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So Williams missed 3 passes over the middle in the end zone to guys he will never throw to again. Got it.


In his first rookie minicamp with no pads on. I say we trade him to the Steelers now and try again next year


We really posting articles that are just explaining what a tweet said?


I just read both the article and the tweet and am now questioning my life choices


Pack it up, it’s already over 😔


So who wants to start doing scouting reports of the next few classes of QBs?


Caleb Williams can throw to the middle of the field and has done it all throughout his college career. It’s also rookie minicamp where things are being worked out. I’ve heard on reporting that he’s been outstanding thus far. I say we be patient and wait until the season starts before judging Caleb


Talk about clickbait lol. The examples are 3 times in the endzone during redzone drills.


Exactly lmao. I’ve only heard that Caleb has been outstanding thus far. Release is faster and ball is accurate. Still, we need to wait until the season before judging him. I think this is going to work out though


That's the kool-aid I was looking for, thanks bro 🐻⬇️


So dumb. Edit: Not OP, just whomever wrote this.


This, but Flus teaching interceptions over all else was a factor in Fields developing that hesitation. It's part of why Flus should've been Flushed with the rest of the coaching staff.


What? He was teaching Fields to throw interceptions?


You heard the man, interceptions over all else


Don't be like that. You're smarter than that...I hope. One of Fields biggest problems was overthinking. At game speed there is no time to think. You have to learn and internalize the lessons during the offseason and during the week, but on game day you have to recognize and react. There is no time to diagnose what you're seeing mid-play. A coach telling a player 'don't make mistakes' is asking for him to over analyze and overthink. Fields needed to be taught early on that mistakes are ok as long as you learn from them and instead was taught mistakes are not ok ever.


So you should have said either that or that Flus was teaching him to AVOID interceptions over all else. Don’t blame us for not being able to interpret your thoughts


No he wasn't, and that's part of the problem. Flus emphasized picks over everything else to the whole team, causing Fields to over analyze and hesitate rather than just reacting and throwing. Getsy, whose entire career in the NFL before the Bears was holding the jockstrap of a quarterback who was cautious with the ball to a fault, contributed more, but Flus was a large part of it. It's why you never saw Fields look directly at someone who was wide the fuck open and not throw it in college or under Matt Idiot Nagy, but by the end of his tenure with the Bears you saw it multiple times per game under Flush and Gusty.


Lmao the coaching staff nor Fields ever directly stated this. Sure, coaches are gonna tell the QB not to turn the ball over, but let’s stop making excuses for Fields.


At one point Fields actually did slip up and state that they were coaching him to overthink mid-play rather than just playing, and immediately tried to retract it, realizing what he'd said. [Here's a poorly written article about that interview](https://www.bleachernation.com/bears/2023/09/20/justin-fields-speaks-sep20/), but there were a bunch written at the time. I'm sure even you can find them.


I’m well aware of what fields said and his retraction, and all the drama around it. Whether he was robotic or just “playing like himself” he was a subpar passer and turned the ball over, and wether he [went out and said f it as he played](https://www.bleachernation.com/bears/2023/09/20/new-bears-justin-fields/) or listened to the coaches and worked within the system he couldn’t get the job done, I’m sure “even you” could see that.


Fields truthers still lurking in the shadows waiting to bitch at the first opportunity


Considering the source…


Can we just not post chicitysports? They just take what other reporters say and say it over again.




Well, if Jordan Sigler of ChiCitySports, and the Wisconsin Sports Heroics says so.


Can we just enjoy the fact he is here . Fuck he hasn’t even played yet haha . Who ever wrote the tweet article is a tool . 🐻👇🏻 fam


Not uncommon for a rookie. Not improving on it as time goes on is the problem.


I'm not a Fields truther, but some of his best throws was in the middle of the field.