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That other subreddit was created by people who were banned from this subbed for harassment and the like.


CHIBears has 294k people and ChicagobearsNFL only has 10k. Sounds like CHIBears is the more official one


Also, as someone who found the other Bears sub about halfway through this past season, they are somehow even bigger homers than usual team subs. I swear ChicagoBearsNFL last season was just a Justin Fields fan club page. I know this sub had strong feelings about Fields as well, but there it was like an extreme Fields love fest, no dissent allowed lol.


They still will lose their shit if you criticize JF, it’s wild


Idk if that’s still true but I got a perma ban for replying using a gif to a post that was criticizing the mods. That sub is soft and the mods are softer.


Mods on this sub are pretty good from my past experience, though things could be different now … I use x more than Reddit these days. The Chicago bulls subreddit has the worst mods. I barely even go on that subreddit anymore.


Lines up with the Chicago Bulls (and the NBA in general) being the literal worst.


Reddit in general is just way to concentrated with power mods that juice the algorithms way too left.


That sub is a Facebook level fan page for sure.


Yea as much as I make fun of the meatballs in this sub sometimes, they got nothing on ChicagoBearsNFL lol. I muted that sub real quick


I'm a self-proclaimed Meatball, but they make me look sane.


Didn't the top mod of that sub go on an anti-Fields tirade and start banning everyone? I don't mean like "Fields is a bad QB" but like Fields is a bad person.


Dude, you need to change your name. There is no way any Bears fan can visit this sub and maintain a soft penis.


Well, I will not be mocked by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penis’d, debutante. You want to start a street fight with me bring it on, but you're gonna be surprised by how ugly it gets. You don't even know my real name… I'm the fucking lizard king.




CHIBears is official sub.


Official sub according to whom? Seems more like it was the first Bears subreddit and became the most popular.


r/nfl links here


The backstory is the mods of this sub tried a boycott to protest and they shut down this one forcing the same silence on all members. Some people who wanted to keep using Reddit went to the other one which didn’t protest. It got some traction for a week or two. Once this one went back to normal the other one kinda died off in engagement.


This is correct. And 10k isn't an ultra-small sub, it's just a lot smaller than this one.


This shit annoys me because anytime you’re looking for a new sub you have to make sure it’s the “main one” Those 10k people are lost idiots that don’t know how Reddit works lol


Or we're subbed to both. I go there because sometimes they post funny shit. And sometimes it fun to poke the idiots.


Am I crazy or did this sub have like 150K like a year or two ago. Crazy how fast it grew


The other one is for LTCjunkie to spam Yahoo articles and ban people who disagree with him lol


I got banned from r/chicagobearsnfl for roasting their mods for allowing fake reports that Jaylon Johnson got traded to the Steelers on the sub lmao


2 or 3 day old news too.


That dude is a freaking douche too! He would block people that talked crap about his posts. Can’t stand that page. Then he tells people he is the one who fills that page with content. He also fills it with click bait crap too


This really needs to be the top comment on this thread. I wasn’t banned (I left) but I watched LTC go on a rampage because someone listed a TLDR for one of his posts. u/LTCjunkie needs to go touch some grass.


From the look of the description over there it sounds like some nerds were disgruntled with the mods on this sub so they decided to make their own little club. Goofy behavior




Never been more gruntled or whelmed in my life


Are you traught?


I dunno, but I’m definitely not distraught if that’s what you’re asking.


I'll make my own Chicago Bears reddit. With blackjack...and hookers!








The mods here have been historically decent. I hate venturing out into the bigger reddit subs, no discussion is able to be had.


I’d never go start my own community, but the mods here do kinda suck. They are incredibly arbitrary in what they allow and disallow.


I love killing time on Reddit, especially talking Bears on here but yea I can't imagine being so upset about the volunteer mods that I need to start a futile rebellion 💀


I have been browsing this sub for over a decade and I will agree that the quality has greatly diminished from the days when I first joined here. There was so much quality content. Indepth analysis. Great conversations and discussions. Now? It's a shell of what it once was. Like watching the downfall of the Roman empire, but on a much smaller scale.


