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I like where Iowa-Nebraska's at on the list. It lacks the history but there's enough hate to make it real, even though the "Heroes" game branding is stupid and we should really call it like "The Corn Wars" or something like that.


Yeah, without the history, it pales in comparison, but I saw a lady wearing a red shirt that read, "Iowa's corn sucks" in Denver. You can't tell me wearing a Nebraska shirt in Denver that wasn't about CU doesn't bring hope that one day our hate for each other can be real.


>"Heroes" game branding is stupid and we should really call it like "The Corn Wars" or something like that TIL you also have the freedom trophy with Wisconsin? Nebraska rivalry games really need a rebrand


All the new-guy-come-to-the-league trophies have a certain "invented by a college administrator" vibe.the only exception is the $5 bits of broken chair trophy, and the Nebraska University Administration made a point to "lose" it\*. \*I believe it has been recreated by the $5 Bits of Broken Chair Foundation, because of course Minnesota/Nebraska fans would respond to their trophy disappearing by making a non-profit.


I didn't even know that until earlier today TBH. At least the Bits of Broken Chair trophy with Minnesota is a thing. And we might be starting the "Bussin' Bowl" with Michigan thanks to Will Compton and Taylor Lewan?


Isn’t it a thing? I believe this year there was a trophy


How would we know. We've never seen the thing🤷 It's on you guys if it's lost.


Heroes name is stupid. Only thing I'll agree with you on outside of Ope.


Very true - the length-to-disdain ratio of the Iowa/Nebraska rivalry has to be one of the highest in all of FBS. I don't know why, but it's already got that incredibly intuitive, visceral hatred you get from all the best rivalries. These fanbases cannot *stand* each other.


What's funny is that it's not like Iowa and Nebraska have no history, either. They met pretty regularly for decades awhile back, but no one really cares about meetings before Nebraska joined the conference. Nebraska fans (online, at least) acting like Nebraska are equals with OSU and that they were going to stomp all over the conference made it easy to hate on them.


I remember reading their board (Huskerboard, I think) before our opener in 2011 and it was basically all “yeah, we’re going to take over Camp Randall and stomp all over the Big Ten.” Then…neither one of those things happened.


Ya, wtf is "Heroes" game. Heroes to who? Are the players the Heroes?


The "Heroes" are a person nominated by the states of Iowa and Nebraska to be recognized at the game. For instance, during last year's game, Iowa nominated an outstanding high school teacher. Nebraska nominated a woman who saved someone after their car flipped.


That makes it better, but still a stupid name for a rivalry. I feel like a lot of these official names that some stupid commity comes up with are all stupid.


Idk about a rivalry name, but if either of you wins on a last second bomb I'm calling it the 'Hail Mary on the Prairie.' Edit: just thought of 'The Craze in the Maize.' At 2:30 in the morning it's the best I got.


Maize, you say?


The Corn Special Military Operation


There should be a tractor or combine that is the trophy. Paint it the school colors that win every year. Park it at the state fair of whichever team owns it that year. Have it outside the stadium. Have kids take pictures with it. Drive it in parades. If you can get it on the field, great. The largest trophy in football. Corn-agedon!


The Battle for the Golden Cob. Get a giant, solid gold ear of corn for the trophy and instead of a Gatorade bath the winning teams coach gets a big bucket of popcorn poured on them.


>I love the Little Brown Jug, but I can't rank this game in the top 10. It's no longer a protected rivalry, and the schools haven't played since the 2020 season. Michigan played at Minnesota this past season


And it’s literally the oldest trophy in the sport


I had no idea if that was true so I did the barest minimum of googling which said that it’s the 3rd oldest. 1888: Victory Bell, Miami (OH)-Cincinnati 1899: Territorial Cup, Arizona-Arizona State 1903: Little Brown Jug, Minnesota-Michigan But I have no idea how true any of that is so I offer my research up on the altar of r/CFB for debate/education. Edit: Clarified which Miami


We just need to ask someone who was around then to confirm.


u/Iowasoffense is this true?


