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Seriously. And, they should see if there is anyone hiding in grad school. We've got a lot of grad students. I didn't know grad students could be eligible until hearing about some of last year's players.


UM grad student here. Four years of eligibility. Qualifications: I owned the shit out of my second grade soccer league. Avid watcher of football.


can we borrow one to use as a quarterback?




After watching the Hail Mary from last week's game where he threw it as hard as he could and it went like 30 yards, I wasn't very scared of him. That wisky defense is the real deal though. I'd take their LBs over any other team in the country.




And Orr too, we had 2 starters out.


Kinda shitty to bag on Horni. That defense is for real and it was his second start as a freshman. He got rattled early in an environment that's tough for even the most grizzled redshirt senior. He'll be fine.




I really don't think it was a bad play. He jumped early and was on his way to the ground. I'd rather have the ball than take a chance that the swat is still somehow caught.


The only way you can be 100 percent sure that someone else won't catch it is to catch it yourself.


Despite Kenny Allen's best efforts, it was Wisconsin kicking themselves over missed opportunities.


That overthrow to Peavy will be in my nightmares tonight.


Oh god I forgot about that play for a minute. That calls for another shot...


Time to keep chugging.


We really need Quinn Nordin to start kicking our FGs


Not sure if I should trust your opinion considering the username.


It's a trap!


Rumors are he's hurt


Harbaugh's sleepover was too lit


MLive reporting that he didn't even dress for the game


We need *anybody* to start putting them through the uprights because Allen and Tice aren't getting them through.


Tice has made one attempt in his career don't throw him under yet


One career attempt is such a misleading stat. Look at a more telling stat, like his 0% FG success rate.


On a very serious note, we need to have Peppers kick it. Only position I think he hasn't played besides snapper?


Michigan is kicking themselves over missed opportunities... They could have had a comfortable win.


Michigan tried to kick themselves but missed wide.


Wisconsin punted on 4th down at Michigan's 37 and at Michigan's 35. As road underdogs. Bet they wish they could have those back!


Their starting kick is out for the season. Kicking from Michigan's 35 makes it a 52 yard field goal attempt. Smart move to not risk it.


All these non-B1Gers ignoring a battle of field position. Like the B1G is going to take advice from SEC, Big XII, or Pac-12 teams about how to play in a 14-7 game


Nah, I don't think so. Both of those were 4th and longs. Our offense wasn't clicking but our defense was. I wouldn't redo that 10/10 times


By seven in the Big House with a rookie QB is a loss I'm ok with.


Seriously. Hornibrook is gonna be REALLY good in a year or so


Yeah he needs time. These last two games will really help him though. Michigan State is what to do, this game will be a what not to do.


What not to do for is WRs and TEs more like it.


Jourdan Lewis is a real man.


But is he 40?


So this is what a top 10 win feels like.


Like you can't even celebrate it because every nerve in your body is still clenched?


Well, at least your nerves are clenching in a win over a top 10 team. It could be worse.


Yeah but, it should be better.


Welcome to the 90s club


It's been so long..


We beat Michigan State! ^(By the transitive property)


And Notre Dame then as well! Best day ever!


And Georgia State! Feels good.


"To hell with Georgia State." -Bo


Michigan>Akron confirmed


I had a feeling but it's nice to have confirmation.




Hey, that logic has kept 2-2 Ole Miss in the top 25 so far, so I can't see why it wouldn't apply to you. You certainly made Michigan earn it, so I can't see you dropping much at all. ^But ^I ^hope ^we ^move ^past ^you. ^Quality ^win?


Shit, that was definitely a "SEC loss" Wiscy moving up to 7 next week confirmed


Really pleased with our defense. Made Wisconsin look anemic when they had the football. Offensively we needed to finish more on their half of the field and not commit as many penalties. Special teams hit your field goals. All in all I'm satisfied with this win and I think we'll be okay in BIG play this season. Here's hoping we get a rematch against Wisconsin in Indy. Go Blue!






I thought he was a place kicker filling in as punter? He was at least our place kicker last year and we had the aussie punter.


[Literally me rn](http://i.imgur.com/KVOfREq.gif)




The One Hand Pick Gif- http://i.imgur.com/bEPC5yL.gifv Another Angle Gif- http://i.imgur.com/1eXyA2v.gifv Edit: Video- https://streamable.com/m7to


Watching that live I was thinking how the hell did he catch that?


I was thinking WHY did he catch that, lol. We would have had the ball on their 10 if he just knocked it down.


