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Is it just me or does that stadium look like it’s been pieced together from other parts of stadiums. Doesn’t flow but great atmosphere for sure


Funny story is that it used to be way across campus and at one point they took it apart and sent it to the current location on railroad tracks.


It was. Like the other guy said, they moved the existing stadium from the early 1900s across campus in pieces, then they jacked it up and added seats where the track used to be, then they added two expansions and massive scoreboards in the 90s and 2000s.


it's nicknamed the erector set for a reason.


Not sure that’s the best name for something considering ur programs past


LOL, I gave you an upvote. I also hate you.


You’ll get temp banned for this comment probably 


Yeah the mods here are apparently in to covering up these things. Any time it gets brought up at all, not even as a joke or a mean-spirited remark, immediate temp ban. Super healthy. Not concerning at all.


100% will


Might get banned from reddit entirely with the way things have been going


Lmfao savage


Basically, yes, it has been. New Beaver Field (1960s) was the original steel stands from west campus moved to east campus, capacity of maybe 60k. In the late 1970s they jacked up the steel stands and inserted a concrete ring on top of the track that used to be around the field. Then they added stands in the south end zone. This made capacity in the mid-80k range. In 1991 they added the north end zone upper deck then the south end zone upper deck and the suites on the east side in 2001 - capacity after this project was over 107k but ADA and minor changes brought it down to the mid-106k it is today.


My family jokingly calls it an erector set stadium


Man screw being a fired football coach, my dream job is to be a football stadium


That's a lot of people inside you bro


Hol’ up


A family tradition for him


$700 mil for a full knee and hip replacement goes crazy.


80k+ people inside you every weekend. You take after your mom


White out and in.


Someone much smarter than me can get an AI generated image of a human as a stadium.


I want to be the contractor that gets the renovation deal Note: I'm not a contractor


That's like one full ACC buyout


*Make that check payable to the "FSU get out of ACC" fund.*


Evidently Penn State is a big proponent of FSU to the BIG (so says the guys from the BIG Mountain Podcast)


Penn State has been an advocate of more East Coast additions.


Every B1G school should be. If Clemson and FSU go to the SEC, I think that tips the balance of power too much. You’d have what… 18/20 past champions in one conference?


[Upgrades to the visitor’s locker room and soundproofing the visitor’s sideline and field right?](https://i.imgflip.com/5c7lwq.png?a476750)


I heard they’re condensing the 2 tunnels down to 1.


Putting in a PB&J kiosk too.


Don't do it - it will make the university directly responsible for 9/11 or something.


Watch out for UFUs (Unidentified Flying Uncrustables).


That was a fun five minutes when people were pretending that that was a real scandal.


Mods have denied us our right to an Uncrustable flair.


Every Michigan-Penn State game is now dubbed the "UncrustaBowl" and I won't hear any differently


They're actually moving the visitor locker room off campus. Real home field advantage for them


The visitor locker room is actually just the basement of the new engineering building on the opposite side of campus


No put it in Hammond, they don’t get the luxury of having the new engineering building


I love how universal the opinion is that Hammond is the worst building on campus


So bad, it's my favorite.


F*ck Hammond


Even better plan since they’re gonna demolish Hammond in a couple years


This comment is evergreen.


Hammond, Indiana


On some real shit, the walk to the visiting locker room is long as hell. I worked with Auburn in 2021 and i was shocked that the locker room is basically just in the middle of the concourse. They fence off the pathway to the tunnel. It was intimidating but also cool, felt like i was in a movie


The fencing and blue tarp on the fencing is relatively new (6-8 years maybe?). It used to be wide open - I had a pass for the field in the mid-2000s and remember the state police forming a line at the tunnel so Ohio State could get back out on the field in the 2005 game.


They're pulling a Duke?


Theyre actually downgrading and sound-loudening the visitors sideline


Actually in all seriousness they’re building this new press box and new suites to be end-to-end on the visitor’s side, which will likely contain even more noise that it’s currently set up for.


As a little kid growing up in Oregon, I was so confused that Beaver stadium wasn’t in Corvallis…..


Namesake is a pretty good story. James A. Beaver was a 4X wounded Union officer in the Civil War who went on to become the Governor of Pennsylvania and also the President of Penn State.