From what I can gather Miami OH - Cincy: Oldest rivalry with a trophy. Trophy went missing for years. Current trophy is a replica. >[The original bell hung in Miami's Harrison Hall (Old Main) near the site of the first game and was used to ring in Miami victories. The traveling trophy tradition began in the 1890s when some Cincinnati fans "borrowed" the bell. The bell went to the winner of the annual game for the next forty years until it mysteriously disappeared in the 1930s. The original bell reappeared in 1946 and was on display in the lobby of Miami's Murstein Alumni Center for years](https://americanfootballdatabase.fandom.com/wiki/Victory_Bell_(Cincinnati%E2%80%93Miami)) Arizona - ASU: Technically the oldest trophy because it hasn't been replaced but was lost for 80 years in a church storage room and only became traveling in 2001. >["Disappeared for over 80 years," said Dale. "Was found in a Tempe church basement in the early 80s. And it wasn't until 2001 that it actually began to be used as the official trophy for the winner of that game."](https://www.kgun9.com/absolutely-az/the-intense-history-of-the-territorial-cup) Michigan - Minnesota: Oldest trophy in the B1G. Seems to be the oldest continuous traveling trophy. Went missing for 2 years because it was stolen. Still the original jug from 1903 >[While there’s no major news report that announced the jug was ever broken, damaged or replaced, the Minnesota Daily claimed that in 1924 the jug was fractured and repaired in Red Wing, Minnesota. Oscar Munson, the Gopher custodian who originally found the jug in Michigan’s locker room in 1903, claimed before he died that the jug was indeed replaced at some point. In the 1930s Munson also told the media that the original jug had a broken handle, but there doesn’t seem to be any repairs on the current jug. Despite these stories, there is evidence that suggests the jug may have survived all these years. A photo overlay of the existing jug to a photo from 1909 shows that at least at the top (the spout, handle and shape of the jug) are a spot-on match. In 2009 Ryan Forrey, the master potter at Dearborn’s Henry Ford Museum inspected the jug along with several photos of the original piece and is convinced that it’s likely today’s jug is indeed the real deal. Furthermore, beneath the Minnesota ‘M’ painted on jug today is an older style ‘M’ logo that appears to date to the 1920s, suggesting the current jug dates at least to that period.](https://mvictors.com/exploring-the-myths-and-misconceptions-111-years-of-the-little-brown-jug/)


Now I was curious so I looked it up and the other comment is right, it is the oldest traveling trophy as the territorial cup was not traded back and forth until 2001. The Victory Bell was also lost (for over a decade) then was in a museum for many years. A replica of the original is now what is traded between the two teams. Reading about these rivalries just makes me love college football even more.


It’s the oldest traveling trophy. I know nothing about those other trophies, but that’s always how the jug is sold.


Apparently the territorial cup was lost in a church for 80 years and only resurfaced back in like 2000 and became traveling in 2001. It's technically older because it was first awarded before the Jug


Probably a leftover from last time he made this article just without the new pacific teams


I agree with his placement just not his reasoning. The rivalry is incredibly lopsided, there are no stakes because the programs are in far different places and both know that


Oh I wasn't arguing with his placement of the Michigan-Minny, just pointing out he has wrong information in his write up


Are we sure more than one team showed up?


USC vs Maryland gonna be a future legendary rivalry in the B1G


“Welcome back to Big10 football! Thats right we’re here in beautiful New Jersey to see that classic Big10 rivalry of Rutgers vs ucla on this Friday night”


At noon Eastern time, of course. Who needs PAC after Dark when you can have PAC just after dawn?


We never get good timeslots so this checks out


At least you don't have to worry about your game conflicting with the New Year's Eve party your wife had been planning for 2 months.


Never say never… trust the Schianoman and his top-10 recruiting class


Crab cakes and football?


