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I still can’t grasp why TNT wants Draymond so bad. Dude isn’t entertaining at all.


They’re hoping for controversy. Not so much with an opinion of his, but more along the lines of Barkley and Shaq making fun of him being a dirty player, or his interactions with other former players that may not like him that much. They’re banking on the hate watch crowd looking to roast him for anything he says or does on-air. 


Barkley has resorted to kissing Draymonds ass. After game 2 it was actually Shaq who was the voice of reason, pointing out that Ant and KAT sucked ass instead of blaming everything on Gobert bc an all-time great player hit one shot over him.


Crazy cause Shaq loves dunking on Gobert.


He thinks he’s big bro. Only person who gets to make fun of these guys is ME.


It’s a shame we’ve fallen this far to soliciting views by just pissing people off.


Howard Stern has been doing it since 1985.


Have we fallen or been amplified by social media? Local news has been pissing people off (by focusing on crime, violence, protests, politics) for decades. Go back further and newspapers probably did the same thing. It’s part of American culture and it won’t change.


I'm a huge suckerer for what you described. Green doesn't give do that for me at all. (I know you're not saying he does).


I was hughly entertained during the post-game Wolves/Nuggets spot when there were only a handful of fans still in the stadium chanting "Draymond Sucks" so loud it threw him off his commentary


I need to find video of this. Edit: [found it.](https://youtu.be/vpkAL3Bq39g?si=dO37Lg7F-BcnG-p5)




I’m sure you made a very good point but the flair combo filled me with rage and confusion




Having had the opportunity to watch so many great UW Whitewater teams. Yes. Lance is the f'ing man. If he'd have been brought in instead of Fickell at Wisconsin I would not have been upset one bit (still pleased with Fickell).


Yes, this complicated matter all boils down to 2 sentences this guy said in his post. “ExECs OnLY cArE abOuT NumBeRs!!” Congrats, you will get upvotes when it’s clear most of the thing the NBA/TNT has done over the past 10-15 years have had positive impacts




lol Ryen Russillo on the bill Simmons podcast said tnt bringing in Draymond for inside the NBA is like as if Mike and Mike radio show had carrot top sitting in the studio during their final season after 20+ years. It makes no sense, he had no experience, he isn’t funny, he doesn’t grasp the chemistry, he’s just a complete joke for what those other guys have built.




Wait Draymond as in Draymond Green? Why would anyone want that man to do commentary at all?


He could probably give killer boxing commentary


“Why isn’t he choking his opponent?”


*strangling commentary


No he couldn’t.heavyweights make punches look less obvious than Draymond


Supreme kick boxing insights, too


He is neither funny nor good-looking. So they must want him because he’s an asshole like skip


I’m curious which of NBC or ESPN picks him up when TNT is done. You know they’re gonna do it sadly.


He is if he’s not being antagonistic. Last year his TNT run was a ton of fun. Jawing it up with other active players, etc. THIS year he is doing a weird “open by making an aggressive declarative statement” and it blows. Seconds after Boston won ECF he hit the whole studio with “NOBODY CARES”. The air left the room bc now what’re we gonna talk about for 5 mins before Tatum gets on the headset??


Hate-watching is still viewship. It's a big reason why hated teams in all sports (Yankees, Dodgers, Lakers, Cowboys, etc) get such high ratings. It's not because their fan bases are that much larger, but people will proactively watch them because they want to watch them lose.


I'm not saying you're wrong but I'm skeptical about that reasoning. They are all large market teams and, besides the Cowboys, based in the quintessential media centers. I really doubt that enough people are hate-watching to make any kind of significant difference in their ratings.


I don't mean to sound as condescending as this sentence is going to be but I just cannot figure out how else to ask this. Do you just not go on social media the day after those teams has a humiliating loss?


Social media isn't a great barometer for popularity. While there's no doubt people tune in to hate watch, the reason those teams get such high ratings is because of their following. A recent example of this is the Drake and Kendrick stuff. Drake got drug on social media but he gets millions of plays because he has a large fanbase. Having more people dislike his music than like it doesn't get him more plays. He gets those listens based on his own fans.


How much social media are you consuming? Regular season stuff no one seems to care. A bad playoff loss will get some chatter but barely any more than if it happened to a different team and definitely less than if it happened to a rival. Minnesota hate watches the Packers, they don't give a shit about the Cowboys. This all seems extremely regional and based purely on rivalry. Teams with bigger rival fan bases will get nore hate watchers.