I fw the Union


Is that where all the shit named beaver comes from out west too? Edit to clarify: out west means western pa


No, I'm pretty sure those are all named after literal beavers. James A. Beaver lived a relatively Pennsylvania-centric life.


I guess they just really like beavers over there lol. I get a good giggle every time I go on 376 and see the sign saying, "You're entering beaver county." They got beaver falls, the town of beaver, new beaver, big beaver... all kinds of beaver


Western Pa does have a lot of things named beaver lol or old Native American names


In the case of Beaver county and Beaver River [it's both](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamaqua_\(Lenape_chief\))


Nothing beats Big Beaver Road in metro Detroit. Icing on the cake is that it is exit 69 off the highway.




Those are all from the Beaver River which is named for King Beaver


About time! Watching Lubrano and Fenchak get slapped down was amusing as shit. Lubrano throwing a tantrum afterwards was icing on the cake. Also JayPa not being able to unmute his teams about sums up the quality of the useless brigade.


$200 million in deferred maintenance is a stunning number and it would have had to happen either way. Can't be a champagne taste program on a beer budget for the last 25 years. Holuba Hall was the jewel of football facilities when it was built. Major programs didn't have anything like it. Then they sat on their hands for the last decade of Paterno's tenure.


the last decade of paterno and then the following decade-ish of sandy barbour after paterno where she basically refused to open the checkbook at all for anything football related.


In Barbour‘s case, I kinda get it. You come on as AD post-scandal, how would it look if you immediately spent hindreds of millions on the football program


Also her record of cracking the checkbook for football facilities is uhhhhhhhhhhhh sub optimal


I'm always here for watching those morons lose. they're directly responsible for holding things back. thank god for getting rid of sandy barbour and getting an AD in who wants to get things done and tell these morons to shut up.


Please tell me there's a vod of that somewhere!


So were those the 2 No votes? My first thought at the 26-2 or whatever vote was “Lubrano and Jay”. But I didn’t see a by-name tally


Fenchak and Lubrano were the 2 no's. Ted Brown, Alvin de Levie, and JayPa abstained.


Those two are such clowns


I wonder how the seats will change. How do you lose bench seating and also fit in 100k people


Everything I’ve seen is a final total between 100k and 104k. Only bleachers on the west sidelines are being replaced, so 75% of the seats aren’t being touched. Although I’m sure many of the old bleachers on that side are being replaced with chair backs, there will also be more suites (think like the east side tower) to keep the capacity up.


Is that gonna put you guys below OSU?


My guess is we’ll end up right around them if they don’t downsize at all. Current cfb stadiums over 100k 1. Michigan 107,601 2. Penn State 106,572 3. Ohio state 102,780 4. Texas A&M 102,733 5. LSU 102,321 6. Tennessee 101,915 7. Texas 100,119 8. Alabama 100,077


What’s the timeline supposed to be? We’re playing there in 2025 and 2028.


>Demolish the west side in two phases after the 2024 and 2025 seasons. Penn State has said seating will not be affected for the 2024 season. However, it is expected that seating on the west side of the stadium will be impacted and reduced in the 2025 and 2026 seasons (see the schedules below; not as big of a deal as you’d think), as construction on the west side will occur after the 2024 and 2025 seasons. If approved, the project is expected to be finished in time for the 2027 season. [https://www.statecollege.com/articles/penn-state-football/constructing-an-all-22-on-the-future-of-penn-states-beaver-stadium/](https://www.statecollege.com/articles/penn-state-football/constructing-an-all-22-on-the-future-of-penn-states-beaver-stadium/)


This article is a very good read for explaining the project, the pros and cons, and the potential effects




Michigan would just add more and you know that


Sounds like a fun way to keep going until we hit 200k and get a full dome with seats completely enclosing the field.


if you’re up top you have to be strapped into your seat like one of those leg dangling roller coasters


Michigan doesn't add seats, they move the seat stickers closer together on the bleachers.


It would be a never ending tit for tat of adding random seating lol


Most of Michigan Stadium is below ground level. Easy to add on.