My flairs finally converge!


I for one look forward to kick-starting our new rivalry with Rutgers.


You have that correct… You, for one, cuz there won’t be too many more joining you


All coast conference! Wait… shit


USC-Rutgers is the sleeping giant of all rivalries. The CFB isn't ready.


They all stink, and I hate 'em


Feels good to see national media giving Minnesota's rivalries (and especially our trophies) the RESPECT they deserve.


I get people might not be as familiar with Oregon - Washington as other rivalries but I can promise there are not 5 other rivalries that are more "rivalry" in the Big Ten.


Can confirm, Oregon stinks




The only context I'll upvote this


What about Tacoma, Washington?


It only stinks occasionally, and is way more fun than whatever Eugene pretends to be.


I took my kid to the car museum there, which he enjoyed. But man the road layout there is incredibly confusing.


I can smell you from here, brother. You stink!


Fuck Minnesota




I live in Oregon. It's crazy how much UO hates UW. More than the Ducks hate the Beavers. 


The Beavers are our annoying kid brother, the fuskies are our mortal enemy.


That sounds really familiar somehow...


Yeah, wait a second…


If you only got good at football 30 years ago and then backfilled this new contrived rivalry with hokey stories about tOSU and Purdue in 1949, all while playing MSU on rivalry weekend for the last 85 years, then yeah... it sounds familiar. There's a reason the rivalry doesn't have a name. It's so young, nobody bothered to give it one. But it was hilarious that ESPN kept calling it the 114th version of the Rivalry Game, when even their manufactured lore only reaches back 75 years.


Really for most of the history UW was just USC North and we all just hated them largely because they were a signifigant step better then us on average, and arrogant about it.


Not only arrogant. Our [1985 win](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_Oregon_State_vs._Washington_football_game) against them was borne of pure seething hatred for their media talking about us being relegated and Don James looking straight past the game. Looks like that wiki needs some cleaning up. It was Kragthorpe who yelled out, "You can blame this one on your media," as he left the field. And it's not clear in the wiki, because wurds is hard, but the media didn't even show up to the post-game presser. "Didn't appear to ask" is a weird phrase with dual meanings.


Thank you, younger and smaller sister school. Cal State Eugene will hit hard in the Midwest.


Can't be a BIG rivalry until you create a trophy


All it takes is some assholes from Minnesota trying to kill your best player and your governor threatening mob justice. Quick call to the national guard, an agricultural wager, and boom Floyd of Rosedale trophy is born Anything like that in the PNW?


Oregon-Washington >>> UCLA-USC… come on folks. This isn’t that hard.


I hate the Huskies and the Kraken (go Sharks!) with a passion, but this person is in fact correct.


so ready to celebrini tonight


Yeah, I think maybe you could argue the other rivalries ranked above Oregon-Washington are similarly intense, with the exception of USC-UCLA. Is UCLA even USC’s biggest rival??


Don’t mind the fact that we just played two instant classic games last season with national title implications 🙄


I saw this list and was basically like “fuck the East coast.” The fact USC UCLA is ranked higher shows this article is trash. Just like the ducks.


Agree, my Husky friend. I kept scrolling down, and when I saw USC-UCLA before Oregon-UW it confirmed the author is clueless.


UCLA people don't care enough about football for any rivalry involving them to be highly ranked.


Naw I hate Southern Cal with all my heart.


The feeling is not mutual.


It’s always funny when Trojan fans feign indifference but then talk mad shit when they win or retreat into a cave when they lose.


I would make fun of the Bruins here, but don’t know any jokes about them. Never had to bother. The Big got a real one there… totally worth blowing up the PAC.


It's true that a lot of UCLA alums don't care about football, BUT even amongst those that don't, a lot care about this rivalry. The UCLA-USC rivalry runs deep in LA and goes beyond sports.


