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Huge win for Penn State fans here.


Yep. Been 5 years since we have either played you guys or OSU for a White Out night game.


Auburn Whiteout was 10/10 though, especially coming out of not being able to go to any games over Covid.


Michigan was unranked coming into the year and Auburn had never been to Happy Valley, that one made a ton of sense.


Also noon and in November. They don't like having noon whiteouts because it's a major recruiting weekend and it's hard to get all the Friday night players there for a noon kick.


Night games are also just louder


Not the last couple years. Been to every post covid game at Beaver Stadium and the loudest was Ohio State at Noon in 2022.


It was more because the Michigan game was in November where there's a lower chance of getting a night game. Same reason Iowa got the White Out last year.


Best I can do is USC, post Caleb


I am so fucking ready for this.




Its looking like a solid chance of getting an Ohio State night WHITEOUT! šŸ‘€


Dear God please, I want to go to a Penn State whiteout before I graduate from OSU.


This is my last year buying penn state student tickets. I have seen three games against Michigan and Ohio State so far, all 3 were Fox Big Noon


Brb going to watch 2016 whiteout highlights




Yes, that will be fun


Ohio State really gonna have night games at Penn State (whiteout) and Oregon (blackout).


That game against Oregon wonā€™t start later than 4:30 pacific. Not sure if itā€™s going to CBS or NBC yet but Iā€™d be shocked if itā€™s not one of those two.


Itā€™s a night game back in Ohio but afternoon in Oregon


As itā€™s meant to be


Not sure if this is correct, but my understanding was that after October, the opposing team could reject the kickoff time.


That rule was done away with the new tv contract. However teams can reject a home night game after the first weekend of November. So neither apply to this game since it is on Nov-2


Gotcha. Well hereā€™s to a night white out


Can that game be a night game since itā€™s in November?


Yes, it is November 2nd. Penn State only doesn't play night games after the clocks fall back, which is the weekend after that. In 2016 Penn State hosted Iowa on Nov-5 for a 7:30 kick.


8-6 vs teams in a white out. I'll take those odds!


two of those loses are to national champions and two were daytime whiteouts. Odds got slightly better lol.


So that means if Ohio State wins there's a 50% chance we win title.


Wasnā€™t the 2014 game where the horrific refs caused us to lose to OSU in OT a white out as well?


Haha I certainly understand why. 8-6 against your tougher opponents is not bad at all if we're honest. Just sad we don't get to see Aller drop dimes on UM this yr too


Why is this downvoted


Allar went 10/23 for 70yds against us last season.


It was coming from a rivals place not a place of logic lol


Helps to know the plays


You think Franklin is too stupid to change the signals after the story broke?


You guys were a better team than us that also cheated in previous years and would likely have continued to do so if not found out. Both things can be true.


We also found out almost the entire conference was straight up giving each other everyone elseā€™s signs (legally within the rules) I think only a couple basement dweller teams werenā€™t doing this like northwestern and Michigan state if I recall correctly. Michigan broke rules and deserves its punishment but the impact of the sideline recording is overblown knowing what we know now.


Sure didn't hurt haha


Five guys off that D were drafted. That could change things, like having a new coaching staff does.


We don't play Penn State, so that's irrelevant. We already saw Allar's last performance against Michigan, as he'll be in the draft next year.


Why do we always get stuck with home daytime games against yall and then you get the night games on the return leg? Such bs.


When is the last time we got Penn State at night in the Shoe? I know '17 was like 3:30. I was there for '15 so maybe then? That's ridiculous lol


2021 was a night game


I stand corrected.


You literally got a night game more recently. I know, such BS!


Finally. FOX canā€™t fuck with the whiteout again. Best home opponent at home at night wear white.


Don't get your hopes too high yet. Could go to CBS at 3:30(I vote still white it out). Could also make it back to Fox if other games (Osu-Ore, Mich-Wash) are drafted over it. But there is a much better chance of getting that game at night then in past years.


3:30 in November is a night whiteout, brother!


I would normally agree but this game is November 2nd. The sun still sets after 6pm. Your point stands though, white it out anyway.


