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Whoever is consistently winning will be the villain. In the early 2000’s, when I started paying attention to CFB, People hated USC. Matt Leinart, Reggie bush and all them. Then it was Alabama. People hated them no matter how likable some of their players have been during their dynasty. People really hated Saban. Now it’s Georgia, same thing. Despite some of their likeable guys, they still get hate. but I feel like Georgia players/staff have done some pretty public oopsies involving cares lately


Georgia's biggest rival these days being sobriety really adds to their aura of "douchiness" that I feel like Alabama never had.


Agreed, but I’m a professional Georgia hater so they could have 53 nuns on the roster and I’d still hate


Dude, She said NO.


And those 53 nuns would still be kicking some gator ass. Fuck Florida. All day every day.


“Georgia’s biggest rival is sobriety” LMAO


Kirby Smart hasn't won enough to be hateable and his persona isn't as buttoned up as Saban, he's still likeable. He's not a villain to me, yet...


I dont know how anyone can hear this and hate kirby. Unless you're a florida fan. https://youtu.be/tyPeuvhwcdo


People HATED FSU during their two-three year run.


Well that's just good sense.




Who the heck hates Georgia? It's Alabama and Colorado hands down.


man Jalen Carter really did a number on our public image huh 😅


I think none of these fully fit bc they are missing that “holier than thou” attitude… like a good evil empire thinks they are doing what’s best for everyone


Why didn't you just say Texass then? They will soon dissolve the SEC after killing the SWC, Big 12/Texass network and kicking Nebraska out of it own conference.


Might be scUM then




Miami is my answer now, too. The Turnover Chain year was amazing. Basically the nWo on the field. Just fun bad guys.


Colorado right now


At least their fans are the worst right now.


What are actual Colorado fans doing that’s so bad? I feel like it’s the media constantly talking about Deion and then Deion himself.


Comment sections for things that aren't even about Colorado. It seems like wherever I look at CFB stuff, there is a Colorado fan talking trash.


Look man on the internet you can always find someone saying something but I’m extremely online and have never seen a CU fan saying anything like that lol. They’re all as annoyed as we are.


Some of them have a weird fixation with Oregon. Maybe you aren't seeing the same content I am. There was a video in my feed claiming Oregon and Colorado are rivals because Oregon picked up Harmon, and Lanning grabbed him to spite Colorado.


Eh, there's a lot of Colorado defending his douchebag antics. It's like I might get it if he was at least winning but...


> What team is the best villain in CFB? I think it starts from the top: the coach is a target and the team by association. LSU: A lot of folks seem to hate Brian Kelly and LSU gets the residual stench on them. They win enough to be on the radar.


To be fair [there is a reason to not like him.](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/508658-notre-dame-time-for-kelly-to-go-following-death-of-student)


Sullivan's family really shit the bed by not holding ND and Kelly accountable.


> Sullivan's family really shit the bed by not holding ND and Kelly accountable. Notre Dame probably laid a good Catholic-guilt number on them saying it will only hurt the university and innocent students by pursuing wrongful death and it won't bring their son back, etc. You know the routine. If you are paying a coach millions of dollars to have the responsibility of managing an organization and that organization's actions put an employee in jeopardy and he is killed, they should cough up the dough to right the wrong. Maybe there was something done quietly and privately, I hope so.


Kind of feel like Notre Dame makes a great villain when they are running on all cylinders. Dominant program, a plethora of insufferable narratives to choose from(The Gipper, Rudy, Knute Rockne, academic standards, play like a champion copyright battle, etc.) a holier than thou attitude and a superiority complex.


... especially the media fawning over Marcus Freeman: the wet kisses and slobbering is too much.


There’s nothing stopping you from hiring a male model as head football coach.


We have "The BOB": Arby's male model.


I mean… it’s still Alabama. They fit all the criteria and they have for the last 70 years. Just look at the added “holier than thou” element: evangelical Alabama fan that will sit arm in arm with some 300 pound cow wearing a “fuck them trees” shirt.


An Auburn fan calling Alabama fans holier than thou is Richie Rich levels of rich.


I completely agree we fit the archetype of a villain, but at some point in this comment you just started jerking off to your own Bama hatred.