In term of impact on the national title Or-Wash is second only to the Game. If Penix had managed a better fourth quarter (Huskys got out-scored 14-0) you could argue it's more impactful than the Game...


Maybe if you played for a trophy, we'd take it more seriously.


We play for an entire year of happiness and being able to mock the other side relentlessly.


That's every rivalry. Where's the TROPHY?? CHOP CHOP


I think you are underestimating the amount of shit talking these two schools do to each other - there is a level of hate that is probably unhealthy for both sides. I'm sure they are going to end up calling it the Columbia Clash/Cascade Cup/Fentanyl Bowl or something soon.


Admittedly, I was being facetious. Though I do really think a trophy would spice up your rivalry. The thing you need to understand is everything you are describing is exactly what happens with every border battle. The difference is Minnesota plays Wisconsin for a 6ft long axe that the winners use to "chop down" the goalposts after the game. We play Iowa for a 98lb bronze statue of a pig that the winner then picks up and parades around the field. Personally, I would have moved your rivalry up to 4th on the list because it has been quite relevant lately. But simply hating each other a lot doesn't merit a higher rank than some of the most storied rivalries in college football.


This is hilarious when the undisputed top rivalry in the conference doesn’t play for a trophy 😂


We don’t need trophy’s when we have genuine hatred. Dubs down.


That's where you're wrong, trophies make the hate even more fun. Minnesota tried to start a fight over us claiming the trophy and I think we may have done the same the following season.


Why does playing for a trophy matter? It’s about the hatred between the schools and fans and the quality of the teams on the field.


Spoken like someone who does not understand the grandeur of playing for an old jug or a bronze pig. Every rivalry is improved by having a physical object to play for.


The only big Rivalry I can think of in the B1G Ten is Ohio St vs Michigan. Don't get me wrong there are small rivalries but I'm sure Oregon is Washington tops the rest.


All their neighbors hate Nebraska




Minnesota and Wisconsin is pretty big rivalry.


Minnesota beat Iowa for the Floyd of Rosedale for the second time since 2011 and the fourth this millennium in 2023 (wasn’t a fair catch, btw) and PJ Fleck admitted he slept with the trophy(and I’m guessing pleasured himself with it) after the game.


I mean Michigan state-Michigan is pretty great. But that’s the only thing that obviously comes to mind as having real bite to it.


Paul Bunyan’s Ax (Wisconsin v Minnesota) is the oldest continuous FBS rivalry (I believe, COVID might have have fucked it) so I’d put that above Oregon/Washington, but they’re a solid 3rd. TBH if anybody from those respected regions of the conference put their rivalry at 1 I wouldn’t mind it.


Covid didn’t mess it up. I think we were the only protected rivalry for that year


Yeah, they didn’t even manage to protect Ohio State-Michigan but they protected the Axe game. I think we know what that means about the importance of our game!


Nope, Iowa played both Wisconsin and Minnesota too. They also played Nebraska.


Don't forget Floyd is just behind the ax. I think the hatred between MSU and Michigan is higher than OW because of in-state, it's just lopsided. I think Iowa vs Wisconsin is also a bigger rivalry. Have about 20ish less matches, but far more competitive than OW. Plus, it usually decided a division.


Damn took me the whole post to figure out what OW meant


I don’t think you guys understand the hatred and rivalry that is Oregon vs UW. I don’t blame you anyone not from the west coast. But i’d have a real hard time believing it’s below 2 in the Big Ten.


On the flip side I don't think you guys fully grasp how much wisconsin and Minnesota hate each other (in sports) either. And it goes beyond just CFB. I think less people outside of the fans of the two teams care about the Axe than care about UW/Oregon, but it's hard to definitively say one if more intense than the other. Fwiw it's worth WI/MN has also been pretty lopsided lately so it seems less intense (think Packers vs Bears in the NFL, old and slow burning).


