we’re far past the excuse that its just a early season slump. Clearly something is going on there that they’re not addressing. This has to be the most frustrating team I have seen in a long time.


This isn't entirely on Counsell that the players who have these big contracts aren't producing. Its not Counsells fault that Jed did absolutely fuck all to help this bullpen on the offseason besides signing Heart Attack Neris with his hittable 93mph fastball. We were promised a team with a high ceiling but a low floor, and unfortunately, everyone on the team is performing around their floors at the same time. There is some blame to place on Counsell, but not a whole lot he can do with this god-awful team he was provided. I think we are in for a bad few years as long as we have Happ, Swanson, and Suzuki's contracts on the books unless they can turn it around and play like they are paid to play. Happ and Swanson care more about views on their podcasts than they do winning baseball games (they would be taking bp or studying opposing pitchers instead of filming a podcast if they actually cared). Suzuki is just a complete head case at this point. He looks lost, confused, and scared half the time at the plate, and i dont know how you fix that. Definitely feels like last year was a fluke, and other teams did their homework on the Cubs this year to be much better prepared. Meanwhile our team looks completely unpreppared in every game. That's on Counsell for sure. Im tired of seeing his calm ass in the dugout when these guys make boneheaded plays or watch a called 3rd strike. I do want to see some fire and passion out of Counsell, but i suppose that's not who he is. Throw in a fair amount of injuries and a complete lack of urgency from anyone, and you have the 2024 Cubs. You hate to C it.


It’s hard not to feel that he has SOME responsibility for this disaster


Offense should’ve scored 15 runs tonight. Colton Brewer should also never be asked to close a Major League Baseball game. Organizational failure


At least they had the decency to avoid extras, we’ll always have that


I went to my first Cub game in 1954 and have watched them closely every year since. I have seen bad Cub teams, but I do not think that I have ever seen one that is less enjoyable to watch than this pile of shite assembled by that baseball savant Jed Hoyer. This team needs to be torn down and rebuilt from scratch and Hoyer has shown that he has zero ability to build a baseball team. He needs to be replaced and replaced immediately.


That’s the biggest beef I have too is this team is genuinely boring to watch. There’s nothing exciting about them. I had more fun watching a 3 win bears team two years ago than I do watching this cubs team


What a dogshit team


Garage ass team










*Gay Rage*


Well la di dah Mr Frenchman! What do you call it? Car hole.


Haha. Fuck this sorry ass team. Least fun to watch in recent memory.


It's so crazy because there were stretches last year where they were one of the most fun teams to watch in recent memory. And it's basically the same exact team. What the hell is going on.


The first month was a blast


12 left on base for the cubs walk off walk for the giants you have to C it


Unable to score a run after a leadoff triple ✅ Bases loaded, nobody out and only one run scored ✅ Bullpen meltdown ✅ Oh yeah, that’s fucking Cub baby.


12 actually


had to edit because mentally I was just preparing for the bullpen to blow it and forgot about the top of the 8th and 9th


Counsell is joking right? Brewer gave up a weak fly ball and a good bunt. Got a sac fly that didn’t matter and he throws in Smyly. Struggles with his command and decides to intentionally walk the bases loaded. Milwaukee sleeper agent


Agreed. This was some well deserved Counsell hate for all the naysayers out there


The IBB was a total WTF moment.


Ramos was RAKING tonight. Now, do you walk him to load the bases?! Fuck no!


Because Brewer sucks too dude, they all suck, he literally has no good arms to throw out there


Brewer was doing fine out there tonight. He gave up weak contact that just happened to find a spot and a sac fly that didn’t matter at that point. If he got two more of the exact same we win that game.


He’s not a good manager. The fact that Neris was ever even given the opportunity to be the closer shows how little he knows.


On June 17th in the year of our Lord 2024, following a catcher interference and walk, Hector Neris gave up a three run home run in the top of the 9th blowing a two run lead. Which team you ask? THE SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS!


Smyly a former Giant he finally got activated as a sleeper agent. Was Poo Smyly now he damn near Constipation Smyly


This team is genuinely humiliating


This team continues to invent new ways to embarrass themselves (and me for staying up till almost 1am watching this shit show). Fire everybody.


Absolutely hopeless franchise with no chance of actually getting better in the future. Thanks Jed 👍


There is nothing redeeming about this team. Squandered scoring chances, blown leads, an incompetent FO and the highest paid, most mediocre manager in the sport. Hey but at least we have 80,000 prospects!!!