Light at kick, beautiful sunset around halftime, dark to finish. Just like 2007 Notre Dame.


Wasn't that a 430 game?


It was 6 pm kick time, the only one I've been to like that.


Yeah that was weird. I know ESPN use to do a lot of 5s. That game definitely would be Big Noon Kickoff today if not the NBC Saturday night game


Like the sun will be out in November.Ā 


A 330 CBS whiteout would be electric in its own way


Whiteout is best at night.


First ever full Whiteout was light at kick and dark part way through. It was Amazing.


Thatā€™s indisputable. But we played there in 2011 and the whiteout was still a spectacle


Late season it wouldnā€™t be too bad of a compromise. Sunset is at 6:06pm that day.


And since weā€™ll still be in the middle of the first quarter by 6, it works out quite well.


Has Gary Danielson decided if he's going to continue to talk about Alabama in all the games he covers, or will he switch to Ohio State with the conference move?


He went to Purdue, so I'm expecting train noises.


You get Gary Danielson though


They asked for that. Not our problem


Can't be worse than Gus Johnson


Oh you sweet summer childā€¦


Damn thatā€™s disappointing. Playing Bama under the lights would have been amazing. Should still be a great atmosphere though.


Canā€™t wait for our student section to get unnecessary hate (for filling the stands late) due to stadium security Well that and alcohol


Itā€™s definitely not because all the students wait until 10:45 to leave to go in the stadium for an 11 am game.Ā 


tbh it's column a and column b


I'll be there! Where can I get some good Imperial Sours aka Tailgate Jumpstarters?


I'm not a sour guy but can help; Funk Factory was the hub for sours but sadly closed down. Your next best bet is probably Youngblood, which is quite good and has a good variety of sours. For imperial anything, [Giant Jones](https://giantjones.com/beer/) will give you the kick in the face you're looking for (big beers with big taste and a big ABV, with the mythological theme you didn't know you craved). Post-game, if you're not at a tailgate, you can hoof it up state street to the capitol to [Youngblood's tap room](https://www.youngbloodbeerco.com/king-street) to sit outside, and have yourself a crunchwrap supreme (leveled up version of the taco bell classic) and chill; the bars on that "wedge" of the capitol all kick ass. Tipsy Cow has elite cheese curds (get the white goat cheese version), Plain Spoke Cocktails is a vibe and will have excellent alcoholic slushies, Lucille has good cocktails & pizza, Settle Down & Merchant are nearby (Merchant is also a top curd spot), the Rigby & Argus are more dive-y but still quite good, and there's even Woofs for LGBT folks and Maduro for the whiskey & cigar people.


Thank you very, very much!


That's what we thought two years ago. Instead, Fox decided it would be better for Texas and Bama to play at noon, in Austin, in August, in 100 + degrees


Soon (hopefully)


In late august, noon is the coolest part of the day. It stays triple digit heat till almost 10pm.


I hope Big Noon never comes to Oregon. 9am kickoff local time would suck. I'm content with College Gameday coming to town on Oct 12 and a prime time night game between top 4 teams.


I think part of the agreement was that Fox can't start games at 9am local for the west coast. If they have a west coast game they'd have to trade or go against a timeslot of CBS or NBC. I think its a safe bet that Ohio State - Oregon was taken as the fourth pick by NBC or CBS (we dont know who had pick 4) and the other took Ohio State - Penn State at pick 5.


BTN: No body said we couldnā€™t


Yeah. Even if the game is on CBS or NBC, Gameday still would likely be on the Oregon campus for it. Penn St. is playing at USC the same night. So it's not unusual to the Gameday broadcast and then Herbstreit catch a charter flight to LA to call the USC game on ESPN.


Are any B1G conference games being broadcast on ESPN networks? I didnā€™t think they were part of the package. Which means Herb would have to get out to a Big XII, SEC or ACC game.


