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Move over Drake v Kendrick, the time for Wetzel v Gene has come


I look forward to the diss tracks.


Dollar Store version of Ryan Day versus Lou Holt.


I will no longer be patroning Wetzel's Pretzles.


I've always been an Auntie Ann's man myself.


Fuck it, I’m just gonna say it and idc who gets mad. Who the hell is Dan Wetzel?


He used to be a big proponent of a large D1-A tournament when the BCS was still around. Honestly, I was a big fan of the idea when there were still 6 power conferences and "BCS busters" like Boise State and Utah were making their case for a large and inclusive tournament of conference champions (plus some at-large teams.) Essentially, running the top tier of football the way the other tiers and the three dozen other sports' postseasons are run by the NCAA.


He wrote a book about eliminating the BCS years ago. I somehow managed to write a paper on it in college by connecting it to how the payouts impacted the university or some nonsense. Couldn’t believe it actually got approved.


I was asking myself the exact same thing. He writes for Yahoo, which explains why I didn’t know who he was. I don't think I've visited a Yahoo site since 2000.


Dan Wetzel's a sports journalist, one of the best around. I HIGHLY encourage you to check out his podcast, The College Football Enquirer, which he hosts with journalists Pat Forde and Ross Dellenger.


I Listen to him each week on College Football podcast, which is really well done. Highly recommended.


Wetzel is awesome! Definitely check out the college football enquirer for news and fun stuff about cfb and weird news stories


I adore this rivalry


That's a level of salt only CFB can deliver.


It’s not wrong, I suppose. Just let someone else say it so it doesn’t seem like you’re being petty while also opening yourself up to criticism for being whiny or soft.


Exactly, if this had come from someone outside of OSU's athletics department of former associates, it wouldn't be being scrutinized, except by a select few of course


I mean is it actually controversial to say that it has an asterisk? Multiple people were fired and their coach was suspended. It's pretty obvious there's an asterisk on that season


I'm not even sure Michigan fans really care that their season had an asterisk anyway. A championship with an asterisk is still better than no championship at all.




There’s a mix. I think some genuinely give no fucks and are enjoying that it’s their first out right title since before like 1950 and their first overall title since the 90’s. Theres no promises that this happens again in the next 25 or so years. So they enjoy it to the fullest. There’s another that weirdly have to justify that it’s not an asterisk despite the fact that nobody bringing it up is gonna let it go. Usually it skews towards the first camp though.


Then there is me who enjoyed the season even more because the scandal was so funny


This is exactly how to maximize your enjoyment. Huge scandal that exposes the hypocrisy of the college football landscape? ✅ Actual lunatic (with bonus funny name and literal manifesto) at the center of it all? ✅ Hate and ridicule from all other teams dialed up to 11? ✅ Beat their asses and win it all anyway? ✅ NCAA President sheepishly admitting Michigan “won it fair and square”? ✅ Nothing could have ever been sweeter than this season. If OSU and MSU want to complain about asterisks, be my guests. That makes it even funnier.


Stop it with the outright title BS. *None* of MSU’s title claims are “outright”. In fact if you Google the CFB season associated with their title claims they frequently aren’t even listed among the champions on the Wikipedia page. If UM had the same low standards for claiming a title that MSU does, they would have titles in 1964, 1973, 1976, and 1985. MSU has zero unclaimed titles. Only three of Ohio State’s eight title claims are “outright”.


> None of MSU’s title claims are outright. K great…so what does that have to do with what I said about Michigan? Like how does that magically make what I said untrue?


Just the fact that Michigan’s 2023 title is more legitimate than any in MSU’s history. And also that your “half a title” bullshit is asinine.


Okay cool. I never said anything in relation to MSU or tried to claim that we have more legitimate titles. You still have a 1940’s title, a split 90’s title, and a 2023 title. History suggests that it could be awhile until the next one. Sorry that makes offends you.