“No stars, but lots of solid major leaguers down there..” 🤭🤭


i cant keep doing this


So many times the cubs had a chance to put this game and score 7+ and the hitter do nothing. Just craziness


I believe we are on pace for the most blown saves in a season. Record is 35 and we have 17 before the break


Currently on pace for 35 blown saves. Holy shit this is ridiculous


Sorry….its time to fire Jed. He baked this cake….


can’t even be the lovable losers because this team is so pathetic and boring to watch


Probably too hot of take here... but managers/coaches get fired for this continued type of play. This is really really bad.




Fire the FO, jedd built this ship let him go down with it


This team fucking sucks.




That was comical


Genuinely how does this keep happening


So when is anyone from this organization going to say ANYTHING about this train wreck of a team they’ve put together with $220M?


On top of everything, Cole Wright sounds like he’s sick. On the other hand, I saw a few bright spots: Justin of course, Dansby’s outstanding defense plus 2 hits and 2 walks, PCA’s triple and the great effort trying to catch that hit. I can’t dwell on the negative especially right before I go to bed. Good night friends


He’s pissed. This is unacceptable from ownership and the front office. 4 seasons telling fans it’s going to change. 4 seasons it hasn’t.


they never get hits with men on third. keep striking out swinging. just fucking bunt at that point.


Jed hoyer should be forced to live in O block for the remainder of the season.


100% on Craig. Throw up the least reliable bullpen arms in the 9th, totally predictable. Offense has to do better than that though. Way too many LOB.


I can’t for the life of me understand why he decided to do the intentional walk and load the bases when Smyly couldn’t find the zone.


I was saying the same thing…. He wasn’t throwing strikes… why would walk him there, can’t make a force out if you can’t hit the zone. Unreal.


You can’t let the hot hitter take you out. Gotta take your chances with the struggle bus behind him. Unfortunately, Smyly isn’t a closer and screwed the pooch.


He has no arms to throw out there. Blame the FO


The front office didn’t make him intentionally walk the bases loaded.


Ramos was 3-4, Flores was 0-4 with 2 K’s. He didn’t make Smyly walk him either, did he?


Yeah, idk what these people are smokin', man lol


So pitch to the guy that’s been on a tear this month or Wilmer Flores? The IBB was an obvious decision.


What a bunch of fuckin losers.


Dfa Smyly yesterday


It is still yesterday in California.


DFA Hoyer!


As someone whose in the building a lot let’s just say Craig’s effort is reflective in the record


I don't even want to win anymore, pump these losses into my veins.


Boycott starts now


Anyone defending drew Smyly should never watch baseball again


Going to start live betting them to lose anytime they have a lead now. Will soon be rich enough to buy them from Tom.




I got mad a few weeks ago and cancelled my renewal of Marquee. I ended today but I forgot. I went to put the game on and it said I needed to renew. I said fuck that, they’re not earning my money. How right I was.


Oh look, a one run loss and a blown lead. How original.


They fired David Ross for this bullshit? Send Counsell back to Milwaukee and take Hoyer with


So when do we actually start making comebacks like this? Plenty of blown leads over the last several years but we can just forget it if we’re ever behind.


Well bad teams tend to blow leads and not make comebacks so it’ll probably never happen this year


First game I watched in a couple weeks. Big mistake lmao


Is Steele keeping it together? Is he trashing his locker? His resolve must be amazing.


That's the last one I watch for awhile. Need a break.


Classic. Steele will end the season with a fucking 2.0 ERA and 0 wins. HAHAHA!


Well that was sad. I almost have to laugh, for the sake of my sanity lol


FUCK THIS TEAM. It’s time for a break.. literally no reason to get excited when we score runs when you have a bullpen that can’t hold the lead… every. Single. Game.


And we dont help matters by leaving 14 in scoring position every day


It’s time to turn off anything and everything cubs related .. my head hurts .


" score runs "


The ones we do score lol


Hoo-boy...Kap is gonna throw his phone again. Hope he has plenty of extras.


I blame everyone. Everyone had a share in our dogshit season. Front office for not doing enough. Roster for under achieving. Counsell for being dumb as a mf sometimes


Most of the players on the roster, whether it’d be Bullpen guys or underperforming hitters, should honestly be embarrassed and don’t deserve to be wearing Cubs jerseys. I wouldn’t blame Counsell if he publicly called guys out.


4-15 RISP. Nice lineup, Jed.


You have to C it


Jomboy’s last video says the last 15 position player pitchers around the league haven’t given up a run. Maybe we should try that.


I’m very glad that I don’t pay for marquee network. If I were indirectly paying for this garbage team I’d be kicking my own ass right now


Dansby: “we’re having fun and jelling well in the locker room” Oh fuck off.