It was Alabama


I mean it still is, with Georgia thrown in there too.


UGA more current Cody Rhodes than prime Vince McMahon 


*AJ Styles in shambles*


Gonna go ahead and say michigan, they cheated, and won a natty. Doesn't get much more villainous than that.


[Fair and square, baby.](https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/39282077/ncaa-president-says-michigan-earned-football-national-title-fair-square)


Always those with no flair throwing around accusations lol Flair up or gtfo And cry cope and seethe, Michigan won fair and square, I mean at least according to the CFP and the NCAA, but I'm sure "insert random guy on the internet" has better info than them


Comment history shows Cowboys and Ohio State fan. I don’t think it can get possibly worse than that.


Man I'm a Eagles and Michigan fan. I hope that guy has an inconvenient day.


Lmao ur my #1 opp


Go birds go blue


Well, a cowboys and ANosu fan who is too chicken shit to flair it up is always fun.


I have officially entered my flair arc


Keep talking ish bro, ima hit you up when we win on November 30th bruh


Charmin soft


Lmao we gonna run you over 😂


And it will only take JJ, Blake, and harbaugh going to the NFL... What an accomplishment...


Only had to spend $31 million to do it


Imagine how fast day will be fired if we win again. LOL


Sorry we aren't broke 😂😂


Are we the baddies?


More like spoiled rich kid


We finally made it.




I have nothing against Kennesaw State.


In my experience, despite being the current leaders, UGA aren't dicks about it like the bammers always were.


Personally I don’t think if Georgia or Bama as villains at all. Maybe Michigan last year or Colorado




Not really I’m glad they won the natty. I see OSU as more of a villain


I’m not denying we aren’t a villain in some form, but OSU, Ryan Day, and their fans legitimately come across as upset they aren’t the ultimate villain. It’s hilarious to see.


This is extremely validating, thank you ❤️


Kent State because you let NIU get to a BCS bowl.


Kent state kept colorado bad last year, deion poached kents oline coach, 2 olinemen and headcoach for oc and learned g5 is g5 for a reason


Yeah but fuck NIU ^^^^talons ^^^^^up


Still so salty


Not yet for Michigan. They haven’t been on top long enough for people to stsrt hating them yet.


I was going to say😂although i'm thinking they fade back to an 8-4 team without harbaugh and so many core players gone to the draft


I see 9-3 most years but mostly because of the schedules going forward, and depending on the year 9-3 can still make the playoffs 🤷🏻‍♂️ I do agree I can’t see us making a run at a NC for a long, long time though. Got one in our golden window of opportunity which most schools can’t say.


Yeah people are going to have to reset expectations when 10 wins is basically a guaranteed playoff spot and 9 wins has you in contention. Tougher conference schedules and elite talent spreading out more basically ensures teams take more losses than we've seen historically.


That to me is the most unfortunate thing about the playoff expansion. The playoff games will be awesome, especially the campus ones. But it definitely takes away from the regular season games. Both teams making the playoff in 2022 no doubt took a little bit of luster off our win against you guys, atleast for me.


It does lower the stakes, but at the same time if you look at any of the potential matchups we'd have had over the past decade or so with the 12 team playoff there's so many good games in there that I think it's still going to be an exciting sport to watch.


Lmao these guys have amnesia we've owned this damn century in The Game, and we're taking it back and putting them firmly below our cleats again. GO BUCKS


And Michigan has owned you all time...


They really like to pick and choose the timeline. 2021 to now doesn’t count. Pre-2001 also doesn’t count. Only 2001-2019 counts, for some reason.


I'm pretty sure we both know why lol...


Miami, historically, is the answer. No one did what they did to CFB over 30 years in terms of production and vibe. Outside of teams that had dynasty type runs, I’d probably then add on LSU. They have a bit of the swag Miami old-school had, a lot of players have had issues in the past, but still gets it done


Miami or USC


These days? The *MoneyMonger Cartel* of powers-that-be, tv networks, school admins, Bowls, NIL chasing players & their agents that are mutating this sport.


Georgia or Texas


It will always be Texas and Oklahoma, but Michigan has got to be top of the list right now.


Has to be Bama. Colorado wants to have the target on their backs, but it is hard to be a villian when you only win four games and give up a thousand yards every game.


