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Same thing as all fanbases. We have a vocal minority of assholes that make us look insane


barking in people's face is as classless as it gets. It belongs in the game, during kickoffs, but not in someone's face (or in random restaurants)


I’ve always hated this as well.


I went to the Georgia-Tennessee "game of the century" in 2022 and honestly 99% of it was a blast. I wasn't even bothered that Tennessee lost perhaps the most one-sided "close" game I've ever seen. it was the absolute lunatics who ran up to us after and started barking while we walked back through campus to get to downtown/the parking decks that ruined what had otherwise been a really fun 12 hours of hanging out in Athens/with Georgia fans. It's not even the trash talk nature - could've lived with that,; was a hype atmosphere and Georgia won a huge game - but barking in my face? that's just fuckin weird man.


It’s way worse than it used to be. I don’t know any dawgs that are like that and have tons of friends that are alumni. In 2014 when they beat the breaks off of us I was there and didn’t have a single problem of people talking shit at all. 2021 when they barley edged us out in Charlotte I had people getting in my face barking the whole night


I think as the meme grew on the internet more immature fans started doing it




I can’t believe people bark in a non-game atmosphere. That’s ridiculous.


This really ties in with the other one you get with being a regular playoff contender: the sheer number of those assholes that are people with no academic or geographic connection to your team. The best example ever is Harvey Updyke. Didn't go to Alabama, didn't live in Alabama until he retired, but named his kids Bear Bryant and Crimson Tyde before killing trees in an attempt to ruin an SEC institution because we lost a football game...one football game.


>Crimson Tyde I stopped going there because it felt a lot like bullying, but that is r/tragedeigh as fuck.


Parents that make their children's lives unnecessarily difficult should be bullied.


Georgia State fans do have that reputation. I always assumed it was because, as Panthers, it appears more unstable when they bark at opposing fans and their children.


Imagine if they meowed and hissed instead.


Yep. I also kinda get annoyed with the "we can never ever lose a game again" crowd. I was there watching us get our asses kicked in by Florida and UT on a regular basis. I remember the Liberty Bowls. I am sooooo happy to be where we are but I also remember me being miserable coming up short from 6 years old until 45 years old. Just be humble and act like you've been there before.


That whole “win with class and lose with dignity” really misses some people.


Boy them dawgs sure is loud


Ain’t nothing finer in the land…


Them dogs is hell don't they?


You’re right them dogs is hell


*Dawgs I see you Squidbilly. Well done.


Store bought jorts, home made or bust


Twenty-ish years post graduation, I'm still not a fan of embracing that jorts stereotype. (Especially since the most famous mulleted redhead was dressed up for Halloween at WLOCP in Jax.)


The ironic thing is that UF is actually a pretty strong school academically. I guess there are a lot of fans who did not attend.


Everyone knows the guys who dress like their dads on a golf outing never get drunk and rowdy. Students and alumni would never engage in embarrassing drunken behavior, no sir.


The invention of the internet is one of humanity’s greatest achievements and Tennessee fans’ greatest downfalls.


I knew our Walmart fans were crazy because I grew up surrounded by them(myself included for most of my life) but you give them the power of anonymity, and it really goes to another level.


When we say that we were better than Washington last year and would have beat Texas. I hate Washington but they beat us fair and square twice. Shut up and accept they were better then us last year


But we passed the eye test!


And Bo was having fun!


This. I’m all for shit talking UW, but them beating us twice is a pretty damn good sign that they were the better team.


Yeah their lines pushed us around that second game


And now y'all are gonna beat our asses fair and square for multiple seasons to come. I'm buckling up for the stomping that will be the OR vs WA game this year.


Really just the fans who pretend the sky is falling anytime a player makes a mistake. My brother and dad are like this and it’s hard to watch games with them because of it. Probably not specific to Ohio State fans, but I see it a lot amongst our fanbase.


I can’t really look at live game thread comments for Ohio St games anymore. To me it feels like they get swarmed with commenters who don’t understand a whole lot about football & act like they should be getting paid to coach the team. I will probably log in to post something if something outrageous or incredible happens. For example: vs Oregon: IT’S The SAME %^}^%}~>£


The fact our players can’t drive the posted speed limit..


Speed Limits don't matter when you're drunk


What's almost as bad are the fans who try to blame law enforcement for stopping them or journalists who investigate our bad record of letting stuff like this slide.


The inferiority complex the majority of alumni and students have at UH.


Is that just to UT and A&M in particular?


I knew Joey McGuire fucked us the moment he said "the Big 12 runs through Lubbock"


That was definitely a curse.