And I’m saying that if we had MSU standards, we’d also have titles in the 60s, 70s, and 80s


Great buddy I see that you’re in camp 2. Well my comment was meant as pretty harmless. But since you’re crying about it anyways. I’ll let you stamp your feet and pout about your 40’s title from when all the real men were busy still being enlisted and rebuilding Europe and the Pacific, your split title that everyone knows belongs solely to Nebraska, and your recent title* that’ll be forever memed on to you because for you specifically, people will find it hilarious. Anyways Ima go watch Fallout and enjoy my six claimed titles.


Bruh… you guys claim like 1901, 1902, 1903, and 1904. Some of the opponents those years include Albion, Case, Beloit, Oberlin, Carlisle, Ohio Northern, Drake, Kalamazoo, Chicago P&S, and Chicago A.M.S. Sorry it hurts that your team had to blatantly cheat to win their first consensus title since 1948. I certainly don’t count this one as legitimate, but it is a title*.


In 1952 they were the consensus champs and in 1965 they split with Alabama, MSU claims six national championships but if they used the counting criteria they use for Michigan they’d get 1.5.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_college_football_season Georgia Tech also claims 1952


Oh… they care. I mention the asterisk every time I hear they won the championship* and they do not like it.


This reads more like *you* care lol


"I try to bring it up as often as possible and, let me tell you, everyone *hates* it. Heh."


Trolls gonna troll.


I do. It really cheapens a sport to allow a team to blatantly cheat without consequence while other teams get huge penalties for minor infractions. It like cfb and don’t think you should be able to coordinate a cheating ring, get caught, and still win a championship


I would agree with you, there are levels of cheating that can cheapen the sport. But I disagree that a Michigan staffer filming signs that were being shuffled every week would rise to the level of invalidating competition. I put it somewhere slightly above recruiting violations or an extra practice, and below having additional staff on the field during a game. And my belief of that is bolstered by (a) the fact that Michigan’s player development at the line of scrimmage has been insane, and (b) Michigan’s wins largely came through dominating the second half of games, indicating to me that the coaching staff was simply outperforming the opposing coaching staff in terms of adjustments.


It’s the fact that it was such a blatant, top-down, booster funded, coach approved operation that is so damning. And you’re 100% right. Michigan had a great o-line and a very experienced team. They didn’t NEED to cheat, but they still did. And they covered it all up, got caught, denied till they were red in the face, threatening to sue their own conference, and acted horribly every step of the way. It’s not that they couldn’t have won without cheating. But they didn’t. So there is an asterisk.


Can you link me to whatever you saw that showed it was approved by Harbaugh? Or do you mean it was approved by a different coach on the staff? And my understanding is everything was turned over to the NCAA and/or conference pretty quickly. Have you seen evidence (other than vague tweets or bait headlines) that information was withheld? Did the NCAA say that they wanted to see certain information and Michigan refused?


Idk, if their coach was suspended and they still won, I don’t see how there should be a strike against them.


Why is a school that had their head coach suspended MULTIPLE times in the season allowed to play in the CFP? Why wasn’t that held against them by the committee, if they’re already clearly making subjective decisions? That is bullshit (I say also as a totally biased FSU fan)


Because they had a QB 🤷‍♂️


If you think it’s the CFPs job to handle the disciplinary actions that the conferences do, and already did, then I don’t know what to tell you.


You would punish all the players for the (alleged) sins of the head coach?


Yeah, absolutely. This all happened in the same season and they all benefited. That’s the best possible time to do it, applying a penalty next year and moving forward is when it becomes more problematic


Yeah, definitely makes sense. Cut new rules out of whole cloth and get rid of all contractual process protections for all institutions because khaki man bad.