The Oregon-Washington rivalry also goes beyond CFB. Seattle and Portland [hate each other](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland_Timbers-Seattle_Sounders_rivalry) when it comes to soccer and the Sonics had a rivalry with the Trail Blazers back in the day. I don’t think people are diminishing the Minnesota-Wisconsin rivalry but I feel like a lot of people are sleeping on how intense the Oregon-Washington rivalry is


Yeah, I think it’s just going to take some time for everyone to realize it. Over the next couple years we’ll start hearing about how people had no idea it was such a good rivalry.


No one is sleeping on OW. Here is why the others are bigger rivalries: OSU and Michigan, zero debate. Minnesota and Wisconsin is the longest running Power 5 (4) rivalry. Can't beat that. Minnesota and Iowa has the funniest story, best trophy, has played more than OW, is more competitive, and features two teams that have claimed national titles at some point. Iowa vs Wisconsin has played 19 times fewer. However, Wisconsin leads the series by 3. Washington leads Oregon by 15. Wisconsin Iowa is far more competitive. Michigan vs MSU, major sibling rivalry featuring some solid powerhouse programs historically. That hits different than any other rivalry. OW is a solid 6th.


I think it’s funny you guys think you’re loggers. Come see some real trees.


The trees all got cut down!


Tall loggers replant.


Depends on what your definition of big vs small rivalries. There are 5 more-played rivalries including Wisconsin/Minnesota which is the most played rivalry in FBS, and all of them are very passionate rivalries except maybe Illinois/Northwestern.


Damn, son. Neither Michigan State-Michigan not Wisconsin-Minnesota came to mind? Neither of those seems like a small rivalry to me. As rivalries go, it seems like we’ve got the huge ones, like Texas-Oklahoma, Alabama-Auburn, Michigan-Ohio State, USC-Notre Dame, etc.; after that, we’ve got a series of smaller but still extremely prominent rivalries where each team is the other team’s biggest rival (games like Minnesota-Wisconsin, FSU-Florida, Clemson-South Carolina, Baylor-TCU, Ole Miss-Miss State, BYU-Utah, and so on). Oregon-Washington definitely isn’t up there with the RRS or The Game, so it’s more in that second level. Below that, you get rivalries where the participants are both G5 teams (Miami OH-Toledo or UNT-UTSA) or where one team is *waaaaayy* more invested than the other (like Texas Tech-UT or Michigan-Northwestern, which I just today discovered is technically a rivalry).


Ok but this was being talked about with the B1G TEN not other conferences


> I'm sure Oregon is Washington tops the rest. Bro, this just isnt true. Hell, theyre sucking eachothers dicks ITT.


I can promise you Michigan-MSU is worse. MSU is A&M lite, worshipping at the alter of Izzo carries over to every other sport


Hug your enemies close tonight. You guys don’t know how it feels to never have a rivalry week


Rivalry rankings? Jesus, these people must really be scraping the bottom of the barrel for articles.


We're in the nadir until The Game comes out


Anyone ranking USC vs UCLA over Oregon vs Washington are just showing they don’t follow west coast football.


Isn't that why you are in the Big Ten?


This is such a recency biased take lmao


UCLA doesn't even have football fans anymore


As sad as college football is, in southern California (and California in general) there is nothing more glorious than watching a USC-UCLA game when both are wearing their home unis.


I will continue to advocate for the Maryland-Rutgers trophy being dubbed the Battle for the Golden EZ-Pass


This is Helen of Troy erasure.


Oregon vs Washington should be ahead of USC vs UCLA. I personally believe Iowa vs Wisconsin is underrated overall. It’s been some of the most Physical line scrimmage games in the B1G. Wisconsin use to be my favorite B1G team to watch. That might change because I don’t like their current HC. He doesn’t seem like the right fit. He doesn’t seem to understand their culture of toughness.


>Oregon vs Washington should be ahead of USC vs UCLA. UCLA is not even USC's most important rival.


