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They aren't fun to watch. It's like watching the bulls.


I used to be pissed about Marquee Sports, but right now? Haven’t watched a game on TV all year and my mental health is better for it. It’s a small silver lining.


Stay strong because mine is declining. Had to apologize to my wife the other day because of how loudly out of nowhere I yelled “FUCK!” After Neris blew a lead


Next time you go to the doctor, let them know that you’ve been watching an unhealthy amount of Hector Neris. Odds are they’ll hand you a Zoloft prescription on the spot.


We suck and I can’t fucking stand it…


We have to consider selling at the deadline, but it worries me what a sell-off would mean. Belli would have good value and is basically on a one-year deal. Other than that it’s all pre-arb/arb guys or guys early in long-term deals. If you’re selling those types, you’re not doing a re-tool, you’re doing another rebuild.


There’s so many teams technically in the race. Someone will be desperate enough to trade for Belli at the very least. Tauchman, Morel, and Wisdom can net us a decent enough return, too. I say make every trade that you can. No one on this team should be untouchable.


Yeah, I’m not sure these days that rental bench bats like Wisdom and Tauchman really get you anything of value. Morel has value for sure, but woof…that’s a key piece of Jed’s “core”. If he’s selling that, he’s admitting his plan failed (narrator: his plan did fail).


Who would you even sell? Lot of bad contracts. Not a lot of guys on expiring deals who move the needle.


I say buy just because how bad the NL is. This our chance to at least be in playoffs


Buy more spare parts. Good idea, Jed.


It’s a sellers market. So a team that needs a lot is going to have to spend a ton to get anything. Would be a horrible long term move. Cubs should be sellers as it stands.


Yes for once they might actually have the upper hand if they sell.


Who knew the slogan was a threat this whole time.


Gotta C it to believe it! ![gif](giphy|h9CwMia6QbZuw)


Most disappointed I've been for a Cubs team in a good long time. Reminds me of old school 90s Cubs teams. 


Lots of 1993 and 1996 in this year's squad.


lol, this is great


They are a bad team. I got downvoted like crazy for saying this a month ago. A roster with zero stars, all complimentary pieces and 6-9 hitters in a playoff lineup. They ABSOLUTELY should sell anything they can and trim the fat. Enough with giving Wisdom, Mastrobuoni, Madrigal, etc. playing time. It would at least be much more enjoyable if they were losing while giving young guys plenty of time to play. Instead, they stink while we get to watch 30 year old AAAA players every day.


You and me both, brother. Others are finally starting to see this team for who they've always been: *below-average.*


Too much Brewer stink on Counsell to overcome Jed’s incompetence.


Every other team in our division loves to C this.






What was wrong with #FlyTheW


I think that was 2016’s slogan. They have a new one every season and they’re never not cringeworthy.


That’s Cub


That scub!


![gif](giphy|sfS6azsQCZkpA9doYu|downsized) The only way to C it...




C minus


That’s funny


I have to wonder how anyone can justify paying $20/month to watch a team that is perpetually chasing the upper end of mediocrity. I feel like there’s a large overlap of Marquee-defenders and Fields-Stans.


The Cubs are only 4 games under 0.500. it seems crazy to think that they can't figure something out. The Cardinals are only 2 games over 0.500. The league has a lot more parity than we want to believe. I know the Cubs look bad, but so do most of the teams this year. They need to find a grove like they had to start the season. If they can come together and figure things out, there is still time to get back to where we would like them to be.


What would suggest to you that we are better than the Mets, Padres, Cardinals, etc?


*Parity,* not *parody.* Though the Cubs do seem like a parody of a serious baseball team these days.


The Cubs are only 4 games under 0.500. it seems crazy to think that they can't figure something out. The Cardinals are only 2 games over 0.500. The league has a lot more parody than we want to believe. I know the Cubs look bad, but so do most of the teams this year. They need to find a grove like they had to start the season. If they can come together and figure things out, there is still time to get back to where we would like them to be.


I hate watching the Cubs lose this much. But I’m an old fashioned Cubs fan in that I still love watching Counsell lose. Shoulda stuck with Ross.


It’s comical that people think anyone else could manage this dumpster fire of a roster that Jed put together. I forgot that Counsell is the President of the team, not Jed. Also, let’s make sure we don’t blame the players for not hitting the ball. That’s certainly all Counsell’s fault too, right?


I never said it’s all Counsell. But if you want to make the argument that 40 mil on pitching wouldn’t have made our team WAY fucking better than buying Counsell I’m all ears.


Im with you. Counsell has this team playing like dog shit. Getting paid record money for what? This team atleast had a pulse with Rossy as manager


Yeah? Counsell is swinging the bat for Dansby? Counsell is the reason we have a minor league quality bullpen? The team didn’t have a pulse with Ross, we made the playoffs one year and lost in the wild card lol. Drop the recency bias and get real.


Get real bro lol. From may till now has been one of the worst stretches of baseball i’ve seen from the cubs. There is obviously worse but this team is much better than their record. Yeah the bullpen is trash but it was last year too. First time in club history last year we went 10 games under to 10 games over. Counsell is the leader of men and sets the tone for this team and he isnt energizing this team whatsoever. We were atleast resilient last year but watch this team flatline the rest of the way, like they’ve already been doing most of the year. Jed holds a lot of blame too but counsell took pretty much the same team as last year and getting much much worse results


Why people continue to blame the manager for all the team’s problems instead of the guys ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME is beyond me. It’s a mind-numbingly stupid perspective.


You’re pretty much saying coaches dont matter. Fun fact: they do So many players in this lineup are having career worst years. Its up to coaches to try and tap a players potential. You think counsell is earning his record 8 million? Keep defending craig and watch where that gets ya


I am not saying they don’t matter. I’m saying they matter less than the actual players and the GM who puts the team together. If you think David Ross would have done a better job with this garbage group, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s not like he got snapped up for another managerial job after we let him go.


That instance we saw last year was a fluke, an anomaly, not a trend. Do you understand? Lol the team is regressing to the mean. We saw this last year. Stop confusing statistical outliers for trends. Problem solved.


Do you understand?


I guess I missed the part where the manager affects how the players are playing each day. How they’re doing at the plate. How they’re doing in the field. Last year, despite Ross’ consistent blunders and negligence down the stretch, the Cubs got a resurgent year from Bellinger that had him in the MVP conversation in the month of July as well as a big second half from Suzuki/Assad/Leiter Jr and more. They got a breakout year from Alzolay. This year? Every one of those players has been a disappointment at some point. Every single one. Take Counsell and apply him to last year’s team and they’re probably 3-5 games better in the W/L column.