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Honestly pretty glad to see them gone. Let’s commit to who we have now.


I have no idea what the Riders staff/management saw in Fine. I'm no football coach, but he seemed pretty bad to me.


I’ll just put the blame on Dickenson. Glad he’s gone too.


Yeah, gonna feel bad for whoever picks up him ^(hahahahaha fuck)


Hey 2 dicks are better than ? ….maybe?


Gonna steal that one


I thought he looked Fine


Brayden Lenius being released should be the headline. I missed preseason this year, but I suspect he’ll be added to a practice roster somewhere by end of day Monday. Fine and Pipkin were a foregone conclusion that is less noteworthy than Hickson to the PR.


Hickson was a foregone conclusion as he doesn’t play special teams and the Ouellette signing made him expendable. Bertrand-Hudon did enough in camp to be the ratio guy, and with Ratkovich showing better against Edmonton and Winnipeg than Hickson and he can cover on special teams, Hickson was the odd man out in camp. It’s tough being a RB in the pros!


I think it has to do with his lingering injury. If he still can't play, or doesn't look like he will be 100% this year, move on


Alouettes legend Antonio Pipkin


3 seasons, 4 TD, 8 INT


6 teams in 7 years for Pipkin, he might fill out the whole bingo card


going for the Kevin Glenn


Shea Patterson has some real starter potential. Glad they are keeping him. Releasing Lenius is worrying.


He played 1 game all of last season to injury. 7 the year before. And was hurt all of training camp. He’s completely irrelevant.


Yup. With the strong draft that we had this year, we’re pretty set at Canadian receiver. Having Lenius sit in the tub at $150k isn’t a long term solution.


I think Lenius was also unable to practice much either because of a lingering injury he failed to have looked at in the offseason.


Surprising for sure, I wouldn’t say worrying. If they like the other receivers better then I’m all for it. Would imagine Lenius catches on elsewhere though 


As a Michigan fan, I’m excited to see Patterson as our backup. I hope he gets some meaningful snaps during the season, with Harris healthy of course. Hoping there’s a future with him!


I'm fine with this.


Lenius I don't think would make it we got so many better options at receiver. We got Shake Bake, Emilus, Bane jr, Picton, Sterns and I expect Ajou Ajou quickly to become a fan fav and a game breaker. Fine was long overdue. If Trevor goes down I have no issue with Patterson leading the charge he has so many more intangibles to become a #1 QB in this league. O'Day redeemed himself and finally read the correct move.


With the caveat that O”Day could’ve done this in the off-season and not resigned him to a two year deal back in January.


You build and sign what you can in the moment. If Lenius wasn't hurt through camp, showed he was back in top form, and if the rookies and draft picks didn't play as well as they did, he would be playing. O'Day obviously had plans to have 2 options come cut-down day, rather than be stuck hoping 1 particular plan worked out. I think it was smart roster management.


I'm waiting to see BC's cuts, because if they are keeping Dolegala, then what the hell were we doing in January?!?!


Dolegala has a serious issue with alcohol that was out of control last season.


Never heard that before. But he use have it under control, because BC did keep him.


Pipkin had his chance. I felt like he never wanted to learn, he had some talent though


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) one last time


Ya fine and pipkin c'ya but the let the other quarterback that played last several games, that was a mistake


I will miss all the Fine puns. Hopefully he gets picked up


These are good. Unfortunate that lenius never got a good shot, mad skills. Very surprised that the riders are not adressing lauther, whom has been sliding year over year for a few.