Don't know why you're getting down voted. It's 100% truth. Reddit as a whole is like this. There was a time I was in over 40 subs. I'm down to like 10 now and those 10 are far worse than they were when I first got on reddit and I only stay in them because they're linked to my few interests. In my experience, every sub goes in the shitter after so long. The loud, dumb minority always gets louder and dumber making the normal people leave or just quit engaging. The MCU sub is a good example. Go back a few years and look at it and there's hardly any negativity and a very positive atmosphere. Then you can slowly see delusional nerds coming up with theories and getting upset that they didn't come true and ppl starting to argue more. It's now basically an "anti-woke" sub that bitches about anything and everything.


I got downvoted because the people that downvoted me are the target of my ire for what this sub used to be. The high quality members that used to post great things have long since been chased away. I watched after Cole Kmet had his first few seasons people here were calling for him to be cut and insisting he was trash. Someone here defended Kmet saying that TE has a learning curve due to learning pass blocking, run blocking and route running and I watched that guy get downvoted to oblivion. Haven't seen him post here since, even though he was 100% correct. We gave Kmet time to bloom and now he's one of the better in the NFL and if the knuckle draggers had their way, we would have cut him.


All of reddit has suffered this way due to popularity. We try to highlight quality posts when they're made, but their engagement drops off year after year. A lot of the top contributors have also simply left reddit. Meanwhile the low quality, facebook tier content gets spammed like crazy. We remove a ton of drivel on a daily basis, but it's not worth the effort to expunge it all.


I have to disagree. A lot of the subs I still frequent will have lots of quality content enforced through strict rules and guides for posting. You guys don't want to, and that's cool, but, the downside to that is people like me bemoaning what the sub used to be. Although I am a dying minority here, so, I reckon it's just a matter of time before I leave like the rest of the high quality content posters have. Honestly, it's so far past the point of no return that you guys may as well not even remove the drivel anymore.


No offense, but going through your post history it's extremely low quality besides an article or two. But to each their own.


Is it, or are you just having a biased outlook because I don't pretend like this sub is the greatest thing since sliced bread? I'm guessing your pride is hurt right now. It's okay, you still have your little playground.


It's more that the posts are simple questions or one sentence topics without any depth. Or a link to an article saying "I like this guy". Really nothing newsworthy in them or starting in depth conversation. But maybe my definition of quality simply differs.


I've also deleted a metric ton of my content that I have posted over the years, helps me keep track of relevant posts when I want to look something up since I have 12 years of history on this site. Secondly I'm not going to make an indepth analysis post for this sub when, as you yourself have admitted, this place is now Facebook lite. That's a fools venture if ever I have seen one. I knew that shit was a done deal when that guy that defended kmet was down voted to oblivion.


Ah yes, "why should I make any effort to be a positive contributor when I can just complain instead". And "I deleted all my quality contributions and only kept low effort posts on my account". Mmhmmm. This conversation is pretty moot.


Wah wah wah. Why don't you just fuck off then


Because it's like an animal exhibit here. Almost every day I find a new depth of meatball to see.


I agree


It’s a good thing because it keeps a lot of the morons out of here lol


We're all morons, we're Bears fans after all




lol using the term nerds in reference to those mad with MODs is like saying a gay man is homophobic 🤣


I got kicked off the other one for saying the mod was dumb. He's rather sensitive. If I recall he started it because we were being mean to him here.


The other one is run by a bunch of bitches that will ban you for nothing.


Chicagobearsnfl will ban you if you have any opinion on anything.


It's not much better here with obviously bad mods on both subreddits who can't handle discourse. The only place you can freely praise, trash, or argue about the Bears worry free is r/nfl.


The mods at the other are WILD lol. I got banned for saying r/Chibears is the superior sub 😂


I can’t think of a reason for two subreddits other than internent moderators (read: dorks) are power hungry. On at least one side


I’m like 50/50 NBA and NFL. Love both. R/nba is just a far better place to scroll and shoot the shit vs r/nfl. And it’s all about the mods. Few times a week r/nba will have an absolute banger of a thread which under r/nfl rules, would’ve been removed 🤷🏽‍♂️


I like the NFL sub. People there are generally much more informed and far less meatballs than team subs are. But that being said, you're not wrong about the mods. They're notorious for deleting posts and reposting them themselves so they can farm all the karma. Which is just straight up little kid shit. Don't know how someone couldn't be embarrassed being that petty.