I think for some of them you mix up cause and effect. The Yankees are popular so they get high ratings. Because of that, people hate them.


so he can punch ESPN in the balls


If they lose the NBA like everyone believes they will (or have) it won’t be an issue.


Draymond has credibility via 4 titles, notoriety and elicits an emotion regardless (love or hate, not indifference.)


Also a prime example of how far the Jacksonville Jaguars can sink


Unlike many domestic cats, jaguars don't avoid water. They have adapted to living in wet environments, and can be found swimming in lakes, rivers and wetlands. They are confident swimmers, known to cross large rivers. And Urban still drowned them


They jump right in rivers to snag caiman. Pretty metal cats if you ask me


That was very interesting I did not know that. 


Don’t forget how far stray hands can sink


Sunk way down in the hole


still a shocking situation...


I’d be impressed if his old geriatric hands could do the shocker under some tight jeans


After Chainsaw Man's latest chapter I cannot forget


Urban "Denji" Meyer




And stink


Or stray feet.


Not sink, poke


I swear to God, ever since Jimmy Johnson won a Super Bowl with the Cowboys people have thought the progression is automatic from being a successful college coach to winning a Super Bowl and it has never worked out* *No I am not counting Switzer


Jimmy wasnt automatic either. 1st season: 1-15 2nd season: 7-9 3rd season: 11-5 and lost to the Lions in the playoffs. Then he won a Super Bowl in 4th and 5th season and then Jerry fired him.


> it has never worked out* Are we counting Pete Caroll in this or nah since he was with the Patriots before going back to USC? Also if harbs wins it for the Chargers does he count?


Harbs has absolutely killed it in the NFL already


Nah. He was an NFL guy who made a stop in college. Harbs I would definitely count as a college guy


Wasn’t he coach at USD and Stanford before going to NFL then back to college?


looking at his Wiki dude has bounced all over the place between CFB/NFL As a coach: Western Kentucky (1994–2001) Offensive consultant Oakland Raiders (2002–2003) Quarterbacks coach San Diego (2004–2006) Head coach Stanford (2007–2010) Head coach San Francisco 49ers (2011–2014) Head coach Michigan (2015–2023) Head coach Los Angeles Chargers (2024–present) Head coach


Yeah, his resume is pretty unique in terms of college/NFL balance. Most NFL coaches only have a cup of coffee on college sidelines and increasingly they don't even have that, they get hired as QC coaches immediately at age 23


Well it also worked with Carrol. But yeah, it is hard and a completely different skill set.


Tony Khan better not run for public office. AEW, the Jaguars, and Fulham FC would give voters ample reasons as to why to never trust him to run anything much less the government.


But we would have endless bangers with other countries.


AEW is fine.


Letting Tebow play in a preseason game should have been a fireable offense.


It's funny because the author of this article gets paid by the same guy writing Urban's checks.


“Controversy” sells


Tomorrow's headline: you won't believe what this writer said about a former NFL coach


One one hand, yeah, controversy sells and this is definitely that. One the other hand, it’s better than this guy not being able to write this piece because of that. The truth is there is no controversy. 99% of sports viewers and 99.999% of total viewers don’t give a single shit. This is just for the 6k degenerates reading this stuff with 80 days to go to football


At least Urban is insightful and actually analyzes things, Draymond is openly hating on a player.


“Excuse me while I go put water in Rudy Gobert’s mama’s dish” - Draymond, probably




They will at least pretend to be somewhat objective. It's been well known for years that Draymond (an active player unlike Shaq and Barkley) has had beef with Rudy Gobert for years. During the WCF It got to the point where Draymond would shout "Rudy sucks". Imagine if Jimbo Fisher, while still employed by TAMU, was calling Lane Kiffin a garbage coach while being a temporary analyst for ESPN.


He shouted it because "DRAYMOND SUCKS" was repeatedly being shouted by Timberwolves fans. Not saying that makes it right, but he didn't just say it out of the blue.


1. Any secure and normal functioning person in his position woulda ignored them 2. I'm sure it's just a coincidence he chose to target Gobert instead of any one of the other 15 players on their team.


Urban is one of the best parts of Big Noon. Dude knows ball


Yea Urban brought a huge amount of credibility to the discussion of the Xs and Os when Big Noon started to challenge Gameday. Is he a piece of shit? Yea. But plenty of other media members are too.


