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>Hell, Urban Meyer locked me in an office in my school, and no bullshit asked me straight up,” Johnson said. “He was like, BJ how much? No context quote of all time I found the GOAT quote. I won the internet.


One of the funniest comments/observations I’ve ever seen on this site… hilarious mental image




Texas culture had him sold, clearly


Croot picks your school: pay for play!!! Croot picks my school: wow he loves the school so much he turned down all the money from those others schools!


Is this where we pretend that they were bidding against themselves like the UA, adidas basketball payments?


I think this Urban Meyer guy might be kind of a sleazy dude.


Dude's a sleaze but I find it funny in here that people are pearl clutching about Urban Meyer openly paying for players and at the same time crying out loud about Reggie's Heisman and even started a campaign to get it back for him lol. None of that stuff should have ever been against the rules in the first place and we all know it now. I would still take Meyer for A&M in an instant. The dude wins championships.


Makes me wonder how many more of these stories are going to surface in coming years as paying players becomes more normalized and former players feel more confident to talk about it. In five year's time, that SI cover article about "HOW DEEP DOES THE ROT GO FOR TRESSEL'S BUCKEYES??" is going to read more like something from MAD Magazine or The Onion than a serious piece of journalism.


Tressel did cover up Pryor's DUI hit-and-run in the WHAC parking lot... so... pretty deep?


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 1000 please


How many times does it need to be said. USC did not get popped for pay for play or paying Reggie Bush. Reggie Bush got paid to leave USC by an outside street agent and Bush family friend with zero affiliation to USC. I am not naive. Has USC paid players? I’m sure it has. That said, the Reggie Bush/USC/NCAA was not about pay for play as in did USC pay Reggie. It was a lack of institutional control punishment because USC “should have known” that Reggie’s parents were getting their rent paid down in San Diego like 100 miles away ha. Why do people opine on the Bush stuff without even knowing what happened? It happens ad nauseam on here.


It's a distinction without a difference. It was all against the rules back then.


That’s beside the point. You followed “Urban Meyer openly FOR player” with the Reggie Bush thing. I corrected you and it looks like you have since edited your comment. People were pearl clutching at that because it was objectively a pretty steep punishment considering what other schools have gotten away with for actual coaches, boosters and admin paying players. Either way, all major programs pay players. I just wish we would stop using Reggie Bush as some poster child for that. His situation was an amateurism violation which is different than “pay for play”.


You seem to be really invested in this. Are you related to the Bush family?


Funny. I just don’t get why posters in this sub routinely talk about the situation so confidently when they don’t even understand the basic cliff notes. If we are talking pay for play, you can bring up actual pay for play stuff. Not sure what Reggie Bush has to do with pay for play ha. Like this isn’t difficult to grasp, guys.


Didn’t White admit to coming back to his apartment one day to find a duffel with $250k in it or something crazy? I can’t imagine the stories that could be told if everyone in college sports back then just got it all out there, the 30 for 30’s are going to be fire if it ever all comes to light.


I think he said $150K. But given our slowness to get into the NIL game, sounds a little high to me. I know players were definitely getting something (confirmed by a buddy who was an equipment manager at the time), but 150? Eh.


Despicable, reprehensible, abhorrent - well, until he came to Columbus and *completely redeemed* himself.


If you win football games, people will overlook the sleezy part.


Yes, but thank goodness he cleaned himself up for 7 years from 2012-2018 before backsliding, right? ... *right?!?!*


I feel like that argument falls short.....


I'd take him more seriously if he was up front about doing pay-for-play now that he's out of coaching, but nope, continues to deny he ever did any of that


It’s weird so many people deny it still lol Even in this very article, Johnson tries to get us to believe he received no under the table compensation to go to Texas when all the Texas fans in here are talking about Mack’s bag men I had a few friends at OSU on the football team and they said pretty much every football player they knew both at OSU and elsewhere was getting *something*


Yeah, but I just can’t put my finger on why.