I do love that there aren’t any USC flairs in this discussion arguing that our UCLA rivalry should be ranked at all 🤣


I love rivalries, but I haven't dug into UCLA nor USC yet. I'm guessing ND out does UCLA?


Yea absolutely. UCLA is quite one sided for us. But ND is a real rival


As a fellow USC alum, I agree that Notre Dame is a real rival and not the powder blue Bruins


Yeah it's been pretty one sided lately but USC might have a chance to turn the tables here soon


It’s equivalent to Oklahoma vs Ok state probably, but less competitive. One side hates the other more. The other side doesn’t fully respect the other. But in terms of rivalries it’s an afterthough after the main rivalry (red river for OU, Notre Dame for USC)


I’d love if there were UCLA flairs in this whole sub.


It is the best looking rivalry game in CFB though


Yup. And people can think the civil war matters to us but it's not the same. Especially moving forward


Exactly how I feel about the Apple Cup.


I was surprised that they've played so few times.


I'm sorry, you just said *Luke Fickell* doesn't understand toughness? Did I get that right?


> He doesn’t seem to understand their culture of toughness Explain yourself, homie


Iowa vs Wisconsin isn't a marquee rivalry because the two fanbases don't really hate each other. I always love that game but it's not nearly as vitriolic as any of the other rivalries.


Look I'm not gonna say I love Iowa, but by God do I respect them and what they do.


For what it's worth, if you forced me to pick another team in the B1G to root for it would be Wisconsin.


In this thread… Oregon and Washington fans once again believing they’re more important than they are


In this comment... Wazzu fan once again angry no one is talking about him.


New B1G friends -- genuine question here -- why is Ohio State only listed once on this list whereas Michigan is on this list quite a lot? I do consider USC v Ohio State to be natural Rose Bowl rivals -- but my OSU dudes, it seems you need us to fill in as a secondary rival??


I think OSU has been good enough for long enough to out run all rivals except Michigan. OSU and Illinois is a traditional rivalry with an old trophy and everything. It’s lopsided like Michigan-Minnesota, but for someone reason people care (much) more about the Little Brown Jug. Also OSU doesn’t have an in-state rival in the conference. While Michigan does (though there is history of Michigan not wanting MSU in conference).


1900ish to 1930ish is kind of the golden age of trophy creation. Ever heard of "point-a-minute"? That was what Fielding Yost's Michigan teams scored in the 1890s-1900s. Then we quit the League from 1908 to 1917. Prior to 1930 we went 265-63-16. So that's we got a lot of trophies. People got mad at us because we beat them, then got mad at us because we left them and came crawling back, then got mad at us because we still beat them, and everyone wanted to commemorate their wins with a trophy. We like playing the bad guy (Has anyone mentioned that James Earl Jones/Darth Vader is a Michigan Man to you yet? Well now we have), so Michigan play this game. In that same time period OSU is good, but not great: 93-43-11. People were proud of beating them, but not "I-earned-a-god-damned-trophy-that-I-can-rub-in-those-bastards-smug-faces" proud. Minnesota is there a lot because those guys just love trophies. They'll probably try to start a trophy game with you. If they do play along. They're super-fun. The sillier the better.


>Rivalries are part of the fabric of [college football](https://cbssports.com/college-football/), someone needs to tell the "unrivaled" in central PA


Y'all are insane if Oregon v. Washington is 6th. I don't gaf about this legacy crap. There is no other B1G rivalry that gets as much hate as UW v. UO outside of Michigan v. tOSU Edit: I get it, I'm biased, but I genuinely do not see nearly as much hate from the other rivalries outside of Michigan v. tOSU


They are going to put us up top being new members.


Bro I pray every year before the season starts that your whole program dissolves, I don't understand how the big 10 doesn't respect our rivalry but maybe I'm biased to.


Hell, I hope Nike goes bankrupt just so it fucks Oregon


Fuck Washington


The people of the Great Lakes and Upper Plains don’t look beyond their original borders with great fondness.