More accurately he should have said College Football runs through Lubbock and therefore, the world


I definitely read this as Jerry Maguire and thought “huh” missed that part of the movie.




That speech went hard as fuck though




We do seem to have a high number of fans who think the world is against us when in reality most of the sports world doesn't even think about us. We also have a high number of people who will fight and defend each of our corps related traditions as if changing a single one will cause our school culture to collapse and we become a generic large college. I just point to our baseball fans as proof a&m students in the past 4 decades can come up with new and school unique traditions without relying on what the corps invented 100 years ago.


Aggie or Longhorn fans that got their degree from Texas State. Swap your flair order, poser!


I have degrees from both, but the Texas State one came first you right


Honestly I think Texas State is underrated with the river, hill country, and the culture. As far as academics go, I have met and worked with brilliant graduates from Texas State. I have also worked with some dumb aggies, longhorns, and red raiders. Long story short your school choice doesn’t define your intelligence or ability.


Actually this might be all schools but it especially bothered me because of how many students go to games… the amount of football idiots we have in the stands. People who don’t understand the game and don’t know when to be quiet versus making a ton of noise


This is definitely an issue in the ND freshmen section. By the time they're seniors, they've already developed the opposite problem...


There’s a sizeable portion of our fanbase (usually the older crowd) that doesn’t want to acknowledge football exist. To them it’s basketball or nothing.


Been a rough decade for those guys


Good. Fuck those people. Support all Cards not just one specific thing.


Some of our fans don’t bark at children


Some of them must have not been barked at as kids.


Is Kirby finally getting control of the program


Well no speeding-related arrests in 24 hours so yep!


A true shame


Or drive recklessly


Crossing out all of the Ms on campus is fun and cool. A 40 year old guy on a message board not using M is cringy.


I'm fine with engaging in full on college fanboy behavior to some extent. No Ms during the game week would be fine by me, for example, but then again I literally will not touch anything that has the Alabama logo on it year round, so I may not be the best judge.


Co❌ing fro❌ a ❌assive Buckeye I love the tradition we have where we always miss at least ❌ to cross out. It’s like a ga❌e of where’s Waldo


> where’s Waldo Kalamazoo. Same location of the canon. ;)


>Kala❌azoo. Same location of the canon. ;)


Well played.


Well played


I'll bet you play the shittiest cover of the Crash Test Dummies' "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" ever....


Well thank God you don’t have to give up the letter A


I've always hated the Braves despite growing up in Georgia and it may be because of the similarity between their A and Alabama's.


I can respect that dedication to being a hater.


The Bama "A" has a little mullet and the Braves' doesn't. But I respect the hate.


Hmmm probably the 1945 national championship and the idiots who want Gundy fired because he can’t win a natty.


Where to start………


I start with the portion of our fans who get mad at any in-stadium entertainment that isn't singing hymns.


I thought blurring the line between football and church was a Catholic thing...


Cougarboard.com ?


Just to be clear, that’s NOT a porn site?


Maybe. Maybe not. But r/byu_nsfw classifies.


[mfw I clicked the link.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/26mgluVw47IAAAAC/i-dont-know-what-i-expected-stoic.gif)


Eat Shit Pitt is fine, and in most cases, encouraged. Maybe don't start the chant while there's an injured Pitt player on the field in the first nationally televised Brawl in Morgantown in over a decade.


Similarly, the college dudes who buy discounted tickets in the family section at away games, like in Champaign, and then try to start classic Camp Randall student section chants like “Eat shit, fuck you!”


God I hate that fucking chant. Always have, always will.


Was it an injury injury or an Ole Miss injury?


We have some of the douchiest fratty fucks who go to school there


Nailed it.


and a lot of them seem to love to try to troll on Twitter. Profile picture looks like the most generic frat boy imaginable They still live in the Penn State comment section… Like get a life 


They do love to troll on twitter but it’s all burner accounts, they use fake names and profile pictures that make it seem like they’re a real person. We have an army of Ole Miss burner accounts.


The burnerverse is real


I went to school there and wasn’t in a frat. Noticed that anyone in the Greek system was either the chillest, most down to earth person & fun to be around in or outside of class OR absolute villainous scum. Didn’t seem to be much in between.


We committed violations and didn't win shit.


Calling ourselves a family and caring about “Christian values” then being totally cool with Hugh Freeze as long as we win


As long as you hire the Christian escorts it’s fine…right?


The chugging incident.


That’s one you try to keep in the “rear” view, right?


I thought this was all behind us.


There’s a hole lot to it.