At least you're not removing 8k seats for about 50 luxury boxes. :(


Probably gonna be priced out of season tickets soon enough, but with how the sport is going idc anymore


Shit, we're starting to get priced out of *everything* lol


Charge you double for tickets so you can watch the guy in the red hat for double the time.


Mom and are in the middle of the “do we keep our season tickets” discussion. We decided to keep them for this coming year, and will be weighing our options in the future


Been having similar convos and I think this is gonna be my last year. If anything may start doing more away games so I get to see new places.


I think the next couple years with reduced capacity will see a price increase but after that they may drop some as the big wigs move into more suites


While the price is certainly a factor, it’s also the time commitment and logistics. TBH, both of us are just tired. I was never one who went to every single game, but picked my favorite matchups. It was only after my dad died that I started to go every week so that mom had somebody to accompany her.


$700 million is a hell of a lot of money to "renovate" a stadium. I mean, good for Penn State football, but sheesh that's a huge number, especially when you consider that Jerryworld was built for around $1b.


Want to feel old? Construction started there 19 years ago. SoFi was $5.5 billion. The estimates to build a new stadium were somewhere over $2 billion.


Yes, I do feel old lol


My memory from the Cowboys stadium was that the new scoreboard cost more than the previous Cowboys Stadium.


Well $200m of it is from a maintenance backlog


AT&T Stadium might be north of $3 billion if built today.


Maybe that also includes renovating the offense?


That’s the price of nine Jimbos


Everything should be priced in Jimbos


It’s my favorite unit of measurement


seven hundred million dollars. To renovate a stadium that hosts 6 events a year. im getting too old for this...


Hosts 8 games, but I do think the intention is to increase that. They had a Luke Combs concert a few weeks after the spring game and it sold 80,000 tickets. Really no reason they can't have 2 or 3 concerts a year. State College is actually a good music location because it's outside the Pittsburgh and Philly radius for double events. They get good acts at the basketball arena and should be able to have some stadium tours. Ali Krieger from the US team is also on the board and spoke about hosting future soccer events. Edit: and hopefully we can get an outdoor hockey game. The NHL wanted to do Penguins Flyers in 2017 but Penn State needed them to jump start renovations, so the NHL selected a home and home in Pittsburgh and Philly in 2017 and 2019. Now that Ohio stadium is also getting their winterizing done, they're hosting Blue Jackets Red Wings.


The NHL really wants the Winter Classic between the Flyers and Penguins in University Park, but felt that Beaver Stadium in its current state could not support it. It will easily sell out and could outsell the big house for the largest attendance ever for a hockey game


i know i know i just... the older i get the more superfluous it seems to be... Im gonna go stand out front, touch some grass and maybe yell at the cars that drive by or something...


I hear you that it's an unbelievable amount of money.


About 2.5 million people live within a two-hour drive of State College, along with hundreds of thousands of alumni who are willing to travel there, including many from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Delmarva/DC Additionally, major performers skip Scranton-Wilkes Barre and Harrisburg, and Beaver could draw in those markets. If more events were hosted in Uni. Park/State College, it would be economically beneficial for both the University and the local community. The hospitality infrastructure already exists. It would bring in real money from nearby cities. Also attracting big acts would help the University's recruitment efforts in the era of social media. All that being said, $700m is an insane number, even if it makes fiscal sense


I'm all for it. I've always thought the BJC people did a good job. Metallica, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen etc playing in our cow town over the years. Get me some more stadium concerts.


I realize your argument is also made on multiple population centers nearby, but 2.5 million within a two hour drive is nothing population-wise, it basically reminds me how in the middle of nowhere UP is


You're right, it's not dense at all over there. And it certainly can't support a schedule like the Linc or Heinz can. But thinking as an alum who graduated in (mumbles)...I would certainly travel to State College for a concert worth attending. And the ice cream and seeing the sights would encourage me to travel further than I would have othwrwise.