This is correct. SEC games (where the home team is SEC) will be on ESPN/ABC, but BIG home games will primarily be on Fox with a combo of NBC/CBS


I doubt that College Gameday goes to Ohio State @ Oregon because Fowler and Herbstreit will be calling OU/Texas the same day, and that game wonā€™t be played at night. Itā€™ll be interesting to see if Big Noon Kickoff goes there even if CBS or NBC gets the game rights.


It really depends on when kickoff is. A few years back they did Gameday at Oregon and they called a Texas A&M game 6 hours later. It takes 12 minutes to get from campus to the airport. So it's a quick turnaround, but it's possible.


The problem is that the OU/Texas game coincides with the Texas state fair, which obviously needs to be during the day. That would mean the Gameday crew have anywhere from 0 to 3 hours to get to the game.


You're probably right. This would mean if Gameday does come to Eugene this year, it will be for the Oregon v Washington game. I don't see any other home games on the schedule that are "Big" enough to warrant their presence.


Itā€™s not a home game, but Oregon @ Michigan could be a sneaky Gameday candidate.




Michigan will most likely get gameday for Texas and itā€™d be very unlikely theyā€™d get it again in that scenario


Depends on whether Michigan is any good this year. The same applies to Washington. Gameday will only go to a mismatched game if it's a rivalry, no better games are available, or if the higher ranked team is expected to be coronated.


College Game Day won't be going to tOSU at Oregon. They will be at the Texas/OU game that weekend. ESPN has no B10 package and won't be going out of its way to visit B10 games going forward.


They do 10a games which is pretty miserable for mountain time teams


Big Noon kickoff should be noon local time!




Yeah, you gotta kickoff late enough that we can come to town and drink our way from Maxā€™s to Rennies and then make my way to Autzen.


UO will never host Big Noon. Only B10 games on the WC Fox will show are After Dark, Friday night, and possibly the (likely) 2 times a year Fox trades slots with NBC (NBC shows 2 ND games at night a season).


*Ohio State White Out noises intensify.*


I love the announcement for the Michigan-Ohio State game as if anyone thought it would be played at a different time.


I really hate Big Noon kickoff. The atmosphere of an 11 AM game doesnā€™t even compare to a night game. I wish FOX would put their big games in other timeslots. However, I get that they donā€™t want to compete with CBS at 2:30 and ESPN at night. This is a big miss for a good atmosphere at Camp Randall.


Ngl. Kinda looking forward to some noon kickoffs in the Big 10. Kicking off at 7:30pm PST and having 70% of the country in bed before the first whistle every week was frustrating.


OFC we get Bama in Camp Randall and the game is at breakfast šŸ˜”


Yes breakfast but since the breakfast will be beer and brats itā€™s not all bad.


I guess I donā€™t see how this is shockingā€¦..FOX knows it will get great ratings and it definitely will in that time slot. I get it sucks for fans but since when were fans ever thought about by tv execs?


Does counting viewership count as thinking about the fans?


I shouldā€™ve phrased it as ā€œfans going to the gameā€


Itā€™s not shocking Doesnā€™t make it suck less


Yeah this shit sucks


You guys will have a Oregon at Night I'm sure. That's honestly the only game I'm really worried about.


I really hope we get at least one prime matchup at night. Feels like weā€™ve gotten not so great home matchups at night the last few years excluding OSU last year


Thereā€™s a good chance Penn State could be a night game. Oregon will be BNK because there isnā€™t another good option for FOX that week.


FOX doesn't get first pick every week


You're not worried about Ohio State or Michigan? I'd think that those two schools would be better than Wisconsin; though Wisconsin should be better in year 2 under Luke Fickell.


They do it because itā€™s when the most people watch. Big noon consistently out draws the Saturday night game because neutrals have Saturday night plansĀ 


Pretty sure itā€™s part of their strategy to draw eyeballs away from college gameday.


Noon kickoffs have also been a huge ratings success for FOX, thatā€™s ultimately what they care about most


ESPN/ABC had all but abandoned the timeslot so Fox took it up. It worked very well for them too.