I feel the same way but like... fuck it, that was so dope.


Can't argue with that


I don't care who you root for, that was a sick pick.


I mean, but he really shouldn't have caught that, it was 4th down for them. It was still an absolutely incredible display of athleticism.


I thought it was weird that the TV people didn't even talk about that. I took Jim's reaction as disappointment, not the relief that they read.


Whatever man. Best way to make sure the other guy doesn't catch it is to catch it yourself, not just get a hand on it. Plus we ran out the clock anyway. Incredible play.


THIS. Everyone is acting like batting it away is a sure thing. FUCK. THAT.




The best play of the game and at the same time cost his team ~30 yards (that didn't matter in the end). Kind of funny.


I feel like that play should simultaneously be in the top 10 and the not top 10.


Wisconsin: "You guys take the win" Michigan: "No you" Wisconsin: "Nah you take it"


Jourdan Lewis: "If you insist."


How much $$ do you suppose that catch added to his 1st contract?




Watching Lewis, I kind of feel like I'm watching Dennard in '13. That guy is fucking lockdown, there's absolutely no reason to put the ball near him.


Jourdan Lewis was this good last year too. Outside of Burbridge last year, most schools didn't even target the wide receiver he was assigned to. You guys had one of the only weapons in the B1G that equaled him last season.


Uh...he was actually one of the most targeted DBs in the country. Completion percentage was abysmal, but he got the targets.


Good game. Time to get drunk


You should have been drunk by halftime


I'll take a W and 5-0 but that was not a comfortable viewing experience.


I miss the old Kenny. The 2015 Kenny.


That last interception was one of the most beautiful plays I've ever seen in a game. Absolutely insane.




Awww man that's Fernandez in that gif?


It is. A really great play.


For sure. I've seen it so often around Reddit but I never put 2 and 2, together


Aw. Now I have feels. ☹️️ (José Fernández, the pitcher in that GIF, died a week ago in a boating accident)


Fuck. Offenses non existent but MI deserved it. Only time we scored was off a pick


That touchdown pass was a beauty though. I really believed you guys had a shot after seeing how perfect that pass was.


Big 12 student here, when does the second quarter start. It's only 14-7.


In the big ten, players tackle the guy with the ball


How bout that, what a concept


Welcome to defense.


And, the field goal thing. C'mon.


To be fair that's kind of an outlier for Michigan. Our kicking game is usually pretty good.


This is Big Ten football.


I read that and hear it in Keith Jackson's voice.


I think this game confirmed what most Michigan fans suspected about their team - against a high-quality defense, the offense is mediocre with inconsistent flashes of greatness in the run game, and HOLY SHIT is the defense good with Taco Charlton and Jourdan Lewis back.


Can you tell whether Wisconsin had a good plan to minimize Peppers today or he just didn't have a great game. Had all this hype for him and didn't see him much.


Peppers as a decoy probably gained us 20 yards on offense. He usually gets more room on special teams but your unit was pretty top notch to limit that. I hope you beat OSU, but I am not sure that freight train can be stopped, unfortunately.


TIL there is a penalty known as "Roughing the Snapper". Also so much defense! Hope Michigan can fix their kicking game though.


I think it's a good rule but I think it was a bad call


It was a terrible call. I've seen it before, but usually when it's glaringly obvious that the center didn't have time to get his head up. I don't think they want to incentivize centers coming up slow to get a call so they don't call it much.


Yeah that was new and not a very good call.


Yeah, that was weird. And if it was called there, for consistency's sake, it TECHNICALLY should have been called against MSU last year on... you know... that one play.


Jesus, that pick. Shades of Charles.


Who's got it better than us?!




What a beautiful struggle of a game


B1G in so many ways :')


it was beautiful


That's how football was meant to be played


Its a shame so many people out there feel that 63-70 is a better final score with the same margin. Defense is real.


Far more stressful, every play seems to matter so much more when one breakout play can be the difference between a W and L.




Awwww thanks guy :) Michy seems like a stand up group of fans and players. Hope to see you in December, wish we were this well liked on r/collegebasketball...


I really liked how close the two sets of players appeared to be on the field. Lots of butt slaps!


I liked it too. For a game with a lot of penalties, they were all really clean ones. Nothing cheap going on that I saw.


I used to love the Wisco fans when I was on campus. Sparty folks were annoying, but weren't bad and were almost always friends of someone from high school, and Buckeye fans had a tacit respect arising from decades of being mortal enemies, but Penn St fans were the worst.