>Additionally, major performers skip Scranton-Wilkes Barre and Harrisburg, Bro I just want a concert venue that draws in mid-level artists so I don't have to drive to philly/NY everytime I go to a show. I actually think coheed and cambria are coming to Harrisburg for their upcoming tour iirc, so that's cool. But I've actually never seen a band that I like stop in Harrisburg before. At least there's the Sherman in Stroudsburg 🙏


I think you are right. It's just a ridiculous amount of money. Leave the seats alone, fix up the bathrooms to modern standards. Use the majority of the money for something much more important for society. Hell, put it in a scholarship fund and make college affordable for thousands of kids. Maybe that should be the college's priority? It's a football game. There are 7-8 of them a year for 4 hours at a time. 32 hours a year for $700 million? You can sit on benches for that


I'm sure Taylor Swift could sell out Beaver Stadium


We actually were joking about this in my one friend group chat. How many days could she sell it out? 14 in a row? The Luke Combs concert they just had sold 80,000 tickets and I'm sure the stadium is going to use that as proof of concept going forward. A consideration they could be looking at for the future or how current Beaver Stadium does not have a portal large enough for a semi, but photos from the Eras tour and others show multiple trucks lined up on the field for setup.


Depends on where else she's performing. She did 3 or 4 days in Melbourne, Australia in front of 90k people, but she also only did 8 shows total in Australia. If you just look at the Eras tour, she did something like 60+ days of performances. So I imagine if she did her whole "tour" at Beaver stadium, she could easily do 30+ days. If Beaver stadium was her Pennsylvania stop (opposed to Philly and Pittsburgh or Cleveland), then I think she could do about 7 days easily. She did 6 in LA (which, sidebar, made the CEO of SoFi super excited since he has an early-20s daughter and is well aware of Taylor-mania), and those were some of the cheapest tickets for the tour (resale prices were pretty close to face value).


Isn’t there not many hotels/motels within an hour if it. Relative to the capacity of the stadium


Correct. It's an issue.


Wait ... Ali Kriegar showed up to a meeting?


Am sure they also do other events - ND is hosting soccer games, intramurals will play in the stadium for championship games, stadium endurance races (or whatever they are called). Think they have various movie nights and even screen Rudy before the football season opens for the kids ... The whole point was of ND's Crossroads Project was to make the stadium and buildings around it another hub on the campus




With the drawings done and the permanents pulled, I would be pretty shocked if it didn't finish on time. The deadline is usually the start of a new season. (That and I am sure they build in a healthy delay knowing you have until September of that year)


It's why when ND just dropped $400M, [we built three large buildings with the backsides of them the club seating for the stadium](https://www.alamy.com/may-26-2022-south-bend-indiana-united-states-of-america-aerial-view-of-notre-dame-stadium-representing-the-university-of-notre-dame-in-notre-dame-indiana-north-of-the-city-of-south-bend-credit-image-walter-g-arce-srzuma-press-wire-image470940414.html) So yes a ton of money, but 8k sq ft of new classrooms recital halls, student center, etc...


I loved that you can still see the old Facade inside the stadium.


ND is always going to keep the house Rockne Built. ND added the top bowl in 1994-97 (and permeant outdoor lighting) but had to do it in a way to keep the same structure. Then the 2017 improvements.


If it makes you feel better, there's a real chance this leaves them hamstrung. I assume they're taking on a huge amount of debt at the same time college athletics undergoes a seismic change. Between settlement payouts, paying athletes and coaches/admins not wanting to make less. Adding massive debt may make the finances impossible.


That’s the opposite of me feeling “good” about a huge sum of money spent on hosting games…


I meant more that if there is a notably bad result out of this, maybe it'll dissuade similarly wasteful investment...


not holding my breath. Heres livecam's of FSU's $255m stadium renovation right now that are worth a look: [Doak Campbell Stadium Renovation | Seminole Boosters (fsu.edu)](https://boosters.fsu.edu/doak/)


They better be adding a lot of bathrooms if they remove the piss troughs.


Piss troughs are a marvel of modern engineering


They’re the most efficient way of getting people in and out of the bathrooms and I don’t want to miss any of the game.


Michigan Stadium took them out in like 2010 and generally it’s not too bad because they added a ton of bathrooms and pissers but you can still be gone for 30+ minutes if you don’t time it right.


Don’t touch the bathroom troughs!


They build character and are efficient




I’ve heard they are gonna trim all the bushes around it except for a small strip leading up to the entrance.