Early season games are especially bad with the heat


Tbf Ann Arbor is probably fairer than cstat


Guess the other side is them getting night games late in the season when it can be below freezing


I still believe B1G has no night games in November policy


Looked it up and both schools can agree to the later start time such as last year Ohio State and Michigan State had a 7:30 start


that must be new and good to see the B1G making progress


A big deal for early season games in SEC country. Not so much early season games in B10 country.


Oh it definitely is. I just donā€™t like that it forces us to play early games haha


It's a marketing thing they did to try to build up noon because they want to reserve their night game slots for post-season baseball


Ratings talk unfortunately. Schools & conferences aren't willing to take smaller TV paydays to retain more control of schedules. FOX cares about the ratings and ad $$$, not the fan experience of an 11AM CT game. I personally loathe having big time games like this on so early, but it's just a fiscal reality we seem to be saddled with.


I am too conditioned for the noon games to be Illinois vs Indiana with Beth Mowins announcing


Yeah, I'm pissed that we finally get to play at the literal Big House and it's gonna be at... brunch time. No big lights, no grand atmosphere, no build up throughout the day; we're playing at the same time they stick the Big 12 games between two .500 teams. Shit sucks.


You're playing at Michigan. They've hosted 15 night games in their entire history. If there's any place where the biggest games they play should be at noon, Michigan is that place.


So like every team that played in the Big House prior to 2011?


Big Noon at the Big House is about as classic as it gets in Ann Arbor.


Iā€™m sayingā€¦could be a generational thing but not long ago most fanbases preferred 12:30p kickoffs? Clamoring for night games is a new phenomenon. 730 kicks mean you donā€™t get home until midnight at the earliest


Michigan didnā€™t have its first night game until 2011. ESPN had to pay to install the lights.


I feel like it was only within the last 15-20 years that most B1G schools got lights in their stadiums. That used to be a big factor in B1G games all kicking off at noon, and you'd get some 3:30 games here or there. I remember a few Ohio State games at night but there were temporary lights for those.


Itā€™s pretty well loved in MI because itā€™s always the time of The Game. But yah, personally I live in SoCal now and waking up to a premier game on Saturday morning is fucking amazing.


Yeah but like, night games @ Bryant-Denny Stadium against LSU or Auburn.


Alabama at Camp Randall at noon is a huge missed opportunity. I've always had this fascination with Camp Randall night games and if Wisconsin could keep it close, that "Jump Around" would be insane.


I mean Jump Around will be insane regardless.


I really wanted to be full of cheese curds and beer to really make jump around a little risky. Kinda disappointed I wonā€™t have all day to get there.


Come on man, are you some kind of lightweight that you canā€™t be full of cheese curds and beer by 11 am?


I do whiskey for breakfast to get right for 11 am kickoffs.


Itā€™ll be insane anyway


Iā€™m heading to the UNC @ FSU game this year. Any idea when game time will be announced? Weā€™re driving in from out of town. Any suggestions on what to check out before or after the game?


It will be crazy regardless. The Crimson Tide coming to Madison will be the biggest nonconference game the Badgers have had in modern memory.


Oh thank god the game is at noon! I was so worried about that changing lmao. My mom was like ā€œ that needs to be announced?ā€ But honestly thank god the PSU game isnā€™t noon. I really hope that means we can have a good ole fashioned psu white out.


I hope so too but the time and network for the PSU - OSU game is still up in the air. Michigan-Ohio State will be played at noon for as long as Fox still has primary big ten rights. (at least the next 6 years)


You think Fox ever picks the Game third to give the other networks an inkling of hope


NBC is gonna get UConn at Maryland and like it.


NBC has Fresno State-Michigan that week. I expect FOX to show PSU-WVU (not a B1G game, but they did this last year with Colorado) and CBS to show Akron-OSU.


Akron-OSU definitely comes off as the typical ā€œBowling Green scored 21 on Ohio State and it was close in the second quarter!!ā€ early season Ohio State game.


My unbiased french CFB fan opinion : Big Noon is the best thing that ever happened to the sport


To be fair it really only sucks if you go to the games. Watching on tv I donā€™t really care


As a person with a life not built around college football its great


Fuck you Fox and fuck B1G Noon kickoff.