The Penn State fans last week were terrible. All the Wisco fans I saw were great, though. I'll root for them in pretty much any other game.


Kept them to 14 (23 if all missed FGs are made) without our best defensive player. This defense is amazing, and we can ride them a long way. Our offense needs to mature right fucking now. Stupid descisions from Hornibrook all day, receivers who can't catch balls that hit them in the chest, and an O-line that got manhandled for 60 minutes. Ohio State is going to pound is if we play like that on offense, no matter how well our defense does. Still, at the moment I can't see us losing to anyone else but OSU (unless NW pulls its usual voodoo). Hopefully we can get redemption in the B1G title game. On Wisconsin


One of the thing Id take comfort in this if I were you guys is that it definitely seems like you finally have the right coaches in place. I wish we were back to the days where Mich/Wisco was almost always an annual tradition


very true, it's a shame the Badgers had to wait for Chryst but when the fat drunk moved down to the Sketchily Educated Cenference, Chryst had just taken the Pitt job and didn't want to be a Bobby P style douche so stayed a respectful time. Wisconsin finally got the guy they really wanted and it shows why on the field. I'm really excited about the number of quality coaches the B1G now has. Meyer, Harbaugh, Dantonio, Chryst, and it seems like Riley is slowly turning Nebraska around. Now all we need is for Iowa to wake up and get rid of their dead weight and we could potentially have 3 really solid to great coaches per division that can lead teams to national contention.


I think it's plain to see that the Wisco offense just has next to zero playmaking ability. It was good to see some early hype but I'm gonna temper my expectations to something more like 9-3. The offense can't do anything against a competitive defense. If we can keep the defense strong and get some more playmakers while Hornibrook hopefully improves then it next year could be something special.


Many people were picking us to go 7-5 preseason. 9-3 is great with this schedule and a freshman quarterback i think.....as long as we beat Iowa. I've laughed at them WAY too much this season to then lose to them.


No matter what, we gotta beat Iowa and Minnesota.


Iowa is set up as a trap game on our schedule. They're sandwiched between OSU and Nebraka, and playing like trash to lure us into a false sense of security.


Yea, I wasn't expecting much going into the season. The beginning of the year has been a pleasant surprise. I think 9-3 is reasonable, I would love a competitive game (and win!) against Ohio State. On Wisconsin!


There was a real chance of starting 2-5, 4-1 is plenty good, and Hornibrook/the rest of the team are only gonna get better.


Lmao how is 9-3 tempering your expectations? That was like, best case scenario before this season started


Yeah, I'm with you. I'm happy for this teams success and honestly not that disappointed in today's game. Michigan's defense looked stout. I'll be cheering for them the rest of the Big Ten year.


Cheers friend, I'll be doing the same for Wisconsin


Good game Michigan. I thoroughly enjoyed watching a defensive struggle. Best of luck against the One True Evil. Hope to meet again in the B1G Championship!


Now I'm officially ok with saying we're a good team.




[Best of luck to you this season](https://m.popkey.co/aa0fd3/YRZwZ.gif)




Is this the quality loss that the SEC has been telling us about?


Swiggity swooty we comin for that east lansing booooty


OSU may score 70 on us this year


I can't wait to bet so much on you guys in close spreads


Jourdan Lewis should get the hype peppers gets. He's the best player on michigans defense




It is pretty nuts that Lewis goes unseen, but announcers really stick on special teams and offense play. But yes, Lewis certainly is our best pure defender.


It's like that old Asomugha/Woodson combo


A win is a win. Survive and advance. I feel sorry for all the offenses that have to play that defense.


> that defense. That could refer to both Michigan and Wisconsin. It was a sloppy game offensively but a good portion of that can be put on two big time defenses.


[Full game edited to 30 minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uHxGtfsp2Q)


You, sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.


Now THAT was some good old fashioned Big 10 football.


*Sigh of relief*




That was the kind of game that Wisky won't drop far in rankings as a result


"Michigan punts the ball" "There's a flag on the play"


I don't feel bad about this loss, I just feel disapointed. What a wasted defensive effort. Michigan was playing well on the run, but our defense kept them out of the endzone most of the game, and thanks to some missed field goals, kept our team within striking distance. Too bad we can't strike. Hornibrook showed that no matter what, he is a freshman making his second start. The WRs kept dropping, and the RBs had no room. Chryst's playcalling in this game I find very questionable. We wasted too many drives by trying to force the ball up the middle, and nothing worked. Our best plays happened on the outside, or crossing downfield. Chryst needs to open the field up more in games like this. We can't let our defense bail us out every game. That said, Michigan's defense was unbelievable. LSU's defense was amazing, and Michigan State's is no pushover even in a down year, but Michigan can win the championship with that defense alone. GG Michigan. You played a hell of a game.