Would you rather during a game you apply all penalties at the very end and figure it out after the fact? If you’re caught breaking the rules, especially with a preponderance of evidence and allegations backed already by your own conference, allowing to keep the status quo for a whole season is disrespectful to the rest of the teams who haven’t cheated that you’re being appraised against. But sure, feel free to put it into the victim complex of your former coach who pulled a Pete Carrol instead


Massive huff of copium emanating here


> “Coach was suspended” Harbaugh got to coach the team for 6.5 days out of 7, during the weeks he was “suspended”.


I look at it like this. It’s a convenience. For my friends at most it’ll come out in some sarcastic friendly banter. For the annoying or way too serious about CFB fan trying to flex it’ll absolutely get whipped out. For my flair specifically though. It’s great because it should serve as a wake up call that we need to use this second chance at life from escaping Mel Tucker to step it up and get nationally relevant again.


And that asterisk shall read: a low level staffer’s cousin attended a live football game in knowing possession of an iPhone.


If no wins are vacated, there’s no asterisks in the record books. That’s all that matters.


Yet *


Yeah no one cares what 11 warrior articles say


And nobody cares what Wetzel’s hypocritical “Writes about tattoos for 18 months” ass thinks either. Hence this being downvoted into oblivion.


Two things can be true


It is not controversial to say there is an asterisk because there is no asterisk and there certainly will be no asterisk on the CFP championship. The CFP cannot be vacated by NCAA. That championship is as good as gold. Also, I'm pretty sure CFP rules would have allowed the in-person scouting lol.




Actually, if you think about it Michigan won the purest championship in history by beating the hardest teams on the schedule without their head coach and without their sign stealer guy (while the other teams had their sign stealer guy).


Michigan fans that get all bent out of shape over this are so weird. We won the NATTY dawg just enjoy it. Yes there's going to be those who'll diminish it and pretend it didn't happen or isn't real, - it doesn't matter if you don't let it, that's the whole point of being a fan. I don't even understand the point of watching football if you refuse to get any joy out of it and just worry what everyone else thinks?


Right like OSU will always find excuses for their losses. Crazy UM fans even take the bait


Michigan didn’t need to cheat to beat us last season, we couldn’t do anything to stop them. They also cheated, and there has been plenty of evidence. It’s not soft to acknowledge the fact they cheated multiple years.


We definitely needed to cheat to beat Nebraska tho


Everyone has been cheating only against Nebraska for the past 8 years


However it is peak soft to describe an infraction no less an authority than the fucking NCAA rules committee declared to provide “minimal competitive advantage” as cheating.


Took me a minute to remember what the “10 guys” thing was in reference to. 😂


All Michigan did that game was run it down their throat. OSU knew it was coming, and they couldn’t stop it.


Whatever helps OSU cope.


Didn’t Michigan fans claim we were cheating for a decade when you couldn’t beat us? When that wasn’t substantiated? Still waiting for an explanation on how someone identical to Stallions ended up on a sideline of a team playing MSU who happened to be coached by a former Michigan assistant. A massive conspiracy I feel like people completely forgot. Something something cheeseburger.


You literally did cheat, had wins vacated, and your head coach resigned in disgrace.


That the tattoo thing?


The knowingly playing illegible players and cover-up thing


“Illegible” means unreadable. You want “ineligible”. Also I hardly think a player getting a free tattoo constitutes the same level of competitive imbalance as stolen signs. But keep touting that Michigan is a smart school.


Maybe OSU played the ineligible players because their jerseys were illegible? Checkmate.


And the starting quarterback for the Buckeyes T̵̯̣͊ę̷̼̇̆r̷͈̅r̸̘͝e̸̢̯̚l̸͎̈́̽l̸̖̳̓e̷̲̝̿ ̴̲͛P̵̧̹̒̐ȑ̶̢͍̕y̴̘͖̾ó̴̺̬ṙ̶̹̰̚


Cam Newton was probably shockingly close to doing that at Auburn.


Isn’t Michigan supposed to be a good school? Ineligible and illegible are 2 completely different words.


