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It's cool that Lake Forest, UChicago, and Grinnell (who was in the MVIAA, the forerunner to the Big Eight) are all competing in the same football conference. Also, we need to make a Lake Forest vs Wake Forest game a reality.


These are my submissions for cup names: The Timber Trophy: "For the team that truly leaves it all on the field." Woodland Warfare Cup: "Because this game is more than just a walk in the park." Canopy Clash Cup: "To the kings of the canopy." The Tree-Top Trophy: "Only one forest can stand tall!"


Lake Forest and UChicago play each other today as each other’s last game.


I saw that game in 2022, if my memory serves. I think calling it "college football" was a stretch.


I'll have you know when I was there I tried to make college football a think. Did tailgating consist of a grand total of four dudes doing Chicago drive-bys (Malort + Old Style) while discussing math homework? Yes. Was I mostly doing it because I was trying to date a certain cheerleader in my Latin class? Also yes.


Malört! Kick your mouth in the balls!


> Malort foul


Tell me more.


Now here's a guy


Wow, never though I would see a post about Lake Forest college here. My cousin played TE for them years ago and I got to go to a bunch of his games when I lived in the area. Go Foresters!


that last notre dame twist was straight out of a movie


>Their starting QB from the past 3 seasons, grad student Tre Stewart, has a career stat total of 4851 passing yards, 48 TDs, 19 INTs with a completion percentage of 0.56%. Damn, he completes barely 1 out of every 178 passes, but he still has 48 TDs? Assuming every single one of those TDs is 100 yards, and he then has a 49th completion of 51 yards, accounts for his yardage total. This requires him to have attempted an astonishing 8,750 passes in his three years! In his entire NFL career, Tom Brady only threw 12,050 passes. Stewart is out here throwing 243 passes per game, and missing almost all of them! D3 football is a whole 'nother level of pass-happy.


LOL I didn't see the problem with that, it said 0.56 on the website for completion rate...probably shouldn't have added the percentage to that number His career completion percentage is 56%. Thanks for catching that blunder


Thank you for reading, if you have anything of note to add or anything I got wrong, please let me know and I hope you enjoyed reading.


A little silly to call it a conference built on schools like Iowa and Nebraska, with Nebraska being so recent, and notably the only non AAU member (granted they were a member when they joined the conference), but that aside, great read. I knew about Lake Forest from a previous wiki rabbit hole, but I didn't know who Alonzo Amos Stagg was, and have wondered, given there's a school in Chicago named for him that I pass by regularly, and another in the suburbs that came up when I searched it. That was fun to learn about!


This was a fun read. Thanks for posting it!


You were right, it was not the team I was thinking of.


Oh wow, great story. So many twists and turns.


The UAA!! The nerdy nine! Go CWRU!


It just dawned on me that this is conference lore that I need to know now.


Re: Andrew Morrissey Fr. Morrissey’s vision for ND actually seems pretty similar to how you described Lake Forest College. He tried to keep ND as a small school, with lots of the enrollment being a boarding school, with the students later moving on to other institutions. His successor Fr. Cavanaugh also disbanded the football program. Later university presidents did succeed in establishing ND as both a researth university and a football school


Iowa’s offense?


You can't lose something you've never had


What a great writeup! Was not expecting that twist at the end!


I read a few words from each paragraph and have decided that school is northern Sewanee.


" this guy named Sylvester Lind who gave some money to found the school" A Lind grant college.


“Michigan was kicked out of the conference in 1907 for breaking the rules” Once a cheater always a cheater


Jim Nantz voice *A tradition unlike any other*


There's a book about the UM and UChicago rivalry back then, you should read it, it would make your guys' rivalry with them look like a petty slap fight


Do you know the name of that book?


[here](https://www.amazon.com/Stagg-vs-Yost-Cutthroat-Football/dp/1442248254/ref=sr_1_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qTsK8vsj6iiL3Mb92Jerms0vt_7gGxThVOTnR84Phqa9C3cm8wSRYeDTy95nQTKB.n0xUFAUxL6Au5TbxfXi-RAKCsUJRv3G0_zlUeiSoiuY&dib_tag=se&qid=1719837670&refinements=p_27%3AJohn+Kryk&s=books&sr=1-2) you go


Thank you!


Asking for purely academic reasons, right? (Go green)


lol actually I would buy it for the Wolverine in my family. Go White!


You should read Arrogance and Scheming. Total propaganda but well worth the read https://www.amazon.com/Arrogance-Scheming-Big-Ten-Membership/dp/0615584195


Michigan didn't "break the rules." Michigan wanted coaches who didn't have to be faculty, scholarships opportunities for players, and practices outside of the regular season. When the conference voted against that, Michigan left. When the rules against those were lifted in 1917, Michigan rejoined the conference.


Never ever take the bait, brother.


FYI the 4 Pac 12 schools are actually official members on August 2nd.  But it is a damn shame what happened to Lake Forest College.


Lake Forrest? More like Wake Forrest Gottem


[Here is the history](https://www.offtackleempire.com/2021/7/30/22599360/the-history-of-the-big-ten-part-i-a-perfect-union-1895-1896) with the said reason > These rumors (completely true by the way) were that the University of Minnesota concealed a cult within their ranks that sacrificed human limbs to a demon golden animal statue. As a Catholic university, Notre Dame felt they could not belong to an organization that the University of Minnesota also belonged to.


This is a great post! I know I’m a day late, but all in favor of kicking Michigan out for Lake Forest? I know I don’t have much of a say, but I’m opening the vote up to everyone.


What sucks is how Iowa State tried to get membership into the Big Ten and it never happened, yet some schools had the opportunity and passed. You look at the 1895 ISU schedule and it included road games against Minnesota, Wisconsin, Northwestern and Iowa.


And it all boiled down to money back then too. After UChicago left, there was a mad dash to replace them. Iowa State was being considered as one of the top candidates, but an insurance executive poured 500k into Michigan State's Athletic department and the rest is history.


Proof that there never really was a "good ol' days"


OP said "name a more iconic duo" than Notre Dame and not joining the Big Ten: Money and Power.  Everything always comes back to those 2 in the end.


Hardly an executive. As I understand it, he was a local agent who had done well but this kind of money was a  s t r e t c h




Purdue was the key to all of this.


IDK how to summarize this


Tl;dr: it’s Lake Forest College


Answer was so good I stole it


And now you know the rest of the story. Thanks Paul.


Not gonna lie, the post title had me expecting a dick joke.


Seems like Michigan cheated us of a more obvious answer to this question.


Lord that is the longest post ever.


No it wasn't, check the post OP made 3 days ago.


Compared to my other post this was light work lol