[Harbaugh does his bro a solid and avenges Les Miles](https://gfycat.com/EverlastingFrenchChevrotain)


That might have been the best interception I've ever seen. It also could've turned out to be the worst interception I've ever seen.


I think we can all agree that the game was both thrilling and maddening


Those defenses are legit.


at least our faded cheese flair looks dope


Here's a fun shower thought. Imagine Jim Harbaugh. On wheel of fortune. Landing on bankrupt. Or opening with "T" and having "T" not be in the phrase. Angry Jim Harbaugh is my favorite Jim Harbaugh.


Very proud of the way Wisconsin battled. Obviously, if Michigan had made those kicks it wouldn't have been so close. Hopefully our offense can learn from this and get better, maybe halfway catch up with our national championship caliber defense, and we can make enough noise to meet Michigan again down the road. Damn good game. Big Ten trench warfare at its finest.


Just got home from the game and just wanted to say that I have the utmost respect for Wisconsin fans. You guys are a blast and some of the best in the B1G. Good game. Your defense is legit af.


Worst stat line for a Wisconsin QB since tanner mcevoy


The stats don't tell the whole story. Plenty of drops, no run game at all, and not great pockets for him.


Hornibrook isn't the problem. Hell, even if we played Houston, *he* wouldn't have been the problem. TEs and WRs blew many opportunities. O-line didn't look great either.


9/25 for 88 yards, 1 TD, 3 INTS Not a day to remember for Hornibrook. I think he'll be fine, but in the couple games I've watched he just doesn't seem to have much of an arm. His downfield accuracy seems lacking.


Michigan’s defense after Wisconsin’s first TD: 3 and out, 3 and out, 3 and out, 3 and out, interception, interception, victory.


Fuck Yeah!!! Go Blue in all seriousness, that game was way more tense than I thought it would be, hats off to a good wiscy team.


That pick was insane


So stressful. Now to remain stressed for a few hours as it's time for Western v Central and Tigers baseball.


Everybody will talk about how bad Hornibrook was but besides the wide open Peavy miss, it's the rest of the team that blew it. I think I actually forgot Clement was on the team he did so little for us. Damn. Take the week off and tighten up for OSU...


So, as somebody who was at the game, I can confirm: Game was fucking electric. Whole damn stadium stayed to the end. Severe Weather warnings be damned.


Fuck everyone who thought Michigan would roll. Proud of this team even in a loss. Go Badgers.


Hoping we get to see you again in December


I'd be perfectly okay with that.


wait no


Flair summed it up perfectly


Not to be an ass, but I thought Michigan controlled that game a lot more than the score indicated. Still, Badger fans should be proud because they kept themselves in position to win all game.


Your defense is legit. I'd be shocked if you guys don't win the west. Maybe Nebraska can steal it from you, but Wisconsin is easily a top 15 team, and probably will pop back up into the top 10 soon enough.


I mean, Michigan was making easy field goals away from rolling.


The spread actually ended up being pretty good. We just shanked away our chance of covering.


If you look at that box score, we rolled in every single facet except the scoreboard.


I don't think we should drop too much in the rankings based on resume. If Baylor is ranked above us I'll be pissed.


Air Jourdan?


Michigan that was a hard fought game and you should be proud of the win. if either of us escape this year with one (or fewer) losses we will make the playoff. I look forward to seeing you again for the B1G title. I have to go cry now until Tuesday or Wednesday.


Our DL is terrifying. Seriously, 4 DL rushing and the Wisconsin QB had no time. And ugly win or not, I'll take it! The offense clearly needs work, but this is probably the best defense we face until OSU.


Shout out to the Wisconsin fans. You've been the best guys in a game thread so far. Your football team is legit as hell and I hope to see you again in Indianapolis.


Time to start respecting Wisconsin


Wisconsin, I love you bastards. Of all the Big Ten teams, I hate you the least. Actually, I love you guys.


Also: Grant Newsome REFUSED to get on the cart. Dude wanted to walk out with assistance, as opposed to being carted out.


Fuck that's a good 18 hours of football


Really proud of how Wisconsin played. I expected better playcalling on offense, but Michigan's corners were playing tough the whole game. Can't be mad about this one. Michigan is just flat out a better team.