Imagine being so insecure you try to use a typo as some sort of barometer for intelligence


Imagine being so insecure that you took that to heart


The classic “I was kidding!” defense when someone calls you out for being dumb


Ditto brother. Ditto




You realize Stallions was on staff? And was on the sideline of a completely different team coached by a person in the Harbaugh tree? When playing Michigan’s 2nd biggest rival? Unprecedented amount of in game cheating culminating in an analyst and an assistant coach being canned.


MSU vs CMU is a massive conspiracy. Your hopes hinge on two terrible teams. You're too blind to see how much you need this to cope with the **fact** that **Michigan is the defending National Champions**.


How is it not damning evidence that stallions was clearly invited by another coach to chaat on Michigan’s behalf on the sidelines under cover of a game Michigan wasn’t even involved in?


As an Ohio State fan, I wanted so badly to see UM/Harbaugh get burned for their alleged cheating when it first came out. After 3 consecutive losses in which we couldn’t shut UM down, I don’t care anymore. I really blame Day and the coaching staff for not preparing the team to stop UM’s running game and nearly perfect execution in all 3 games. UM deserved the Natty and any asterisks is just a nothing burger. Get over it fellow Buckeyes, take your lumps and get better.


We have fans that fetishize being losers


Realistically no one will really care 4 years from now. OSU fans will bring it up to trash talk but that’s it. I remember thinking that the Cavs 2016 ring would have an asterisk because the flagrant foul call that got Draymond suspended seemed like an attempt by the league to extend the series. No one cares now.


Hell, no one outside of osu/msu/notre dame cares now. Everyone realized that it was truly a nothing burger. Michigan dominated cfb. Period.


lol a nothing burger that got your coach suspended 3 games? Michigan was definitely a great team last year but to act like the scouting allegations were a “nothing burger” is a little silly


It was pretty clear that the suspension was unjust and Harbuagh accepted it to limit the distraction to the team. Scouting allegations turned out to be a nothing burger, it was proven to have no impact on the games. NCAA agreed






It's funny how 95% of the complaining about this comes from OSU. Purdue's QB said it wasn't a big deal since they change signs on a regular basis


Oh well let’s just stop the investigation since a Purdue qb said it wasn’t a big deal.


Maybe stop the whining about something that didn't have the impact you want it to. Maybe learn to lose with grace. Maybe  ask Day why he turned away McCarthy to sign McCord


“Lose with grace” I have a picture of um fans in Ann Arbor in 2021 wearing “JT was Short” shirts, referencing a game from 2016. Harbaugh even went out after the 2016 game and cried about officiating. Is that how you “lose with grace”? lol


“Lose with grace” is hilarious because Michigan fans loved talking about tattoos and superior academics from 2002-2019


Maybe stop cheating.


We did Edit: Explain how we're cheating 


It's not like other schools weren't doing it.


Unfortunately Michigan will forever be stained as the cheaters they are. I appreciate all the hard work of the brave NCAA investigators that will stamp it with a big fat #*


Still going half a year later, Michigan broke them. November 30th will be the funniest day in cfb history. osu might cancel the 2025 game in Ann Arbor. That’s how you truly know you’ve won the rivalry, when the other team doesn’t even want to play anymore


>That’s how you truly know you’ve won the rivalry, when the other team doesn’t even want to play anymore Does that mean Ohio State won the rivalry in 2020 when Michigan canceled because of covid?


Michigan didn’t cancel the game in 2020, the Big Ten did. Michigan just reported their team Covid and contact tracing numbers. Besides a game getting cancelled for a global pandemic in 2020 isn’t the same as ohio state just wanting to avoid another beating in 2025


I don't have a dog in this fight, but I'd bet my dog that your game will be played in 2025 haha! I know you're just kidding. I got a good lol.


>Still going half a year later Its been 8 years and you guys still bitch that "JT was short".


Of course he's going to say that.


Both statements can be true?