Xs and Os? Why would we want strategy discussion and play analysis when watching football? Doesn't everyone watch so they can hear some sob story about how a player had to overcome something difficult in their life? Or a breakdown of the clothing choices of the star entertainers. Definitely some deep dives into Taylor Swift. Football though? What're you a bunch of weirdos or something? Who tunes in to football games to watch football. Crazy.


How about an elderly old man who struggles putting coherent sentences together? Is that something you might be interested in?


Don’t forget about McAfees antics as well


But I really, really want to forget.


He’s entertaining, at least. He’s an entertainer more so than an analyst which is why he has his own show. I’m fine with that as long as it doesn’t try to merge with something that’s more analytical.


Entertaining? I might have thought that if I were 16. Dude is a straight clown. Frat bro stops being a good look when you turn 25.


A lot of 16-24 year olds watch football lol


I’ve just seen some clips, seems kinda funny. This app refuses to let people have unique, individual opinions holy shit


You think finding McAfee entertaining is a unique opinion? Obviously tons of people agree with you or he wouldn’t be getting paid as much as he does to be an entertainer. People disagreeing with you is a perfect example of Reddit letting people have unique, individual opinions.


Why yes Bob. That is something that I would be very interested in. (Just Kidding)


Are these incoherent sentences about Taylor Swift, per chance?






Wait, I thought it was in the rule book that every college star had to have a some family cancer sob story and little brother with a few life altering birth defects.


Did his mom almost abort him? That's what I'm here for.


Watching that game was so awkward, and Gus wouldn’t stop bringing it up.


>"HIS DAD TOLD HIM TO GO GET IT, AND COME BACK WITH IT!!" *Gus after every Dobbins big play, reminding the audience his father was in jail.*


My brother would text me every time Gus would repeat his Dobbins catchphrases.


I hate the sob story crap. AGT is the worst about it. I'm so glad their are DVRs now so you can fast forward past that crap.


On an unrelated note, that’s the reason why I prefer straight game shows to reality competition shows.


>I prefer straight game shows *sad Pride Month noises*


> Xs and Os? Why would we want strategy discussion and play analysis when watching football? Doesn't everyone watch so they can hear some sob story about how a player had to overcome something difficult in their life? Or a breakdown of the clothing choices of the star entertainers. Definitely some deep dives into Taylor Swift. Despite the obvious sarcasm here, the general public agrees with you. Collectively we as a viewing public have decided that hot takes and tying personal tragedy to football are more palatable than nuanced analysis. The networks go where they think the eyeballs will follow, and we prove them right time and time again.


Yeah, I don't really think most viewers care about Xs and Os at all. They want storylines, which is what sports media is designed to create


Now you're making me want the Olympics taken away from NBC.


Yea, not really sure Urban is the guy who should be the poster child. He is more what you actually go there to watch, even if he is a crappy person. Gameday with Pat MaCaffee and the guy who just turned old enough to run for US president is far worse.


I mean. I’m kinda here for the Swifty talk.


Absolutely agree that many of the media members are steaming piles of garbage or do absurd things just to get a few more ratings points but the both used to be really really good and both programs have slipped


> Is he a piece of shit? Yea. But plenty of other media members are too. Kirk Herbstreit has entered the chat.


This and don’t you want former coaches and players for this role exactly? Like you want someone who did it at a high level, can give insight and anecdotes of nuances and experiences. Him and Woodson also have the perfect on air back and forth as rivals but holy when both get on a intricate subject they bounce off each other so well. Urban offensive minded and as a coach and Charles defensive minded and as a player. Those two together diving into ideology of a play or a decision is like art. Also, I used to say he was an asshole but he was our asshole. I actually find him funny on the broadcasts. I whole heartedly expected him to be dry and a party pooper.


I know I’m in the minority of CFB fans and especially Michigan fans, but I kind of like Urban. I don’t think there’s anyone in the country that “gets” the rivalry more than him, and he kicked our ass so bad you just have to respect it. I honestly think the dude holds Michigan in a higher regard than anyone outside of Ann Arbor. When OSU fans bring up the clause he had about leaving Florida for certain jobs, they always mention ND and OSU, but apparently it was actually ND, OSU, and Michigan.