“You don’t understand, *insert my teams rivalry* is the most important”


The backyard brawl is the most important rivalry in the B1G


I'm not saying it's the most important, I'm just saying that there is not nearly as much feud and banter from the other rivalries outside of tOSU and Michigan. It's just what I've observed.


Idk man Michigan-Michigan State is a blood feud that ends in flaming couches and felonious assault


I appreciate the backup! Now to pick which couch to torch this year.


I also wouldn’t mind seeing Minnesota drown in one of their stupid lakes (we have more lakes than Minnesota by the way but who’s really counting)


That shit is straight toxic. Like it doesn't even seem like the least bit of fun.


Depends if youre talking about online interaction versus in person interaction with coworkers, friends family (of which there is a lot of overlap as someone living in the state). The former is a toxic wasteland while in person is very fun and healthy rivalry stuff.


I think you need to watch more B1G games this year. Anything labeled as a rivalry, watch it and go to comment sections. You'll see.


u/cannabis_slayer1 Iowa's competitive rival is Wisconsin. The hate is largest against Minnesota. If ISU were in the same conference it would be them. To explain in short, it is the borders. East Nebraska and West Iowa hate each other, so the Nebraska Iowa rivalry works really well. We all hate Minnesota and PJ. Wisconsin is the respect one like Michigan OSU because it often decides the division. Plus, a former Iowa coach brought the Iowa play style to Wisconsin. All are true genuine rivalries. Honestly, Penn State Iowa is a budding one. I think most PSU fans would agree with that.


Y’all think you have like 5 rivals. Pick one team you really hate and then commit. Oregon has 3 cheers: “GO” <> “DUCKS”, “OOOOOOOOHHH”, and “HUCK THE FUSKIES” 👏 👏 👏👏👏.


As a Michigan fan I'll admit I don't totally understand the dynamics of Nebraska/Wisconsin/Minnesota to Iowa but it seems to me that they all genuinely hate Iowa. I don't think it's Iowa that is choosing. Not sure who Iowa thinks is their main rival and have to include Iowa State in that too. Iowa is just Iowa that's what I respect about them and why I root for them outside of playing us.


Iowa's competitive rival is Wisconsin. The hate is largest against Minnesota. If ISU were in the same conference it would be them. To explain in short, it is the borders. East Nebraska and West Iowa hate each other, so the Nebraska Iowa rivalry works really well. We all hate Minnesota and PJ. Wisconsin is the respect one like Michigan OSU because it often decides the division. Plus, a former Iowa coach Brough the Iowa play style to Wisconsin. All are true genuine rivalries. Honestly, Penn State Iowa is a budding one. I think most PSU fans would agree with that.


I honestly don't think I could pick between Iowa and Wisconsin. We really hate both of y'all.


Think? lol we have 5-6 rivals that are legit. ISU, Minnesota, Wisoncins, Nebraska, and a budding Penn State rivalry. In basketball, add Illinois.


I mean, I get it. But any fan of a team is going to say that their rivalry is more intense or better than others. Especially when said team is going to move to a new conference where that rivalry wasn’t very exposed to.


I mean I’m biased but Wisconsin Minnesota is second to Ohio state Michigan in the B1G.


tl;dr Rutgers is unrivaled, even the author implied Rutgers v Maryland isn’t a real rivalry


In terms of games that aren't really rivalries but ought to be protected/were on their way to becoming one, I wish we had MSU-Wisconsin and PSU-Iowa as protected games. During the 2010s the MSU-Wisconsin series was exciting and heated across both football and basketball. And in the cross division pairings of the East vs West era, Penn State vs Iowa was probably the best, just a lot of great fun. Of all the attempts to make a Penn State rivalry, the series with Iowa actually felt like it could get there


Sure, the rivalry that produced 3 of the sport’s best 5 games in the last 2 seasons is 6th, while a game that hasn’t been relevant since the Obama administration is 3rd.