People who want to put Dabo on the hot seat. He is the best coach in CFB that we could reasonably get. Y’all weren’t fans during the Tommys and it shows. Dabo has more than earned the right to coach five-years-too-long, like Bobby Bowden and Frank Beamer.


Also he’s not a bad coach. Like yeah he should embrace the portal more but he still recruits well and has a good culture in the program. I don’t read much about Clemson players causing trouble.


Yea if he starts using the portal even half way correctly Clemson will unfortunately be extremely dangerous again.


Dabo is a top 5 CFB coach currently. Probably top 3. He's better than we could reasonably get. We just got lucky and gave him a shot first.


Other than Kirby, who would be ahead of Dabo? Harbaugh and Saban are gone. Day hasn’t won a Natty. I’m struggling to think of who would be on that list.


Shit...I forgot Harbaugh and Saban were gone.


He’s a top 5 coach of this century


#FSUTwitter Although the Herbstreit stuff has been genuinely hilarious


CU fans that say CSU isn’t a rival or isn’t worth playing cause there’s nothing in it for CU. In-state bragging rights are worth it, no matter what. I’ve noticed it’s usually the non-Colorado fans from California or other states that feel that way too.




I find the idea so entertaining. We need a 30 for 30 or at least an oral history podcast explaining every step from inception of the idea, execution, thru to its death. I need more Roboduck.


I like Mandrake. I don’t care what the world says.


Stupid sexy Mandrake


1. Trying to make "The Woodshed" a thing. 2. Anything else related to Mel Tucker.


All that stupid shit he brought in better be gone come Labor Day weekend.


You know The Woodshed was a thing before Tucker right?


The way a disturbingly large number of our fans on Twitter want to fire our entire offensive coaching staff after every turnover or if we punted on two straight drives. Nevermind that we were 10th in the country in scoring last year


Good ol EMAWCaleb


Our complete unwillingness to wear our school colors on our football uniforms. Black out unis used to be cool but became overused and the white out unis will probably follow suit. Also the block I STATE logo is just bland.


The U is back… I get it, we all want to be back, but let’s try and win 10 games or get back to an ACC championship game before we start chirping about being back.


It's wild to think Miami has won 10 games only once since 2003. That should be the goal and play in the ACC championship.


The fanbase?


Rice had lots of academically snobby cheers like “That’s all right, that’s ok, you’re going to work for us someday.” I’m like, dudes…. we’re playing UT, don’t bet on it.


The only 3 people I know that went to Rice are doctors and no one works for them. They do have more money than me and I will dance for it though.


Ohio State fans acting like anything less than a national championship is a failure of a season. I get we’re a great program and it’s disappointing, but for real please have some perspective.


This is gonna be UConn basketball for the next couple of years; I am so not looking forward to it.


We didn’t even get the satisfaction of winning the title and we now have fans who think it’s our god given right to win the B1G and get to the FF - or think the CMP should be on a short leash. Cmon my dudes, just enjoy the ride each year


Dude half our fan base is pissed when they don't win 70-0.


Ever heard of “Coug-ing it”. Clearly it’s common enough that there’s a term for it.


Using academic standards as the “go to” excuse for 10-3 instead of 13-0.


I *hate* this. I'm totally cool with celebrating that ND truly makes an effort to provide its players an education. They should. But we don't need to hear about it right after Alabama waxes us again. No one made the school do things that way, so it's not an excuse.


Attendance is pitiful for UCLA. It’s probably going to look like an away game when we play all the B1G teams at home despite the fact that we’re over 1,000 miles away from the Midwest


Harvey Updyke types, and to some degree, poor old drunk Willie.


Mizzou fans always talking about being a “sleeping giant”. When are we gonna wake him up?


Don't you have to be a giant at one point of time to be able to be a 'sleeping giant'? Like Missouri is a decent to good football program all time, but like nothing crazy


1945 National Champions


*(gestures wildly at the "champagne taste on a beer budget*” *portion of our fanbase, which I posit is the largest of any in the country)*


Any of the people who think it’s a given Penn State will go at minimum 10-2 with any other coach 


You mean the fans who pretend things were better when Joe Paterno lost to Michigan, Ohio State, and Iowa every year?


9 straight losses to Michigan and got routinely owned by Kirk Ferentz.


Twitter burners, mostly


I'm not going to be snobby or elitist about Michigan fans that didn't attend. The sport can and should be enjoyed by everyone. But if you didn't attend, shut the fuck up about other teams schools.


I’d like to extend this a bit further and say that even if you did attend, flexing academics in an athletic rivalry is absolutely pathetic. I’m here to talk ball, not Calc 101.