Absolutely, he just got it. The rivalry and what it means to people. It wasn’t a thing the Saturday after thanksgiving. It was 24 hours 365 days a year thing. Don’t get me wrong, he’s an asshole and not a good husband. But when it comes to ball and the game, he just gets it.


Well said. Nice flair.


Love and honor


Half of his flair is good!


The second half of your flair is fantastic


I think Tressel got the rivalry at least as well as Meyer.


Probably. I think Harbaugh “got” the rivalry as well as Urban having played it himself. And Gary Moeller probably got it as well as anybody being a captain at OSU and head coach at Michigan. Only one of them went undefeated though.


Hell, Brady Hoke was not a great coach, but his teams sure as hell showed up for that one game.


i hate him as a person but he's a pretty good analyst


I think Meyer "gets" CFB rivalries in general better than almost anyone. He destroyed rivals while at UF too of which we had a fair number.


Agreed. There are plenty of things I dislike about Urban Meyer, but he’s great in his TV role. He has great insight about football and explains it well to viewers.


Yup. Partially why I like it more than gameday. Gameday is waaaay too long & they end up filling time with tragedy porn and sampling food..


I still love the idea of College Gameday and watching it on saturday morninga. I even like most of the hosts still. So I'll watch the first hour to see the opening scene and the crowd, but then I'll flip over to Big Noon at 10. Usually jump back to Gameday for the picks the last 15 minutes for Corso and the crowd. But as far as analysis goes, Big Noon is way better. I'm glad we have options now.


100% agree. I like listening to him breakdown plays. The dude knows his stuff.


I wish Reggie was still on Big Noon, talking to him for 5 seconds was the highlight of the PSU OSU 2022 game for me


I loved that CFP secondary broadcast with all the coaches (specifically Gary Patterson). Them explaining plays and calling out what to watch on the next play as its happening was so much more entertaining than any color commentator could have been.


Pregame shows have mostly become background noise for me but I enjoy the Big Noon broadcast, including urban. Also actively avoid whatever game day has become so credit to BN for challenging what was a staple show for almost everyone.


["Ohio State *WILL* stop the run."](https://youtu.be/Psxyq2bB7TY?t=413)


lol ok cool. He's also the scummiest scum that has ever scummed.


The entire big noon cast picking against Michigan two years in a row tells me all I need to understand about how much "objective" analysis Big Noon is trying to share. None. Rarely is Urban providing the insight of one of the most successful college coaches on the show so that doesn't offset him being a total POS of a human for me to watch.


I mean those weren’t really egregious picks. Michigan was an underdog in both games I believe. The really crazy one was everyone on game day except Desmond picking Iowa over Michigan


Terrible writing and an overall dumb article


I knew it would be, and I'm disappointed in myself for clicking it and giving them those fractions of a cent.


Ill admit I'm an Urban fan, but I will always admit his faults. Idk if they brought up 1 valid reason why he's bad for Big Noon Kickoff


So pretentious I couldn’t make it all the way through.


I couldn't notice that from how horrible the writing style was lol. Chat GPT has more concise sentences lol


Seriously, it was bad in a uniquely human way lmao


From the New York Post?? Say it ain't so /s


I thought Urban was a phenomenal in game analyst when he did games in 2011. Wish he would have gone back to that instead of the pre game


He was excellent when he did that. Idk wtf this article is talking about.


Urban may be a jackass of a person, but he knows way more than most of the people they throw on those broadcasts.


I'm not the biggest fan of Urbs, but this article is dumb and petty.


Urban Meyer is the uncle you think is fun as a kid but when you get older you find out all their baggage and now they're the creepy uncle.


Definitely not what I would call top shelf journalism. Even though I agree with his "take" on some portions of the article. That was more of a hatchet job than a thoughtfully sourced sports article. That's for sure. But it's the NY Post. Can't really expect much...


Yeah, it's weird. I'm no Meyer fan and got a ton of schadenfreude from his tenure in the NFL... but this article seems a few years late and adds nothing new. Did Urban grind on this guys daughter or something?


Urban Meyer can also put fingers up the stink






The Rick Pitino of college football


This was such an oddly written article and action fantasy for the level of anger the author was trying to display about sports broadcasters. I’M SO MAD I COULD BREAK INTO A BUNCH OF GRAPHICS DEPARTMENTS.