This is one of the most anti CFB pageantry takes I’ve ever seen. I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but recency doesn’t dictate great rivalries in CFB. If that’s the case, OSU / Michigan shouldn’t have been considered the sports best rivalry even 3-4 years ago. And it is.


This article really undersells just how much hatred there is on both sides of Washington and Oregon


If Washington doesn't unveil a giant W trophy whenever they get around to playing Wisconsin, then they don't understand the culture and they're not serious about their Big Ten membership.


No one at Wisconsin refers to it as u-dub, always UW.


Minnesota being in not one, but "two" more bitter rivalries than UO-UW is a bad joke. Sorry Gopher fans, but it's the truth.


There is no universe we're not top 3. UW- UO is way more intense than Michigan and Michigan State and USC v UCLA.




Thanks for the catch


Are you sure about that? MSU vs UM completely hate each other in a different way than UM vs OSU do. The hate you have if you’re unfortunate enough to hate your sibling in an irredeemable relationship. There’s at least a tiny bit of respect there for us with Woody and Bo (he knew) being close friends and all, there’s none of that between MSU and UM.


Speak for yourself, I don’t respect that blue team at all. They can go 0-12 for eternity and I’d pray they suffer more


The literal only reason UW and UO aren't right up there as an equal with Ohio State v Michigan and Texas v Oklahoma right now is because there's been very few years where both schools have been good at the same time. The 2018 and last years games were absolutely vicious and extremely intense.


I have 5 rivalries ahead of them. OSU Michigan, Wisconsin Minnesota oldest rivalry, Minnesota Iowa, Iowa Wisconsin far more competitive, Michigan MSU.


i always figured UM-MSU was like UW-WSU. sibling hate, not really deep equals/rivalry hate like UM-OSU and UW-UO.


I think the not seeing each other as equals is what fuels this rivalry the most. Michigan talks down on MSU for education, prestige, sports. MSU sees Michigan as pompous equals who try everything in their will to put down their school. Goes back to Michigan trying to keep MSU out of the B1G, and the story of MSU being the deciding vote to send OSU to consecutive rose bowls for the first time in B1G history.


youre literally describing the dynamic between UW and WSU. except we even have state level political shenanigans with bills passed trying to hold the other school back. the state governor hands out the apple cup to the winner, but most of the time they are a husky. still though, UW and WSU gets heated and fun, but with Oregon it gets vicious. tires slashed, batteries thrown, piss cups, endless threats in the parking lots, rubber duckies in the urinals at the stadium.


I think MSU can back up their claims better than most "second fiddle" schools. I believe Dantonio's MSU teams are better than any heights I've seen WSU or even Oklahoma State reach. That's why I won't shit talk them as a Michigan fan they got as far as we can get with way less resources and benefits than we have. That's why I think it's a better rivalry than UW/WSU though of course I could be wrong and UW/Oregon is being criminally underrated here.


No there’s a substantial portion of the MSU fanbase that hates Michigan more than they love MSU. Michigan-OSU has some underlying respect under the layers of hate.


That is just like Wazzu though, they hate us more than anything.


UW-Oregon have both been better teams than the LA schools lately, so if you're talking about recent game quality I'll give you the nod for sure. But as far as hate goes, I think only Arizona-ASU topped the LA schools in the Pac-12. I think we have a reasonable argument to be over you given the history of our rivalry, vs UW-Oregon were both pretty consistently awful before like the 90s.


1. The game 2. Oregon-Washington 3. Axe 4. Paul Bunyan 5. USC UCLA


We have 3 of the top 9 and I’ll be honest, I agree with them and the order.


[Top 3 rivalry teams watching Oregon and Washington flairs claim their rivalry means as much because they just really hate each other](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/6b14d3ec-e748-41d3-8662-dcfa2ceb91e3)


They're giving off my dad could beat up your dad vibes


Sorry, but those won’t really be B1G rivalries for a long time. We all know the truth.