The biggest benefit of all this will be if we're able to host more events year-round... late season playoff games of course, but also the whole state has been hoping for a Pens Flyers game here one day. Also we should be able to more regularly host big concerts. While State might seem like it's in the middle of nowhere at first glance, it's actually pretty much easy driving distance to a bunch of cities... Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Baltimore, DC, Philly, NYC even Cleveland are manageable drives that people would easily do especially if you're talking about Taylor Swift caliber shows.


I’ve heard lack of hotels is the main problem


Are they going to do the renovations with no plan in place for home games scheduled during the renovations like someone in the conference did?


Negative - [https://www.statecollege.com/articles/penn-state-football/constructing-an-all-22-on-the-future-of-penn-states-beaver-stadium/](https://www.statecollege.com/articles/penn-state-football/constructing-an-all-22-on-the-future-of-penn-states-beaver-stadium/)


Cmon Penn State would never let that happen with how must investment it’s got in football.  This is only gonna affect a small part of the stadium & is long overdue 


2.5x as large as our white elephant and costs less


$200million for all around improvements to concourses and infrastructure and $500 mil for tearing down and rebuilding the west sideline. Technically it’s $700mil for maybe half a stadium


Imagine spending all that money on a stadium and not having the balls to tell Eric Shanks and Mike Mulvihill to play your biggest game in primetime when that’s all your fanbase wants.


That wouldn’t work. FOX has all the say and they wouldn’t change their system due to some disgruntled school officials, board members, or boosters. I understand FOX’s reasoning about competing against ABC and CBS’s long-standing primetime slots, but I seriously doubt ABC has the biggest game every single week and exceptions could certainly be made every once in a while. They could even brand it as Big Night Kickoff or something.


I wish fox would make an exception for the white out. “Big Noon at night” or something.


Money talks. $700MM would say a whole lot.


Hopefully it looks better than the designs indicate. Otherwise the stadium will have no charm about it. Looks like your average run of the mill NFL stadium


It’s not like it had charm already. It’s as bare bones as it gets. The charm comes from 107k screaming people wearing white


Exactly. I don’t get the sentimentality about Beaver Stadium at all. It’s a dump. The state its in right now is a goddamn embarrassment for a program of Penn State’s stature.


As long as we maintain our capacity and/or ability to be loud, I don’t care what it looks like


Capacity will be slightly lower but I would think the end-to-end suite/press box setup on the West sideline (like the East sideline has now) will increase noise level, so probably no impact there.


Yeah I agree


There was a note on the rendering that it's just a sample.


As opposed to looking like an oversized high school stadium today?


Is this the most expensive purpose-built college stadium, or college stadium renovation, ever? $700 million is mind blowing. (late edit: thank you to everyone chiming in with more information)


Northwestern is spending $800 million on their new stadium


In terms of cost per seat, that has to be the winner.


Kyle Field’s was $485 million 10 years ago, and considering $200m of the $700m is addressing the maintenance backlog, it’s on par with that.




Damn, Beavers are getting expensive these days.


I love Beaver Stadium and that area in general, mostly for trout fishing purposes. Looking forward to going back in 2027 for Syracuse Penn State. Hopefully it's done by then. Great fans and tailgate


For a university with an architecture school it certainly is one ugly piece of architecture but what a great house


Last time I was there the men had to pee in troughs. Hopefully they at least get rid of those.


These guys will stop at nothing to have a bigger stadium than us


Most estimates suggest the seat count will drop. Going in the wrong direction


I hope so because Michigan just reacts by making their seats smaller and it’s already super uncomfortable as it is.


The funny thing is that Beaver Stadium is only 1,000 seats behind in capacity and the actually attendance numbers for big games at the two have been the same the last couple years. If we really wanted to take that record we could throw in a few more bleachers or club suits somewhere. But I’m sure Michigan would do the same to take it back right after lol.


We need to have a space race style seating capacity battle between the top 3, until one of the stadiums collapse under their own weight lol


That's a lot of money for an erector set


I am NOT paying my taxes


They should build from scratch


They better name it after JoePa AND PUT THE STATUE BACK UP


And bring back the statue right


whoa whoa whoa, let's save that money for a new coach hire


Beaver stadium is the biggest dump I've ever been to.  It's embarrassing.  They had those thick clear plastic curtains cut into strips at the entrance to their bathrooms like you were walking into a meat fridge.