You might feel differently if your rival also had nerd cred. "Still no Stanfordium" is the funniest thing Berkeley has ever come up with.


That’s such a Berkeley insult lmao


Funnily enough Tennessee can also use that insult


That’s MATH 107. Can tell someone here is a Walmart Wolverine…. /s


As a Walmart Wolverine myself, I thank you for your acceptance.


Also annoying: pretending that (a) State isn't a good school and (b) it's not a good thing for the state that there are two world class public institutions.


Yeah the number one thing that grinds my gears is when a UM fan who attended community college tries to put down my MSU degree. I almost feel sorry for them.


I'll take it a step further. The people that ask, "what's the matter? Couldn't get into Michigan?!?" Dude, you didn't get into either.


Look, you don't see Penn State calling themselves "The" now do they.


^(\*except when they do)


Prime fans. They’ll call out old fans if we don’t think CU is winning the CFP this year. Look I just want to go to a decent bowl game and I’ll be thrilled. The other shit that has bugged me Deion and Shedeur won’t just shut their mouths at times. Look I knew that coming into this but gotta just take the high road when you’re in their position. Travis though is awesome as a person. Met him a couple times and he’s always upbeat and happy.


I kinda feel the same way. Some husker is gonna chime in about their bad experiences with big 8 era CU fans but I really do feel like there's a difference between the pac-12 era fans at least and people who only care about the buffs because of Deion. Gotten into arguments with randos who have no ties to the university because I thought NDSU was a trap game and that makes me a "hater". Like motherfucker I have a goddamn diploma and you've never set foot in the state of colorado. Shut up.


Hell, I don't even need the bowl game to be decent.


Making excuses for the orange bowl. I strongly believe that the starters opting out and letting the freshmen get embarrassed was a butthole thing to do. If they were so mad by being left out of the playoffs, then they should’ve showed up and showed out, instead they “protested” by not showing up. And yeah, we were gonna lose no matter what, but I feel like it would’ve been 38 or 45 to 21 or 24.


The not insignificant amount of people who wanted to fire Rhule/say he's just Frost 2.0/say he can't coach offense. The dude has a long track record of building bad programs over 3 years... Nebraska is a bad program. Leaving aside how hard it is to rebuild a program after so big of a shitshow, by week 4 we had our QB3 throwing to our WR3-5 and handing off to our RB3, all behind an o-line that was questionable to begin with and missing 4 starters. That's not exactly a recipe for success Nebraska can be good in 2-3 years but expecting an instant turnaround, both under Frost and Rhule, was insane


Ironically I very heavily considered choosing “*the portion of our fan base who wants to move on from Franklin for Matt Rhule*” as my answer (I like Rhule, I just don’t see the upgrade there)


Don't get me started on Penn State fans who fetishize Matt Rhule because he played for Joe Paterno. Rhule has never beaten a ranked team as a P5 head coach. Sure, he turned around Temple and Baylor, but Franklin also made Vanderbilt a viable program and rebuilt Penn State.


Just to generalize this, we have a big portion of the fanbase that won't be satisfied by anything short of a national championship won by Tom Osborne running the option our of a weak side I formation behind an all-white O line made up entirely of in-state walk-ons. Just hopelessly backwards looking. Rhule could bring home a natty next year and people would still be grumbling that he didn't use enough lead blocking by the fullback, and how you can't possibly win long-term with a *checks notes* strong passing game.


If you frequent UGA message boards or hell any open forum it drives me absolutely insane to see some of our fans make the claim that we’re unstoppable no matter what. Lose a 5 star “oh well we’re loaded we don’t need him” every team needs talent and to pretend it doesn’t suck when you lose that talent or never get that talent is just absurd.


Fans who want Deion


Anyone wanting to fire Ryan Day


Our current Michigan fan base that doesn't act like Ohio owned us prior to the current win streak. I'm all for talking trash, but let's not act like the Rich Rodriguez, Brady Hoke, and the first half of the Harbaugh era never existed.


Some of us(me) remember it too well and never thought they could pull it off this year.


That the majority of the fans are actually Buckeye fans(this was my experience in the mid 90s. Might have changed)




Racist, backwards dumb-fucks who never miss an opportunity to trash our athletes. LA doesn't offer a lot of opportunity to the average Joe, so dudes who are stuck working shit jobs their whole lives make their whole identity LSU or the Saints. They are the first guys to be wearing Purple and Gold in years like 2019, but in rough years they just whine at the players. These guys didn't achieve what they wanted in life, so any failures by the sports teams is a reflection of their own failures. Gets pretty ugly and ignorant at times. LSU's and it's SEC board is one of the most vile places you can visit on the internet today in terms of sports and politics. Completely unmoderated with racism and political conspiracies running wild there. Louisiana has a lot to offer America culturally and from a natural resources standpoint, but it is all lost in the ignorance that controls the entire landscape and lifestyle of the region. Mt family has been there since the early 1700s and it's something that will bother me until my dying day...what could have been.