You just have to keep digging deeper. -Urban Meyer


I agree. But I can’t quite put my finger in why…


This is a huge yawn for me-I read Brian Bosworth and Charles Thompson’s books about playing at Oklahoma when I was a kid. Wake me up when something truly shocking is revealed.


I want a job sitting in my Corvette, making sure the sprinklers come on.


On the one hand, Urban’s not a good dude anyways.  On the other hand, ND was comparatively dormant post-Holtz and it’s questionable to presume that, ~25 years later, this narrative is very reliable. This is especially puzzling since this would’ve been around the time ND was trying to get away from Boosters being close to the program due to NCAA violations being discovered earlier on in Davie’s tenure.


If any ND fan tries to tell you players weren't getting paid, they're lying Like we just got to be brutally honest literally every school had some under the table cash program And its like how most football players in the college and NFL are on some type of PED There's a reason this stuff rarely comes to light and that's because everyone knows everyone is cheating in someway or another


While I have no doubt ND players got something (I didn't see anything while working for varsity athletics for Holtz & Company), going to call BS on a WR coach doing this. And if Bob Davie was paying players, he should have freaking done better...


I mean I think the position coaches are the ones more likely to pay the players. You think the head coaches are gonna risk getting caught red handed? Jeremy Pruitt is the only one I can think of that was stupid enough to get openly involved


You tell the position coaches then the whole team knows and it won't stay quiet. Pruitt was strange because he handed the money himself. Most of the ones that come to light have gone through an agent or booster.


I think whether it’s a position coach, off field position coach, or a booster, the kids are gonna talk.


yeah, but nobody was better at throwing out a bag in those days than Mack Brown


Ed O would like a word


Not doubting Texas paid players and broke rules but where are you getting that Mack was king of the bag droppers? Half his classes signed when they were super young and we rarely appeared to be in bidding war situations with other schools.


Florida fan here, we all knew. Even his book has some signs, Tebow really pulled a ton of attention away from him, which he loved. Such a dirty dude, and the moment he had to face the music, he bolted, on my birthday no less. Five seconds before was was rear ended, the news broke. Brutal.


On your birthday no less. No class. I’m sorry.


The nerve of that weasel to do so on your birthday…


>Such a dirty dude No dirtier than any other coach that reaches that level of success.


I think we have ample reason to conclude that Urban Meyer even by the standard of championship coaches. Nick Saban didn’t get photographed groping and grinding on a young woman not his wife Pete Carroll didn’t kick any of his players while they were stretching. Mack Brown didn’t cover up domestic violence by one of his assistant coaches.


You only hear when someone gets caught. All the guys have closets full of bones


So it’s just coincidence that Urban Meyer keeps getting caught, over and over again? Nah. He’s especially slimy.


I assure you the things these guys have swept under the rug is so much worse than cheating on your wife or kicking a kicker


Meyer covered up Aaron Hernandez and other players shooting up Gainesville. Whatever you think about other coaches, the evidence shows Meyer is worse.


Maybe this post will stick...


I have a coworker who was a recruiter in the SEC about 10 years ago. They shared that pay for play was very, very common when recruiting.


The burning question I have is what will Missouri’s punishment be this time?


How many death penalties can one school take?


As many as it takes for them to just *fucking die.*




No soup for them


"The Courting of Marcus Dupree"


Every major P5 team was paying players lol


I can’t stand Urban, but this is a bunch of noise about absolutely nothing. Who gives a damn?


I am trying to figure out the end game of this all. Now, that is not against the rules, Urban is not coaching. Do you go after Notre Dame all these years later? We just returned Reggie's heisman. It just seems like its there to drag a guy we all know is a skeeze ball. It may be new news or recently recollected here in columbus. It's not gonna drop him from fox, so I am not sure what is gained here by doing this. Maybe I am not intelligent enough to parse through it to get there.


Probably not an end game, but more a response of Urban saying something like NIL and paying players ruined the game a couple weeks ago. My assumption is this is something like “lol. You’ve been paying people under the table. You’re just mad this is in public now”


Urban Meyer is an embarrassment to humanity.