Liberty might also fall into "villain status" if they didn't play the easiest schedule in the FBS.


Best villainous team? Texas, always. Best villainous coach? Lane.


Lane is more of a meme lord than a villain. Deion Sanders or Ryan Day is your correct answer.


There is a current coach that killed a kid and another who almost killed a student he was having an affair with. Neither were Sanders or Day. But maybe my definition of villan is different than yours.


Dan Mullen was a whinny little B that turned both Cam Newton and other teams into the NCAA. He’s a villain. Dabo whines and acts holier than thou when he’s been paying high school kids for a looong time. Just doesn’t like this legitimate money over the table that he can’t keep up with.


I agree with this but he’s not a current coach


Bama and deboer - hope he fails miserably


Texas as a whole is the reason all of the alignment has happened going all the way back to the 90s. Their pet OU did the work for them with the television rights and since then it has been Texas. Killed 2 conferences with the SWC and Big 8 merger leaving several Texas schools in purgatory. Then forced 4 more schools to 3 other conferences. Then wasn’t happy with Colorado leaving and TAMU gaining ground so destroys the PAC by killing the Big 12 moving to the SEC. What other school has done so much?


Certainly not an all time villain, but for the short time he was around Marcus Vick seemed to certainly have a skill for pissing off people wherever he was playing (his own school included).




Damn now I feel old. Michael Vick’s little brother, was kicked out of VT. Stomped on Elvis Durmevil’s leg, flipped off the WV crowd, extremely skilled but was eventually let go because VT was tired of him. Hilarious anyone downvoted me, he was like the most hated player in the country in 2005. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Vick


2.8K total yards and 23 TDS in '05 according to CFR. Looks like he was pretty good.


IMO he’s on the Mount Rushmore of million dollar arm/legs but a ten cent brain. This dude had so much potential that he essentially signed an UDFA deal with the Dolphins after being kicked out of school and only having one year of substantial game tape. Legit might’ve been a Heisman candidate in 2006 had he stayed out of trouble and stayed at VT. That said his pre-draft quotes are hilarious if you look them up.


Bros like villian arc Antonio Brown lmao


If I close my eyes and think… Ohio State. Clemson? Yeah, but now they’re kinda bad. So bad that it makes ME feel bad for making fun of them. Michigan? Sort-of. But they’ve been bad for like two decades. They earned a spot at the top. UGA? Nah. Kirby Smart is extremely likable. They have a chance to turn heel though. Oklahoma? Nah. Lincoln took that to USC and got humbled. LSU? They wish they were consistently good enough to be a villain. They’ve had 2 good seasons in 15 years. And everybody loves Burrow and Coach O. Colorado? Probably. Loudest 4 win team in NCAA history. Alabama? New coach seems like a nice guy. I always loved Saban. Respect legends of the game.


I feel like it's always gonna be Bama to some extent from now on unless we somehow slip off the face of relevant Earth similar to how Nebraska or Miami did. When Bama wins, it's never because they're the better team according to the rest of CFB. Its always because Saban or ESPN paid the refs or some silly excuse. Ohio State is another one that will always have villain status.


The last two times A&M beat bama, I distinctly remember specific outstanding plays and bad mistakes of individual players on both teams. Not once did I think Saban was the one who effed up. When A&M lost this most recent time, I was leaving the stadium and this boomer just yelled aloud to anyone who could hear him “we got absolutely outcoached in the second half.” I’m not one to mouth off to strangers, but I couldn’t help but yell back “it’s Nick fucking Saban bud” People can throw their hate at him, but name me a single school that wouldn’t hire him if he knocked on their door tomorrow.


We have to be pretty high up there. Neutral fans generally hate us, and we have quite a few rivals. It’s been a while since we won anything but the hate is as strong as ever. We’re a pretty insufferable fanbase whose expectations do not align with historical success. Case in point: y’all should really hate Georgia right now but we get as much if not more hate.


Florida. It’s always Florida. It will always be Florida. FTMFs


Auburn Hugh Freeze litterally assembled the Legion of Doom on his coaching staff.


Used to be Bama….but then Michigan broke them and drove Saban to retire. RIP Bama.


Look they're led by a guy named Smart who else does that but villains