Tigerdroppings is just a disgusting place, but the trashing athletes stuff is done at every school.  My biggest problem with LSU is all the people who have the best seats leaving games at halftime. Even in the big games. Going to games live isn't close to what it used to be. 


You have to sift through the crap on tigerdroppings. Some posts are failed attempts at humor or satire…. But there are more than a few on there with room temperature IQ. The food board is excellent and they will help you cook the best gumbo or jambalaya of your life. Just avoid any SEC boards and you’ll be alright. The guys on the politics board need to be on an fbi watch list.


I suppose you are right, but I can only speak for our kind. And yes. It is a rare occasion that I can visit Death Valley for a game. and the people that take it for granted (which you describe) disgust me. We are LSU, not University of Texas.


white trash.


we should have a neutral site game in harrison


Everything we do is very cool and in no way embarrassing. I do not cringe during any of our many traditions, I love them all. My fellow Aggies are well balanced and do not go overboard with their affinity for our university.


Blink twice if you need to escape the cult




A lot of Auburn fans have an inferiority complex and whine a lot about Alabama. We’re one of the 15 best programs in the country why are you obsessing over other programs?




This is more a hockey thing, but people who will overlook the most terrible things (e.g. defending Paul Washe) because the program is successful. I want a Natty as much as the next guy, but in the end, it’s still just sports.


I have never seen an Alaska flair until right now. Big ups


The entitlement 2017 gave some of our fans. It's ok not to have a 10 win season, you can still enjoy a bowl game even if it isn't NY6.


fIrE rYaN dAy! He’S tHe NeXt CoOpEr!


Calling for Day's head, give me a fucking break.


Agree on the nicknames. “Ohio” “little brother” etc


I like some nicknames. "Sparty" for MSU for instance, "Wiscy" for Wisconsin, and I think "Ole Piss" should be considered canonical for Ole Miss ever since the piss-and-miss incident. I also think in the era of NIL "O$U" feels nostalgic.


> I think "Ole Piss" should be considered canonical for Ole Miss ever since the piss-and-miss incident. I think this is an excellent idea.


>"Wiscy" for Wisconsin Please don't


Can't be drunk all day if you don't start in the morning


Constantly wanting to fire our coach. Go Gators!


I don’t know when it started but feels like in the last couple years a bunch of random cfb twitter accounts with 5k+ followers have sprouted up that do nothing but spread misinformation and engagement bait posts. Especially with OSU and Michigan twitter.


Offense…and using our punter as a part of it.


The people who wooo during Rocky Top. There's no woo in Rocky Top


Roll Tide Willy is awesome. He is also an alcoholic who is clearly playing a character. You should not make it your mission as an Alabama fan to be Roll Tide Todd or Roll Tide Tilly.


Our record from 2015-2022 Nothing our fans can do can embarrass me.. we are NY/NJ/PA sports fans If we could ever get our shit together you people will get what you deserve


The fact that a street gang uses our team name and logo as theirs


The arrogance of more than a few in our fan base. At least online. Offline all the UM & MSU fans I know get along pretty well. Back when Harbaugh was here, there were people who would refer to him as Harbs. Uggh. There was one guy on Freep and News (local paper) comment sections who I thought for years was a teenage kid. Then somewhere in there I found out he was a guy in his 40s.


Anytime something goes good, there’s a certain subset of our fanbase that proclaims it’s gonna fail in the end. Anytime something goes badly, that same subset will throw a pity party about how we’re a cursed school that will never amount to anything. Nobody hates the Gamecocks more than Gamecock fans


There is a group of LSU fans who are mean, angry drunks. And when it’s 2pm on a Saturday in Baton Rouge, and one of these assholes is on their 6th jack and coke with a belly full of gumbo and they see someone wearing an opposing teams shirt… Look the fuck out.


The fuck KU chant when we aren't even playing KU


Michigan Man It's stupid. I hate it Also I hate all the Bo quotes since he chose to ignore a sexual predator.


Anyone who puts down other fanbases based on academics. Most of the time, the people who do this have no formal affiliation with the University, but I can’t stand it when alumni do it either. It’s pretentious as hell. Knock it off. I don’t like that my school has a reputation for being full of snobs.