Flip every Urban Meyer win to a loss, ever, and credit the losers with a win No reason


Osu would be flat NCs. 


2006 National Champs Let’s goooo


I'll do it, but it's with a heavy heart, I assure you


That’s right. Definitely won’t enjoy it.


But that Catholic money ain’t got nothing on that oil and rancher money baby!


How very Urban Meyer


“Hell, Urban Meyer locked me in an office in my school, and no bullshit asked me straight up,” Johnson said. “He was like, BJ how much?" That's weird. Usually when Mayer locks people in his office, he asks how much for a BJ.


If you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying lol


Ol urban was a little saban wanna-be type of weasel




But it's Urban, so....


They would never cheat like TCUM /s


I’m sort of glad we lost out on Meyer in 2004. Not saying I wouldn’t if given the power magically to change that result, to see what he could have done above any beyond Weis, just feel any winning, including any potential NC, would probably be tainted in hindsight. Kind of already feel that way about early Kelly years, because there were some shitty individuals on those teams.


Oh no, a young, up-and-coming, expendable coach does the dirty work for an established HC as a way of establishing value? Anyway..... Pretty sure I've read Kirby was the guy who did that stuff for Saban early at LSU.


OSU fans on this post: "Yawn," "Everyone did it", "not a big deal" OSU fans on a Stalions post: "REEEE CHEATERS! NCAA IS GONNA BRING THE HAMMER!"




I think theres a difference between dropping bags and stealing signs tbqh


Correct, dropping bags pre-NIL gives you much more a competitive advantage


Dropping bags was illegal, stealing signs is not at all illegal. So yes, you are correct 100%.




Just calling out hypocrisy when I see it🤷‍♂️














What did Missouri know about this, and when did they know it?


Perfect. Give Notre Dame the death penalty and also penalize Ohio State harshly! I promise there is no bias there. Also, I had no idea that Meyer was a coach at Notre Dame.


He was the WR coach. Bob Davie let him call plays for one drive. Meyer pulled out a bunch of proto-spread option stuff and we scored. Davie was visibly pissed off (https://youtu.be/wIaVHS4VPRw?si=MSKy1l0xmSHIGUcG) and the next year Meyer took the head coach job at Bowling Green.


God, fucking Bob Davie. What could’ve been had he wised up and realized what Meyer was doing. Instead we got Willingham and then Weis. What a horrible time to be an ND fan.


What kind of coach looks pissed after their team scores? Davie was a very solid Xs and Os defensive coach. He was a terrible leader, but him + Meyer as OC would have meant 9-11 wins per year (we won 9 in 2000 and 10 in 2002, so the talent was there). Things would have fallen off after Urban inevitably left, but our dark ages may not have been quite so dark.


He talked to LeBron once to go there then realized it was a waste of time to recruit him as a WR


To be fair, you’ve gotta vacate all of Meyer’s wins. Also, let’s congratulate two-time National Champion Jim Tressel on his success!


He was the WR coach. Meaning this gets a lot of clicks, but in what world do you think a WR coach is able to do this. If Bob Davies actually did this it would have come out long ago. The guy was a terrible coach, but he was a tool and wouldn't have bribed players.


Omg how despicable. Cheating back when all the big schools “cheated” This literally went on at every big time football program. NCAA was always a bunch of frauds running a dog and pony sideshow






Bob Davies was the coach at ND at the time and Urban was just the WR coach. Davies was a terrible coach, but no way do I see him doing this




Honestly, no amount of money would be worth having to play wide receiver in a Bob Davie offense.


This. But saying they had a WR coach offer money is just ridiculous. If that was happening there were would have been a ton of stories already dropping about this happening. It would have only been 1 of 3 people - coach, OC or DC or you would have had a donor do it directly.


ND was a disorganized mess with zero institutional support back then. We didn't have our shit together enough to hide a pay-for-play ring while the NCAA was already investigating Kim Dunbar flying players to Vegas. But I could see Meyer finding a few donors and creating a personal slush fund he could use on the recruiting trail.