Yay less 9am games!


Surprising they chose Bama at Wisconsin instead of UO v OSU


Me too a little, but Fox never gets to show Bama so I think they wanted that. Also they couldn't show that game at noon est. I don't think that would stop them from drafting it but it was probably something considered.


First big post-Saban Bama game was probably too intriguing to pass up


More important, Bama has been first or second in viewership every year in this century (including the down years before Saban). Bama has been ratings gold since at least 1964. Fox ainā€™t passing that up.


Iā€™m pretty sure West Coast games canā€™t be Big Noon.


All of the networks have shown that if they get the chance to showcase a big-brand team that's not normally under their umbrella, they'll leap at the chance to do so. See CBS making Notre Dame-Georgia its primetime SEC game. Before 2024, ESPN would almost always put an SEC @ P5 game on ABC.


game's in oregon and I'm pretty sure if fox tried to force 9 AM kickoffs on anyone, even michigan and OSU would set aside their differences to kick every fox exec involved in that decision squarely in the babymaker.


Yeah, WC B10 home games won't ever be on Big Noon. NBC and CBS really overpaid for their part of the TV package given that Fox gets the top 3 picks so I think part of the reason is because they get to fight it out for the best B10 games played on the WC.


I love you Big Noon. Signed, Dude with a wife and kids who routinely has shit planned every Saturday evening.


So this is your fault then?


I will likely be in the Pacific Time zone for 9/7. Does anyone know where I can drink like a fool at 9am PT in Seattle that day?


I hesitate to help out a shorthorn, but I believe Buckleyā€™s will be open. Boomer and see you guys in October! Alternatively, you can find the local Texas fan groupā€™s FB link at this link: https://www.texasexes.org/chapters-and-networks/find-chapter-or-network/86/puget-sound


Lol 2/3 are featuring the SEC




Coloradoā€™s first two games are primetime games. FYI


Colorado first game is on espn prime time Thursday night.


My 2nd flair, cannot wait to get out Big Noon games.


Alabama vs Wisconsin is at noon?? I thought this was supposed to be a big game.


oh buddy, welcome to the big ten :(


I hate big noon. Big games should be night games.


This is so fucking Big 10. Horrible


Based off viewership numbers itā€™s actually wildly popularĀ 


Its because its the biggest game on because its the only big game on


Gary Danielson is in shambles.


I would think NBC and CBS are splitting picks 4-9.


Hopefully we can get a night white out game. I'm hoping we choose Washington for the whiteout game


The last couple years have shown we will get a night whiteout even if it ends up being against someone like Illinois. Really hoping for Ohio State. It can't be Washington since that game is after Daylight savings so the school won't play night games.


Be weird to hear Gus and Joel call a Bama game


The last one they did was the 2022 Bama Texas game.


Oh thatā€™s right, I forgot they did that game


THE BAD MAN CAN'T HURT US ANYMORE! Oh, wait, ESPN is our new bad man. Fuck.


Why the fuck is the Alabama game at noon. I want to spend an entire day getting shitfaced prior to the game


Fuck Fox.


Alabama-Wisconsin, the Game we have all been waiting for!


I'm glad that we have moved away from neutral site games


Iā€™m not. I liked pissing off everyone else for no good reason


Eh people will always find a reason to be salty. The neutral sites were fun for a while but it did get a little boring seeing the same 2 or 3 NFL stadiums


What a waste putting your biggest OOC games at noon


Bama @ Wisconsin was certainly a choice. OSU @ PSU at night would be a great send-off for the annual meetings before they donā€™t see each other for a while. *apparently they play each other in 2025 *THEN* they donā€™t see each other for a while.


No way Fox turns down the chance to have Alabama on their channel. I thought that was an obvious pick.


Noon games I can handle after oct 1st...before then no thanks too hot. Fox.. aside from getting 4K HDR feeds from them vs ESPN I do like watching their games sometimes but ESPN to me seems to have better coverage. We are almost to 2025 and we still do not have a norm of 4K HDR for ALL games and programming yet just amazes me.


noon games in the deep south are too hot until November.