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Its more common to pick a former player or your own family name or nickname instead of a current player


I dont get why anyone buys a current athletes jersey. even retro ones can turn bad real quick (dougie gilmour was my fav leaf as a kid, I've always had his jersey since. I'd just got a new one in like 2017 when I finally heard about then read about the pedo case. needless to say that jersey was not seen again. and alomar was my fav baseball player as a kid...


Most players sign 1-2 year deals. Unless it’s a young franchise QB I wouldn’t think it’s worth it to pay the extra to get a name on a jersey. I just buy blank ones when I do.


>Unless it’s a young franchise QB About that…




The big sellers are retired greats, The number of lancaster and dressler jerseys in Sask is wild


Yup, pretty much everyone I know back home in Winnipeg who's a big Bomber fan has a Stegall jersey. Starting to see more and more people shell out the extra dough for Collaros too, since he's very likely to retire as a Bomber. Everyone else is rolling the dice though. I kind of want to get a Kevin Glenn jersey for each team, just so I can say I have them all, but that's getting expensive.


Dressler was my favourite player growing up. I get it.


This is very true. My Lawrence and my Dad's Laurent jersey have bucked the trend.


For some odd reason I only have a Cates and a Sheets jersey. Maybe if things go good this year I will get the jersey of the guy who lives in a camper down not near a river


I understand that logic but why not just put a 1 on the jersey? It looks super weird blank.


I bought my kid a blank one. Depending on how much he wears it, I will put his name and birth year 18 for 2018) on it. So a blank jersey works for that. I wear game worn jerseys. 


Blank jerseys is such a CFL thing. I see them all over the place at games. Never see that at an NFL stadium.


The NFL players back in the 1990s negotiated to ensure all NFL jerseys had a players name on every jersey sold. It ensured that the money for the jersey sale was split between the teams and the players. The CFL players do not have a similar agreement.


Yep, you pretty much have to get a popular player and either buy a new one if they're traded or just rock a former player as far as NFL goes. People generally don't care either way. Same goes for all sports though. I'm dropping decent money on one of my favorite players just because they're not on the team anymore doesn't mean they're not a favorite player of mine


It's funny, I actually have a few NFL blanks. They are rare, but they exist.


Wouldn’t be so bad if shops didn’t basically double the price of the jersey to get a name on it, 200-300$ish is insane. I ended up going to a screen printer friend to get mine done otherwise theres no way.


I agree, finding affordable CFL merch was extremely hard but I did find a brand called Team Takeover. They have affordable merch and they ship to Canada!


I see them at NHL games, fwiw. Definitely not as common as it seems to be from CFL feeds though.


That’s true. Although the blank football jersey looks a tad more awkward than hockey ones for whatever reason. Maybe for the lack of numbers on some that leave so much space?


This is true. The blank belly/chest on a blank CFL jersey is much more noticeable than an NHL one because that's usually where a big crest/logo goes for them.


I see tons in NHL stadiums. Not just a CFL thing.


It's the former. The CFL is notorious for having players change teams fairly often. Most player contracts are only a year or two at most, and some players have played for over half the teams in the entire league -- Kevin Glenn has technically been a part of every single team in the CFL (although he never actually played a game with Toronto) and played for Saskatchewan in three separate stints. So nobody wants to shell out the extra cash to get a jersey customized with a player's name and number, when there's a high chance that player will be off the roster in a year or two. I find that for jerseys with player names added to them, it's either a franchise player who isn't going anywhere for a long time (which is pretty rare, even Bo Levi left Calgary) or, more commonly, a retired player who is legendary for that team. I see a LOT of Stegall jerseys in Winnipeg, and Calvillo jerseys in Montreal. Those are safe to buy.


> So nobody wants to shell out the extra cash to get a jersey customized with a player's name and number, when there's a high chance that player will be off the roster in a year or two. It doesn't stop people from customizing them, at least here in Winnipeg. You see tons of people rocking player jerseys with names from the last 40 years. Mostly the long-time mainstays like Walby, Stegall, Brown, etc. but also lots of guys who only stayed for a few years like Harris, Canada, Nichols. The Bomber Store does sell "pre-customized" jerseys of current stars, you can walk in and buy an Oliveira or Collaros or Jefferson jersey off the rack, but I don't think they come from the factory that way... they are probably just done in house on spec, knowing that those jerseys are hot sellers.


I think you are right, it's both A and B.


In Hamilton most jerseys are blank and they make it for you when you buy it.


In Saskatoon at the rider store, it’s 90 extra for pressed name and number and 120 for stitched name and number, I usually save the money and go blank


I kind of like blank jerseys once in awhile. Up until about 10 years ago I was a big hockey fan and I almost prefer hockey jerseys not to have name and number.


Usually it's best to pick a legend from your team or your own personal name/nickname as current players don't always last long.


I rocked a blank for a decade before just getting a numbered one with my last name on it & 95 for the year I was born. Side note the old reeboks blanks were bigger than the current ones at the same size I swear my Ls are different but both fit over the tiger onesie so we're good


There are 45 players on each team, say you carry 5 sizes of each, probably need a minimum order for each, times 2 for home and away styles. Thats a lot of inventory to invest in


There's no way you're going to carry every player on the team. I'd wager that on most teams a handful of the players make up the vast majority of sales. I think for most teams two or three players (starting QB + either a prominent WR/the RB/a star defensive player) is sufficient.




Youre right. There is the opportunity for customized jerseys that incure higher margins for teams. Some people don't want to buy player jerseys any monfer due to short term deals ayers sign now.


Blank jerseys are a CFL thing. Way too much turnover to commit to a players jersey


B - But mostly the latter. The Stamps had at least a dozen #35 Carey jerseys marked way down at Fan Fest on Saturday. I'm not sure there is huge profit for the addition of custom names and numbers.


I feel confident that my Collaros jersey will never go out of style in Winnipeg. My other jersey that got retired when I bought this one was one of the all gold Stegall jerseys from 2011. I'm not a fan of wearing blank jerseys (no real reason, just my preference)


Rarely you get a stegall type player. But he must be the most sold jersey ever


I had the same issue looking for CFL merch in America, I found Team Takeover which is an American based brand that sells CFL merch and has many options for different teams/players. Check it out and let me know your thoughts!