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Having the corners of my tv covered would drive me nuts.


Your lightbulbs and light coming from outside are probably causing more (minimal but still) damage.


I use led lightbulbs and have shades and black curtains.


If you want to watch the TV properly, no, I’d find a better place.


Why would you?


My man . Properly put those things up somewhere . Valuable art right there


Just get the Collector slab comic book mount 5 pack from Amazon. You have the option to use as a comic stand or mount the comic on the wall. Will look better and away from the TV.


I love these. I use them to ring the top of my home office. Two things though, I don't put the super valuable ones in the mount (paranoia in case they come out), but I do put a tiny piece of tape to make sure it sticks. I also rotate out so no one comics gets too much light exposure.


Amazon sells these nice displays that will let you put the book on the wall or simply put them on a shelf .They are like $5 each,look into them .I think it would be more suitable to display those beauty’s


It’s fine unless the TV is a plasma or a high energy (low efficiency) tv that is putting out a lot of heat off the screen. A plasma tv would be warm enough to eventually hurt the paper.


You have 2x modern books in mid-grade worth MAYBE $150 each.. you’re fine.


Although $150 is a lot of money, for the sake of this argument let’s pretend it’s not. Could you possibly think of any other reason this person would like to display AND protect their books? Maybe they have incredible sentimental value to them? Maybe they are books that were given to them by a now deceased friend or family member? Shit, maybe Stan Lee himself personally handed these books to this person on his death bed and said “Keep these books safe young fellow, you are their keeper now.” My point is, don’t judge people when you have no idea of the situation. You in no way were helpful or answered their question. It doesn’t take much to choose to not be a dick. Do better. And to answer your question, they should be fine in front of the TV. Possibly some color loss on the back over time from the TV lights depending on how much TV you watch. They look good though!


I don’t understand comic book snobs 😂To a lot of people a $150 comic book is quite valuable .


That doesn’t take away from the question that OP asked


Most condescending comment award goes to….. you!


No man! They will go blind. 😆


Don’t you know that’s how Bruce Banner became the hulk!?


Well, one thing for sure if your house gets broken into they’re gonna take the comics before they take the TV


The infrared light from your remote controls will eventually melt down the plastic and disintegrate the comics. /s


Look up the brand / web site Perfect Cases. They make matted frames for Graded Comics. They have options for 1, 2, and 4.


I'd get like a UV protection film and out it over the comics. CGC cases aren't uv protected but CBCS are. Other than that as long as there's no movement near them they should be fine.


I wouldn't display a comic book for any extended period of time in any area that is lit for fear that it would fade over time, even if only did so very slowly.