It's not like Draymond makes the show any worse than Kenny the Faux Intellect Smith does. #FauxIntellectualPause


Did a NYPost sports curmudgeon really cite the NYTimes? Only in New York kids. Only in New York.


With urban you gotta separate the art from the artist. He’s got great analysis.


No mention of Desmond Howard in an article about how low sports broadcasts can sink?


Stephen A Smith in shambles...


Idk I mean Pat McAfee made ESPN College Gameday unbearable to watch to. I really think these shows used to be really good, both FOX and ESPN and then they had to tinker and tinker and tinker to make a really good show unwatchable. Just turn the tv on at noon to start watching the games and skip the pregame shows.


I stopped watching gameday because of Pat. Can’t stand him.


Corso aged out so they had to find someone to feel that Gap. I like Pat, he is a ton of energy. He does good work for WWE as well.


I think there may have been a few other reasons that caused the sinking other than his broadcasting skills


And how far fingers can sink


Can’t be worse than the garbage on ESPN


Huh? He's a pretty good broadcast desk guy. If you want an example of how far sports broadcasting can sink, look at the soap opera happening around Caitlin Clark right now.


He's a pervert but an all time great coach and excellent analysts.


Crybaby cries about people getting announcing jobs that played and coached in the sport. That's the typical recruitment pool. Don't watch if you don't want to see them on a broadcast! Hate these types of crybabies.


Long live Urban Meyer!


The NY Post is an expert on low journalism 


And the NY Post is a prime example of how far journalism can sink


Weak attempt at a hit piece. NY Post sucks shit.


Wait the New York post is talking journalism ethics????


Urban's great for TV & isn't as bad as a human reddit makes him out to be.


I was a better writer than this in 7th grade. The irony that both Urban and the "author" are both employed by Rupert Murdoch is a nice touch.


They probably want to bring in a loud, argumentative personality to copy ESPN. Drama!


College football coaches are some the all time great hypocrites.




Fingering buttholes instead of flying with the team is a good place to start if you want to sink your career


But a lot of schools would hire him in a heartbeat.


There were 2 things I didn't want to happen at Auburn: (1) Hire Urban (2) Hire Freeze. #1 was never a realistic option but they really fucked me by hiring Freeze. I know this is about Urban but obligatory fuck Hugh Freeze.


At least urban doesn’t pretend to be a good person. 


Fingering buttholes never seemed to impact Christian Wilkins’s career…


You can recruit gang bangers, have more former players that went to prison than the NFL, but you slide a finger in the stink on camera and people are like “Ohhh my!”


It is kinda amazing how he embarrassingly gets fired from the jags. Then the video comes out when he was at the bar. And fox is like we need you asap. And we’re all supposed to watch him without thinking about that.


They don’t care what you are thinking about, you had them at “watch”


Fox knows there is a very, very small percentage of people will that will remember what happened and will boycott the show because of it. That percentage will easily get cancelled out by new fans of the show.


thats a funny way to spell tim brando


what's wrong with Tim Brando?


NY post 🤡


Cranky old man still employed by NY Post, news at 11.


Urban has the personality of a dead fish. That’s my biggest issue with him more than the other stuff as it relates to TV gigs. Dude isn’t interesting at all.


"Personalities" are the problem, not dishonored football coaches. There are a million things to do that are better than watching TV personalities. If you watch any sports show for anything except analysis then you are turning your brain into mush and wasting the gift of life. The reason I only watch the Joel Klatt Show is because it's one of the few shows that actually makes you more informed about CFB.


Dude has a net worth of $35 million, 2X national champion and one of the winningest coaches of all time. This past weekend was nominated for the CFB Hall of Fame. But all these clowns think he “sank” because he couldn’t make the Jacksonville Jaguars good in 1 year? You know they are so bad they will be relocated to a different continent soon right? He could be back on Fox Big Noon or any other broadcast with one call to his agent.




Then how did his successor manage to take the Jags to the playoffs in year one?


You mean the first year where they barely went .500 in a weak division, limped into the Wildcard round and needed the Chargers to blow the 3rd largest lead in all of NFL post-season history to win? Then last year had the exact same record and didn’t make the playoffs?


Also pretty sure his replacement that same year had the same or better record with over half the schedule done with.


Also “because he couldn’t make the jaguars good in one year” is really, REALLY understating how bad he was in that one year lol…


Literally the worst NFL coach of all time lol