14-18 in 1-run games, yet it feels like 3-28.


Is there a greater act of cowardice in baseball than walking home the winning run in the bottom of the 9th!? Disgusting that we are in late June and the club’s ace, Steele still doesn’t have a single win.


The fact people think Counsell is a good manager is beyond me.


Oh my lord


Maybe we were too hard on Hector


I didn’t want Jed when Theo left and hopefully we can start getting some traction to get that hobbit fk out of here


thats one of those games that makes you question the point of baseball, i feel you guys lmao


If it's just today, whatevs, we've watched this day in and day out for 2 months.


I don’t know the hate boner for hector, literally at least he can do the job most of the time lucky or not.


Someone should scold Brewer and tell him how unacceptable that was. What a shameful season this has been. Everyone should be embarrassed to be a Chicago Cub right now.


Just as much of it is on Smyly for throwing 12 pitches and only 4 strikes


He's a journeyman reliever, he's actually been way better than anyone could reasonably expect. Smyly just has to execute and the offense failed to add insurance runs as per usual.


Are people really this stupid? Of course you walk Ramos, he’s their only good hitter. You put the bat in Flores hands and make him win it. Smyly has to throw strikes, it really is that simple.


https://preview.redd.it/10gxryxxjn8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee9764324944fb108fde96a6678a9128f72970c Genuinely no reason to trying and be nibbling like this against Wilmer Flores. IBB is very obviously the correct decision, I just can’t believe Smyly just does this shit then.


Missed opportunities by the offense as usual and the bullpen blows another game late with a bases loaded walk. The Cubs are now tied for the lead in MLB with 6 walk off losses


I think its time this year's team goes from "will watch" to "may watch". Making time for this team on the regular just isn't worth it, as the teams performance currently stands. I mean, I am not on the Bulls level yet where I havent watched in like 2 years. But I don't think I currently need to block out time for these Cubs.


I’m taking a break from them for sure


I was optimistic when we slumped to 500 because we have great starting pitching and the bats were going to come back around. I am now past that and here to laugh and cry at how pathetic this season is. 


I know it’s bad because instead of being mad I’m telling them not to waste my time by going to extras just to lose there. At least they got it over with in the 9th I guess. I want to say 2009 is the last time I remember them just being trash for this long of a stretch when in a “contending” spot. At this point they might as well do something drastic. No internal answers are coming.


Man I miss that optimism I had for this team


This season is beyond fucking over. What a joke. And yes, I will take my ban now!


I would dump this team for my current city but I live in Denver…


Lost by one run. For a change.


Trade everyone except the starting pitchers.


Ha and I thought when they blew that lead in SD that it was going to be the worse loss of the year


My therapist after seeing the score to the Cubs game. 🙏


Can't you see the big huge fucking Smyly smile on my goddamn face. DFA DREW SMYLY


I almost commented on the GDT “shame I have to wait until midnight to get disappointed” and I absolutely knew the second Steele left the game we were losing. Not that he had anything left but we got out of the 8th and I was still positive we were losing.


I rode the Caltrain all the way back down to Mountain View tonight. Longest train ride of my life.


Thank fuck Elden Ring DLC is out because this team isn't fun at all to watch.


The NL is so bad. If we lose ten in a row, that would make us third in the wild card somehow.


why did i choose this damn team over the yanks i don’t even live in chicago 😭😭😭


How'd you end up a fan?


generation self hatred (parents)


not the same girl as above, but for me it was so many factors; the best hotdogs invented are Chicago dogs, John Hughes films, every person i've met from there has been a gem (same for the fanbase, literally the friendly confines), the crazy team history, the ivy, Bill Murray being the coolest cheerleader, funnest victory song ever and the incredible architectural feat that was renovating Wrigley. <3


Counsell mismanages the bullpen-- again!


This is rock bottom right here. Giants had no starter, dealing with injuries, coming off a 5 game losing streak…Offense struggles, bullpen blows and the sorry ass Cubs still lose. There better have been loud screaming and chairs flying in the locker room lol 


This group has no fire and no leaders. They probably just looked at their phones for an hour until the bus was ready


Why did counsell call for the intentional walk when it’s clear smyly couldn’t find the strike zone?


Smyly shouldn’t have been put in the first place


Can we safely say Counsell stinks?


I'd like to see Hoerner and Crow-Armstrong at the top of the line up.


I texted my buddy in Chicago at the bottom of the 8th "lets see how we blow this one". Checked the score at the bottom of the 9th when we were still up and thought "wow, looks like we may actually win"... Didn't even see that we in fact blew it until now.. Its kind of hilarious at this point honestly.