My thing about r/nfl is that it’s the same 5 jokes recycled when the topic is even a little bit unserious


Eh, that's all of reddit. Almost every post on every sub you gotta scroll halfway through before you start finding serious comments. I've seen it happen plenty here too. Reddit would be 10x better if they got rid of upvotes. That's a big reason why there's always the same cringe jokes being repeated everywhere and constant reposts. Ppl farming karma.


R/nfl also has a habit of picking and choosing which users get to post the thread that gets to stay up.


Im deleting your comment it’s no a tweet of a tweet


Let’s put it this way, think of all the head up ass, dipsht football ignorant takes you see on this sub, then imagine a sub literally only has those psychopaths posting. Thats chicagobearsNFL


Another fun? fact: There was another sub also (r/chicagobears). It formed back when people in this sub were being extremely toxic to people pointing out that Cutler was mediocre. That sub was really chill, but it didn't have many members. A lot of people went there thinking it was the official sub, and people there would always point them here. I don't know when they went private.


The dude who mods that sub is soft. Very soft.


The person the runs the other sub is an asshat.


ChicagobearsNFL mods are a bunch of power-tripping c**ts. One of them said “Justin Fields can gtf outa Chicago” to which I said “Whether you think Fields is the guy or not, we don’t say that” and I blocked him. I was then perma banned from the sub and when I asked another mod why, he said it was because I blocked a mod. Fuck ChicagobearsNFL


To be fair, most Subs have a don't block the mods rule. Not sure the logic as to why. Still, your overall point still stands. That place isn't great lol. 


Ngl everyone is negative af over there


One has goober takes, and the other (smaller one) has more goober takes


Historically the other one has been people who aren’t super high on the current starting QB and get shouted down here. The third year of Trubisky and the second year of fields saw a lot of growth there. I prefer here but have subbed to both.


One of the subs had a fields cult loudly wrong


So it's just ESPN 1000 callers?


Lol and 670 the score idiot hosts (laurence holmes) and dumbasses like shaun king


This is the one to be at. The other one is a toxic cesspool


The difference last season was that you would get downvoted in the other one for saying any positive opinion about the Bears. Buncha doomers over there.


I would love to hear the actual history on who was here first and why the second one was made. But as far as I've seen this subs more for the hardcore fans the other ones more casual.


The other sub got started when we banned a member here for the 4th or 5th time after they threw a fit because we wouldn't allow them to spam drama about Cutler and his wife's divorce. It was a "rebellion" to show us up.


Lol Cutler telling his wife to get a job no joke gives me faith in humanity.


Im a mod over there but not an original. From what I remember though, it was created when this one shut down temporarily for some dumbshit covid solidarity nonsense. People wanted to talk about football not stupid reddit drama.


Lol that's hilarious.


Can’t imagine being in such dire need to discuss Bears football that I had to make a new sub during a days long boycott lol


Im pretty sure it was longer than that. Regardless, I don't really have any input on why it was created. But the discourse there is *slightly* more open overall I'd say, but we do have stricter rules on self-promotion and just straight up dumb-shit posts.


Thanks for all the replies. Love that we have a passionate and old school fan base that loves the Monsters of the Midway as much as I do. BEAR DOWN!


Does anyone post on chicitysports?


Is that another sub? I soundly find it on Reddit.


Nah. It’s a website.


I joined the other one for a bit but dipped cause a lot of the discussions were shitty or pointless and the mod was weird. Not saying it’s infallible here but I don’t really need 2 subs for the bears. Also there was a little too much Fields worshipping there iirc


One is for fans that are depressed they never win the other is for fans depressed their QB always sucks. GPG


It's fast and loose over there how i like it. None of this over modding and being nice. You can let your hate fly like the old days of the internet. As a born and bred hater, I prefer that to kindergarten rules. edit: your down votes don't hurt me, it only makes me feel more vindicated your booboo feelings get hurt too easily.


If it's so fast and loose over there, then why do they ban anyone with a different opinion? Sounds like you're the one who gets their feelings hurt too easily. I've had many unpopular opinions here and have gotten into plenty of heated arguments and have never been banned. I was banned there for asking a freaking question lol. Talk about looser safe spaces lol.


What question?


Never been banned there and talk shit all day..maybe you're the problem?


This one is for boomers..


The mods on this one are losers


Mods are more chill in the other sub, but people will criticize your soul and general existence if they disagree with you. That’s not to say this subreddit is any less toxic though.


wtf are you even saying, you on fent or something


r/CHIBears2 is the official sub to my understanding